Grimsby Independent, 18 Aug 1915, p. 6

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healthy and strong; It you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 00. (ottntU dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letterwill be opened, read and answered by . women and held in “not oonttiUnU. In m an y homes If, once childless there , , are now children be.. cause of the Net ' , that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable ne Compound makes Mt w women normal, ti, it; hank!“- -nA “an“... eee There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am- ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a moat valuable tonic and invigontor of the female organism. MONEY TO LOAN The experience of Motherhood is a try- Ing one to most women and marks dia- tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un- derstands how to properly care for her- self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medicaltreatment at such times, but many approach the experi- ence with an organism mtiitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. Enhanced Br Perfect Physi- cal Health. T THE (lllllllllllil, F' (lf #lll'l"llllllillMll Deposit in our Savings De- partment, 3 h% interest paid, half yearly. Four per cent. paid on de.. posits running for one year or longer Cor King" and Hughson Fts HAMILTON . MONEY TO LOAN The Hamilton g Provident and 'r, i Loan Society: 5t-53 King West, HAMILTON! PHORE 658 Foreign and Domasuc Walt Papers Of all home decoration is the proper decoration of the walis, Manv homes that D We will w,glaclly. as in selecting a com I’vnnne‘ c,,, \vnnr HPPA Klpo & FARRELL W. W. KID!) we “121115! aver tor vour needs. Priii2te and Company The Basis Real Estate and . Insurance Office Main Street, CRIMSBY. ‘ T M Valuator at Grimsby ALL PAPERS ma Decorating is our are rume W. B. CALDER tl c. TURNED” C. FERRIE, Treasurer wl t it C. T. FARRELL with inap- n mr cove Pt you i Wall JC od iGRIMSBY BAKERY THEAL BROS. GRIMSBY - PHONEIO8 BREAD, BREAD and CAk ES 'CriAPittrt XXVI. Mario, Peg and Mr. Hawkes. " OUSIN," said Alaric to Peg, and his voice dropped to the ca- c ressing note of a wooer, . "eousin, do you know, I am going to do something now I've never done before?" He paused to let the full force of what was» to come have its real value. ( ci.ilr..llr1llliilr/rl!,./.l.l ) The staff oflife, and the life of a community. It's here to day and gone to-morrow, but there is always more 'to follow. Give us a trial and'you will surely fall in lme. "What is it, Alarief" Peg asked, all It you want good work, give us a call. We are in automobile dray building business. Bring in your car and let us estimate on turn- ing it into a fruit lorry. SCOTT "ii' SANGSTER Our horse shoeing and black- smithing department was never in better shape to handle your work, than right now. REPAIRING Repairing of all kinds done Phone Tt Mountain St. SHOEING and the one or two years ir1different service of the cheaper kipd years of sglena‘éd servnce. Bicycle's ten» to fifteen Complete Line of High- Grade Sundries selling at the lowest prices consistent w l t h worth-while goods. We havo the latest models on exhlbl. tlon. Also a AND GRIMSBV, ONT "Well, welll What an improvement?' he said. 1 . L "I'm glad you’ve come, Mr, Hawkes.” "Why, you're a young lady."' cried the astonished solicitor. V “Am I? Ask me aunt about that!” replied Peg somewhat bitterly. "Now, my dear Miss Margaret O’Con- neil"-- began the lawyer. "Almost any," replied Mr. Hawkes. "Marriage should be the unlon of two formed characters. Marriage between the young is one of my pet objections. It Is a condition of life essentially for those who have reached matmjty in nature and in character. I am pre- paring a paper on it for the Croydon Ethical society and"-- Whatever else Mi. Hawkes might have said in continuation of another of his pet subjects was cut abruptly short by the appearance of Peg. She was still dressed In one of Mrs. Chl- ehester's gifts. She had not had an op- portunity to change into her little traveling suit. ' ' "Will ye let me have £20?" suddenly asked Peg. _ "I am afraid. madam. that such a marriage would be out of the