The game consistedâ€" of oneâ€" quarter footâ€"ball, â€" oneâ€"quarter hockey and the rest shinney. MAPLE LEAFS BEATEN AT LAST The pickeq team consisted of four high school players, one Beaver player and two players from Lake Lodgse school._ and they were certainly a fast aggreâ€" vation. ‘~The seotre at: hallâ€"time was twoâ€"all. but in‘ the second. half the picked team scored seven The score is no indicatltlon | of the play as it was fast . froth start to finish. Beéltter luck next time, baby golls. The girls certainly pulled â€"a dufferin over op the "wiseacres" of this burg and at that price t wouldn‘; be a very hard job, for the ‘bunch in this town are half asleep most of the time. The fast junior team known as the Maple Leafs, met defeat at the hands of a picked teim â€" on Friday night by a score of 9â€"4. When the bunch hit the sprayâ€" covereq town they only had five players and the Niagara Falls girls loaneg them a player and the gante proceceded ‘ with ‘ six aside. The girls state it is the fastest game they have taken part in, and the score was pnly 1â€"1f at ten minutes before the final gong rang, so you see it | was some vame. U Fhe ladies were so sore over their defeat a; the hands of the Falls on Monday night, that they cireulateq a report around town that the game at the Falls was called off, and ‘of course,‘. the sports forgot all about the ladies téam angq their game. Whep Friday night came, the girls slippeq away to Hamilton and took a fast express to the Falls and nobody knew that they had left town. § The Grimsby ladies Hockey [Feam pulled off a "Sherlock Holmes" stunt on the Grimsby sports op Friday night last, and received a trimming into the bar gain. MBirarararara2}}424247474 #5 OUR SPORTING 5 COLUMN Niagara Ladies 3 Peach Queens 1 )7 «c hi «h Lefjec] lpn L is L e cï¬ olfe affer oï¬ |fprâ€"] l OUCH! .TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE â€" TORONTO THIS CATALOGUE ILLUSTRATES :d deoibs towand sttsnmemnanatmmmmmmnaememmemmcnmnnsensmensmemmemmstemmemesmensemenmemamenmenmzemesemsmmm | )( |1108( TCASOT L | Y DT ICOC articles. It places before you by means of exact photographic illustrations the very latest styles in all kinds of wearing apparel for men, women and children. It affords you an enormous assortment to choose from, comâ€" prising all that is newest in the world of fashion. If you are one of our customers and have not received our Spring â€" } and Summer Catalogue, please notify us at once and we will mail you a duplicate copy. If, however, you have never bought from us send us a request on a postcard, and we will mail you a copy at once. By doing so we are virtually placing you on the highway to economy. &Q‘@T. EATON C?u PROPERLY ADDRESSED TO YQGU eonme N erg mz «hk tot c Map % -\'&; § Mc 8 dnc stt C * (xp sn t e m ; i O3 G 3 $ K h $ S | _&;3\.‘ i:,n:“i, ’ ;ng. t 'i"r‘ 6 4 . Rs o mX Fa l B s * 3# mt oi ; "a tA Ey o to *X "%j‘ F0 5o We hip w29 ko m t 7 i9 o CC i jBdt s ‘{» 7 ".f’.' sn h id o 16 PK§ io s ( Ppl w C Ne es d 5 ons S oc M ands t es C ol Mc f hok < a alcls / / By Herman Hinks HAS BEEN MAILED TO YOUR POST OFFICE catALosus \22 TO OUR CUSTOMERS What woman at sometime or other does not experience these dreadful bearing down pains. Mrs. E. Griffith. of Main street, Hepworth, Out., says : "A heavy bearing down pain had settled acroâ€"s my back and sides. I was often unable to stoop or ‘straighten myself up. Many times each night I would have to leave my bed with the irregular and frequent secretions of the kidneys and just as done out in the worning as on retiring.. I was languid _ a n d would have to C let my houseâ€" | Cae | work stand. Noâ€" l BOOThSI thing I hbad tried ]II/.