Sam Slim, has got a license to sell every 'side street, lane, back road high land, low land, soil on clay or sand bottom, big places, little places, stump land, bush land, wheat land, stock land, fruit land he can land you anywhere in the County‘of Lin- coin, big prices, small prices, any old kind of prices to suit the bidder. New clothes, high heel boots, ladies' half acre hats, young bedsteads old beds for young people who are out The funeral of the late Geo. Beatty took place from his late residence, Hixon St., on Sunday afternoon last. The funeral was very largely attended, which showed the high esteem in which he was held. Rev. J. Truax offi ciated at the house and grave. The pallbearers were: Wm. Beatty, Edw. Beatty, Jas Beatty, A. Poole, Jno. Jefferies and Har- old Jefferies. BEAMSVILLE HARD TACK A. B. Tufford, full brother to At the regular meeting of the Women's Institute in the Re... ception Hall, tomorrow after- noon, three interesting papers are to be given on the follow- ing subjects: "Current Events" Mrs. J. D. Bennet; "Selection and Care of Hens for Eggs" Mrs C H Prudhommé; "The Value and Use of Eggs" Mrs. Geo. Lister. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Geo. Greves and Mrs. Sylvester Russ. On account of the scarlet fever outbreak, twenty-eight pounds of sulphur was burnt in the schools on Saturday. Born--On Friday, Mar. IO, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bis- bee, a son. Miss Alene Snure of Jordan, spent Sunday, the guest of Miss Reta Hobden. Watch for big Voting Con.. test at Stewart's Drug Store Woods for Sale-Oak, pine and Elm, will sell at a bargain. Ny?)y box 301, Beamsville P.O. -hfti. Hart): Robinson has pur- chgsed a Ford touring car. will be in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mr. E. A. Armstrong receiev- ed word on Saturday of the death of his father in North Toronto. . Remember the St. Patrick Social in the Methodist church on Fridav night. Women’s Institute meets to- morrow. Philip Murphy, formerly of the Bell Telephone staff here, but now of Vancouver, B. CD., spent a few days in town last week. ',{Mr. Howard Richardson will leave in' the course of a week for Saskatoon. Rev. John Yonge of Hamilton preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last And Rev. E. A. Irving of Dundas in St Albans church on Sunday even- ing. Rev. Radcliffe of St. Catharines, it is understood, will be in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. , We are pleased to report that there are no more cases of scar- let fever this week. The form tpatitents, are all doing nicely. Senator and Mrs. Giijson are i Cleygland. _ _ Hector "Page is visiting his father in Guelph. BEAMSVILLE, MARCH 15 , I ‘HE farm buildings are often at the mercy of flames. I A minute's time gained at the outbreak of a fire, means saving the property. A call on the Bell Telephone" saves the precious minutes. ' The best time to join the army of progressive farmers is now. The far-sighted farmer appreciates its protection as well as its economic value. Brings Prompt Aid in Case of Fire TIIE BELL TELEPHONE $illllPMIf (IF SAMBA Consult our local manager. ( "llh.ts,,_,tlt)ir, : h Kine-7 »; Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all drugeists and dealers, 500 box, or post- paid from The R. T. Booth Co. Limited, Fort Erie, Ont. gold and guaranteed by W. M, Stewart Drug Co. Limited. _ This is the Booth Kidney Pill way, These wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to relieve any sufferer from Rheuma- tism or any trouble having its origin in the Kidneys. They cure backache, dull shooting pains, thick and cloudy urine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and all dis. eases of the kidneys and bladder. -- general health is gleatly improved and I can credit, this only to Pooth's Kidney Pills." Cured by Booth’s Kidney Pills T. E. Foster, of St. John St., Frederic- ton, N.B., says: I have found more actual relief from Booth’s Kidney Pills than in all else I have ever tried for rheumatism. The pains in my limbs have lessened greatly and I Th? ‘ am better and 00 3 stronger than in ( --"aierci . I years previous. ‘ Illdne _ My appetite has , I 1 built up and I _ . o ‘ " 3 eat and sleep l . um, illl better than I LG "lllt , " have in over ‘ _ _ l, . r w " ‘ three years. Mr A. W. FINBOW WINS HIS CASE St. Catharines, Mar. 9.