X l XI r -""'""""-"-'"'NityLIN MR. DAVID TREGUNNO _ of Bartonville, has resumed teaching the violin In Grimsby and will be in the Studio, over Mil ler's Jewelry Store every Monday afternoon. Intending pupils may call on him there or write him to Bartonville. Office over J. C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 216 Electrical Equipment GRIMSBY ONT Teacher of Physical Culture, Voice Culture, Elo- ention and Dramatic Art. Btudios-Htsmilton Conservatory; Grimsby Hall Snetsinger Block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. DR. ALEXANDER ' PHYSICIAN ' SURGEON T CORONER COUNTY LINCOLN yum ST. WEST GRIMSBY tyttiee hours, 8 to 10 a.m.; l to 2 and 7 to 8 p.m. A, ELIZABETH ST. - GRIMSE For all kinds of Carpenter and Building work Hardwood floors a speciality TERMS REASONABLE AND GOOD WORK PHONE l93, GRIMSBY Post Graduate in music of Toronto University Teacher of Piano. Btudios--Hamilton Conservatory of Music Grims- by Hall (Snetsinger’s block), Wednesdays and saturdays. Simplex and Kindergarten teachers MISS B. B. BARTMANN MISS BETA BARTMANN Btudios-Hamilton Conservatory of Music, Grims by Hall (Snetsinger block) Wednesdays and Saturdays. MISS MINNIE M. HIND A.T.C.M. DR. w.A. BROVWNLEE DELTIS'I OFFtGE---WooLvERToN BLOCK (Grounds Floor) FICE HOURS-9.30 A." To a an GRIMSBY. ONT. FLETCHER MUSIC METHOD W. W. KIDD, Landed Banking ti. Loam Cor, Main s, James Sts., Hamilton REASONABLE LIBERAL privileges or re- payment. MODERATE PRODUCTIVE farm pro- pertles. Dr. H. W. Graham. V. S. begs to announce to the hor- se and stock owners of Grim- sby and vicinity that he has opened up an office in Grims by and he isprepared to treat all kinds of disease. MONEY TO Office in J. H. D."Walkers new cement Building corner Main and Mountain Sts. Phone No. 71 MISS JENNIE M. KENNEDY C. H. BROMLEY 3raduate Ont Vet. Colleg r. J. M. Hughton entist Valuator, Grimsby. . H. W. Graham TELEPHONE No. t expense. LOAN rates. GRIMSBY Eggs for hatching-Barred Plymouth Rocks and rose comb Rhode Island Reds $1.50 for 15 eggs. None better. See list of prizes won at Beamsville. Ap- ply to J. Lang, box 84, bell tele- phone 24, ring s, Beamsville. For Sale-A brood sow and ten young pigs six weeks old. Apply to L. L. Hagar, North Grimsby. Auction Sale-Nr. R. S. Cut bill living one and a half mile east of Beamsville will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements and household goods on Tuesday, March 2I 1911, commencing at I o'clock Terms seven months credit. A B Tufford, Auctioneer. For Sale Cheap-W acres, west half Lot 20, Con. 2, North Grimsby, situated two miles west of Grimsby Village, facing on the Q. & G. stone road. A vineyard containing about 1400 grape vines in first class con li- tion are on the place. A bargain if sold at once. Apply P. Gra-. ham, Grassies. Phone 97, ring 4 Grimsby. For Sale or to Rent-4? roamed brick house, in first class condi- tion. Hall upstairs and down; electric lights, bath tub, hot 'water furnace, cellar under whole house. First class well and lawn tap, nice garden spot and from one and a half to one and three-quarter cares out in fruit, raspberries, currants, cher- ries, plums, pears, peaches and apples. Splendid stable and small barn, chicken house and fine chicken yard. Property on Main St. wept. Possession Ist of April. For further particulars apply to Farrell's shoe store or address box 37, Grimsby. . Notice to fruit and , vegetable growers-- Use fertilizers and raise a bank account.. I represent the best brand of fertilizer, made by the old reliable Crocker Com pany of Buffalo, for over fifts years, and they are still doing business at the old stand, so if you want a good fertilizer order from me. If I have not called on you, drop a card or call up phone ‘107, Grimstby and I will be there to see you. J. J. Groce, Crims- by Ont. Watch for big Voting Con- test at Stewart's Drug Store Mr. Geo. I. Snetsinger has sold his twenty-three acre farm at Vineland Station, to Jdr. J. S Fielding of Hamilton. The price was $14,000. The auction sale at the resi- dence of F. W. Maddox is to- morrow, Thursday, Mar. 16. Don't forget it. Spraying.----) are taking or ders now, for spraying contracts and expe.ct to do first class work, as we will be equipped with the Grimsby spraying out- fit which has been thoroughly tested. Denison Bros., box 26, Grimsby. Read the large advertisement of John C. Farrell in this' issue ft will interest vou. :Miss Ola Culp has resigned her position as teacher in the Welland school, to accept a position with the Toronto Board of Education. For Sale-A Walker spray boiler in frst class condition, been used very little. Apply to J. H. Smith, Winona, phone Mr. Chas. Farrell has been moved from Grimsby branch of the United Empire Bank to the Sunnyside branch of this bank in Toronto. The hockey team will certainly miss "Dad." to 69 Our Spring Suits-lf