Municipality of the Township of Caistor, County of Lincelnr Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the perâ€" T EMPLE Evgs.8.15,Matâ€"â€"Wed., Thurs.,Sats. 2.15 WEEK OF AUG. 9th Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up â€" â€" $3,000,000 Surpius â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" $3,750,000 Beamsville, Ont. Bell ‘Phone 24 ring 14 FRUIT WANTED We are buyers of Apples, Peaches, Pears _â€" _ and Plums. ' Early Apples â€" specially j wanted. If you want your fruit and vegetâ€" ables to reach your customer in good condition, ship them in every one of which is inspected and guaranteed. Write us for prices. We can save you money. Keenan Woodenware Mfg. Co., Limited Owen Sound, Ontario id A Dated this third day of August, 1915 ALBERT SHIELDS, Clerk of the said municipality Evgs. 15, 25,35, 50¢ TEMPLE. STOCK CO. TO THE FRUIT GROWER Kaybee Fruit Baskets HERROLD‘S FARMS Brewster‘s â€"Millions HAMILTON Mats. 10, 15 25¢ P R Q TECTIO N To Rentâ€"Two good houses, one on John St. and one on Robinson St. south, GRIMSBY. Apply to Kidd & Farrell, GRIMSBY. Lostâ€"A sum cf money . between GRIMSBY and the Beach, on the Main Road. Reward to finder, Apply io Russell Henn, Box 16, Winona. The Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Ross of Lyndoch, were visitors in town last week. Mr. Morrow of Hamilton, has acâ€" cepted a position in W. M. Stewart‘s Drug Store. : Open â€"â€" air band concert â€" Friday night. f Major Brooks of Brantford was a visitor in town on Monday. °° â€" There is no job too small or none too large. Satisfaction and promptâ€" ness is my motto Painter, decorator and paper hanging. H. Hazen, Paton St., Grimsby, phone 845. For Saleâ€"At reasonable price good farm horse, five years cld; also mileh _ cow, Jetsey and Holstein. Apply E. J. Woolverton & Song, ‘phone 218 ring 2. Mr. R. F. Nelles, of New York City is holidaying in town. Mrs. â€"O. Zryd and â€" little daughter spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. Jas. A. Livingston. 7 Chas. "Dad" Farrell, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his parâ€" ents here. Misses Anderson and Fry, of Durt ville are visiting with Mr. and. Mrs H. H. Anderson. Wantedâ€"A collapsible gocart or sulky. Address M. L., Box . 519, GRIMSBY Wantedâ€"I want three good men at once for a steady job. Apply to W. J. Ellis, Winona, in person. W. J. filis, Winona, in person. To Rentâ€"A house in good locality, city water, good cellar,. Apply to Hewson & Farrell, GRIMSEBY. ‘The Misses Meath of Buffalo, N.Y. have been spending a few bolidays in GRIMSBY, the guests of _ Misses Edna and Beulah Marsh. Wantedâ€"A number of pickers, to pick black currants. I will pay 17% cents for sixâ€"quart baskets. Apply to Staniszewski, Murray St. North, GRIMSBY, Ount. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Boos, of Hespeâ€" ler, spent the weekâ€"end with friends in town. Miss Winnie Seaman returned home on Saturday after a two weeks‘ vacation in Toronto. Fruit Wantedâ€"1I am prepared â€" to buy at bhighest cash prices, all kinds of fruit through the season. ~Apply to T. D. Jarvis, GRIMSBY East, tele phone. 298 ring 13,.GRIMSBY. Mr. S. A. Brubacher, 163 Queen St. north, Berlin, Ont., is asking the fruit growers here for consignments for his Berlin agency. The fruit commission business in Berlin of late years has been seriously neglected but with the sixteen years‘ experience in handâ€" ling fruit, (having learned it from Mr. J. H. Gorman, who for over fifteen years has carried on the business successfully) also being well acquaint eéd with every retailer in Berlin and Waterloo, and by strict attention, Mr. Brubacher will endeavor to reâ€"estaâ€" blish the business and bring it to its former standard of about five cars a week. Daily reports and weekly reâ€" mittances will be strictly observed and carried