VIOLIN MR. DAVID TREGUNNQ of Bartonville, has resumed teaching the violin n Grimsby and will be in the Studio, over Mil ler's Jewelry Store every Monday afternoon. Intending pupils may call on him there or write him to Bartonville. Teacher of Physical Culture, Voice Culture, E10 cntion tnd Dramatic Art. Post Graduate in music of Toronto University ' Teacher of Piano. . Btritdios--Haani1ton Conservatory of Music Grims by Hall (Snetsinger’s block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. ELIZABETH ST. - GRIMSE For all kinds of Carpenter and Building work Hardwood floors a speciality TERMS REASONABLE AND GOOD WORK PHONE l93, GRIMSBY sbudios--Hami1iron Conservatory; Grimsby Hall .s'netsinger Block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ofliee hours, 8 to 10 am 8 p.m. simplex and Kindergarten teachers MISS E. B. BARTMANN ' MISS BETA BARTMANN studios-Hamilton Cdnservatory of Music, Grime 'by Ball (Snetsinger block) Wednesdays and _ . Saturdays. / 'ror: J. M. Hughton entist Office over]. C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 216 Electrical Equipment GRIMSBY ONT MISS MINNIE M. HIND A.T.C.M. PHYSICIAI‘I & SURGEON CORONER COUNTY LINCOLN AIN ST. WEST GRIMSBY DR. w A. BRQWNLEE DELTIS‘I OFFicE-WOOLVERToN BLOCK FLETCHER MUSIC oMETHOD FICE A.M To 4 P GRIMSBY, ONT Landed Banking S. Loam Cor. Main & James Sts., Hamilton W. W. KIDD, REASONABLE LIBERAL priv11eges or re- payment. MODERATE PRODUCTIVE farm pro pertles. MISS JENNIE M. KENNEDY MONEY TO Dr. H. W. Graham, V. S. begs to announce to the hor- se and stock owners' of Grim- sby and vicinity that he has opened up an office in Gruns by and he is prepared to treat all kinds of disease. Office in J. H. D. Walkers new cement Building corner Main and Mountain Sts. Phone No. 71 G. H. BROMLEY DR. ALEXANDER Valuator, Grimsby. TELEPHONE No. 1 (Ground, Floor) expense. LOAN rates Ito2 and7t0 GRIMSBY llllllXIt Mr. R. S. Lockwood has dis- posed eof his fifty-three acre farm at Winona, to Mr. Gordon V. Odling of Winona and John A. Craven of Sheffield, Eng. The consideration was $20,000. For Sale Cheap----; acres, west half Lot 20, Con. 2, North Grimsby, situated two miles west of Grimsby Village, facing on the Q. & G. stone road. A vineyard containing about 1400 grape vines in first class con ii, tion are on the place. A bargain if sold at once. Apply P. Gra- ham, Grassies. Phone 97, ring 4 Grimsby. _ . See! Thelma at Stewart's Drug Store, Saturday Evening, April lst eggs. None better. See list of prizes won at Beamsville. Ap- ply to J. Lang, box 84, bell tele- phone 24, ring 5, Bearnsville. The Speciality Mfg. Co., have purchased the lot on the corner of John and Robinson streets from Mr. Edgar Farewell. It is their intention to build a mile south west of Smithville. P. Bertram stopped advertising' in the Grimsby Independent be cause he recieved more orders for.his eggs for hatching than he could fill. He still has white INyandottes and white Leghorn eggs for sale if orders are placed well ahead. . Eggs for hatching-Barred Plymouth Rocks and rose comb Rhode Island Reds $1.50 for 15 placed Apply to Geo: mile south we Notice to fruit and vegetable growers-- Use fertilizers and raise a bank account. I represent the best brand of fertilizer, made by the old reliable Crocker Com pany of Buffalo, for over fifts years, and they are still doing business at the old stand, so if you want a good fertilizer order 1"rom me. If I have not called on you, drop a ca.rd or call up phone 107, Grimsby and I wilrbe there to see you. J. J. Groce, Grims- lby Ont. - Seed Oats for Sale-five, Mine, yielded over fifty bushels per acre last year. Good clean seed price 40 cents per bushei. ADDIV to George Hiscott, one For Sale-Forty six acres of first class fruit land, partially set in fruit ;goods buildings;good water; half mile from Grand Trunk Station, Jordan. Will sell in quantities to suit pur chaser. Apply to box 203 Jordan. Mr. D. G.. Terr Michigan, has bough acre farm of Mr. Kirk South Grimsby. D. out through the deal. The regular meeting Court Grimsby No. 74, C.O.F., will be held March 28. All members are requested 'to be present. Special busin,ess and visit from Stoney Creek brethern. w. P. S. Milhvard, C. Ranger. Notice-All parties having rub ber coats, hats and gloves be longing to the Grimsby Fire Department, are requested to return same' to . the Indepen- dent 1offce at once. Anyone keeping, these articles after this notice, will be prosecuted. Thos. Walker, Chief. For Sale or to Rent--8 roamed brick house, in first class condi- tion. Hall upstairs and down; electric lights, bath tub, hot 'water Furnace, cellar under Whole house. First class well