Grimsby Independent, 12 Apr 1911, p. 3

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Let me draw the attention of my readers first to the products of the United, States today and let me point out that the United States ex Zported for the year ending June 30, 1:110, wheat and flour equal to eighty-seven millions, eight hun- dred and sixty-four thousand bush- els. _ And taking the whole farm pro- dvm'ce of the United States combine?, it will be found that the United States exported last year more farm produce than Canada produced al- together. , In corn alone, the United States exported nearly thirty-seven mil- lion bushels last year-r-that alone would be enough to feed all the CRC- tle And hogs in Canada. In the year 1909, the United States exported wheat and flour equal to one hundred and fourteen million bushels-an amount more than' equal to the "entire crop of Canada.' l What woman at Sometime or other does not experience these dreadful bearing down pains. Mrs. E Griffith, of Main street. Hepworth, Ont , says '. "A heavy bearing-down pain had settled across my back and side. I was often unable to stoop or straighten myself up. Many times each night I would have to leave my bed with the irregular and frequent secretions of the kidneys and just as done out in the morning as on retiring. I was languid and would have to let my house- e ' work stand. No- i P . thing I had tried 3 QBOOTh S wouldI bepefit l . =ariirill ‘ 3 me. learned r I d rr ‘ 'l of Booth's Kid- _ 11 "e '; ney Pills and f ra ' t concluded I {-1113 1 would trv them, ', ' s m which I did, and ' soon found the long sought relief. My back strengthened and I began to feel better and stronger. I now enjoy my sleep without being dis- turbed and feel grateful to Booth's Kid- neg Pills for what they did for me." In the year 1908 the Untted States exported wheat and flour equal to one hundred and sixty-tFe million bushels, far more than was pro- duced in the whole Dominion of Camada. an absolute falsehood and it re- veals an absolute igorance of taet----The United States is not oni y an agricultural country, but it has within its border, enough ur10CCtl- pied land to produce food for the entire world, tor the next one hun- dred years. To ‘show the possibilities of the farming products of the United States, I want to draw my readers' attention to the fact that in 1900, the United States exported two hun- dred and nine million bushels ot corn, and in the year 1898, she ex- When the Golbe states that the United States is no longer essen- tially a farming country, it states The central sentence is an absol- ute lie, Written either willfully or through ignorance, and in any case, absolutely malignant, because writ- ten to deceive. Booth's Kidney Pills are a boon to women She would know less of back- aches if she took more of these wonderful pills. They are nature's greatest speeifie for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. All druggista, 500 box, or postpaid from The R T. Booth Co Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. S 1d and guaranteed by W. M. Stewart Drug Co Limited. Continued from page 2 The whole paragraph is a fraud, written with fraudulent intent to utterly deceive and mislead those who. do not care enough to find out. Facts and Fancies , Soe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, Me At dealers, orfrom l?rttitra-tives Limited Mr. B. It. Mills, ttttet,. postmaster at Knowlton, Que., also writes: "I honestly" believe' that ' 'Pruit-a..tivest ' is the greatest Rheumatism cure in the world'". Try it yourself. BEARING DOWN PAINS H6 Wis building a house this fall and shingled a. good part of the roof in a drivmg min, without suffering any bad effects '. JOHN B.' LACY. VANCOUVER, B.C., Feb._xst. 1910. "I am well acquainted with a man, known to thousands in Vancouver; Victoria and New Westminster, who for nearly a year was practically a cripple from Rheumatism. He was so troubled with the disease that he found it difficult to even turn over in bed. His heart appeared so weak that he could hardly walk up stairs. Last June, he received a sample of "Pruit-a-tives". He used them and dates his recovery from that time. To-day, there is no man in Vancouver enjoying letter health. HOW IN PERFECT HEALTH THANKS Tll "flllll'lul-TMit" 1Plhlf FROM fllllllilBlllrfllltllllll #3001113; "_Ai",,"j'ii,ljjie, 2 (2 _-i113’ 3 "~ Three-quarters Of North and South Carolina are undeveloped. Three-quarters of Georgia, three- quarters of Alabama, Texas, Virginia Mississipi and Arkansas are unde- veloped. When the Globe makes this astounding statement, it must do so through absolute ignorance, for people who have travelled, who have read and who are thoroughly con- versant with the United States, know that not one-half of its agri- cultural possibilities have been tle- veloped---Not on'e-third of the agri- cultural land in some states of the United States has been developed. One-fourth of Missouri, one-half of Nebraska, one-halt of North and South Dakota and one half of Oregon are undeveloped. Three-twaiters' of the State of Washington is undeveloped. Three-quarter/ot the State of Idaho is