The fall suiting and coating samples have arrived and we invite your early inspection. August clearing sale of straw hats (half price), shirts, ties and suits at A. F. Hawke's. _ Under and by virtue of the powers of salt contained in a ". certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of Sale, there" will be" offered for sale by public auction by Jas. A. Livingston, Esq. auctioneer, on the premises,‘ on Friday, theTENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1915, at the hour of 4.30 o'elock in the afternoon, the following property, name- ly:-c-ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Township of Saltileet, in the County of _Mrentworth and Province of Ontario, and being com-, posed of part of lot number seven in the broken front and first concession of the said Township of Sa1tt1eet containing by admeasurement thirty-two and one-half acres more or less, which may be better known and described as follows, that is to sayr--Commencing at a point where the line between lots numbers seven and eight in the said Township intersects the water's edge of Lake Ontario; thence southerly following the western bound- ary of said lot number seven to the the lands of the Grand Trunk Railway Com- pany; thence easterly following the north- erly limit of the lands of the Said Grand Trunk Railway a distance of ten chains and twenty links more or less to the cen- tre of a ditch running north and south through the said lot; thence northerly and parallel to the westerly limit of said lot and following the centre line of said ditch to the water’s edge of Lake Ontario; thence westerly and following the various windings of the water's edge of the said lake to the place of. beginning; together with the right for the grantee and the owner or owners for the time being of the lands hereinbefore described and his and their tenants or servants and all other persons authorized in that behalf by him or them from time to time and at all times hereafter at his and their will and pleasure for all purposes connected with the use and-enjoyment of the said lands to pass and re-pass either with or without horses, cattle or other animals, carts, wagons, carriages or other vehicles, in, along and over a strip of land fifteen feet in width immediately ad- joining the lands of the Grand Trunk Railway Company and extending from the easterly limit of said lot number seven to the easterly limit of the lands above described. On the premises is situate a good fruit orchard, consisting of about 19 acres of grapes in full bearing, 840 black currants, about 300 cherry trees. also strawberry and raspberry patches. A good new two storey house, fully equipped and two new frame barns. M Master Bernard Page is spending the remainder of his holidays with his uncle and auntie, Eric and Mrs. Tro- then, "The Woodlandsâ€, Tyrconnel, Ont. _ --0F--- Valuable Fruit Farm Township of Saltfleet Bluebell cream separator, only used a short time, also a quantity of cut wood for sale. Apply A. F. Hawke, GRIMSBY. ' ‘Fruit Wanted----) am prepared to buy at highest cash prices, all kinds of fruit through the season. Apply to T. D. Jarvis, GRIMSBY East, tele phone 293 ring 13, GRIMSBY. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Werner of Ti11son- burg, are visiting in town. . Lieut. Moxley, "H" Co., 44th Reg't., is at Welland Military School, taking a captain's' course. . To Rent-A house in good locality, c-it'y water, good cellar. Apply to Hewson & Farrell, GRIMSBY. Ladies' white canvas Colonials and pumps, 98 cents. Button boots, Good- year welts, $1.98. Stephen's Clearing Sale. $8 Panamas for $2.50. Men's blue serge suits $8.98. Heavy wool' sox 19c at Stephen's Clearing Sale, GRIMSBY. , Mare For Sale-z-Good wbrker, good driver, good locker. Peter Bertram, GRIMSBY, Phone 51. Fred Elvins, teller in the Bank of Commerce here for the past year, has been moved to Crediton, Ont. "ROUGH ON RATS" clears out rats, mice, etc. Don't die in the house. 