Grimsby Independent, 8 Mar 1911, p. 2

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A case in point occurred at a banquet the other night when Hon. MiHEenzie King and Mr. Negbitt, M. P., addressed the guests-owl/ttt contradict- ed what Mr Kine said. ') If one politician makes a liar out of the other, it won't take the public long to come to the conclusion that they are both lying or that both may be mis taken. Politicians speaking in favor of Reciprocity should be very careful not to contradict each other.---; hands should stick to the same story. If yod really "mean business Mayor Lees and are not a four flusher altogether, get to work and stop the foreigners in Hamilfon carrying knives and packing guns. . He has also shown that he IS a professional at making a mountain out of a mole hill. Some old woman heard that two boys were going to get up on a platform and' give each other love taps with six ounce gloves. She immediately told Mayor Lees and he flrw to the rescue and had the fight stop- ped. But never a move has Mayor Lees made to stop the foreigners from slasking with knives and shooting with guns. Mayor Lees has already shown that he is a professional at straining at a gnat and swal- lowing a camel. If Mayor Lees is judged on his merits he will get five minu tes in Heaven, for stopping the prize fight, and he will get one thousand years in Hades tor allowing the foreigners to slash, cut and shoot with impunity. TERMS: _ Subscribers In Canada $I.00 per yea' in United States $1 50 per year During the past four or five years several foreigners have been shot, several stabbed and some have {been killed *in the city of Hamilton, but nobody has made a move to have this class of people disarmed. Mayor Lees used his authority to stop two boys from indulg- ing in a boxing match, but I notice that he hasn't made any move to prevent the foreigners from carrying knives, daggers and revolvers in the city of Hamilton. Atyswfr---sfpren. ‘thousand two hundred and eighty-four and then some. chiefs of police and policemen would it take to catch and con vict the person, who killed Ethel Kinrade. SNDEPEN DENT READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated ou write for an honest opimon Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books k'."e't1'flnraos1t1rivt2f) on diseases of Men. J5rrite for our private address Id r "W'"" He was surprised at how the 'ag "' . I t , . a. sores heaud-2 "i took your New " 0/, ' liiil , h bi, METHOD TREATnENT for a serious blood "07/ I}: -" . _. - disease with which I had been inthetied Wig . ' t a f f for twelve years. I had consulted ascore " - ' 4 " " . A. I of physicians taken all kinds of blood f," - c, . , Iih% medicine, visited Hot Springs and other lk . as , 0 "dlllmit mineral water resorts, but only got tem- iililtth ' b g M.' ‘porary relief. They would help me for a tSill' , M Bh tye, . time, but after discontinuing the medi- ' Tdt tiA' . - . cines the symptoms would break out tttsi , h Ili)? tt Br, AlrraTnu%Gi'rE sores blotches, rheum- (/1, Aieli J. ' ' . y atic pains, looseness of the hair, swellings gig ' - . © . rd _". Otf {he i1, ef the hands scaling, l . I ite inesso t es in, yspeptic stomac , BEFORETREATMENT etc. I had given up in despair when a AFTER TREATMENT friend advised me to consult you, as you had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago' I had no hope, but took his advice. In three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. I continued the NEW METHOD TREATMENT for four months and at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. My boy, three years old, is sound and healthy. 1 cer- tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish. V. H. S. We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, 151N,R,t', SECRET Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Men on omen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. ii,r'._' ' _ (iii,:,) "?':'i(l,v,'-_' fit?? _'v,s:it,",i, RS. ",,Evr 'Y 'ifii, v'f:; “1:; r/i.,,,", IT) W, l . l' , u OT I c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- " i" -tl-ilItqtgti-- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as me see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: - gFrasakn . I" o " 4.0,. r a.” MM 'iaiii) gs; . s V f 4 cr, A. I O ’; llilMh , d! 