Grimsby Independent, 12 Apr 1911, p. 6

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A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly gowerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheapinitatiops. Dr. do Van’s are sold at " a box, br three for $10. Mailed to am: address. The loobell Drug 00.. Ste ©tsthariatots, Ont. 580 Barton East tt Dr. de Van's Female Pills Priced moderate. Also salesman for the Piano Tuner, The oldest and most reliable piano tuner in the district. tV Twenty-five years experience. " A post-card will bring me right to your 81 Main St. Wisst Telephone 771. HAMILTOI‘ Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris,' etc. Plastering Hair ' Mortar Color Lath All other Contractors' Supplies H. ilk J, l)oy, Contractor's Supplies Lime for Spraying WWW“ " In six weeks, the Stone in the Bladder came away. When I recall how I suffered and how now I am healthy and able to work, I cannot express myself strongly enough when I speak of what GIN PILLS have done for me." JOHN HERMAN. 48 cle' ts",',',',",:?:,.',',?,',?, aboxriot .50. at on reeei tt price your dealer does not hand}: them. tgttt box free if you write? men% paper. Money hack, GIN do not give full "ttst-tsa. National Drug and Chemical Ca., WA. 'trg-E' Or at StewUrt's Drug Storie. My wife read in the papers about GIN PILLS and sent for a box. From the very first, I felt that GIN PILLS were doing me good. The pain was relieved at once and the attacks use less frequent. GIN PILLS SAVED HIM 513 JAMES Sr., HAMILTON, ONT. 'Wive years ago, I was taken down with what the doctors called 1nflatntna.. tion of The Bladder-intense pains in back and loins, and difficulty in urin- ating, and the attacks, which became more frequent, amounted to unbearable agony. I became so weak that I could not walk across the floor. NEARLY DIED (lf SHINE IN THE BLADDER H. L. DAVIS house at any time lane Lo. Nordheimer Hamilto There was some monkeys Who set in a tree; They waited for April, One, two or three. With a grin and a laugh, A sigh or a moan; The three darned old monkeys Set there alone They waited for twelve, And I thought they would . bust; From their dream they awak- ened And found April the first. Up went their tails, the tele- phone rings, The auctioneer's song they all ' then did sing; Like the king and his fool, who made a big craft, - Doing something was great, APRIL FOOL IN BEAMS- VILLE For this reason alone, a bottle It some of l of D. D. D. should be kept on nights don't Egg: hand in every household. A freeze over. 4.5ajg3%iq: _itiiiglillll free trial bottle will show you 'ave long hearfianaf" the merits of this great remedy short tale to 1isrs,il?titi_i)jali_,liillllillll ll as a complexion wash. What do a ass a; D. D. D. seems to remove the look like er w cause, whatever the trouble may er linch pin? V _ a - be, cleansing the skin, and leav- him to the nttt1:'ir1ti'tt',ilgtlllilll I ‘ ing it as soft, as smooth and he's er goin' .1 ‘ clear .as that of a healthy child. Well, Mister it I . Write the D. D. D. Labora- A . f 1 G6 'i'i((:is'i'i,',i'si'l1liilillll. . pril 00. ' gigs. . tones, Dept. G. J., 49 Colborne if St., Toronto,. and prove its won- a? derful effectiveness. cTurrtTtxr,TT 1 fix i? .5 Although D. D. D. Prescrip- tion has been recognized for years as the one remedy for Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other forms of skin diseases, it is now' known that there is no other wash, even those used by the beauty specialists, that can com pare with this mild liquid for cleansing the skin of pimples, blackheads, rash and all similar skin affections. Well, Jim, How's