15c and Me at Drug _ and Country Stores. Sept. 8l15 Miss Osoorne, of Toronto, is spend ing her vacation in GRIMSBY, the guest of Mrs. Seaman, Robinson St. TERMS:--The property will be sold subject to a mortgage in favor of'the Hamilton Provident Loan Society for the sum of $6,500. 10 per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, the balance in cash within " days, or the purchaser will carry $1,500 as a second mortgage on the said premis- es at the rate of six per cent per annum. Further terms, and conditions made known on the day of sale. For fuller particulars apply to John B. Havens, Esq., Winona P. 0.; J. A. Liv.. ingston, Auctioneer, Grimsby; or Victor A. Sinclair, Esq., Solicitor for the Vendor, Tillsonburg, Ont. Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up - - $3,000,000 turplus - - _ p. . - $3,750,000 1108M ITEMS MORTGAGE SALE of Interest in and Around GRImSBY said lot humbel limit of the lands isa For Sale-A nice pair of Percheron colts, full brothers, one spring colt, the, other a yearling past, will make matched blocky team, bays, marked alike. Apply to A. E. Cole, Florist, phone 328, GRIMSBY. These colts will be at the auction sale of Mrs. Williams' next Friday. _ 1-A special meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chambers, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to arrange for the picnic and convention to be held at GRIMSBY Beach on Thursday, Aug. 26. I am offering my matched team for sale, 4 and 7 years old, weighing 26 or 27 hundred pounds. Might take a cheap team as part pay, it suitable; also a black and tan hound dog pup. W. G. Brand, Ridge Rd., GRIMSBY. Fruit Store-l carry a full line of fruits and vegetables in my fruit store. Everything in fresh each day. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. J. W. York, Burland Block, GRIMSBY, Ont. ' Miss Marjorie Wilson of Hamilton and Miss Irene Wilson from Knoxville Tennessee, were visiting at "Dave Jack son's roost on Sunday. Miss _Irene re marked on the paucity of Ford cars, travelling the road, saying in her pleasant drawl that in Tennesée they are painted yellow and sold in bunch- es. ' The 44th Regt. Band has been en- gaged for the Red Cross garden party at Tapleytown on Wednesday night next, August 25. For Sale-A quantity of wheat for sale, very suitable for chicken feed, at one dollar per bushel. Now is the time to get cheap feed. J. Herbert Beamer, phone 295, ring 13, GRIMS- BY, Ont. Horses for Sale-Having complet- ed my ustone road contract. I have eight .mares, weighing from 900 to 1,500" lbs. ; also matched team of heavy brown mates, young and guar anteed. These horses will be sold cheap, either for cash or time, or would take young cattle. Geo. A. Brown, Smithville, 'phcne M ringl-2. For Sale-A quantity of household furniture, consisting of sideboard, bed steads, chairs, etc. Will sell at rear. onable rates for a quick sale. Apply to Chas. Phillips, Paton St., GRIMSBY Lost-A small gold brooch, in shape of a coil, with the initials W. and A. on it, finder will confer a favor by leaving same with Miss Metcalfe, GRIMSBY. Lost-Yesterday, a gent's Signet ring, cameo stone, with Masonic em- blem, valued as a keepsake. Reward at INDEPENDENT Office. ' For Sale-A fresh milch grade Jer- sey cow, four years old. Apply to Stanley Carpenter, Vinemount, phone 55, ring 4, Winona. For Sale-Raspberry plants for fall planting (Cuthbert's only) Govern- ment inspected. -Any. quantity. Prices right. C. V Robertson, R. R. No. 2, Thorndale, Ont. _ W. E. Smith, an expert manipulator ot the brass, from Toronto. Miss Annie McLean, Mr. and Mrs. John R.