â€"w{ w uld benefit _ |MY d i wia me I learned | -l ne s of Booth‘s Kidâ€" We .II A ney Pills and § x3 [ ap o + cencl uded _ I _ | " S would try them, j onl 4R which I did, and soon found the long sought relief. My back strengthened and I began to feel better and stronger. I now enjoy my sleep without being disturbed and feel velter anda stronger. 1 now enjyoy my sleep without being disturbed and feel grateful to Booth‘s Kidney Pills for what they did for me." Booth‘s Kidney Pills are a boon to women. She would know less of backâ€" aches if she took more of these wonderful pills. They are nature‘s greatest spesific for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. All druggists, 50c box, or postpaid from The R P Booth Co.; Ltd_, Fort Brie, Ont, Sold and guaranteed by W. M. Stewart Drug Co Limited. wIintet. . ~â€"V 6 ‘mope. tney.; d6o. The * â€"question > is; â€""Who . is goinmg to bimld 3 new "rink m Grimsby before next winter?" Don‘t all talk atronce please. Preston, ‘b¢éat LEondow â€" by 15 goals on‘ the round. London Prospects . look:good<â€"for: a champifon junior O. H. A . team in this burg next winter: T‘here are some â€" speedy kids in . this town and all we need is a new rink and will sure ‘"bring home the bacon." 18 Another phenomen was un covered at the junior match on Friday. night, in theâ€"person: of Clarence McNinch. This kid can skate faster and handle 3 stick faster than a "woman can change! her>~ mind"s and_ that‘s some fast. Eddic St. John, the speedy right wing of the Maple Leafs, received a nasty cut on the head just before halfâ€"time, by being hit in the heag with the puck. It required two stitches to close the wound up. Wilmep Fisher handled the game in a mastegly mway. McoNinch and Clemens ~ were the stars of the pickeq team and Cornwall and Fisher starred for ttreâ€"M.:â€"IC:>s. ‘ to the Maple Leafs‘ two BEARING DOWN PAINS Rumor has goinâ€" to h: SPORTY SPORTLETS has it that Beamsynle to have a new rink next We ‘hope they do. Booth‘s hidner l (0 2e B van Aevtied in uids can is a Cowley, Alta., Feb. 18, II Editor Independent, Dear Sir:â€"These seem t,o be stirring times , amongst / the peach kings of the east; stirring up the tatiffâ€"seems tantamonnt to creating trouble.: That tarifft beneficence is not visible to the naked eye in the west, nor evef has ‘been, is easily fold. Wheat and cattle are our staple proâ€" ducts. Tariff never added a cent to the value of wheat, despite all the arguments to. the contrary. Why? / Because Liverpool and Chicago make the price of wheat and Chicago,. not the Canadian market regulates the price of teei. That the ‘agricultural west has developeq and grown comparatively Awealthy, not b" tariff assistance, bu«. i. spite of it, is no dream ; but that the west has been required to pay tribute to the imnlement trust, the lum Sr LVâ€"Fred Murgatroyd 96, Stanley |MicPherson 90, Flossie Gove :so, Lillian â€" Merritt 88. Verna Shepherd 87; Hazel Jenâ€" nings ©86,‘ Esther Merritt 84, Aurel Baker 82, Stanley CElark 8o, James Gracey 77, ‘Annie Schnick â€" 76, Archie Allegp 67, Johin Shepherq 58, Freq Davis 57, Gerald _ Baket 55. LMoyd Bradt 51, Williec Schnick 48 Fred Schnick 46. Jr. IVâ€"â€"Gertie Trembly 72, Ethel Newhouse 64, Morris Lounsbury 60, Floyd Lounsâ€" bury 42, Frank Allen 41. L. Ciassâ€"Allanâ€" Clark :98, Violet Bradt 