reciprocity? Let me tell you ‘it would be a bad thing for this country: I have only met one man 1n favor of it here and then he is not very strong for it and he is a liberal at that. I was talking to one strong liberal and he told me that if Sir Wilf. puts that thing through, he will never get another vote of his. Eczema Cure a Beauty Wash Well I guess I must close. Excuse this ramble.: -Remem-. ber me to old friends. Yours truly, Say, Jim, you should be _in Calgary, you could make a for- tune at your business; you could sell more horses than three of them: I was up and heard one of them and he could not sell one for your ten; all he could say was "Come away men" Scotch! but they have a great business there. I have only been there. twice since I came,' but it is certainly a great place. I am enclosing picture, of my' house; I have the finest. house and barns in Alberta. (Big but true). __ g _ _ _ . _ I rode and packed it in; it was a small one, only weighed 500 lbs. I brought it in on a 3 and a 4 year old, never been packed be- fore and they did not do much bucking either. l I handle quite a lot of beef. I supply quite a few camps with meat but it is impossible to get it just now, very scarce. I have just got back from the Red Deer with one beef; I will sur- prise you by telling you how I got it in. It is about 18 miles from here. I took two pack ponies with me besides the one I am going to start plowing tomorrow, the weather is love- lyihere just now. I have had 20 head of horses all winter belonging to Doc Rutt of Banff; no feeding, just pasture. I get $1 per head per month. have six head of my own. I suppose you will won- der what I am doing. Well, I handle quite a few horses; I cannot buy enough pack horses I have orders ahead all the time. I buy most of mine from the Indians. (Stoney Indian) o I guess you know that last summer was very dry and crops were very bad, also hay very scarce. I had in about 20 acres of oats for green feed, but no good. They tell me the first in 20 years that it has missed-but I took more off my place than any person around here got off double the ground-I am selling hay for $17 per load, not a ton. I only wish I hafmore of it. TOMMY NOBLE AND ALL THE REST OF ALBERTA AGAINST RECIPROCITY Morely, Alta., Mar. 24,'rr J. A. Livingston, Grimsby, Dear Friend:-..] suppose you think I have deserted' the old place, but ho, I have not, but you know I am alwavs in some kind of a deal. I have got half a sec- tion of land. (For iale by all druggists) . Noble Class Ill.---,)' Clark, 99); Violet Bradt, 97; John Fisher, 80; Florence Fitzgerald, . 88) "Billie Souter, 84; Jamie Baker, 82; Leslie Merritt, 80; Allan' Collins, 78; Ira Nelson, 77; Ella Gray, 75; Edna Shepherd, 71; Roy Davis, 65; Charlie SMITHVILLE PUBLIC, SCHOOL REPORT ". FOR MARCH f .. Sr. IV.-.-]), Murgatroyd, 95, Lillian Merritt, 94; Flossie Gove, 93; Stanley MacPhersbtr,, 92; Esther Merritt, 91; Aurel Baker, 90; Verna Shepherd, 90; Annie Schnick, 99; Stanley Clark, 90; Hazel Jennings, 88; James Gracey, 84; Archie Allen, 82; Gerald Baker, 77; Fred Da- vis, 73; John Shepherd, 70"; Lloyd Bradt, 67; Fred Schnick, 60; Willie Schnick, 56. ' Jr. IV.--uGertie Trembly, 8t; Ethel Newhouse, 8r; Morris Lounsbury, 71; Floyd Lounsr. bury, 65. A U -.- A V There are ' more bugs Hi Bea‘msville than big bugs---b54: bugs for insitance. . "i/i' If there was no dunnin letter itt the church pew every Sunday)" what in sixty would become Qf, the good old christian?