For Sale Cheap-s? acres, west half Lot 20, Con. 2, North Grimsby, situated two miles west of Grimsby Village, facing on the' Q. & G. stone road. A vineyard containing about 1400 grape vines in first class con ii- tion are on the place. A bargain if sold at once. Apply P. Gra- ham, Grassies. Phone 97, ring 4 Grimsby. For Sale---) few settings of very choice White Rock and rose comb White Leghorn eggs. $2 per setting. Applv to L. G. Jarvis, phone 66, ring 5, Grims- by. Are you visiting the Temple Theatre? If you are not, you should be. The shows are all to the good. Big bill for Situr- day night. Two hours show for a lonely wee dime. Dr. H. W. Graham _ _,'.. _ For Sale-r-Forty six acres of first 'l','.',','.,', fruit land,d partially set in ruit;goods buil ings;good water; half mile from Grand Trunk Station, Jordan. Will sell in quantities to suit put chaser. Apply to box 203 Jordan. DR. ALEXANDER PHYSICIAFu & SURGEON I CORONER COUNTY LINCOLN AAiN ST. WEST GRIMSBY Offiee hours, 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 2 and 7 to 8p.m. VIOLIN MR. DAVID TREGUNNO of Bartonville, has rammed teaching the violin In Grimsby and will be in the Studio, over Mil. Ieru Jewelry Store every Monday afternoon. Intending pupils may call on him there or write him to Bartonville. Office over]. C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 216 Electrical Equipment GRIMSBY ONT ELIZABETH ST. - GRIMSE For all kinds of Carpenter and Building work Hardwood floors a speciality TERMS REASONABLE AND GOOD WORK PHONE I93, GRIMSBY The pool tournament just fin- ished at the Grimsby Club was won by Mr. B. Heaslip by a good margin. Popular ten cent band concert by the th Regt. Band in the Jiri-i-it/lt-d-tfat/ tomorrow night, Thursday, April 6. C ' Did you get fooled on Satur- day last. . DR. w.A. BRO‘WNLEE DELTIS‘I OFFiCE-WoOLVErtTON BLOCK W. W. KIDD, FICE HOURS-9.30 A.M GRIMSBY, ONT Landed Banking 8. Loam Cor. Main & James Sts., Hamilton REASONABLE LIBERAL privileges of" re- payment. MODERATE PRODUCTIVE farm pro- pertles. MONEY T0 Dr. H. W. Graham. V. S.' begs to announce to the hor- se and stock owners of Grim- sby and vicinity that he has opened up an office in Grlms by and he is prepared to treat all kinds of disease. Office in J. H. D. Walkers new cement Building corner Main and Mountain Sts. Phone No. ft _ o. H. BROMLEY Graduate Ont Vet. College GRIMSBY, APRIL 5 r. F J. M. Hughton entist Valuator, Grimsby. TELEPHONE No. 1 (Ground; Floor) expense. LOAN rates. 71 GRIMSBY Choose your new Easter mil- linery now. Many are the ad- vantages that will be gained by choosing the Easter hat now. You’ll be assured of approved styles, correct colors and quick service. Paris has been our source of information for many of the styles that we show; in fact, one of critical eye will be quick to notice the exclusire- ness of such an uncommon dis-. play. Prices at $3, $5, $7.50 and $10. A. F. Hawke. 44th Band concert Thursday night. Good program. :Mr. C. H. McCartney has ac- cepted a position as buyer for the new canning Co. Robinson & Werner are ad- vertising for fifty carpenters and handy men. Mr. W. R. Nevills, of Grims by, has sold his handsome road mare for a big figure. _ Clothes that are different-- "Now all swing _round and change." This is the time to shed your winter suit, Sir. It's the best time to make selec tions. Such a brightening up as there soon will be for Our new suits are full of the cheer fulness of Spring. New fabrics, new patterns and colorings, new models ' and styles. Suits at $10, $12, $15 up to $18. The road to clothes quality leads right through our door and you know that quality is the only true test orcheapness in any case. W. Farrar, Cloth ing Manufacturer, 5 Market Square, Hamilton, Ontario. We give premium tickets. The Union Bank of Canada officially took over the United Empire bank on Saturday, April I. The question we asked two weeks ago about who is going to build us a new rink, is still unaswered. hfr. E. J. Becker, who .Will have charge of the offices for the Beach Co., at the Beach, this summer, arrived in Grimsby, from Cleveland, on Saturday. A good arrangement- For those wanting tpt get _a _c.gx,r.q/,,,) choice of the latest styles in iti-. expensive wall papers, Cloke , San, 16 West King St., Hamil-. ton, have made arrangements for selecting patterns at your own home and getting them de- livered without expense. Read the announcement in this week', paper. 