Grimsby Independent, 12 Apr 1911, p. 7

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w 'igfs) A: V ly t v'iT A llrb'j.iiit'is. best granulated sugar...... Iil'i,,'c"i1)1sk, best light yellow sugar-- {in laundry soap, on sale per 36c green tea, on sale...... r'_"':t,ritiit'dt?c black tea, on sale...... rrt,'l,i?,nbt.T11lsson Rolled Oats...... _,'i4,., lbs. Best Cream Sodas...... (iil, lbs. Best Ginger Snaps...... _'),iircll?s. Good fresh mixed cakes efure black pepper, per lb...... Heaviest 4 string brooms........ "c1b. tin Kitchen Queen baking p 3 large bottles vanilla............ 2 boxes RoyalYeast .. .............. Stag Tabacco plug.-..--- fig -Nutmegr.. ...... o.......................-) Quaker Wh'eat Berries box..........................) JEShptha power and Pure Gold Wash powder, pkg 3c Tyingrnaps Lye Slick Cleanser and Handy Ammonia 9l Ibis Epsom salts....-.-.-. 2 Jbs Sulphur......... ......... ...., 50clsize International Stock food Diamond and Turkish dyes, pkg. Having replaced our old stock with one of the newest and-mostvup-tog-date stocks in the Niagara District we are inaugurating this great sale to introduce our new puichaseirto the buying public. f 31.7 r We have just placed in stock a new and com- plete line of carpets, matting, carpet squares, oil- .clot‘h, linoleums, curtains, drapes, door panels, 'ei/ttein poles.' etc. Everything new and up-to-date to decorate the home will be found in this new department and for this big fifteen days' sale we tire making sweeping reductions. Big clearing of all our Wool and Tapestry carpets, et per yd..............-. o........-.....--) BeSt I yd. wide Japanese matting, 'clearing per clearing at per yd-----'-.-----,') New Hemp stair carpet, reg. 20c clearing per pl. 15c (Very Special) I doz, heaviest oiled roller blinds Big Stock of Tapestry Squares in good patterns and c-r', and colorings Size 3x3i reg. $12.00 to $15.00 on sale.........$9.95 Size 3x4 reg $i3.50 to $15.00 on sale.'........$rr.50 Size 3br4 reg. $16.00, on sale............ .....$13.95 Heavy Hemp carpet, clearing at per yd............r5c New patterns in Tapestry stair carpet, reg. to 75c $15,000.00 worth of ?iilevvr. Spring and Summer Merchandise AT THE MERCY OF THEPUBLIC FOR FIFTEE?il DAYS " _ colors green and white, reg. 60c ea clearing 30c, 50,‘Wh1te curtain poles with fixtures, clearing at IOC . Sale will be strictly for cash or produce only, and "tiii'),')'.',,,,):'!,',) li,,'t,r,_rii'aor highest price for butter, eggs, lard or dried apples. Sale opens Tuesday, April 18,and closes in fifteen days. ere will be closed Monday before the sale to mark down and arrange‘our stock. . , . _ _u,'_r'_',',,,":_,_"_':tv_r,'_sr_s':r_'s_'1 ',,. _ , J _ G Ii)ti c (SUCCESSOR TO R. MURGATROYD & SONS) q . ' T J, 9 _ SMI I TIf V ILLE, ON I '. tllllhllilllllltil oFEfima tsii,,,jiij Carpets and House Furnishings Grocery Specials to A BIG SLAUGHTER OF .3000 ROLLS will refund the money for any purchase fiyun,ic_:t,_,i,,i,_,i,',l!.'it,s,i1ifact:ory during this sale. This Big Sale Opens Tuesday, April 18th, and Positively Closes in 15 Days baking powder Gold and Silver Tinted Papers, regular 10c to 25c per roll, and Embossed Papers ranging up 75c per roll, patterns for dining rooms, parlors, halls ind bedrooms, offering for just per bar This offer should be of interest to ever51 careful buyer in this district. Hundreds of rolls of Paper, without borders, selling . , .220 122C. 25c 250 250 25c 18c 240 ..8c 20C 2C 5c 8c Sc 8c 5c Sc 9c 8c 15 pairs Damask curtains just placed in stock, re‘g’i. $3.00 and $3.50 pair, clearing at...... "-r1M'y2'ri"il" 50 fancy brass extension rods clearing at.........Ioc 25 Battenburg door panels, reg. $1.00, clearing at 49c 100 pairs new lace curtains clearing at low prices, special values at...............;- and $1.567 Fine lace curtains" yds. long, clearing per pair 499 Heavy stair 011cloth on sale per yd--.