---'))?, he'd lean against the church and cuss the pastor? Well I guess not. CsA The common folk who gum" a million, wouldn't think it; ny digrace to shoulder a bad . of flour and carry it a mile tor. their home; but some stiff neck) who wears a 2 cent shoe lace and. a hairpin for a necktie, would make you Smile, when hen asks) for aj1orse and rig to take a half paper of pins to Mrs. Swaddle Bender, who will pay for them the next time she comes to town. Beamsville has some young imps about half grown up, that have as much brains as a com" mon house rat. They wouldn't know a ham of meat from l pound of cheese, if some one, from the country didn't come id and point out the difference be.- tween a hog and a. cheese ,. F w tory, and yet' the o1drrfb1ks, this, f their offspring is gist l "l-, If all people are as happy in the next world as they are _in this, pray tell me who will quar- rel with the preacher? c" If he writes up the ass, Or calls him a liar, . ' We will send him a pipe--- Made from the briar. Then the monkey and ass, With a pocket of tools, . Will lie down together And smoke like-April fools Dreamland awakened, Iiyli,'ii_ili'.?.'4il sound of a fool, r?" f“ Who is_always at hantii'tii,':'ia as a tool; V a; At one, or at two, at three§§,,;; four, _ wr'".",':,,:,);",:'),'"!,). The darned old n1opkiiifi'-r'ili'ii,_ial ring at the door. _ __,iiii_',,',-_,:,j,_'i",ii'ii'ljll Of all the smart mpnkiejililiviiilll . ever did see, t _r'))ii's)i1i',c.,,i,all Who hung by his tairi1ri'ijall top of a tree, m. '/r'iii"i)ii'ifll Was the one who .wien/r('l'i'iiillll and sold out his faritr;"ii),iji-is,q,iiSll We hope he will stay 'r",t(,il,i"lll We'll do him no"1iartii(i,"ii'ia Sold by. n vs'" _t_e,1i'.i,,' Ontario 8: Western Co-Operative Fi), Company, Gripsby f .._'_i,,,'iii,'i, We also sell Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, Sulphate of Potash and Acid Phosphate CHEMICAL LABORATORIES “I!!!” 153 Itii Fan Horne Strut, TORONTO. " , Specific Grnvity stencllled on , every barrel guaranteeing quality. Get a. co y of Our book on 5 " in I Sent w, to YOU. p y g contains more sulphur in solution than any other kind - has no sedi- ment -rsprar easily, and does not clog the nozzle. -. The best spray that money can buy for Scale,Scab, Mildew and all other Fungus Growths _ k and Parasites. Lime Sulphur Solution they made a big laugh PERT ILlZERS Souvenirs of Grimsby on China, Brooches, T Pins, etc. Sole Agent for (irirnsby's Coat of Arms Authorized by Town Council, I 'ttticé is hereby given that the '~: fig of License Commissioners for , . Er,)icensse District of Lincoln will Q Etjatthe City of St. Catharines in ‘t rrtypeetor's office on Thursday the __ 1lt'1jiay of April at' the hour of s 9, Ei,'):" p.m.for the purpose of con- , F,ritat applications for Liquor Lic- , '/ii, fo'r.the license year. 191 1-12. wwpéfsons interested will govern theftiiel%s accordingly. Dittd at St. Caiarines, this 3rd day Ofprril, 191 I. s J. T. LANE The best and cheapest on the mar- ktet. A guarantee and accident policy given w1th each pen. . The Parker Fountain Pen MILLINERY PARLORS 4 John St. North, cor King H amilton - .. Upstairs ratio Liquor License DON'T FORGET tttractively trimmed hat for little ones. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER sPEcIhUrY---REPhIRS. t C 1Aaent for H633“ ', 1ii'iiisri'ritied two or three Illitifr,the summer, and any Iiiitii1oy the, purpose may Ei,tt,,?: the Scoutmaster, who Itliti:hvledge in the Inde- Illh"jjind deposit the money iwhyrlCalder, treasurer of Iff'tI,,iiiitio11nArr. Eii'i"iirrriliiiiiing to raise a 1li,,i).iiiii1Ad Hirst consult Mr. IE,('ji1irririol'verton, the local THE . Hinman=Atkinson 915,66 patrols constitute Illlttiby troop, under the IE_,,ir_rtiyf, Scoutmaster Har- lliiisiiiei-" IThe, scouts meet . 