'The Temple' Theatre has changed it's show nights to Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day nights. A big show for ten cents. I For Sale-Eggs for hatching Rhode Island Reds, single comb from good laying strain. Aply to William Cowan, care of W. M. Stewart, Lake Road Grimsby. For Sale-Strawberry plants A limited number of William and Great Northern plants. Ap ply to Wm. Cowan, care of W M Stewart, Lake Road Grimsby F For Sale-A ouantitv of Wil- liams, Great Northern and Par- son's Beauty strawberry plants, true to name. Grown on new ground. Also Marlborough and Cuthbert raspberry canes in any quantity. Apply to Thos. Graisley, phone 48, ring 12, Grimsby. ' Thelma arrived at Stewart's Drug' store on Saturday last, in the form of a new line of per- fume. . The funeral of the late Bishop Ih1Mo11lin took place on Satur- day last. The deceased was bur ied in the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral. The famous Sheffield choir will give one of their world- famed concerts in the Armories, Hamilton, on Tuesday evening, April II. Ten cent band concert to- morrow night. Mr. J. M. Lawrie, liveryman, had the misfortune last week to loose one of his valuable iron grey horses, which passed peace fully away as the result of an "open joint." Mr. Lawrie var.. ued this animal at $250. Band concert tomorrow night in the Town Hall, only' 10 cents. Good program. Seed Oats for Sal-Silver Mine, yielded over fifty bushels per acre last year. Good clean seed price 40 cents per bushei. Apply to George Hiscott,, one mile south west of Smithville. Eggs for hatching-Barred Plymouth Rocks and rose comb Rhode Island Reds $1.50 for I5 eggs. None better. See list of prizes won at Beamsville. Ap- ply to J. Lang, box 84, bell tele- phone 24, ring s, Beamsville. For Sale---) quantity of rails. Apply to W. C. Durham, phone 70, ring 2, North Grimsby. Lost-On Friday afternoon, either in the Village or on' the road outside of the Village, a gold watch chain with two seals on it. Finder will confer a great favor by returning to the Inde- pendent office or to H. F. Baker, North Grimsby. , For Sale-Two horses. A g vear old roadster, well broken. single and double; also a 3 year old roadster, well broken, sin.. gle or double. Apply to Isaac Smith, Tweedside, Ont. . Wasnidge Bros., who resumed horse shoeing at their former stand in the blackship shop, near the bridge on Main St., Grims- by, wish to annouce to the pu- blie that they are shoeing horses at 50 cents per horse for setting: shoes and $1.25 “per horse for new shoes. The Was- nidge Bros. give their entire at- tention to horse shoeing, arid as there are two of them always in the shop, customers are not kept waiting. Bring along your horses and they will be attended to promptly. _ A Carpets and 1ttrp,itilist,fi-i-s,t matchless opportunity to rnish your home at a little eotl't for living room, parlor, den,jii,rrhall and chamber. Here your money goes farthest. You getagjust want you want at pricei"/you are always glad to pay, and you pay just as it suits your Con- venience. Before buying, aï¬ee our immense range of buffets, Sideboards, dressers, beds, ex- tension tables, Morris chairs, dining room sets, rockers, etc., also heavy wool and union car- pets, tapestry and Brussel car- pets, stair carpets,' tapestry squares, Smyrna rugg, Axmi 1- ster rugs, with immense range of general house furnishings. A. F. Hawke. Mr. A. Martin: of _ asing- stoke, has moved to imsby, and is residing on Adel lide St. Grimsby Chapter Ro , 1 Arch masons held their reg 'dar "ion- vocation on Monday Ekven-Ing. Two candidates were " en [the master masons degree.‘ Miss Mildred ChuriE _0f of Stoney Creek, spent Sfiurday and Sunday with Miss W/ lanch Culp. l T a; Mr. Thos. Crow has _t:zy,y_ratlt,_'il, Vineland and. Mum-â€Eiach rt.', f: sg? who purchased his ii'iii'iiiirjri"ii'i', taken possession. 'i' g uMrs. Jas. Ofeld, who,it)N 1y underwent an operatijfg - Hamilton City Hosipit?,lal much improved. C 1 1 (r rt '_,,.,,',;:-:',',,,".:,).),';--'?,', For Sale-A good wprlt'i'al, 9 years old, an excelletitiall farm horse. Will sel1l'f'i,ii'a Apply to A. F. HaWke, _'ii,it1 For Sale-A quantity??? class eating potatoes. v L. G Jarvis, phone 66,"ljj,'a Grimsby. , 9 ,r'ci'llll For Sale-A good 4 purpose mare. Well spii,i,l'gll a fruit or grain farm."_iiiial to F. G. H. Pattison, a; to F. U Winona Horse Clipping-Has. (1'3?