--The Spring Ass(izes were concluded yesterday afternoon, when Mr. The real estate will be offered precisely at 2.30 and will be sold subject to the present mort gage; IO per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid the day of the sale, the balance to be paid in thirty days. Chat- tels cash. Jas. A. Livingston, auctioneer. The chattles consist of some household furniture and imple- ments. The real estate consists of a little over one acre of choice sand land, mostly set with fruit, upon which there is a dwelling house, carriage house and other outbuildings. THE EXECUTORS OF HEN- RY CROW WILL HOLD AN AUCTION SALE R. H. Crow and A. H. Adams, executors of the estate of the late Henry Crow, will hold an auctionsale to dispose of the real estate and chattels, on Mon day, March 27, commencing at I o'clock. late on the streets talking up the Tariff Bills, hat racks, stick pins and washing machines to save the old lady, scrubbing boards for ironing the fancy skirts, music machines to save the young ladies from soiling their fngers with soap before meal hour. Stoves, kettles and pans removed from the room on the day of sale. Chocks, watches and fancy work gone to the first lady or gentleman who is in arrears for taxation. Horses cows, sheep go to the barn. 1Iarrows, plows, cultivators, all run by electricity, sold at auc- tion sales. Anything, every- thing goes hut the family, then they go 'west. See what they got before you buy,"buy 'what you want before paying for it. Be sure you buy, for the man who buys is sure to get rich. ' March Saturday the 18th to Beamsville Town Hall, for bar- "itaitr(rat-trvo'erock â€p.m. A first class Fly Shuttle loom for car pet or cloth weaving will be offered for sale. Don't miss this. A. El. Tufford, auction- eer. S.---,) the bills RHEUMATISM l The frank statement of the policy and the general attitude of fairness evidenced by this ad dress, are such as to warrant more than passing comment. Any lay member of the commun ity reading the report must sure ly feel disposed to echo the hope expressed by the presi- dent, that the increased demand and increased output in the year to come will result in furth er savings in the cost of manu- facture; and it further cannot be but felt by the public at large that any such reductions) that may be olbtained will, ac- cording to the broad-minded policy of the company, be used as an advantage to the custom ers of the company-the con- cern depending for their profits} Published, elsewhere in this issue is the annual report for the past year of the Board of Directors of the Canada Cement Company, as read by the presi- dent, to the shareholders, at the annual meeting held in Mon treal on the 21st of February. AN INTERESTING REPORT Thelma Is Coming to Stew.. art's Drug Store Not only for eczema, but. for ulcers, abscesses, varicose veins, bad leg, poisoned wounds, cuts, cold sores, chapped placecs, piles ringworm, children's eruptions burns, scalds, and all skin in- juries and diseases, Zam-Buk will be found unequalled. All druggists and stores sell at 50c box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful substitutes and imita- tions. "Well, from the use of the very first box I saw Zam-Buk was going to do me good. I persevered with it, antrthe im- provement it worked in my con dition was really wonderful. It eased the irritation, stopped the pain, andthe sores began to dry up and disappear. In short, I found Zanrd3uk all that was claimed for it, and within a very short time it worked a complete cure in my case." Justice Jldiddleton gave judge- ment in favor of Alfred Fin- bow, Beamsville, in the suit' against against his father to secure possession of a farm at Beamsvihe. The parties failing to agree to a settlement, the judge decided that the plaintiff was the sole owner of the land, and entitled to undisturbed pos- session; that the parents, two sisters and a brother, had no rights thereon. Mr. Finbow de dates that he will still pro- vide for his father and mother, but that the farm is needed for" his own use. R. B. MORGAN OF SMITH.. VILLE, CALLED HOME. Richard B. 