out. Mr. Brubacher will continue the business on the same premigses, JUST THREE MORE DAYS before our coal guessing contest closes. Guesses will be received till 9.00 p.m. Saturday and the names of prize wirmers will. be posted in ‘our winâ€" dow Monday, Aug. 16. J. W. Eaton & Son. Help LOCAL ITEMS of Interest in and BEround GRIO@SBY the Machime Gun Funrd Mr. Gordon Mills of Havelock, is now a resident of GRIMSBY. He is a brother of Mr. Mills of the Mills Groâ€" cery and Hardware Co. and a memâ€" ber of the firm. Mr. Lennos Falconbridge, of Monâ€" treal, was a visitor in town on Tuesâ€" day. It is eight years since Len was in GRIMSBY and he thinks the old town has changed considerably. Foundâ€"On Friday night, July â€"30, at the band concert, a lady‘s parasol. Ownrer‘ may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Apply at INDEPENDENT Office. . _ The Division Court Officce will be open every day as usual from 10.30 to 12 a.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. Mrs. Johnson wili always be there beâ€" tween the hours mentioned. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOANâ€"I have SI%ureqha limited amount of PTi vate funds which I am prepared â€" to i0an on gilt edge security at once. Apply for particulars to H. H. Anâ€" Gerson, GRIMSBY. Electric light, ‘bell and power wirâ€" ing. Let me give you an estimate on your ‘electrical â€"work. We .make â€" a specialty of wiring houses already constructed without wrecking them. E. E. Farewell, â€" GRIMSBT, ‘pbook For Saleâ€"A quantity of wheat for sale, very suitable for chicken feed, at one dollar per bushel.> Now is the time to get cheap feed. J. Herbert Beamer, phone 295, ring 13, GRIMSâ€" BY, Ont. & 311 Wantedâ€"To rent, six or eight roomed unfurnished house, with bath and garden, for quiet family, early in September. Send full particulars to Mrs. â€"Rimmer, RF.D. No. 4, Brighton, Ont. * L The motor boat leased by Messrs. Monk, O‘Rourke, Smith & Co. broke looge from its mooring at the Beach pier during the big storm last week and was thrown upon the shore; Con siderable damagze to the bottom and Beamer, phone 29%, ring 13, GRIMS-‘ Messrs. E. D. Smith & Son, Limitâ€" 3Y, Ont. & ; leld, of Winona, Ont., have recF(intly 5 f & Istate and â€" Farm wantedâ€"To rent, " osix or _ dight Galk pneuntinl ; coomed unfurnished house, with bitMSqles th.Dep fï¬t’f’eï¬fancï¬ï¬s cooréneif,’;? aind garden, for quiet family, early lv)v1t1.1 6 Of C y - Y 3 usiness. Messrs. E. D. Smith & n September. Send full particulars Somse ~wide. Paxt t all o â€" Mrs. Rimmer, RFD. No. 4,)~ n‘s wide bu_smess connections Brighton, Ont. 7 _‘|over the Dominion enable them _ to get in tous‘y with prospective buyers The motor boat leased by MeSSI‘,S-la.lmost everywheore, and they are §v10nk, f»O’Rout-rke, Smith & Co. broke l*m»aking a feature of advertising this oose from its mooring at the Beach | branch of their business on â€" the pier during the big storm last week | many circulars, qauotations and bulle a'ltld was thrown upon the shore; Con | tins that they send out every month. 31 erfl,')le qamï¬ge to the bq-ttom and | They have decided to list nothing ‘ne trimmings was done. The boat | but high class properties, and fruit is owned ‘by Mr, A. E. Cole. growers in the _ Niagara Peninsula Horses for Salcâ€"Having complet.| ~"O have farms to dispose of, would ed my stone road contract. I have | 3¢ Well to communicate at once with bicht© marskt _ udohinz Bhx... ~maa‘yâ€" ‘| the above concetn. ; The men‘s wear department o F. Hawke‘s invite you to ‘call look over the first arrival of suiting and Ccoating samples. It be to your advantage to order fal} suit carly on account of scarcity of Engiiskh woollens year. Call ard get a style book. 1t TheLawtonberry season in the Niaâ€" gara District is about over. A few exâ€" cellent Plumsâ€"Washington, Gage, etc. can now be had. Some good early Peaches . are réady. Housekeepers should watch for coming important Niagara District Fruit Bulletins. 