-,'-":)') I yd. w1de oilcloth on sale per yd-.-...))) 1% yds. wide oilcloth on sale per yd.......-.-)); 2 yds. wide oilcloth on sale per yd5$¢§ Best Scotch linoleum 2 yds, wide on sale per yd 'iii Best Scotch linoleum 4ydsi. wide on sale per syd; ..................... ................ .a..........'..ty2ut Large Japanese matting rugs, fancy borders, selling“ at...........'............. ...... ......... .---.8r.ii'ii' I quart ”cans of Economy paint clearing.;.......3:9é’ Paint brushes, whitewash , brushes and sung brushes at reduced prices. 'li,'),'," We wish to emphasize to the public that , ' have cleared out all our old dry goods stock and hi; , replaced-it with one of the newest and most up,q date stocks of general dry goods to bedbund 1n t)i. country. Thousands of dollars worth of new rtiiq chandise has been. passed Into, stock thts last' "jtlt' months, and we have added many new lines that 'ijt I not be found elsewhere outside the city stores. the ladies' ready-to-wear department we are show'f‘ the newest styles styles tand are carrying tu111iitl v of ladies' skirts, silk net, lawn and print waists,'sitirl . and colored aprons black silk, black sateen ,, (ia white underskirts, children's wash suitsend dresig , ladies' drawers, corset covers and gowns very spe _.'.,, I prices the next fifteen days throughout this yfepiill1 ment. . I /',ia All the new spring and summer dress gp.iii8E have been passed 1nto stock and will all be rmrrli,e'e down for the big clearing out sale. ' /i,":,4Il 25 new dress ends (7 yards, to piece) in popliiiilil serges and taffetta cloth reg. 60c to 7 5c yd, ing at, per yard ..,._....../-..r.--v..a-,-ciii'. All wool black and white check cashmere, h 600 yd, sale o.................................-'?'. 20 pieces all wool cashmere and lustres in a1r:tlillll good plain colors, reg. sac and 75C, clearitiigll 20 pieces heavy taffeta silk in striped, plaid, plain colors, reg. 75c yd, sac........-.....-,):). Best quality in dark red, green and black tafretartall clearing at 3c, Sc andSC PER ROLL Dry Goods 2 Rolls for Sc. OF HIGH CLASS WALL PAPER -..49c oooyards Crum's print, closing per yard..-: ... 12c 'tii,',-"',':-:':,';", in heavy cretonne 27 inches widee clearing l 'rt'-.,:,, per yard o........'............-..............' _2o *pieces black stripe arid blue stripe duck for chil- _ '1dren's summer suits, c1ear1_ng..................14c Newest shades in colored poplms, for summer dres- y ses, clearing per yard o........................" {Heavy Oxford slurting, clearing Per yard ..... ... IOC flood striped cottonade, clearing per yard...... ... me pig clearing of S,cotch ginghams clearing at per yd Sc Special line of heavy black sateen clearing at... ... we all patterns in good wide apron ginghams...... ...9c ia, eavy I yd wide art Denham for upholstering and "i')':", lounge covers, clearing per yard...... ...... ...25c “Good heavy linen towelling, clearing per yard...6c _tkotrheavy check tea towelling o..-......-) If,,',,)), N A special offering for this sale will be large "inntitiemof remnants in summer goods, including 1Ft' , length ends of ginghams and muslins at a frac- llgiiii' of "cost price. _ _ Savings on Small Purchases. iliiil/iiotton thread, per spool........................3c b"')jir'riiir,paper s.......-.-.