clo;thes have any influence on the world's opinion of a man-and the certainly have-the man we suit this spring will bask in. the sunlight of public esteem. Our clothes are fashioned for critical eyes and .they are tail- ored for critical tastes by mas- ter hands. The season's choise and correct models are ready for inspection or choosing. Suits $6, $7 $8, and along easy steps to $15. Our $16 and $18 suits will prove a great surprise to the man who has never bought his clothes here. W Farrar, clothing manufacturer, 5 Mar- ket Square, Hamilton. We give premium tickets. ' For Sale-Forty six acres of first class fruit land, partially set in fruit ;goods buildings ;good water; half mile from Grand Trunk Station, Jordan. Will sell in quantities to suit put chaser. Apply to box 203 Jordan. Read the adv. that John C Far rell has in this issue. It will pay you. GRIMSBY, MARCH 15 Mrs. John Alway and Miss Alway will receive at Mrs John Alway's home on Thursday and Friday afternoons March 23, and 24, from three to six. For Sale-One pair of spring pigs. Apply to Jas. A. Living ston. Pigs cambe seen at Cor- nucopia Farm North Grimsby. Tenders Wanted-Un this week's issue of the Independent the secretary of the Public Li- brary is asking for tenders for the new library building. For full particulars see advertise- ment. The tenders close at 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 2d 1911. For Sale-Strawberry plants A limited number of William and Great Northern plants. Ap ply to Wm. Cowan, care of W M Stewart, Lake Road Grimsby For Sale-Eggs for hatching Rhode Island Reds, single comb from good laying strain. Aply to William Cowan, care of W. M. Stewart, Lake Road Grimsby. 'Messrs Chas. and Fred Was- nidge, owners of the blacksmith shop, which has been run for the past two years by Alexander Scott, have resumed business at their old stand and are prepared to do all kind of blacksmith work and horse shoeing. For full particulars, see their advertise- ment in this week's 'ssue of the Independent. For Sale Cheap-Five acres, west half Lot 20, Con. 2, North Grimsby, situated , two miles west. of Grimsby Village, facing on the Q. and G. stone road. A vineyard containing about I400 grape vines in first class condi- tion are on the place. A bargain if sold at once. Apply P. Gra- ham, Grassies. Phone 97 ring 4 Grimsby. . Special'to Fruit Growers---} have a special fruit dray harness. I have sold over 50 sets since I showed them on the market. Do not buy till you inspect and price them, which will please you. Full stock of harness. "Our Jimmie Upsdell, opposite Bank of Hamilton, Grimsby, Ont. Dr. Harry Graham, veterin- ary surgeon although only in Grimsby about four months has worked up a large practice in the surrounding country. Dr Graham is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary college and practiced several years with Dr. Elliott, the well known veterinary surgeon of St. Cath- arines, and in all his work done so far in Grimsby and vicinity, Dr. Graham has given excellent satisfaction. Parties requiring the doctor's services may tele- phone to Stewart's drug store or to the Independent office. The; regular monthly 1itti9..t of Court Freestone 830 I. ." " will be held on Friday evening, March 17, 1911, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of the members is earnestly requested. _ For Sale-A one horse fruit dray, one set brass mounted dray harness, one horse plow, disc harrorw, drag haarow and cultivator and a gasoline stove, all as good as new. Apply to Seed Grain-ID. A. C. No. 2.1 barley, also 20th century oats, this is all first class grain, suit, able. for seed. Apply to Ber) tram Bros., Vinemount, phopg 38, ring 2, Winona. ji' F. J. Shepherl, Ontario' -Rea) Estate Co., Grimsby. I I "s-. tea is the result of care and experience in blending-must he the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term "good tea." 84 69054 ' CW Your Grocer Will Recommend It NEVER SOLD IN BULK Plans and speeifieations may be obtained from the undersigned or from A. E. Nicholson, O.A.A., Ar, chitect, 36 Queen street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. Thelma Is Coming to Stew- art's Drug Store Phone I 54 Bulk or separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'eloek noon on Friday, March 24th, 1911, for the erection and completion of the Grimsby Public Library. There will be a lenteh service conducted next Friday evening,' March I7, in St. Luke's church Smithville at seven-thirty p.m Everybody welcome. Wanted-A position on a fruit farm, by a married man who has had some experience. He has also two boys., who could help in fruit picking and other light work. For full par- ticulars apply at the Indepen dent office. Cure Constipation and all Kidney, Liver, Stomach and Bowel disorders. FIG PILLS cure Rheumatism by dissolving the uric acid in the blood. Guaranteed