5 BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING Great lot of good titi auihors. â€" Anything books shall be glad t An immense stock is carâ€" ried at 16 West King St., Ham:lteon Call and seethe stock or send orders by mail. & Books not in stock procured from any publisher in the world. CLOKE‘S Bookshop CLOKE & FRUIT BULLETIN BOOK $ 15¢, 25¢, 35¢, 50c. s iJest King Street Hamilton, Ont loth Bound at THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO les by best wanted i: to serve vou. ~CN fall L4 4 ne To Rentâ€"The rooms now occupied by Mr. J. Harrison, in Union Bank block, GRIMSBY, will be vacated on Bept. 1. Nice quarters for a small family. Write to R. J. Snetsinger, 76 Glenhoime Ave., Toronto, Ont. _ Fruit Storeâ€"I beg to announce that I have opened a fruit and vegetable store in Burland‘s Block, GRIMSBY. I carry all lines of fruits and fresh vegetables. Orders promptly . deâ€" livered. J. W. York, GRIMSBY. For Saleâ€"Threeâ€"yearâ€"old Frenchâ€" Canadian mare, low and _ blocky. Broken in single and Gouble. Or five yearâ€"old bay gelding, works well sin gle or double, also a good driver. W. L. Bengough, GRIMSBY East, ‘phone 293 ring 14, GRIMSBY. ._The war is going along satisiacâ€" torily to Premier Asquith, but he Goes not pretend to see the end of it, yet. The. war mears advanced prices in almost every line and particularâ€" ly in woolens. We realized this and bought heavy stocks so that we are in a position to supply your clothing needs at practically old prices, Blue worsteds, wool and Indigo dyes have advanced the heaviest. both being away up, but yoir carn depend on us to keep up our reputation for having the very best values in Blue and Black worsteds. Prices $8.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00. We manuâ€" facture these lines ourselves aud sely direct to you. We give premium tickets. Farrar Clothing Manufactur er, 5 Market Square, Hamilton. LITTLE BELLY HAND SEVERELY BURNED A very sad accident cccurred at the home of Mr. Chas, Talbot, â€" on Monday, when little Billy, the throeâ€" yearâ€"old sor of Mr. and Mrs. Eaw. Hand, was severely burned as a teâ€" sult of playing with matches. The older folks of the two famili>s were in the berry patch near the house and the little boy, who had been playing with ‘his cousin, Gerâ€" trude Talbot, had â€" gore into _ the house and secured some matches. In lighting ons of these he set firs to his clothing. R ‘The screams of the child attracted the attention of his mother and aunt, but before they could reach him his little cousin Gertrude, {alâ€" though she is only sixâ€"year> old) wha immedi ly. ext fames and saved the although h is badiy the back and stomact bravely grasped t! her arms and ran AUCUST CGCLEARING SALE T Sale of Linen Suits and Outing Coats f Here is a suit that will give you excellent summer wear and will wash splendidly, there is nothing. to equal it for all round usefulness. Regular $ $47.50. TOT .l e voprraanee in neastsiees s!s"eaapaniice 3'90 Linen Quting Coats, just a few. $ $ Regular $8.50 to $12, clearing at...... 4 to 6 aCrOS HOUSE DRESSES $1.69 A. F. HAWKE, oad t Men‘s Straw Hats HALF PRIHCE little chii screamins 11 O MTrS. Galmie, nguished the little boy‘s life, burned aro‘und {(alâ€" old) in H f Razors ! Razors! Razors ! oZe efe ofe efte io e ofte afe oje afeafacia alo afe oFn afe ofe cfe ofe afe ofo afe ofe aBe afe afe cin ale aie ate afe h afe afe the aln afe in she cfe sje obe afe alaaf s afe afe ate afe ehealle aho af) * «ts o%a oBn Te ofe oZe oBu aBe oge eBa oBe «B oBe oge ce che ogecFe ofe ofe ob cBe obe ope alle obe on ohe efe ce cQaaZe oge «Je oje aBe afaeRe oBe cfe afn cfe ofe ofe ofe she sfe afe afe afe ofe oBo ofe ofe _ Dr. Clarke is in