question, As one of the executors of the late Mr. Kingsnorth‘s Till. in my opinion, it would be defeating the object ot the dead man's legacy." Mrs. Chichester retorted heatedly: “He desires her to be trained. What training is better than marriage?" Hawkes was moving restlessly about the room. He stopped In front of Mrs, Chlchester as Jarvis disappeared to notify Peg. "There is one thing you mast know. Mr. Hawkes. My son is tri love with her," she said. as though in a burst ot confidence. "Whatt Your son?" "Yes," she sighed. "Ot course she is hardly a suitable match for Alarie-- as yet. But by the time she is of age"- "Far from it." And Mrs. Chichester shook her head sadly. "She wants to leave us today. She has ordered a cab She is packing now." "Dear, dearl" ejaculated the bewil dered soiicitor. "Where is she going?" "Back to her father." "How perfectly ridiculous!" "But don't be uneasy," he replied eas.' ily; "she will stay. May I see her?" "Well?" he smiled cheerfully. "And how is our little protegee?" "Sit down," replied Mrs. Chichester somberly. "Thank you." He sat beside her, waited a moment. then, with some same of misgiving. asked, "Everything going well, I hope?" Mrs. Chichester rose, crossed over to the bell and rang it. She greeted him tragically and mo tioned him to a seat beside her. He accordingly sent a telegram to Mrs. Chichester, acquainting her with the pleasant news that she might ex pect that distinguished lawyer on July 1 to render an account of'her stew ardship of the Irish agitator's child He was shown into the music room and was admiring a genuine Greuze when Mrs. Chichester came in. On the 30th day of June Mr. Mont- gomery Hawkes glanced at his ap pointments for the following day and found the entry, “Mrs. Chichester, Searboros-in re Margaret O'ConnelL" "You're a plucky little girl, that's what you are-a pluelry--little--girt. I'll never target it-never. If there is anything I can do---at any time---anr where-call on me. I'll be there-right on the spot. "Bless you, cousin. You’ve taken an awful 4oad " my mind. I Was really worried. I had to ask you. Promised to. See you before you go!" unconscious ot the drama' that was taking place in her cousin's heart. "Sure, what is it? Ye're not goin' to do somethin' useful, are ye?" "What do ye think o' that, now!" "Amr-l-who-tio-io-tttire-it-if" He waited, wondering if she would guess correctly. It would be so help- ful if only she could. But she was so unexpected. “I eouldn't guess it in a hundred years, Alarie--ralely I eouldn'Cl' _ "Oh, try'. Do try!" he urged. "I couldn't think who'd marry PMI-- indade I couldnt Mebbe the poor girl's blind, Is that it?" "Can't you guess? No? Really?" "No, I'm tellin' ye. Who is it?" He braced himself and went om "I am going to ask a. very charming young lady to marry me. Eh?" "Are ye?" . "You!" Then she leaned back against the balustrade and laughed long and un- restrainedly. She laughed until the tears came coursing down her cheeks. "I say! You're a brick! It's really aw- fully good of you. Some girls In your position would have jumped at me --positively jumped! But you-why, you’re a genuine little hall marked Al brick! Pm extremely obliged to you." He took her little hand and shook it warmly. Alaric was at tirst nonplused. .Then he grasped the situation in its full sig- nideance. It was just a touch of bye teria. He joined her and laughed heart ily as welt. F "Attal" he cried between laughs. "That‘s a splendid sign. Splendid! I've always been told that girls cry when they're proposed to." tage To her amazement the gloom lifted from her.' cousin's countenance. He took a deep breath, looked at her in genuine relief and cried out heartily: Peg. 