'dilglElt D " y Ll gt! a , 'l4l' I . It , BL29K2I§55§5§298E®§ Facts and Fancies. JAS Continued from page 1 Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich A. LIVINGSTON, Editor. "JrNEIdhfa DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years WNO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT CAISTOR COUUNCIL The municipal council of the Township of Caistor met in the If the advocates of reciprocity would come out straight and say that it will raise the price of farm products and the con- sumer can go to the eternal bow- wows, then they would be talk- ing straight, honest talk, but when they come out and try to play both ends of the game, they make liars out of themselves and they are sure riding for a fall. If reciprocity raises the price of products, and,I do not believe it will, it will raise to a COrres- ponding degree, the price of liv ing to every citizen, for every citizen is a consumer. McKenzie King and Nesbitt are of different opinions, thy think that high prices for farm produce means lower cost of living--- They do not really think it, but say so for political effect. I believe that that is an immut- able law today. All through those fifty years I have found this to be a never failing rule that if farm produce sold at high prices the cost of living was high and if farm pro- duce sold at low prices, the cost of living was, correspondingly low. I have been a student of politi- cal economy for the past fifty- one years, ever since I found out that if my brother got the biggest doughnut on the plate, I could not not very well get the biggest one also, and since I found out that if my brother got the biggest half of the apple, I generally had to be content with the smallest half. There you are-Reciprocity according to McKenzie King, will give the farmers high prices and make them wealthy-Res- procity according to Mr. Nes- bitt, M. P., will give the con- sumer cheap food and make them happy----") bless our "appy little 'ome." He struggled along for a while, trying to say that the con sumer would not suffer very much' under reciprocity and final ly sat down. He pointed out that he thought the consumer wouldn't suffer so very much under the avalanche of high prices and wealthy farm- ers, but he didn't make himself very clear on this point. When Mr. Nesbitt, M. P. rose to speak, he seemed to be some- what frightened that McKen- zie King's high prices and weal- thy farmers might have a bad effect on the consumer, so he tried to put in a word for the poor consumer. In a very eloquent speech, Mr King pointed out the great ad- vantage which reciprocity would be to the Canadian farmers. He statedA that in the larger markets of th United States, Canadian produce would command much higher prices and Canadian farm ers would grow wealthy as a consequence. , Years t l N? it l a 9 5, ' , l he Mp K il mg itEl Ei] Ill o Mr, r BO _ rr, ed IE)', dab 'tar" t F, )re : od r f I t let? an w, - . t - . x: " s , Ji Millllj al BE fi di- " c r . mt tlst,] . h g . m- //,I - Mqi t _ [gs gig l 3 pf e 1g, . ' tr he: AFTER TREATMENT , C ;imilar disease 8 years ago' il S sores commenced to heal up " I tEATMENT for four months gl I was cured 7 years ago lil r. s sound and healthy. I cet'- 4,1 . u can refer "N person to I V. H. s. , a ME WEAKNESS. BLOOD, , IDNEY complaints of Men I u intending to marry? Has (li Lkness? Our NEW METHOD 'M do for you. Consultation it I t ommon Free of Charge. Tl! Men. , d Everything confidential, , ‘ - - Ill V Iltill Ihll Bi " Ill , q, a; qlll IL, ll 5 I . I a . . . i; Detroit, Mich. tll q 11ada must be addressed I . torrespondence Depart- . 11 Got. If you desire to gt :r01t as me see and treat I . r Cortes o d d t ll p n ence an . all letters as follows: . 11 hot, Ont. I b , F IlllNlBl1ll+llgiliitgiIii- l a "tl The population of Fulton is increasing at a very 't1courag- ing: rate. A little son has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Peer and a little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Will McCollum. Mr. Howard Nelson is visit- ing his sister at Jordan. Mr. Seth Parker has been Visiting relatives at Hawt y, Mr. -and Mrs. Herman and little son hav ebeen spend- ing a few days at Mr. A. L. N, l, scn's. ' ' FULTON Mr. Matthew McDougall of HanrWon is visiting his son and daughter here. _ Moved by Mr. Leslie, second ed by Mr. Grant, that the coun cil adjourn to meet in the Town ship Hall on Saturday, March 18, at IO o'clock for general busi ness. -Carried. _ J. M. Lymburner, Reeve. Albert Shields, Clerk. Moved by Mr. Lymiburner, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that John Dunn remain a Truant officer to act at the call of trus- tees, ratepayers" or teacher, at the sum of $2 for each case. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that the sanitary inspector do the work throughout the town- ship for the salary of $8 per year. Carried. Moved by Mr. Leslie/second ed by Mr. Grant, that leave be grarited to introduce By-Laiv No. 360 to appoint pound-keep- ers, fence-viewers and overseers of highways, and that it be read a first, a second and a third time and do now pass and the reeve and clerk do sign and seal the same. Carried. Moved by Mr Silverthorn, se- conded by Mr. Lymburner, that the auditors' report be received and adopted as read, and the reeve issue cheques in favor of John E. Naergarth and H. H. Cosby for $3 each for their ser- vices as auditors. Carried. , Moved by Mr. Silvert'horn, seconded by Mr Lym'burner, that this council pay $25 per M for W. C). plank. Carried. Moved by Mr. I,eslie,,second ed by Mr. Grant, that the reeve issue cheque to Merritt: Bros., for $17.86 for 638 ft. W. O. plank; to James Phillip for $2 for one load of stone for the Rouse Bridge. Carried. Moved by Mr. Leslie, second ed by Mr. Grant, that the reeve issue cheque in favor of Andrew) McCready for one dollar, being; a refund out of taxes owing _ an error in his assessment (ill 1910. Carried. , , . Moved by Mr. Lymburnet, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that this council authorize the treasurer to deposit moneys of the Township in the Union Bank at Gainsboro, cheques to be signed by the treasurer. Carried. - Feb. 18, at IO o'clock a. m.. Members all present, reeve in the chair. , Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Township Hall, on Saturdays Feb. 18, at IO o'clock a. m.. " you want special advice write tor " to In. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. It In tree and always helptnl. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to Buffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conf. pound a triaL It sure y has cured many cases of female ills, such as in.. flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic gains, backache, that _bearirig-down eeling, indigestion, dizziness, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth millions to many suffering women. Harvey Bank, N. B.--q can highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any suffering woman. I have taken it for female weakness and painful menstruation and it cured me. --MRS. DEVEBE BARBOUR. women to whom I have reeiunmended it."-afrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station, Ontario. Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Glanford Station, City?) ligt fe,',',',',, 'i.'."..?. » iEyg2FrT.7PP. y la . In am I j.r.?..'a' iiitliiiiiii Bi..'..'.:.:'.'::. Vegetable Com- e T iiaitlm 3131;: pound for ¥ears F.f. ""‘;‘.j'..{ and never ound 'ii?..'). a: a. B:).':.":.': any medicine to ii/ic'!. ‘ Tfic..":-,: compare with it. I 3:755- /?iiy.i".r' had ulcers and fall.. 'j:irf.if.?. 1131-53-51 ing of the uterus, '.r..ti.i.i.'.:ii IgSllWii..'i.e.. and doctors did me a, 'll1lllilllll& . no good. I suffered , gig-4’ dreadfully until I w: J began taking your ” medicine. t has - - elso helped other . ‘.-. ‘ "e .. .." . .132: AiKiWE :.'. ... v.. - . a; .:r.'.c .: ..".' . T 77/1? Lv.i.': Pl.: LAI. " " .... Liz-3; {at if; ‘. I', 13.51; .kci,'.i.y, :. can YN.'.'. tg' "... ._...'.., .':.rrt . is'. “my .l...P.."'t " . -..-:-..~. .--_..-. _ IiM.%".'.f."r Cty-..'....:: . ’5" LU.'.?: " " " "Ill?', ’r Atn- r.- F, "aBirll // , - SiF rr .U Ir, .t y, a . ’1' MORE Pll)ilrfllklll ' CURES Another Cure , Mr. "fl Ir. [grnbtymer, ', fr. Silverthorn, remain a Truan't h the call of trus- ‘M or teacher, at Fehp'ortr9sw.t.-rrsrees,.-scrs-.s, a...“ ___‘ ,7_ E)lgRit?3iiEetHiiiRiitiaaR!iiEtiiaitiaitieiii)ai iiaiaiaiaEtiEaiiaiai)gEiayigaEg I Grape Vines I il) il) W W W a; it) it) 'AI. Stoney Creek A splendid lot of 2-year-old pure bred stock. The best Grape Vines we ever grew. All leading varieties : Carnphell's Early, Moore's Early Worden, Condords, Niagaras, Agawam (Rogers 15) Correspondence solicited 5% straight off for ca; on delivery. g . -’.p. ,orItote. .’