and lawn tap, nice garden spot and from one and a half to one and three-quarter cares out in fruit, raspberries, currants, cher- ries, plums, pears, peaches and apples, Splendid stable and small barn, chicken house and fine chicken yard. Property' on Main St. west. Possession Ist of April. For further particulars apply to Farrell's shoe store cr address box 37, Grimsby. The Wildfong-Lang IO round boxing bout will take place on Friday evening of this week, in Britannia Rink. It will sure be some scrap. tet Mrs. E. E. Todd and daugh- 3er, who have been spending :he winter in Simcoe, spent Sunday Visiting her husband, M Fodd, manager of the canning Itctorv here. _ For Sale-A one ho low, new rubber tired .1ltivator and harness. ) Edgar Farewell, Grit light new movm )I 1re 1 in bnetsm (March 22? five cents. use Terryberry bought the one horse oicture theatre nson Stln Farewell. to build this IrlmSDV O bw b u " Sr.o aN H ze ot 1n IN Jo " We understand that Mr McMurray Ross has acq the Grimsby bakery bus from Mr W. D. Orr, and' he enters into possession about two months' time. Grimsby, Ont. " Phone J82. For Sale-Splendid building' lot on Main St., west, good location. Apply box 345, Grims by, Ont. . Slater shoes at 15 per cent discount at Farrell's big shoe sale. mond, Brantford, Ont.,“at Gripe. For Sale-tvo fresh milch cows, and two cows cominrin this spring. Also"a quantity of clover seed. Apply tip D, Bartlett & Son, Smithville. per1enceo 111 with horse birth, thr ever been Nit. unarles IS. bnaw 11v1ng two and a' half miles north east of Caistor Centre having to give up possession of the, farm, upon which he reside) having decided to give up farm ing entirely, will hold an aim tion sale of all‘his' farm stoclj and implements on Saturday March 25, 1911, at one o'elock in the afternoon.. For list of Wanted-r/ooo apple mites pruned by day or contract. Write or Phone W. H. Ham- mond, Brantford, Ont.. at once. For Sale-UA fresh milch zcow and calf. Also a quantity of seed barley. Apply to Geo, Southward, on stone road, near) Smithville. ' ws4 'f For Sale-Eggs for hatching' 1 Rhode Island Reds, single kt comb from good laying strain. iii. Aply to William Coivan, care It, of W. M. Stewart, Lake Road) Grimsby. . . a, sixth For Sa1e---Strawherry planltSii-S; A limited number of Wild-f t' 1 and Great Northern pliiniii AP at ply to Wm. Cowan, care , IV' R M Stewart, Lake Road Gf1msby "stampex them no duction Prof. IV. L. Hutt, B.S.A., of Ontario Agricultural. College, Guelph, will give an illustrated address in Snetsinger Hall, Tuesday evening, March 28, at 8 o'clock, in the interests of the Grimsby Horticultural Society. Everybody welcome. Admission free. and implement's on Saturday March 25, 1911, at one o'tlock in the afternoon. For list of goods and full particulars see large bills. Terms seven months), James A. Livinston, Auctioneer Mrs. John Alway and? Mhss Alway will receive at Mrs John Alway's home on Thursday and Friday afternoons March 23, and 24, from three to sir. For Sale-House on Oak "St Apply at Farrell's Shoe Store Grimsby. . W i n on M r. IN Bartlett Phone , For Sale-A quantity of rails Apply to W C Durham,. Phone TC) ringr 2, North Grimsby. lf O 1rtlett & Son, Smithvill lone 14, ring 41. I Wanted-Single man for ~fru cm at Vineland. Must be e" For Sale-One Shetland pony, 0d. Price $70. Apply to avid A. White, Winona., _ Mr. Ch will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. -It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose qua1ity--the reason whf. it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you try it. Phis .k " 1anan an is the first time since it hat the Slater shoe ha en sold lower than it "I" price. You can ge JW at fifteen per centre at Farrell's shoe store. our Grocer DHOI’IC Recommenc NEVER SOLD IN BULK Jrses rms owned by N and Mr. Shepherd have been bought the Work and . Apply tt e 6, Grimsby. ss has acquired bakery business D. Orr, and' that M if Shaw living W"H H o1ilt M r get 1 Notice " m Tonight, (Wednesd night that the new IT ture theatre opens. open three , nights hereafter, Ifondav, Spring Flower Opening Stewart's Drug Store hereatter, Monday, day and Saturday. A good show is promised cents, these famous tailors and the: are a veritable treat for an) man who appreciates gom clothes. Styled to the minute bench tailored by the greater, aggregation of expert tailor in Canada; and cut from tlr inc-West cloths fresh from tlr looms fo the old land. at tlr popular prices $10, $12, $1: 1Cyoms to tt popular p; $18 and $20 Phone 154 We have a few bags of meat scraps for hens, left, which we will sell out cheap to make room for-other feed.. We are looking