attendance, doing what he can to relieve the sufferings of the little chap who is not out : Of danger yet. f BABY SCALDED TO DEATH â€" While playing around the kitcher at the home of his grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Krick, South GRIMS BY, on Tuesvay afternoon, the little nineteen ‘months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snetsinger, fellâ€"into a large pail of boiling water and , was severely scalded, so much so that he expired a short time afterwards. Medical aid was immediately sumâ€" moned but was to no avail. Convulâ€" sions set in and he passed away shortly after the accident. plSn Grimsby Branch DIED s ag WILLIAMSâ€"At the City Hospital, Hamilton, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1916, Charles" â€" Edmund . Williams, ; of GRIMSBY, at the age of 56 years: The fureral will take: place.: on Thursday, Aug. 12. Friends will imeet at ~ the Bantist Church, GRIMSBY, where service will ‘be held at 2.30 .m Irtsemsent at Queen‘s Lawn SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., L L. D., D.C.L., Presgident ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD, Ass‘t General Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account, Small accounts are welcomed. . Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withâ€" drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 821 CAPITAL, $15,000,000 _ RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 WwHo‘s Your GROCER? The Mills Grocery and Hardware Co. Phone 21, GRIMSBY P A T R rO T T C SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS The War Office has sent many appeals to Canada for any straight blade razor. No matter how old, or how dull,â€"men too old to serve in the army are working in factories putting them in shape Let the men of Grimsby do their share. .Bring in your old razors and we shall forward them to head quarters at Toronto. Talk this among your friends:‘and arouse an interest. â€" We all can surely spare one or two razors for the boys at the front. Our rigs will call for them if you bring them to the store. Our Soldiers at the front ; need A table of summer . wash fabrics has veen arranged for this sale. An assortment of crepes, vesting, organdees and corded materials. Regular selling prices 25¢ to 405 per yard. Augâ€" 15C ust Clearting Saloâ€"PIMICE:â€".â€".1ses0s..rpeans > 1i 25¢c and 40¢ Wash Goods 1 5¢ Fancy lace, embroidery or plain rtib cotton hose for:the childaen, in white, tan and black only, regular 25c and 40c lines. Clearâ€" ing At per PAMP e ol t en aas faveanaraatcl.s 15c Children‘s Hose, Reg. 25¢ & 40c for 15¢ pair - HELP THE CAUSE Wednesday next, August 18, wili be the biggest day of the year at GRIMSBY Beach, it being Butchers‘ Barbecue day, when the St. Catharâ€" ines Butchers‘ Association and the 19th band will run their annual picâ€" nic and barbecue to the Beach. You remember what a big time and a big feed you had â€"at the last barbeâ€" cue at the Beach five years ago. Weli it will be just as big a day this year. Three wholé cattle will be roasted over a hbhot bed of coals in the good old fashioned way on a skewer, and everybody can have their fill of nice juicy beef hot off the fire. _ A big program of sports and doings has been arranged and above all, will be a fine concert by the 19th, Regt. band. f The big feature reel of pictures for the Saturday night and Monday night performances in the auditorium, is DuBarry, a tale of the revo/lutionary days in Sunny France, wich that world famous emotional actress, Mrs. Leglie Carter in the leading role. worla famous emotional actress, Mrs. Leglie Carter in the leading role. â€" The‘44th Heg‘t band ~plays regu‘ar concérts at the Beach [ every Tuesâ€" day evening. ags BARBECUE AT THE AUGUST 18 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1915 . Waugh can not BEACH ON Manager w50