- ham is prepared to cliiij)"iti'sr)'l this spring, at his own‘iii He is equipped withjri"iii3 clipper and is preparedgféj: first class work. Call h . Phone 48, ring 2, or cé‘l’év. barns on the townline/ti,iill the Park Road. (Easter Gerald Simpsjs Toronto, is visiting Mr Gibson. o:/rrc,t:al1 Mr Band concert tomcat?“ in tea must be i't'll tinctive, p l e a s til ' and unvarying to til , continuous use. 'i'llll flavor of Red Rose 'I_‘ all its own l and it neg?" fails to win and hold ii proval because it neg fails in quality. I si"), 82 Your Grocer Will Recommend It NEVER SOLD IN BULK nan Coe' tijiiiyiiirii'i"ii'; horses. A 9 well broken, also a 3 year broken, sin- I8gii1ir-Heavy dray, mow- Illillri,trine, horse roller, gang Iliiilt'liiipcharrow, heavy scari- Illlii3i:_ir)'. {numerous cultivators. v Iilgilitird, Grimsby. Phone 154 llllB',tir, hall lamp. Apply ' Ilry'Jirhr1 Cloughley, Robin- llliRij'lii','i, Grimsby. Tungsten Lamps, Electric Irons, Switches, Batteries, Fuse Plugs, House Wiring. etc. If you want to put in any Electric fixtures, allow me to give you an esti- mate, for fixtures and work. Repairs promptly made. » Bi'))",)':' Hummel, assistant {it"Vat James St. Baptist &1'ami1t0n, officiated at 'lii'i'iiic,r'very cleverly last Sun IllEii))iile----iA 95 acre fruit ttttttjim: of the best land in Jillona District. Twelve w 12%;a'pples, ten acres of ilti'_iii,is'il. peaches, plums, etc., llllitii',iibearing. Good frame Illlliii) large barn. A bar- lliiii,iliiimrteen thousand dol- 'li,!ir,i)11y.m, to C. H. Page, $011315. Illlli,iti",rtirTw/o hanging lam lllB(,t,ire hall lamp. App r WOOLEY & FAREWELL Investors cannot do better than see us before purchasing. We can arrange loans. Phone 1966 We have some excellent City Property for sale or‘exchange for good farm property. We want to list good Fruit and Grain Farms in the counties of Lincoln and Wentworth. Fruit Growers and Farmers Also a good selection " of ELECTRIC FIXTURES Call and see us Easter Fostcards Bast Ball Goods We are showing a C great variety of Easter Novelties Easter Booklets Real Estate Agents I77 King E., HAMILTON F. G. STORRS GRIMSBY ATTENTION ! H. G. BROWNLEE and Box 534 US Grimsby' Largest Store way of clothing. with hundreds of new spring cloths to. choose from for a special measursd suit. Styled-yo-hy-pine?--- bench. tailored by the greatest aggregation of expert tailors in Canada. Lvery- thing to Wear Men’s Outfitters and Furnishers The Style Subject This season's showing is simply superb. Ex,., cellent quality of Swiss and Lawn made in newest styles featuring the three quarter length, kimona and long sleeve. Irices 50c, 75c, 85C, $1 and up. Beautiful One-Piece Dresses in white mute- lin and ginghams, exquisitely trimmed at $5.00 Wrappers and House Dresses at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. A fine range of Dress Skirts and Underskirts at popular prices. White Underskirts with lace and embroidery trimming as low as 59c. Better ones at correspond- ingly low prices. Most of the new whitewear is now in and is good to gaze upon. (No charge for this part of it.) You will say that our range is bet- ter than ever. Shirt Waists and Blouses GROCERS AND 1gNip,f)l" MERCHANTS MAIN STREET - - - GRIMSBY A large stock of GRAPE WITH": and GR PF. TWINE just arrived. We would be please; to receive your order now. Prices on both wire and twine are likely to be higher later on. A large stock of 6 RA p E .|=. HAWKB, SEE OUR NEW LINES OF HOSIERY E. S. & R. T. JOHNSON is l fl. EHAWKE K. M. STEPHEN Main Street, Grimsby jlHfAVE A beautiful range of the New Spring Suits from these reliable makers have been placed in our stock at the popular prices of 810, $15, $18, and $20. We are better equipped than ever to meet the demand of the men's wants in the The value of good style in the clothes you select cannot be over-estimated. To give clothes that certain touch of correctness which you are desirous of seeing in your garments, is dis- tinctly a question of ability on the part of the maker of the clothes. The quality is largely a matter of honesty. We believe you will get what you pay for, in the matter of fabrics and lin- ings, if you buy clothes of a reliable make, but if you want style combined with quality, it is a question of ability, not honesty. The Coppley Noyes & Randall, 20th Century and Soven. eign Brand tailors have the ability, hence the style you alWays find in these bench- tailored garments. MAIN STREET m-a-m-sm-- Grimsby’s Largest Store Reliable Goods Popular Prices