for a car of flour, bran and shorts in and have decided to reduce the price on the large sack of the famous Fiire Roses 'Flour, to make room for this car. Come and get some at a bargain. We have' a ouantity of government graded cloiier and timothy seed which ,we are selling at Hamilton prices. Theal Bros., phones 223 and :172. Grimsby. Tungsten Lamps, Electric Irons, Switches, Batteries, Fuse Plugs, House Wiring. etc. If you want to put,in any Electric fixtures, allow me to give you an esti- mate, for fixtures and work. Repairs promptly made. Plans and spacifieations may be obtained from the yndersianed or from A. E. Nicholson, O.A.A., Ar chit: ct, 36 Queen street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . 'Clothes, for Workingmen--- The workhigman who desires splendid suit value in the way of a good looking, sturdy, com fortable suit, will be greath in- Bulk or separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'eloek noon on Friday, March 24th, 1911, for the erection and completion of the Grimsby Public Library. Mr. J. C. Whyte of Arnprior, Ont., has purchased from W. M Stewart, five and a quarter acres on Main St., east. Mr. Whyte intends to build a fine resideece on this property. securities (tt any) new by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been given by them at the time of such distribu- tion. The council have decided to disoose of what is probably Grimsby's oldest landmark, the Town Hall. We will endeavor, in our next issue, to give you a descriptive article on this old buildinz's history. Adams, the executors of th christian and surnames. add tions, the full particulars of t ment of their accounts, and securities (if any) held by the AND further bake notice t mentioned date the said exec distribute the assets of the s: the parties entitled thereto, to the claims of which they sl- and that the said executors w the said assets qr any part tin the Sts are all Real f in Dated at 1911. I .j11- Clle we all In the matter fthe Township f Lincoln, fruit NOTICE is he n that behalf th laims against b, licitor for dams, the Tenders Wanted D. 911 April, iver to ELECTRIC FIXTURES . Rent-House and barn o corner of Walter and OliV Grimsby, to rent. The, good cistern ind a good we J as. Aitchison, Sec' place new. state C Grimsby this 13th day of March A.D _.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" H. G. BROWNLEE to Creditors The buildin Apply to Ontal o., Grinisbv. ' B. Mtf.opayhie, Griinsby, Ont. Solicitor for Executors movm aN crackms W1 H Box 534 IS ntar10 $15 awke W In [rem they any tive the the the at at " ' Fi le I _ I " V )1 Gimsby's Largest Store Thursday and Friday March 23 and 24' and following days A Remarkable Display of Fine Millinery To the Ladies of Grimsby and surrounding district we pride ourselves in announcing one of the finest displays of Millinery this store has ever made. Speaking in which they are of beautitui forms and shapes in the new creation of are idstantly suggestive of some of the many styles in the newest trimmings and latest colors of "The Helmet," "The Dutch Hood," "The The Ladies Ready-to-Wear Department "King's Blue." "Sherry Green," "Helen Pink" are showing a wide range of New Spring Stylish Suits and Coats in all the leading cloths of the newest lengths and effects Every- thing to New Scroll Brocade Silks, Royal Cloth Eoline Brocade Silks, Wool Taffeta _ New Shades Tamoline Silk A. lll=.. HAWKE. GROCERS AND. 1g,e11//u" MERCHANTS p MAIN STREET "', - - GRIMSBY Spring Opening MlLLINERY DRESSMAKING Friday and Saturday, March 17 and 18, AND FOLLOWING DAYS ' - We are prepared to make up all goods purchased from us in a first class manner. Our selections of spring tweeds, voiles, foulards, muslins, ete., will please you. Should you require something which we have not in stock. we will be pleased to submit samples and guaran- tee as choice a range and as low a price as can be secur- ed anywhere. t A special iine of Voilee at 750 Have you Seen our large stock of Prints and Ginghams? K. M. STEPHEN, A large stock of GRAPE WIRE and GRAPE mmmed “to receive your order now'. Prices on both wire and twine are likely to be higher later on. Spring Openings of 1911 ear We have every evidence of an early spring', and con. sequently are getting ready for business. We invite you to inspect our splendid display of new and fashionable trimmed hats on New Arrivals in Spring Silks and Dress Goods E. S. & R. T. JOHNSON and Black and White effects most favored. WE HAVE K. M. STEPHEN Bicorn," and "Louis XVI" Main Street, Grimsby fl. F. HHWKE Opp. H. G. & B. Station MAIN STREET French Broadcloth Crimsby's Largest Store Reliable Goods Popular Prices