'Morgan, one of Smithville's oldest and most respected citizens, and the fath er of Dr. S. A. Morgan, princi. pal of the Hamilton Normal School, passed away at the fanr. liy residence, /Sthithville, on Thursday evening, Mar. 9. Mr. Morgan never rallied after the death of his wife, which occutred a month ago. He was a native of Devon, England, but of Welsh descent, and settled in Lincoln county in the "i"./tiec. He is sur wred by two SCllS, Wil-am ii, of Toronto and Dr. G. A. cf Hamilton; and two daughters, Misses Bessie and Ida at home. Mrs. Young says: "I suffered with eczema for seven years, and to my great delight Zam-Buk has cured me. The disease start ed on my breast, and spread un-, til it extended over my back. The itching and burning-especially when the affected parts were Warm--Nras terrible; and yet when the eruption was scratch- ed or rubbed, it turned to bad sores, and caused great pain. J went to a doctor, and tried vair, ous prescriptions, but seemed to get no benefit, so tried another doctor. Again, I got no relief, so tried a third doctor, and then a fourth. Although they all did their best for me I got no relief from my pain. _ fag From .the light-house at Lob- ster Cove Head. Bonne Bay, Newfoundland, Mrs. W. Young sends an experience of Zam-Buk which should certainly act as a true beacon light, guiding all sufferers from skin disease to a safe harbor of refuge. 'Seven ears is a long, an?“ .' - suffer, an3cl I had got usedt the thought that I never would be cured when I saw a report in 'The Family Herald' telling how beneficial Zam-Bpk was in cases of skin disease. I thought there would be no harm in giving this balm a fair trial. and bought some LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER'S. STORY no harm in" giving _ fair trial, and bought "IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs. Richard Johnson, who died on Mar. I4, 1907. Four years have passed, dear mother, Since you were called away; How well we do remember That sad and weary day. None knew how sad the parting, Or what the farewell cost; But God and his loved angels Have gained what we have lost. However long our lives may last, Another special is brooms, which I wrote you about a week or so ago., I have had custom- ers come in and say that they heard from my opposition that they were no good, but the best proof is that these same parties took away one or two brooms each. These are certainly good value, and my stock, which was large, is going fast; my price, as long as they last, is 23c each. My motto is "Small profits and quick return." ized wire a $2.40 per 100. No. 12 coiled spring steel galvan ized wire @ $2.75 per 100. No. 12 galvanized, plain grape wire a $2.50. You will find these prices right. GRASSIES STORE NEWS This week I have a few §pecials to offer you. The first 1ls binder twine. I'm out to book' orders on binder twine this season at prices that are much lower than last season: Soo ft. to the lb, a mixture Sicel and Manilla, @ $7.50 100 lbs. 600 ft. to the lb, Manilla, @ $8.65 per 100 lbs. 650 ft. to the 1b., pure Manilla, 6i) $9.50 per 100 tbs. Compare this with any twine prices and see if I cannot save you some money. These prices are good till April I, 19rr, so let me know your wants so I can protect you. The next is wire; as spring is coming, persons intending to build fences or wire up their grapes will begin to get prices. I have a quantity bought which I intend to sell as follows: No. 9 coiled, spring steel, galvan , 33 nother noteiirorthy feature , Ethe report is the provision ' tide for employees to become , sessors of stock. This is, as , nted out, a policy already in t t e in some of the largest in- ;. utions, and shows that the gen increasing volume of busi t 'ss. l Especially interesting is the , Mement that the policy of the S h pany is such as to tend , 7war-ds equalization of the .'irte of cement throughout Ca- , Ja so far as possible. grDhe strong- financial position the company