The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society More and more women are using our bank for their personal savings. The bank not only offers safety from theft or loss, but removes the temptation to spend money foolishly. There is no way to accumulate the money necessary to purchase some desired article like depositing small sums from week to week. 3i1 TRADEES * â€" 1 1TZ p}(' 7 We are now ready to supply you with all kinds of Spring Seeds for sowing and would ask you «o give us a call when in need of these seeds. We have a full quantity of first class Lucerne, Red Clover, Timothy or Alsike. We have still an number of those grain bags on hand and are selling them at a very low price. Capital a BAN [‘ Branches at HAMILTON +MARKET STONEY CREEK, and WINONA. P@&@ 4 O > O e o o O OO O & & O > O O Y & 4 o o o o o o 4y dy 4y dy 4 Debentures issgued for one or more years. bearing interest at Four per cent payable half yearly. Cor King and Hughson Sts HAMILTON \pply to H. H. ANDERSON, Valuator Grimsby Thos. Anderson Al. High Class Pianos insstock in Our Music Room . J. MURRAY & CO. SPRING SEEDS Smithville We have secured the agency for the GOURLAY PIANO The McMILLAN PIANO MENDELSSOHN PIANO and Right Prices MONEY TO,LOAN Cor, McNab and Market Streets. 65 James North Hamilton On Farm Property PIANOS The ESTEY ORGAN Twentyâ€"sixth Year. THELAL BROS, nd Surplus, $6.650.009 GARDEN and â€"CLOVER S EE D S C. FERRIE, Treasurer FIVE ROSES FLOUR Jarvis THE â€" IM to make room for another car A great reduction in GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Cayuga A Good Article On real estate security at current rates of interest. 4 PHONE NO. 7 TO WINNIPEG AND W ES T Glass instruments . weighted with shot and graduateq 0 to 50 paume scale,; that float in th syrup fill it registers t 32. dnc you have the exact thickness fo your syrup. No loss of time and your next boiling will~\b the same thickness if you use : Rydrometer:. boc° each : in. : wood containetr. . Parke & Parke drusgists, Hamilton. DIRECT ONLY CANADIAN | THROUGH ROUTE |CAR LINE DAILY â€" SERVICE MONEY TO LOAN OLIVES (Stuffed with Anchovies) ANCHOVIES Cash must be sent with all orders. We make this offer as we have a very large stock of good things and wish all to have they opportunity of getting these choice WALL PAPERS VERY LATEST are now ready for inspection. If you cannot come to see them, and, your paperhanger does not have them to show you to make selections, you pay the charges for sending and we pay theâ€"cost of returning _ On all orders for $5.00 and over we deliver the goods to yonr nearest express office and allow the cost of sendâ€" ing the sample books to you. MILD CURED CHOILCE James Osborne & Son THE LEADING GROCERRS 12 and 14 James St. South HAMILTON MAPLE SYRUP HYDROâ€" METERS ample books of our select line of decorative WALL PAPERS CLOKE & SON Booksellers and Stationers 16 WEST KING ST., ANNOUNCEMENT W. B. CALDER, Phones 223 172 Telephones 186 and 830 ANCHOVIES (in Salt) CAROLINA RICE travel by the Prompt Deliveries Hamilton. (in Oil) Main street, Grimsby of express trains carryâ€" ing through standard and tourist sleeping cars for all points in Western Canada. E.A CULP, Grimsby BLOATERS For information see weighted | 0 to 50, : in. the 22. and be GRIMSBY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911 a a The Toronto Globe, the, Tor onto Star and the Mamilton Times have starteg out on 8 campaign of falsehoods and mis representations. , such an outcry and campaign of protest was raised against reciprocity, not only in the Niagara district but all over the Dominion that the Toronto Globe, the Toronto Star, Hamil ton Times, the St. Catharines Journal and a, few other ultr% liberal papers saw that unless something desperate was dor that ‘the . Government wou lack the courage to endorse th Reciprocity‘ Agreement cand= 54 would ‘fall fHat. Consequenty gouforo foforfoefocforJoeforfurJoefooforfoefooforfuaeferfuefoefs i FACTS and § i FANCIES would fall "Hat. Consequen these papers started out on campaign, first of deception a later on of falséhoods and m representations. a Not only this, when the num skull did any. views at ali the reporters or the . ediâ€" tors â€" manufactured them.. for him. 1 X Boards of trade in the â€" lead: ing~. cities protested. Employees of big> manufactt ing establishments protested. Reports ofâ€" meetings where several hundred. fruit growers ang farmrs protested ‘ in the strongest ‘terms against frecipro city was . refused. publication while the ideas of some‘ num, skull who did not. know‘ any more about the matter than the cat knows about the king occu pieq a half a column in glowing black headingos. § The idea was for the Globe and Star to..send . intg: the Niagara district anq into other communities, reporters to . find if npossibble some men.. who if possibble ‘some â€" men the To publish Something had to be done ind the campaign of falsehoods ind misrepresentations was . in iuenrated., PAQWGCLD &nd - FaANCIES $ By Frank Fairborn ;] Th oo ooo foofoefooJasforfoofooff e Fooflefoeforffocfcl | Prominent financiers protested Leading liberals protested "Don‘t forget Thelma will