-Longmire and Miss Helen Longmire of St: Lewis, Mo., U.S.A., spent the week-end at Ira E. VanDuz- er's, Winona, Ont. F er Auction sale-Mrk. C. E. Williams, Gibson Ave., GRIMSBY, will hold an auction sale of all her farm stock, im- plements and household furniture, at her residence, on Friday next, Aug. 20, at one o'clock in the afternoon. The sale is being held to wind up the estate of the late C. E. Williams and everything will be sold positively without reserve. Terms three months' credit. Livingston & Lacey, Auction- eers. This is Butchers’_Barbecue day at the Beach. The beeves were on the skewers and roasting by ten o’clock last night. Miss Martin, C.P.R. operator, is vis- iting with friends in Gorrie. Her place at the key is being tak_en_by Mr. 6-Room house and large lot for sale reasonable. Apply E. McMillan. Wanted At Once-Good Astrachan apples and black currants. Highest market prices paid. Jas. A. Living- ston, GRIMSBY, Ont. Mr. S. A. Brubacher, 163 Queen St. north, Berlin, Ont., is asking the fruit growers here tor consignments for his Berlin agency. The fruit commission business in Berlin of late years has been seriously neglected but with the sixteen years' experience in hand- ling fruit, (having learned it from Mr. J. H. Gorman, who for over fifteen years has carried on the business successfully) also being well acquaint ed with every retailer in Berlin and Waterloo, and by strict attention, Mr. Brubacher will endeavor to re-esta- blish the business and bring it to its former standard ot about tive cars a week. Daily reports and weekly re-. mittances will be strictly observed and carried out. Mr. Brubacher will continue the business on the same premises. . Open air band concert Friday night AHEAD by all who met him. Jimmie was _a good sport in every way and was al- ways a booster for clean sport of all kinds. He was secre tary of the Hockey Club for two seasons and was also secretary of the big Labor Day demonstration conducted by the GRIMSBY Club tor two years. We are sorry to see Jimmy go, but what is GRIMSBY’S loss is Dunnvi11e's gain. Mrs. Loggie will join her has.. band in a few days. Mr. James Loggie, who has been ac- countant in the Bank of Hamilton tor the past three years, and for live years previous in different†capacities in the bank, left on Tuesday for Dunn- ville, where he has been made ae- countant. The boys around town will certainly miss Jimmie as he was a prince of good fellows and well liked The war is going along satistaetor- ily to Premier Asquith, but he does not pretend to see the end ot it yet. The war means advanced prices in al- most every line and particularly in woolens. 3Nre realized this and bought heavy stocks so that we are in a posi- tion to supply your clothing needs at practically old prices. Blue worsteds, wool and Indigo dyes have advanced the heaviest ,both being away up, but you can depend on us to keep UP our reputation for having the very. best values in blue and black worsteds. Prices $8.00, $10.00, $12.00; $15.00pnd $18.00. We manufacture these lines ourselves and sell direct to you. We give premium tickets. Farrar Cloth.. ing Manufacturer, 5 Market Square, Hamilton. _ Notice to Farmers-Come to J. U. Moore's Supply Store, Grassies, Sat- urdhy evening, July 21 and see the latest seed treating machine or smut killer. B. Pyett, GRIMSBY. PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN-d-I have secured a limited amount of pri vate funds which I am prepared fo loan on gilt edge security at once. Apply tor particulars to H..H. An- derson. GRIMSBY. V Electric light, bell and power wir- The guessing contest conducted the past three months by J. W. Eaton & Son came to a close last week. Electric light, bell and power wir- ing, Let me give you an estimate on your electrical work. We make a specialty of wiring houses already constructed without wrecking them. E. E. Farewell, GRIMSBY, 'phdne 311 The prize is tC ton of coat, and winner had to guess the weight 0 large piece of coal on exhibition their window. _ i The winners were as to11ows:- 1st. John Sweet, 475 lbs., May ( 2nd. G. W. Cooper, 47.5 Jbs., J1 C. F. Mabey, Grimsby, D. W. Dodge, Grimsby, -, E. L. Werner, Tillsonburg ll ities of the Gages. The quality (1115 season is unusually fine and it will be well to put down an extra supply. Early River and Alexandra peaches are also ready. They are both supremely deli- cious sliced with cream. The Triumph is the first yellow fleshy) peach, and excellent for canning. Better quality will be obtained both in peaches and plums if orders afre placed early. Plums will be at their best thelast two weeks in August. The first to get to market are the Gages and Burbanks. The Burbank is the best Japanese plum Everybody knows the preserving qual- Dec acob Rinker,,St. Catharines, ml WINNERS IN COAL GUESS‘ING CONTEST . 