is a well known tot, and all that is necessary to "rfiuwe--the-trrrtintat.m success of .uiirconcern IS continued prosper 1ty of the country, together with ad increased realization of the importance and economy of ce- ment as a building material. taada Cement Company are rel: to appreciate any means _ (/stimulating interest and con- A ;&1ce on the part of the Hats by the hundreds for you in a wonderful range of styles and shapes. Hate to All at an ordinary dry goods profit. You’ll find higher prices out you'" find no better in Women's Ready-to-Wear Hats. . . . .... ..... ..... ......... . .... . . . . . . . . . .. '... . Women's Swell Trimmed Hats, fit for any occasion, at each... . . _ . . . . . . . . ... ...... Hundreds of the swell'est Shapes in the trade for you. Loqie Braids and Imitatior English Chips, Melton Braids, etc. Every wanted color and style from. . . . .. . .. . . Flowers and Foliages in enormous quantities in every wanted color and kind, most Misses' Hatsinscoresofstvlesatfrom........ ......... b........ ,7 _ Black Cheviot and splendid quality of Fawn Cheviots, fitted and loose backs, braided and plain tailored Iheltestvalueweeveroftiiradat _............ v, I'"""""" FrF 'e.."..-..-......-.-........ , . _ . _ Women s Spring Coats t 1 0.00 Black and Cream Net Whists, with short, ' and long sleeves. Also some white si lace. Waistsworthupto$4.00 for........ -_. m-.., "'...P... .......... ... Black Silk Waists, beautiful Chiffon, Taffetta, long and short sleeves. waists that $4.50. All onsaleat, each............ '..... .. ...m..... p.., .........___________,, We took full advantage of it and got every suit there was in a large factory, over loo of them, discount and passed on to you in the same open handed way. Silk lmed and beautifully tailored, regular prices $10.00, $12 50, $15.00, $17.50, $20 00, $25 00, $35 oo. A quantitv of the prettiest, and most stvlish Black Voile Skirts we have ever shown, beautifully braided trimmed, nothing extreme, but everyone in style. Special values $5.75, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, 810 95, $12 50 Bargains 1n Silk and Net Walsts Made of a splendid quality of Lawn and Malls and Linené. Every new style of Tailored and Lingerie styles. All the new sleeves and all at our special good value prices t 75e, 98e, $1.25, 1'50, 1.95, 2.50, 295, up to 5.00. 47'"49 King Street East Full length, in the very newest styles, made of Wool Cloths, Raw Silk, and Silk Mixtures, Black and White, White and Black, Natural Shades and Mixtures Worth more but our price is only... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 'oplinee, Panamas, Plain Cloths, all shades and thoroughly well made, perfect fitting, only . O. MOORE. SHEA’S LIMITED, Hamilton Women's Voile Skirts-Special Values Women’s Suitt-rA Golden Opportunity WHITE LAWN WAISTS--NEW STYLES Women's Spring Coats $4.95 WOMEN'S NEW MILLINERY There can be little doubt that this total of fire loss IS much too small. In the first place, the value of the timber destroyed is arbitrarily placed at $1 per thousand feet, board measure, while the actual val- ue of the trees as they stand in the forest would average much higher than this. No account is taken of the damage done to young growth, which, while not actually saleable, will in This is the conclusion reached by 'Mr. H. R. 'MacMillan, one of the Assistant Inspectors of Dominion Forest Reserves, af- ter a study of the present status of forestry in Canada, particular fly in regard to the forest fire problem. This study is pub- lished 'by the Forestry Branch orthe Department of the In- terior as their Bulletin No. 9 ('Forest Fires in Canada'). During 1909 the loss through forest fires throughout Canada amounted to $210,400, and 1909 was by no means' a bad year‘ for fires. The expense of fti'1') fighting and fire arppunted to $330,000 'Of all the civilized nations in the northern hemisphere, Canv. da is donig the least to treat the pulblic timberlands as a permanent asset.' The annual-general meeting of the shareholders of the Wino- na Fruit Growers Limited, will be held at Winona Institute Hall, on the 3rd day of April, 1911 at