undeveloped. I The Globe makes a fool of itself, !when it says that the United States is no longer essentially a farming country, because if it looks over the exports ot corn for the week Pf March 16, 1911, it will Jind that \the exports were almost two mil- lion tor the one week, and tor the week of March 9, 1911, the exports were nearly two and a half mil- lion bushels and for the week of March 2, 1911, the exports were near 1y three million bushels and for the week of February 2, 1911 the corn exported from the United States was three million, six hundred and sixty eight thousand bushels-What would become ot the coarse grain growers in Canada, in the face of competition with an agricultural people, who can export nearly three and a half mil... lion bushels of corn in one week?--- These figures are no ancient history ---They are hot oft the bat for the past two months " Three-quarters of t Nevada is undeveloped Three-quarters of Utah is undeveloped . Three-quarters of the State ot New Mexico is undeveloped. Three-quarters of the State of Colorado is undeveloped. There is enough Vagricultural land stilf undeveloped in the United States to-under a proper system of tarming-prose enough food stuff to feed the entire world. Three-quarters of the Montana is undeveloped Millions of acres of land in some of the best States in the Union which Were originally sold by the Government to settlers have been bought up by land jobbers until they have secured tremendous blocks, which are lying entirely undeveloped and which are being held for speculative purposes. There is not one State in the Union west of the Mississippi ex- cept one or two, in which this state of condition does not exisist and every man who has travelled or read knows that the whole of the Southern States are undevelop- ed. , ( There is enough undeveloped land in the United States to produce fruit and vegetables to supply Cana dian markets if there was not one bushel or one basket of these com motiities produced in Canada. When the Globe says the United States is not esisentially a farming country it reveals deplorablé ignor ance. As a matter of fact the Uni- ted States is just beginning to awake up to its agricultural possi- bilties, and mark my words you will see an agricultural awaking in the United States before long and you will see thousand and thole The wheat exported from the United States in any one of these years was nearly double the entire wheat crop of the whole ot the Dominion ot Canada. In 1899, that ‘country exported over two hundred and tWenty-two million. bushels and in 1903 that country exported two hundred and three million, bushels.--Nrhich is more than Canada ever produced in two years. In the year 1892, which was a big wheat crop in the United States, that country exported over two hundred and twenty-five ma')- lion bushels of wheat and flour. So enormous is the agricultural possibilities of the United States that a large or small crop cuts an enormous figure in the Wheat aid corn tigurts of the world. ported two hundred and eight mil- lion bushels of corn. the Statet cf the State of State of When the hair thins out on the top'of the head and the bald spot is getting ready to appear in public, don't get dis- couraged or irritable. Just go to your druggist and ask for Parisian Sage Hair Tonic. He will charge you 500 for a large bottle but if it does not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out nothing on this earth will. , And we want to say to everybody, man, woman and child that you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn't the best hair grower, hair saver. hair beantitier and dandruff cure on the market to-day, It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and abune‘w antly. All druggists everywhere sell Parisian Sage or postpaid from The Gir. oux Mfg Co., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the girl with the auburn hair is on every bottle. Sold and guaranteed by W. M, Stewart Drug Co. Limited. Wasnidge Brothers wish to an- nounce to the public that they have resumed business in than blacksmith shop next to the plan- Ing mill, near the bridge on Main' St., Grimsby, and are prepared to do all kinds of general blacksmith work and horse shoeing. If the Toronto Globe would read the statistics in some reliable paper like the Cincinatti Price Current, it would become posted on the Agricul- tural possibilities of the United States and would not make such tpolish statements as it does. The rates for horseshoeing will be 500 per horse for setting shoes, and for new shoes $1.25 per horse, Charles A. Wasnidge W. Fred Wasnidge General Blacksmiths and Horseshoers HORSESHOEING They solicit a share of the pub; lie patronage. 