'Wm, cryin'--taughin'. Sure, I think I'd rather have Michael, my ter- rier-if you don't mind." e. He started forward. "Oh, come, I say! You don't mean that! Think-- Just for one moment-ot the advan- "If , weekly "Sure, that's what Cm doin'," gasped is!’ ye don't mind," replied Peg] THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO warm personal friend. We spoke free- ly'ot you for many weeks before he died. It was his desire to do some- thing tor you that would change your whole life and make it full and happy and contented. Were your uncle alive i know or nothing that would give “I know one who would give you all these-a man who has reached the years of discretion.. one in whom the follies of youth have merged into the knowledge and reserve of early middle, age; a man of position and of means", But his private life was arid. The handsome villa in Pelham crescent had no one to grace the head of the table, save on the occasional visits ot his aged mother or the still rarer ones or a married sister. " And,he1'e was he In the full prime ot life. Yielding to some uncontrollable im. pulse. he took her little hand in both of his own. Hawkes was not to he denied now. He went on in his softest and most persuasive accents: a man who can protect you, care for you. admire you-and be proud to marry you, "Miss O’Connell-may 1 any Mar. garett-U was your uncle’s adviser, ms "Wilt yo let me have £20?" suddenly asked Peg. . yielded him an exceedingly handsome revenue. He had heard whispers of ft magistracy. His public future was as- sured. "Certainly. New?" and he took out his pocketbook. "This minit." replied Peg positively. "With pleasure," said Mr. Hawkes as he began to count the banknotes. "And -1 want ye to get a passage on the tirst_ship to America, this after- noou if there's one!" cried Peg ear- nestly. As Hawkes looked at her, radiant in her springlike beauty. her clear, healthy complexion. her dazzling teeth, her red-gold hair, he felt a sudden thrill Ro through him. His life hair been so full, so concentrated on the development of his career, that he had never permitted the feminine note to obtrude itself on his life. His effort had been rewarded by an 11ntvmally large circle of influential clients who “The 220 I want to buy somethin' for me father-just to remember Eng- land by. If ye think me uncle wouldn't like me to have it because Pin lavin'. why, then me father'" pay ye back. It may take him a long time. but he’ll pay it." "Mebbe it'll only be a few dollars a week, but father always pays his debts --in time. That’s all he ever needs- time." "What'a all this nonsense about go- ing‘away?" Hawkes hunted through his mind for the cause of this upheaval in the CN.. chester home. He remembered Mrs. Cl1iehester's statement about Alaric’s affection for his young cousin. Could the trouble have arisen from that? It gave him a clew to work on. He grasped it. Peg looked up at him sadly and shook her head. A moment later a mischievous look came into her eyes. and she said. with a roguish laugh: “Sure one man wanted to kiss me. an' 1 bond his ears, on' anotlter--al. most man--aslced'me to marry him." "Ohl" ejaculated the lawyer. "Me Cousin Ala Ne." "And what did you say?' questioned Hawkes. "I towld him I'd rather have Mi. cbael." _ He 'looked at her in open bewilder- ment and repeated: “Michael T' , . "Me dog," eXplalned Peg, and her eyes danced with merriment. "Now, listen"--. Interrupted Mr. Hawkes. “Answer me one question truthfully. Miss O’Connell. Is there an affair of the heart?" _ c" Hawkes laughed heartily and re- lievedly. "'lt isn't nonsense. I'm goin' to me father," answered Peg resolutely. Pisg looked down on the ground mournfuuy and replied: "Me heart is in New York-with me father." _ “Has any ond made love to you since you have been here?" "Oh, come, come," remonstrated the awyer. " i ' '"eqr-qr+irq6+qrqr+-qoqoqsee6 { “I. L. Harshaw Pi, 664oq"F+FH9e4"b4"H"bibe4"e"H"b4", "pm goin' back to me father In half an hour!" And she went on up the stairs. _ As Jerry moved slowly away from the staircase he met Montgomery Hawkes. '%ertainU. Here it is." and he hand- ed her the money. "Pm much obliged to ye. An' Pm sorry if I hart ye by laughin’ just now. But I thought ye were jokin', I did." She hurried across the room to the staircase. When she was halfway up the stairs Jarvis entered and was tm- mediately followed by Jerry. Peg suddenly burst into a paroxySm of laughter. "Am 1 to consider that a refusal?” “Ye may. What would 1 be doin’ marryin' the likes of you? Answer me that?" "That is final P' he queried. “Absolutely, completely an' entirely final. Thank ye very much, sir,” she added. "An' may I have