'tii)i, night for instruc- Er,r,fdtill, and great creiit llti,ii/:rBaker for the inte:.- .,'r,t"ejs in the troop. Illitiiihiltdn troop propose fittffGrimsby this sum- it"Will be up to our Ilrti'iti't' to, Take their out- Biht by _an occasional 'li/tiii-tether, or in some . iltt','ti,Ci'ii:,' to. show 's, them some (Qty, {Who is also a member 'ifi)?j:iovinc"1a1 Council. 7 To call at the Ilinman-htlrinson Millinery Parlors few choice hats, small 2 dainty, just received from New York. R))t'ji'BY {moor OI? BOY Il,si'i'i_),i'i)- SCOUTS 'il.,'ejiist's three patrols oi lliiiirr?t Grimsby. Each 'lllliliiiiists of seven or Iliiicfi, one of whom is llli,ii'iler, _who chooses a Ili/ttassistant. llliitii'; ‘Percy Howell, 62. 7% May Joyner, Annie E)lj'.-'_'c.i2rot.r1's',srtirt,ife Zumstien, It.'.'),')?";, HaritGracev, Mar- 1t,ti;r','i1va Bartlett, Mabel .3'_;l@renee__Rqszell, Ward =Za-t-tie Merritt, Audrey fg-Iarold Hibbard, Earl illfi1)r,' Culp. .P,,lt,sris Grey, Prank Davis, 'li/ji,"' Rhea Beattie. _ Bt')it"_'i'it C. White, teacher. _ EASTER HAT OR BONNET before selecting your J. W. KING, Inspector Eh and the of Easter gifts is becoming more generously observed. The thoughts of Easter givmg bring thoughts of Easter buying. The problem of chOOSing suitable gifts will be simplified by looking over our stock of Crosses, Rosarles, Book Markers, Neck Chains, Pendants and hundreds of other dainty little conceits from 50c up. KLEIN ik BIN KLEY, h. THE " WATCH " HOUSE? The new lots are priced as low as 2,85 and up to $l5.00, while some clearing lines that have been on our tables some months will go as low as $I.95 and $2.95 and some splendid $6 and $7.50 Suits for $4.85. Never has this store been better prepan for Boys' Clothes. New lots of Top Coats, made, by the Sanford Co., are coming to us parents who areinterested in well tailored C parents who are interested in well tailored clothe's to see them. . .' Russian and Sailor Suits for the little fellows of 2 to to years, and Norfolk models for ages 8 to 14 years, and the double breasted sack for the older boys aged 10 to 17 years. Whittaker Block Sideboards $15.00, reduced to.................................$12.oo " _ $20.00, reduced to.................................$18.00 In Mission $18.00, reduced to---.......-....)- Extension Tables, Chairs accordingly low. Dresser and Stand $14.00 for w...-...........................'- Window Shades 250 up, according to style. Mattresses, Ostermoor, Felt and Common, $3.00 up. Bissel Carpet Sweepers $2.25 up. 10% discount off on cash sale of $100.00 and over. $100.00 worth for $90.oo.t Goods; delivered free Exceptional values ' in Furniture, Carpets, and . Window fhades. We have been known for years for the place to get Furniture on the payment plan. Now all houses are coming to the same p a We Lead-"others follow. Special Announcement Painter and Paperhanger Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Wallpaper and Moulding. Aftistic Effects-Shows no Laps-Easily Applied-Absolutely Sanitary. Get color Cards, sample books and descrip- tive matter from Is the best Wall iCoating (made. Ready for usegwith the addition of boiling water. IO and l2 James St. N. Hamilton. Boys' Suits For Easter MURESCO J. W. BUCK, Beamsville Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer The Giving Wm. F ARROW ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES OAK HALL store been better prepared for the Easter rush Undertaking Up-to-Date. DINING ROOM Phone 239 Top Coats, Reefers and Suits, all 35 JAMES s'r.,N0ll'1m HAMILTON daily, and we invite GRIMSBY

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