----..) Etidles r....................:...... o...................." lliiiiriijiorted buttons.................................Ioc Iikr5riuerrciennes lace, per yard............1c to ac g‘gairs girl's and ch1ldren's cotton hose, per pair 5c llliiiey ladies’ black cotton hose, very special, 2 .i/palrs-t-r---:---r-25c waits women's corsets, peg. $1.00, on sale, per I!,,','?':',',))))?.."'"-..--,.-----.--":------.-----) Eiij,tsiirectoire corsets, clearing, per pair...... ...49c llli'rfcpairs-womens' and nfisses' silk and lisle summer Er))'. ilbves, reg. 25c to soc, clearing at...... IO to I Sc {pairs black and tan kid g16ves, every pair guar- fianteed, on sale only, per' pair..................95c lritd.crochet Irish lace collars, slightly soiled, ”hing-L up to $1.25 each, clearing...............Ioc Iika'it tslr. of wide and narrow silk ribbons per yd 2 to 3c itliiriiit'itkeight ladies' vests for spring wear each 19c t'i,:,,C:irr15re have just passed into stock So mens' spring ,n'ewest styles and patterns, and we intend offer-o :mghem for the fifteen days at big sale prices, reg. IEt',e(s,uits, new diagonal stripe effect, clearing $1 3.9 5 Bt'ir/,s,uits,, new diagonal stripe effect, clearing $1 3.9 5 Iltgi'i'i' lat $1 5.00 suits, new light colored checks $1 2 so B,itlii,1yr $I2.50 medium weight serviceable suits gmkclearing at--....--.-))); Mens" Furnishings Remnants. Very Special Just Arrived From Factory, Every Pair Guaranteed So pairs men's whole stock kip bluchiers solid leather extension soles and counters, reg. $2. 50, clear- ing ae..-................-.............) 40 pairs women's whole stock grained calf shoes, solid leather soles and counters, ' these shoes turn water and sell reg. at $2, clearing at......$r.50 Men's heavy calf and buff leather shoes, medium _ weight uppers, good solid soles, reg. $2.50 to $4 pair clearing at..................98c and $1.19 600 pairs women's fine kid and medium Weight buttoned shoes,good shapes and sizes to $4.00 pair, clearing at-...............-..' 98 pairs women's low shoes and slippers, clearing at, per pair.................\.... ....--Soc 150 pairs childrens' shoes clearing at, per pair...25c 300 pairs boys' and girls' school shoes, per pair soc . the world over, clearing .--....-....98c Big offering of mens' and boys' spring caps, reg. Soc cliaringat.....-..-...---oc Mens' black and white stripe work shirts, each...49c Newest styles in mens' Chrysties, reg. $2.50, each Neweststyles in Fedoras black and green shades-$1 _ 25 too mens' ties, clearing at-..------) 150 men's summer ties, reg. 25 and Soc, two for 25c Boys' suits, clearing at ....--...v.8r.29 a so-boys' vests, clearing at B...................... The famous railroad smocks and overalls, reg We are clearing out a IO doz lot of long and short handled shovels and spades (round and square mouth),the famons Olds brand, guaranteed solid steel, at each............... ..----.59c 4 only, scoop shovels, same, each.-...........) Soo ft. Louderrbarn door track, at per ft... .........5c 6 Louden long slings, at each.....................$I.95 I only, Louden Jr. car, complete...............$3.95 I only, large Louden car at...... ......-....$4.9s 12 Louden iron and wood pulleys at each.........25c 100 lbs. barbed wire at o..........................'- 20 only, rolls poultry netting . So yd rolls 3 ft. poultry netting each.........$2.50 50 yd. rolls 4 ft. poultry netting each............$2.95 5o yd rolls s ft. poultry netting each... ...'.....$3.50 So yd. rolls 6 ft. poultry netting each...... ......$3.95 Felt paper per roll-.-...........-..-) Tarred paper per roll..................-.......- IO 97 piece sets of dishes, reg. to $12, at... ..$4.95 10 Bedroom sets of dishes, reg. to $5.50, at...$2.98 Shoes .29 an 98c ........(:‘.4gc $2.9s $3.50 $3.95 ...3sc ...450 $495 $2.98

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