the 120." "Pegt" he said gently, looking up " her. him greater I friend to take his care. M man!" "Stop it!" she cried. “What's the matther with you men this mornin'? i'ed think I was some great lady the way ye're all otterin'm1e yer hands an' ser names an yer Infiuetwes un’ yer dignities. Stop it: Give me that mon- ey an' let me go." Hawkes paused. "Dop't give your answer too hastily. I know it must seem tttwupt--one might almost saFutal. But i am alone in the world; you are alune. Neither ot us has contracted a regard tor any one else. And, in addition to that, there would be no occasion to marry tut. til you are twenty-one. _'rherel" WM. WE EVER WAlK (Ill AIR? Train. Of Thought Inspired Br a Letter About "F ruit-a-tives" "Por over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowstttess, Lack of Appetite and Headaches. I tried several medicines, but got no results and my Headaches became more severe. One day I saw your sign which read 'Fruit.. a-tives' make you feel like walking. on air. This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and nowlfeelfine. Now I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I cannot say too much for 'Fruit-a-tNess', and recom- mend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends". DAN McLEAN. "FRUiT-A-TIVES' is daily proving its priceless value in relieving cases of Stomach,' Liver and Kidney Trouble-- General Weakness, and Skin Diseases. 500. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fr11iira-tives Limited, Ottawa. The Smith Eleétric Co., ELECTRIC FIXTURES 403 Barton St. East Phone 4023 HAMILTON, ONT Also have another ship- ment of Ethose Wein- ers at 2le. for Mc Our 16c roast of beef is a dandg. Have you tried it. Spare Ribs, Tenderloins Smoked and Cooked Meats of all Kinds and do electric wiring anfre- pairing of all kinds. We solicit the patronage of the people of Grimsby. All our Work is guaranteed to pass the late inspection rules. . Phone or write to We Carry a Full Line of (To be continued) MR. D. MOLEAN )rillia. Ont., Nov. 28th, 1914. , pleasure than for his old if? you, your young life,lnto Miss O'Connell. 1 am the Grimsby 'mr-i--"---, Municipality of the Township ot . South Grimsby, County of . I Lincoln Notice is hereby given that I have transmmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Apt, of all per- i sons appearing by the last revised As-. lsessment Roll of the said Municipali ty to be entitled to vote in the said ij'.'),,);)'::,)?,:":,',;.," at elections for members [of the Legislative Assembly and the Municipal Elections and that the said list was first posted at my office at Smithville on the 21st day of July, ‘1915 and remains there tor inspection Attractive trips to various points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. Tickets good going August13, 14, 15 and 16, return limit August 31, 1915. The Maine resorts including Kennobunkport, Portland, Old Or- chard. etc. Tickets good going Aug. 27, 28 and 29, return limit Sept. 13, 1915. Particulars from Canadian Pa- cific Ticket Agents or write to M. G. Murphy, Passenger Agent, Toronto. Municipality of the Township of Caistor, County of Lincoln Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in sections 9, of "The Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Caistor on the thir- tieth day of July, 1915 and remains there for inspection and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law And I hereby call on all voters to examine said list and take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Smithville, 23rd day July, 1915. F. w: ROBERTS, Cterk ot the Municipality of the Town- ship of South Grimsby. Mason & Risch "The Piano with a Soul" Dated this third day of August, 191 ALBERT SHIELDS, Clerk of' the said municipality. James Osborne & Son English Hop Tea 60 Cents a SEASIDE EXCURSIONS VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1&5 The World's Greatest Artists use it in all their concerts and recitals. THE LEADIAG GROCERS il and " James St. South 60 Cents a Pound Good for the body as well as the braid VOTERS’ LIST, 1915 VOTERS’ LIST, 1915 Telephonu l86 (ad 8310 HA MIL TON of

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