.'. "'A'ge'" {ageégeéeeéeeeezeeeeeeag PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grit Our workmen are very profieient and will cause you very little inconvenience in repair work. . Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time and money by attending to it at once. C a; - rg, PM? Norman M. Walker GRAPE VINES during MARCH and APRIL We will make a special run on Joseph Twaddle Proprietor it is an absolute ne- cessity, if you would care to take the' full enjoyment of living. We can install every plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Plumbing Good Plumbing Is Not a Luxury Grimsbyi Ontario. .-- saga-2.4 cash 3233;? In ' srl." _ 1“ jll .9! m ll ft! (t! (t! I ft) M (t! The finest collection in the. mmutrs A full line of kndaks and HI]! The cars trom Beunsville are due in Grimsby at 20 minutes to the hour from 6.40 a m to II 05 p.m and 20 minutes after the hour fr m Hamilton from 7.20 a m to 12.16 p-m. Hamilton ttepart---7 lo, 8.10, 9.10. 10.10, 1110 n 1210, CIO, 2.10, 3.10 4.10, 5.10. 8.10 t., 810, 910p.m. Beamnville depart--7. 5, 8.15, 9 15 10.15 11.15 1215 f.15, 2.15. 3.15, 415 5.15, 6-15, 7.15,815 915p m . some EAST . GOING WEST 9 34 a. m 6.50 a. m 1150 a. m 1.19 pan. 6 13 n. 'dr 5.55 p m The Muskoka Express from Toronto stops at Grimsby every morn- 1ug at 1.33. Fhe very BEST that can be Ten minutes Liter the Hour, fror u. m. to 11:10 p. m, CARS LEAVE BEAMSVILLE 34 King St. W., Hamilton MANUFACTURER OF WEDDDNG CAKES, ICE CREAM AND FINE CANDY Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and En tertainments Supplied, "-'-"'e."'-.'- -mr..w..%... llF'I". U l LTO N ' has move'd to a more m'odern of- tice in the Federal Life Building, corner Main and James Streets, one block west and one block south ot tanner office. Take elevator to Room 6U. Jam es Crawford Lunch Counters, C Ass-mums AND VALUATOB lurtgagos, Deeds, Wills, etc., drawn. 4oney to loan at 4% to 6 per cent. Es ates wound up and a general Insurance and 3onveyancing business transacted. 46 QUEEN Sr. ST. CATHARINES PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS BLUE PRINTS. Fifteen minutes after the Hour m, to10.4.5 p.m. A. E. NICHOLSON. o.a.a., Successors to T. O. Browniohn, Civil and Mini‘h‘r Engineeru Land Hurveyors. Dmee-7 Hugbsonm mouth, Hamlltm 'T‘nhlnhnno 1095 IRS LEAVE HAMILTON LAZIER & LAZIER, BARRISTERE, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to nan at lowest rates. Office, “Spectator Building," Hamilton S. F. Lazier, K.C. 3 JAMES ST. N., HAMILTON OMAIN ST. EAST HAMILTC Plans and Specifications for all classes builinwgs dInsurance Adjusted LANCASTER & CAMPBELL Btsrristertrat-law iolicitors, Notaries, etc. No. 6 Queen St. ST. CATHARINES E. A. Lancaster. J as. H. Campbell Note-Mr. Lancaster will be at the Lincom House, Grimsby, every Wednesday from t.m. to 6 p.m., except during the se§sion d the Dominion Parliament. ,AURENCE MUNRO CRERAR, CRERAR & BELL, Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries No. 1 Hamilton Provident Chambers, Hughson St. South, Hamilton, Canada, Telephone No. 652. Money to lend. Mortgages purchased P. D. Crerar,__K_._Q. - .. - l H. Crerar, lectric Railway! GIBSON & OSBORNE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Honey to loan. Private funds. Lowest rates Bank of Commerce Building, Hamilton, - _Hon. J. M. Gibson, K. C., d. J. O'Rielly 3arrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ete., leieph ne 754. W 'ffiees, 15 Main si., East, . Hamilton, At SMITHVILLE every Thursday IOHN B BRANT Offieeir--Grimsby and Beams/vine. Money to loan as current rates. "rt VIE 'I‘A 1311147 QNFECTIONER CUNNINGHAM sly!!- lABl.b . F. WALLER Pass. Agent GIB§0N Superintendent LAN D SI? RVEYOH In effect from June Ist, 1910 B. McCONACHIE Barrister, Solicitor, H. UARPENTER, B, A. Lkzier H. L. Lazier. EA! A,t,e.El,,apAryrisr, H AM. MUNRO & MEAD, ARCHITECTS. Tyrrell a Mackay ’Rrrimsby Station. SUNDAY SERVICE PICTURES ARC " I 'I‘EC'FS " ENTISTRY KODAKS PHOTOS . "o & lf. C. w. Bell, B.A. SMlTiI' WILLIAM R. MEI HAMILTON W. W. Osborne Notary Public aterers mun tf made let 15

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