3rd. J. Farrell, 475 lbs, June IT 4th. C .W. Durham, 480 lbs. The exact weight of the coal IN 5% lbs. GILLETT'S LY: EATS DIRT‘ . With instructions how to fill it in. Sent free by mail on receipt of It is very important every one should make a It's a simple matter if yeu get our WILLS Puma " 0 u “MEL tttro W '%dd kNip“; tgj,iirEltrt'st tw " q-IM. I MNN|;:.G.ILLE _TT COMP AHYUM'TED â€unenl- CLOKE & SON Correct Form FRUIT NEWS I6 Al11est King Street Hamilton, Ont WILL PAID UP LIST Tthioimr6i4r. THE INDEEEADENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO a close last Ween. x ton of coal, and the guess the weight of a coal on exhibition in -I'UI.L 25c BI-""""""-. ammo†ttmtrt a mu The quality this new?“ A June 1 Feb Feb June "I tr '0' as 16 16 16 16 i (By c. P. It, Telegraph) l Ottawa', August 17, 1015. f NIAGARA PENINSULA:---Wet wea lther seriously affecting fruit situation. lOrders coming slowing. Abundance and Burbanks (chief varieties) ship- ped at 25 to 35 cents per basket. Alex- ander, Rivers, Greenboro and Tri- umphs billed out at 45 to 50 cents per basket, dealers paying 35 cents. St. iJohns expected on market in about Iten days. A few early pears now be- ing shipped; also some tomatoes at 25 to 35 cents per basket. Wilting likely to seriously affect tomatoes and potatoes. Brown rot increasing on ipeaches and plums. _ 18 Pairs of socks. 5 Caps. T 2 Scarfs. Sixteen parcels for the boys enlist ing for Overseas at GRIMSBY, con- taining 1 flannel shirt, 4 pairs socks, 1 mending kit. The by-Iaw to provide the sum of $20,000 for the building .ot a new high school and the purchase of the site known as the Crescent "avenue site was voted down Monday by a large majority. This is the fourth time the high school proposition has been before the ratepayers and the third, time it has met defeat. The vote stood as follows: For, 65; against, 111. A majority of 49. There were 173 votes' cast out of a probable 250 owners on the lists, a fair vote for a by-law in the mid- dle of the dog days. It was evident that the ratepayers could not see eye to eye with the board on the selection of a site, want ing the privilege of choosing for themselves; again there Are a good many voters who are not particular about keeeping up 'a high school. These ’two reasons "mitigrated against a favorable decision yester- day, the action of the first might be reversed under cther conditions. John McCauley suffered 2 attack of paralysis yesterday George Shepherd, son of Frank and Mrs. Shepherd, is in the hospital at St. Helen's, England, where he was operated on for appendicitis. Latest reports state that he is getting along well. George enlisted at St. Cathar- inas. ' week. Miss Addie at Kilworthy. Harry Robinson has taken over over the McCofmack Implement agen cy for Clinton township. In Tom Ryckmans reprGented Free- stone lodge, I.0.0.F., at Stratford. Mrs. A. Lindaberry is in Buffalo for a visit. Fred and Mrs. Davey and family of Hamilton, spent Monday in town. Corporal Fred Fairbrothe,r, writ: ing home" from England states that three German sympathizers in, the uniform of Canadian soldiers were arrested on board the Hesperian, the ship which carried the contingent he sailed on. On one of the men, was found about a pint ot nitro-gtycerine. He has purchased a new and com- plete line of all the choicest brands of cigars, tobaccos, cigarettes and smok- ers' accessories and guaranteesthem absolutely fresh. . it BURLINGTON, ONT.: - Weather.i conditions bad. Rain every day. To- matoes blighting and crop shortening. t Prices 20 to 25 cents per 11 quart bas- ket. Carload shipped to Winnipeg Saturday and heavy shipments to To-l ronto today (Monday). Blackberries vepy ripe and buyers refused purchase at 5 cents per quart f.o.b. station. One hundred and fifty crates were bought“. at this price for canning factory. J, Large.shiprnents going to Toronto.) - Plums are a good crop. 1,500 e1even| quart baskets Burbank"going to tac-i tory today tor which growers re-i I ‘ceived 20 cents; considerable quanti-) ‘ties being marketed. NEW TOBACCO STORE GRIMSBY has a new tobacco store, and right on Main St. at that. Mr. M. St. John, is, the‘proprietor of the new store and he has opened it in the store formerly occupied by "Shorty" Dyton, in the Woolverton Block, Main St. WINNIPEG, MAN.