to do all we claim. Price 25e per box at all leading druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. In the matter of the estate of Henry Crow, late of the Township of North Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, fruit grower, deceased._ A .. -.. . . Auction Sale-Nr. Harry C Beamer, of North Grimsby will hold an auction sale on Thurs- day, March 30, to dispose of all his daisy cows, cream separ ator, milking utensils and some implements. Mr Beamer is hold ing this sale because he is giv ing up the milk business on account of having planted con siderable fruit. For full particu Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Henry Crow who die on or about the 22nd day of January A. D. 1911, are required on or before the lst day of April, A. D., 1911, to send post prepaid or deliver to G. B. McConachie, Grimsby, Ontario, solicitor for Robert H. Crow and Arthur H. Adams, the executors of the said estate, their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of their securities (if any) held by. them._ -. . _ Tungsten Lamps, Electric Irons, Switches, Batteries, Fuse Plugs, House Wiring. etc. F Repairs promptly made. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have ttt given by them at the time of such distribu- ion. lars see posters, which out m a few days. Jas mgrston, Auctioneer. For Sale-A blocky, twelve year old French. Canadian mare good worker, single or double very suitable for fruit farm. Also a four year old colt, brok en to work double. Apply to N Cossitt, Grimsby. N -iii,ted at Grimsby this 13th day of March A.D 1911. A - Miss Louise House entertain ed a number of her friends at her home on John St. on Fri- day evening last. The evening was spent in cards and dancing Lost-Between Crain's brick yard and our mills a seventy- five foot three-tuarter inch rope. Finder please return to Robinson & Werner, Grimsby. For Sale---) have a quantity of good building timber, all sizes and lengths. This is the frame of the Gilmore saw mill Apply to D. E. Swayzie, phone 215, Grimsby. In our report of Miss Kenne- dy's recital last week, we ne- glected to give the names of the prize winners in the guessing contest. The first prize was Visit Farrell's shoe store and, get a discount of fifteen per cent off shoes, rubber boots and rubbers. See add in this issue. For Sale-House on Oak St Apply at Farrell's Shoe Store Grimsby. won ville You are invited to our millin- ery opening on Friday and Sa- turday, March 17 and 18. K. M Stephen. Won by bruce uavmson or we 'i1T1Yty. T T V ITO Rent---) new house on Adelaide St., Grimsby. Apply to John Blair. , Tenders Wanted ELECTRIC FIXTURES by Claud Goldney, Beams- and the booby prize was by Bruce Davidson of _the J as. Aitchison, Sec'y FIG PILLS ti. 6. BROWNLEE G.B B. McConachie, Grimsby, Ont. Solicitor for Executors will be Box 534 IV- Grimsby's Largest Store THE GREAT EVENT OF THE SEASON Always looked for with a legitimate anxiety, will take place on We will then have the opportunity to demonstrate, once again, the leadership of this store. Everything possible has been done to make this event a truly fascinating fete, an artistic relish to our many clients. We have neglected nothing; the latest and most exclusive creations in Millinery--all the most recent French, English and American designs. The Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department will draw its share of due admiration-Costumes, Coats, Blouses, Skirts, otc., denote taste and refinement. Briefly, you will find all that fascinates and charms, all the latest fads and fancies of fashionable circles. A. F. HAWK?†Lvery- thing to Wear i special line of Voiles at 75e _ Have you seen our large stock of Prints and Ginghams? Spring Opening MlLLINERY DRESSMAKING K. M. STEPHEN, GROCERS AND ',",y,g,Rte'2E MERCHANTS MAIN STREET - - - GRIMSBY We have every evidence of an early spring, and con- sequently are getting ready for business. We invite you to inspect our splendid display of new and fashionable trimmed hats on Friday and Saturday, March 17 and 18, AND FOLLOWING DAYS A large stock of GRAPE WIRE and GRAPE 1%!!me All? arrived. We _...,.i.y..ro11ld be pleased to receive your order now. Prices on both wire and twine are likely to be higher later on. The Spring Opening We are prepared to make up all goods purchased from us in a first class manner. Our selections of spring tweeds, voiles, foulards, muslins, etc, will please you. Should you require something which we have not in stock, we will be pleased to submit samples and guaran- tee as choice a range and as low a price as can be secur- ed anywhere. ' Thursday and Friday, March 23 and 24 We will consider ourselves honored by your visit. E. S. & R. T. JOHNSON WE HAVE K. M. STEPHEN Main Street, Grimsby A. F. HAWKE Opp. H. G. & B. Station MAIN STREET crirnsby's Largest Store Reliable Goods Popular Prices