the hour of 2 p. m., to elect directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of any other business that may pro perly come before the meeting. E. M. Smith, Sec'y. lonely, . . . How we miss her, 'none can tell; ' But we know she's free from trouble, For God doeth all things well. Now she waits in yonder man- sion, Waits to welcome us all home; May we each go there to greet her, When our call to Heaven shall come. Whatever land we view, Whatever joy and grief be ours, We’ll still remember you. N ow _ "oer-u-hettrtsrare---sare-aad Women' Skirts $4.00 wonderful .range Pf styles antlph_apes. Hate to suit every face a Much to be Done in Pre- serving Them for Future Use ' the trade for you. Loqie Braids and Imitation, Tazel Braids, Bustie Braids, - -..s-.a A-IA.. .._.l -AHIA t _ The number of people who like our watches and our way of doing business grows every year. If you are not one of them this IS an HERE may be a hundred places where you can buy watches, but there is not one place where you can find a better selection, a larger variety or better treatment. We have every facility for showing watches and give careful at- tention to the smallest detail. invitation KLEIN ik BIN KLEY. 1s.a_.11.rdfjii_.yf._llit.h"....rtrrrV HOUSE CANADA'S FORESTS ANNUAL MEETING fire protection =-----Oau,tthters. bat you’ll fidd no better miiiindry" adn§;5e};e ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES WATCHES white silk beautifully trimmed with Any who care to look fur... ther into this subject may ob.. tain copies of the ibulletin mentioned above, free of charge, on application to ,R. H. Campbell, Superintendent' of Forestry, Ottawa. The treatment of land cut or lumbered over and destined to remain permanently in forest. is one of the big problems of forestry on this continent. This is also discussed, and plans are outlined for the cutting of the timber so as to reduce as much" as possible the danger from fire. Of all kinds of land, cut- over timberland, with chips, tree-tops and other debris scat- tered around, presents the great est danger from fire-a fact that is emphasized by many fires which occurred even dur- ing the past summer in British Columbia. and western Onturio. Treating the subject more generally in the first part of the bulletin, qu. MacMillan arrives at the conclusion that seven times as much timber has been destroyed by fire in Canada as has ever been cut by lumbermen, This view is sustained by many lumbermen, some of whose estimates exceed even this. A handsomely; iuutsfratjWireeir6, Largésg am culation of any Btyientitie journal. Terms for Canada, $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. lll8lllh 'j)tt,yytoetar.ltigjLlfi)..rt ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS as. Anyone sending a sketch and descrigtlou may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an. invention is probably xpatentable. Commuutea. tions strictly otyntident aL HANDBOOK on Patents Begtlfre‘e: ()lglest 1Tencrfhrysaurtpkpatents, puny 116v. UJUUBI: a 'chy avr ueuunug alumna. Patents taken 'ltl'Gi% Mann & elf.' receive mogul Mace, without olyuge, 1n the Extracts are given from many works dealing with explor ation in Canada to show how widespread and disastrous have been the fries in former years-- even before exploration was at- tempted, in many cases. the course of a few years have considerable value. 'An enor- mous amount of cordwood,' to quote the words of the 1vriter, 'destroyed, in districts where it wilt soon be needed, has never heen estimated nor val- uedd Many fires have, un- doubtedly, occurred in districts remote from p{resent 'settle- ment, and have destroyed large quantities of timber which ul- timately would command a ready market. Scientific Jjllitiitiltatt. 'Bnn' -- - a CrtttiiiCTiar 1" Sta Waatsiiuiiish". 15.6: sold regularly for $3.50 to ........... ......$2 49and$2.95 reasonably priced at 75c to 81 ....... ..-82.50upto85 35 JAMES ST., NORTH HAMILTON 8-10 Hughson Street North .....$3.50. 4.95, 5.95 .. . .. $5.00, 7.50, 8 00 all bought at a big l and l less than $1.00 up to $6 M ad every packet, . ....$10.00 and silk .. $1.95 3 4.00 $4. 95 95