94, Florence Fitzâ€" gerald ©3, Leslic. Merritt S83; Jamie~ Baket 8t, Ira Nelson 77, Ellia Gray 753, AllanCollins‘ 74, Charlie ‘Beattic 73;, Edna Shepâ€" herg 72, Pefey Howell 67, John FRisher 66, Liltlie Souter "63; Roy Davis 56. Sr. 11â€"Harry Gracey, uonâ€" stance Zumstien, Marion Gray,. Harold Hibbard, Hattie Merritt, Earl Souter, Clarence Roszell, Annie. . Merritt, May « Joyneér, Charlie‘® jShrum,;>~ Iva â€" Bartlett. Audrey Trembly, Mabel Shrum, Iva Aillen, Warg Davis, Arthur Culp. A. J. SNYDER SPEAKS ON RECIPROCITY J F.., £1â€"â€"P;CVVIS ‘ . U Fray, Divis.: Katie yCnider, Beattie, William Hamilton The standing of the pupils in Smithville Poblic ‘School for the month of February. ‘ beat Grimsby iby fifteen goals on the round. Who has the best teaim, London or Grimsby, takâ€" ing all things into consideration ? the SMITHVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT LIMITED CANADA II vajol hoi FalFode d S den NNE O aprofiatet Of the manner in which a copy of our Catalogue has been mafited to every customer. If you have not already received your copy please notify us at once. Frank Rhea Negative sideâ€"Messrs Johnâ€" ston and Hawlkie. .'*Tl_le meeting was closeq singineo the Nationa. Anthem Jewsâ€"harp selectionâ€"â€"J. _ M. Patterson. â€" Readingâ€"Adam Reed. Speechâ€"J °M Patterson Debateâ€"Resolveq that reciproâ€" city would be of benefi; to both Canada anq the United States. Affirmative sideâ€"Messrs Dean angd Bertram. * kis VINEMOUNT M (FToo late for last issue) Whe Pine Crest Literary Socie ty held their weekly meeting on Tuesday evening, Jan 21. The program was as follows: Readingâ€"James Bertram _ Instrumentalâ€"Mr. Thos Trus If you fellows can‘t shoot the goose with the goolden egga come out west and raise wheat. It‘s as good as golg any day. Peaches and cream are very nice but they won‘t sustain life without the bread, and that‘s where we shine. ifiyscu only put it up righ:. \W\ e can excuse you for makt.; : a of us as the "Coonskin Brigade" while at Ottawa but d _u‘t call 1§ English freetrade â€"~ farmers, sccanse every ‘elegate ol that gathcuing was a picked. man, m st of. them born and breq ‘in old Ontario ang Quebec and if nationality counted for anything Aulg Scotland would have the best of. it. We â€" haven‘t got wh: askeq but will have to be fied. iiGiintg VC 10 Lo L L@LIHL_COHLDAL :. While the fruipr growers _ and market gardeners never knew what was coming until the light nming struick them. As an old Grimsbyite, a fruit grower‘s son, Inean sympathize with you is your loss; but as a westerner, 1I can only say chee;r up and be men; you have cousins . across the line in olg York State, prosâ€" perous and, happy; you havs hrethern across the seas longing tor evety peach you can p:rduce and you have brothers and «i< ters in the far west who will bhuvy 2i YouU Can if you only ber trust, the cement trust, the canjin‘g trust and sundry other trusts incessantly, one only has to live here to know. *<[hat the manufacturep is alâ€" ways on hang to protect his inâ€" terests at Ottawa is clearly seen in this our latest tariff compact. THIS IS A FACSIMILE can raise and Yours for peace got‘ what s we Snyvder tC1 will,. *X‘e Sold by Ontario & Western Coâ€"Operative Fruit Company, Grimsby Mt.. A. Louks, living on the W._B.: Nelles farm. near the lake, about one mile northâ€"east of the Village of Grimsby, will holg in auction sale <of farm stock, implements and _ some furniture, on Tuaesday, March 7, A. LOUKS WILL HOLD AN AUCTION SALE iwant: to