3' Eggs for Hatching Farmers of Ontario! Pay no at-. tention to the rotten advice given to you by the self-seeking politicians and partisan newspapers like the Globe. Hold fast to your own good Canadian markets, which have ex- panded and grown under the I pr;- sent tariff system and which is now giving you the highest prices, which is enjoyed by any agricultural peo- ple in the world today. There is absolutely no limit to the, development, which can be done along these lines in the South ern states. W $1.00 per setting Apply 109 - A __ Barred Rocks, Single Comb But, Leghorn, Single Comb Rhode Is, land Reds. All choice stock of good laying strain. _ TO WINNIPEG AN D W E S T Large tracks of land, which were lying idle in the form of a desert in Texas, are now producing great crops of watermelons and onions and other vegetables and these are being shipped north by the hundred car 1oads---Many of the car loads finding their way into the mm‘v“ of Toronto and Montreal. Reciprocity with Canada would give a big incentive to agriculture in the United States and all it wants is the incentive and it will not take long to produce the goods. ands of acres ot new land now 1? ing idle made to blossom as t E rose. Lalwvyl Iv I\\ra|,vl VI lv- thy tiiiitt,'; restores every nerv.e m e ' 'ith' e..tete.t.ey..e..l to its proper tensmn 3 ream. vim and vitality. Premature decay and all: Ii5. weakness averted at once. Phonphono 51:32 makeJou a new man. Price " a box. or “£0 ai) " ailed to any address. The 50013011 "rr,5Ts- Co., Bt. Gauguin“. Ont. A " /'v/'e,',,,"s" Are sold with a positive guarantee, to cure CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION 339d a.ll KIDNEY, LIVER and BOWEL disorders 'itrirliisidfrii', 25 cents per box, or The Fig Pill Co,, St. Thomas, Ont. Electric Restorer for Mfg DIRECT ONLY . CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR 'LINE. DAILY SERVICE FIG PILLS t'frGi5tG'GiG"Drug Store. THIN HAIR A LIBERAL OFFER L. L. HAGAR, l North Grimsby travel by the of express trains carry" ing through standord’ and tourist sleepuyr, cars for all points m Western Canada. ‘1'. For information 86% E. H CULP, Grimsby like the own good have ex- the pr J- gace Paper ’oylies il)? are showing a new line of Lace gr DOylies, in many new and " designs. 1 1liiiir', Collars and Cutlet Frills are ifshoWn in several ornamental 'iii/ surprising how inexpensive Eilte. b . figure, oval and round shapes are rj'sidence. Irriare now ready to supply you 32311 kinds of Spring Seeds for iiiU and would ask you co give us ,When in need of these seeds. Ir,',iave a full quantity of first class Pine, Red _Clover, Timothy or ”1..." We have still an number of 'lg"_,i':rr train bags on hand and are 'i),',',) them at a very low price. IBERT DUNCAN & All High Class Pianos Thos. Anderson EL MURRAY & CO’ Starting. on Easter Monday and Continuing all _ . 'Week==Remarbable Values will be offered THE RIGHT HOUSE announces for all next week, the greatest sale of House Cta,u,mt,,.a,.s.-t "A“... E..-..:-L:.... “nun“ -t 11. --- __ _ -- Tea Room in Basement THE RIGHT HOUSE announces for all next week, the greatest sale of House . Cleaning and Home Furnishing utilities of the season. This sale will mean that you can accomplish your Spring house cleaning this year with less' effort and expense than ever before. . This sale also means that you can come here and secure bright new Home Furnishings at decidedly helpful reductions---Furnishings that are RELIABLE, SUPERIOR AND GUARANTEED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. Watch the Hamilton papers for Saturday, April 15th, for prices'on Vacuum Cleaners, Carpet Sweepers, Long Brooms, Dusting . Aprons, Dust Cloths, etc. and on Linoleums. Oilcloths, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, . . Art Cloths, Furniture, etc. AGreat Sale of House Cleaning and . j Home Furnishing Needs " Smithville SPRING SEEDS We have secured the agency for the _ Stationers and Printers Cor. James and Market Square _r" HAMILTON Command Human. R. DUNCAN a GO. GOURLAY PIANO The MCMILLAN PIANO MENDELSSOI’IN PIANO and 65 James North Hamilton -rtB'-t-tr-----i-- PIAN OS Fresh news of this important merchandise The Our ESTEY RAILROAD FARES REFUNDED Music Clliiiiit Jarvis hid "HAMILTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE" Room ORGAN 'r. ~mmmm 4lqaCr%atrNr'Bttt mm" Cayuga 1n stock THOMAS C WATKINS, Limited Pee" AY . m fliiltiii, ttibt if! w w W w. w w w w (I; W' it) 'Q '3 . .er. . . . I .f. ééeéééééeéeeeseezeeeea& '\""'a‘\"' u%u%us.esuis-s.s.s. ' . . "te' 3‘.-.‘2.-~.-353322323223255é4 Our workmen are very proficient and will cause you very little inconvenience in repair work. Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time and money by attending-to it at once. PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grit I _, il!ll!ll!lll!lll'Mllllllllllll a 1-1: Lyn-ii]; Yep? TCrrr'"! “ ; gM!tiii221iieite3) i2 'ed iiittiiit22iigtteigisjGi)i; r: jijtttt5S5iii5ci?i-i-?S, my SL, .... (5r,% ‘ I- ar $1."; Ram 3' ‘ aaa) (Ftp-ver-l' dEily. ' ii?:' f-jtcfr':iii?k"ii,??r1iCi'ii4 [:1 II‘ Iii, 'P'YRICH1 Norman M. Walker erchandise event will be printed every day watch for it. TO OUT OF TOWN PATRONS rdA87tt Manicure on Balcony it is an abs cessity, if Jrt care to take enjoyment We can inst plumbing m Correct Faulty Plumbing Good Plumbing Is Not a Luxury , Dusting Caps, Grimsby absolute if you W take the ' of stall need aatisypp living. every or would full W: ir, 53‘ ft! (tt ft) ' 2 ft? ft) tty f.t.t (ry Ity (Q! tty Rt 'lil lt! (I! m

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