be here Saturday, March 25." This Cream is particularly adapted to Tender Skins and as a protection against the Winp Cxarps or Maron. Not more than two bottles and half dozen Carnations to any THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY In order to introduce our ne*W toilet cream in two odours, CrEam or RosEs and CREAM OF VIOLETS, we are going to give with each bottle purchased : d FKousga 1. t frit «. @1 rthe> + â€"Jorr district 1 to Ottawa to protest FREE 3 CARNATIONS 3 FREE . M. Stewart Drug Co. Limited I Spring Flower Opening AT STEWART‘S DRUG STORE I NS - . s [ one customer at one time. THIS WEEK ON TOoOwers JOuri 1 | p@One .good thing about this campaign‘ of â€" misrepresentation and. falsehoods is the fact that the people in every community knows ali about the opinion Bfâ€"all the. individuals in the coin munity better than any reporter ©if editor can represent them anud the result will be thai when the campaign of "lies and muisrepresentations" is over that the= Globe. ang Star will have done their cause more harm would say something or < drop some word that could be twist Eq by an unreliable reporter or an unscrupulous editor to mean something that the man did not lutend to be meant at all. done their +hanâ€"zood z’;,Fé)lf; instance the reporters from these papers talked to a ?gdo-d many men in the ~district but did not. publish the views of a,t}gggg%gg of these men, simply recaprocity, lock stock angq barâ€" rel lberals and tories alike fruit growers ind farmers alike, ever ,ody, and when the repor ters interviewed man after man and ‘ffuit grower after. fruit grower and got trimmeq to a frazzle they passed on and instead ‘of sending in a truthful agcount of the conditionsg as they found them; they sent it in a false ang misleading report Phese men were like the un Eruthful and deceitful spies that were sent out by the child ken of Isracl to bring ~back a report from the Promised land and who for ulterior @notives brought back a . misleading brought _ back and false report iAs far as the Niagara district is concecrneq this campaign of falsehoods. and misrepresentaâ€" tions will do no harmâ€"will not change a single opinionâ€"but Miat was not ifts object.. Its object â€" ‘was deceiving other fANat was not â€"1fs ODJjJCCT. 115 @bject â€" was deceiving other parts of Canada, the object was deceiving the faremrs and busi ness men living in distant parts of: the Domioinn,â€"farmers and business men who have no means of knowing the state of (Continued on Page 2) P These reporters for the sake of a few paltry dollars paid to them every week _ stultified themselves in thâ€"eyes of hunâ€" d@reds of independent people who woulg laugh when they fead their reports in the papers. Also other styles to select from, and a full line of sizes, childreu‘s, ladies and men. PARKES‘ SPECIAL, 50¢ THE STRONGHEART, $1 GAMBLE‘S, $1.50 up THE EXPANDER, the best of all shoulder braces, $1.50. PpF _ N2 _l.| Be Upright | 17 i8,. 49 Market Sguvare. BAMILTON Parke & Parke PARKE & PARKE on o Genmnuts Snss uen gemn SoppnSce Loh oc Nn Have It tE WIIL hnave x ooE P To CE K [ N] 0 10E KTA 0| / NV OObA L nA ECE wÂ¥ .7 M m C Reobed ce Whera c d Een e more harm us any time. s Every man and every boy from §§ the. cfenorrer §§ ¢f twelve years up should have a : ; talke‘dl toez 32 Biank account, it encourages the é & the. "disiri‘;t FF ‘habit. .of saving. ~ Call at. .the aa sh the views > ank for particulars. ag e men, simply & cumoml B CRIMsBy sRANCH, comyeanam & tock anq barâ€" C van 22 o pel t P O o e o s eme ie Ne: alike Tran aâ€" ~ WM. MITCHELL, â€" MANAGER* wz BR :}gxxxxx::xxxxx »SOuuuuca & The United Empire Bank a‘m OF CANADA PE MRCOOa EnE The best Fruit Dray made in Canada Manufacturer All Sizes Everything delivered wil‘. s Ue CA d CC *w;% l "A~ 1M o 1e 6 OE 0¢C d d [3 Sfl»%%% ud Bs § ies 44â€" 8. on en M es Is .0 [~_ wme | 1b ; es f Cns C iE hm d 15 2 1M *g A o t #: g 12 e PedL is ; g4 _\ beonsmesere °_ memnnepinanbees GRIMSBY BANK OF HAMILTON DENT §$. WARDELL & SON Savings Bank Department at all Branches. J. H. D. WALKER Total Assets Capital Paid Up . . . ~. . Reserve and Undivided Profits . We Carry a Full Line of Corner Main and Mountain Sts. Savings Accountâ€"Anyone can open a savings account inthe United Empire Bank of Canada by depositing any sum from one dollar up. . We allow interest from date of deposit and compound every six months. The depositor can deposit or withdraw money at any time. Many people have no bank acâ€" countâ€"either saving or current. Every man and every boy from twelve years up should have a Bank acc¢ount, it encourages. the habit: .of ~saving. ~ Call at. .the ank for particulars. : HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON OPEN AN AG6GOUMWNT f‘}l&‘i 24 CS S net on o t ssm it o e ob‘ o tb o t & C i.,‘@f‘"é?*;;f‘? esnb . C n t ntminicn.. . â€" ceesmnenl | 10 C enaiiies C CR WM. MITCHELL, MANAGER us e > _ xxxxxxxxxxgg s se Ens s F. W. POTTENGER, Agent GRIMSBY 6 n ue Prices Reasonable . Over $40,000,000 Potatoes and all kinds of Flour and Feed Garden Seeds Clover Seed and Lawn Seed. $1.00 Per Year ONTARIO $2,750,000 $3,250,000 $6,000,000 GRIMSBY L.A K2 Phone 157