--severa1 cars of southern apples arriving daily selling Wholesale at $4.50 to $5; Washington boxes $2.15; Ontario apples in six qt. baskets 75c; Six and eleven quart Ontario baskets 35 and 50 cents; six quart red currants 55c and black cur- rants $1.10; Ontario Bradshaw plums 55 cents for six quart baskets; Wash-' ington peaches $1.10 per box; Bartlett pears $2 to $2.25 per box; plums $1.25 to $1.50 per crate; California pears $2.50 per box; plums $1.25 to $1.75 per crate; British Columbia apricots $1.25 to $1.50 per crate; transcendent crabs $1.70 to $2; plums $1.25 to $1.50. Pears strengthening in price; prunes 31 cents and peaches 30 to 31 cents f.o.b. shipping point'.. Fifty cars in- cluding apples, pears, peaches, plums and apricots arrived last week. D. Johnson, Commissioner. ST. JOAN, N. B.-No change in con dition or prices of foreign or domes- tic fruit. There will be shortage of local raspberries and blueberries. Little falling off in demand compared with previous years. Foreign fruits plentiful. I G nor 47 Give him a‘call and see how you ii'; #rzorge A. Beatty, of Kenora, was town for »a couple of days this Face cloths. . Abdomenal' binders. _ Dozen bandages. National Service Committee Pairs of socks. FRUIT REPORT (By c. P. It, Teleg'rr, BEAMSVILLE a s.9vere $$WWW$+M%W%*M%WMMW§ 301°dd“!-4‘6.'1‘402'0100204-4"?*M%%**%%M%%W***MM*MM%*W Grimsby Branch Roblins Mills Rocklyn. . . . . Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Banlt of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. . 324 'SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0.,LL.D., D.C.L.. President ' ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD. Ass’t General Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE to GAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, t13/iillulilll A, F. HAWKE Children's hose in black, tan and white. Reg. 40c, to clear, per pair 15C Ladies cotton hose, special...-........ 15c WHO’S YOUR GROCER? DATES OI? FALL FAIRS, 1915 The Mills Grocery. and Hardware Co. Phone 21, GRIMSBY Razors I Razors ! Razors ! PATRIOTIC Another shipment of white rep skirts, well tailored and trimmed with white pearl $1 25 buttons, extra special....................... .0 Middies are made of same material to match skirt, size 34 to 40, good value at Children's Dresses 79c & 98c . Colored percale and gingham dresses with fancy trimmings to match. Regular tl.50 79 to $3.00........_......,......r........., .... C set off with satidiirdles and buttons to match. Reg. $5.00 and $6.00 for. .... White Wash Skirts' or Mid- dies $1.25 Hosiery 15c The War Office has sent many appeals to Canada for any straight blade razor. No matterhowold, or how dull,--men too old to serve in the army-are working in factories putting them in shape .. Let the' men of Grimsby do their share. Bring in your old razors and We shall forward them to head quarters at Toronto. . Talk this among your friends and arouse an interest. We all can surely Spare one or two razors for the boys atjvthe front. . T Our rigs will call for them if you can not bring them to the store. Our Soldiers at the front need Children's white embroidery voile dresses BANKING BY MAIL arger sizes. Regular $2.00 to $4.00 HELP THE CAUSE Jct Oct. 1 .. Oct Rockwood Rodney., . Roseneath Rn: Q9531] A table of crepe, vesting, bedford cord and other materials to clear at WEDNESDAY, ArGTWC1fV181i7 Wash Goods 15c 15c yard . Waugh. Manager $2,98 98c Dt Oct. 7, Oct. 4, 24 99.