go to Caistor Centre To buy Myself a hat; To get some grocery and thiags and that, I want a girl to walk with me through life ; * Asuthere is no girl at Basingâ€" stoke I would take to me a wife. The birds digq sing Harry had two on the wing And now the wedding . bells will soon rine. boy Billie Mr:‘J. : Climo has t cubators goine., that is some. £, Herb Travis is talking of tapâ€" ping his sugar bush. Stay in bed a few days longer Herb, spring is not here yet. {; is teported man has broken Basingstoke A. Jacobs gave his friends a dance on Erifday evening last. A very enjoyable time was spent. Matthew Martin has returned after a two. month visit to his old home im Scofiand. â€" + Lime Suiphur Solution ceenrrerer onnrerm m soncrmenmat in o romermmrrvnrmmm mm trrmemrromcenenen : pmpmnmimenimenmery â€"mpoemnce ippetcmen z n Climo has three inâ€" 1€ that Wim. Lamp his contract with laind deal. Wise coino _A pretty wedding was solemâ€" nized op Thursday, Feb. 9, at ‘"‘The Maples," the home of Mr. ang Mrs. Oliver Teeft, Caistor, awwhen their daughter, Anna Lorâ€" efta, became the bride of Mr. W m. Naecrgarth.. _ At. twilight, the bridal party, to the strains of Mendelssohn‘s beautiful we1!â€" ding march, played by Prof. Alâ€" len, ascended to. the drawingâ€" room through ap isle w« pink and ‘white ribbons, carrieq by four little nieces of, the bride, and took their places beneath a flower decked arch. The bride, who was given away by her father, wis handsomely gowned in ecru Ben zai silk, with trimmings of satin, gold, overlace and. pearls and carried a shower bouquet of briâ€" dalk roses, carnadtions and maiden hair fern. She wore white Roman Hyacinths and smilax in her hair. . She was attended_ * â€" Herâ€" sister, Miss Mabelle Teeft, ‘who wore almong colored â€" silk, ‘with trimmings of overlace and ‘satin, and carried ‘pink ‘carnaâ€" tions and ferns. The sroom was assisted by his nephew, Mr. John Wettfauler, a student of Stratâ€" ford college. > The â€"groom‘s gift to the bridesmaid was a beautiâ€" ‘ful gold ibracélet with amethyst ‘setting; to the groomsman : a scarfpin with amethyst and pearl ‘settings.. The bride‘s gif, to the groom was a pair of solid gold ‘cuff links with monogram. Aifter ‘the ceremony, which . was perâ€" formed by the Rev. J. W. Bean, B. D., 5o0 guests followed the leaqg of the bridal party to _ the diningâ€"room, where a fainty breakfast was served. ‘The table decorations were ‘also carâ€" ried out in the same color scheme with pink and white roses, and white ribbons leading from the corner of the bride‘s table to the ceiling, where they were caught with large bows. A pleasant evening. was spent in conversaâ€" tion, instrumental music and singino. points west, by the 11.45 express, amid showers of confetti and good mwishes. The bride travellâ€" ed in dove grey shadow diagonal cloth and mink furs, the gift of the groom. Guests were present from Melita Man., Calstorville; Welâ€" land. Smithville, Dunnville, Buffalp, Tavistock and Hornell, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Naerâ€" garth will be at home to their many. friends after March 1 . at Winslow. Ont. A. G. Boulter, Fin. Sec. L. H. Nevilles, Rec. Sec. J. . Patterson, Ereas. 1280, was successfully institutâ€" ed on Monday. night, Jan. 23, IQII, with eighteen charter mem bers. The new court meets on â€"the first Tuesday of each month. C. 0. F. LODGE INSTITUTED AT â€"SMITHVILLE Mr. W P. 5. Millward, .. orâ€" ganizer for the Canadian Order of Foresters, has been in Smithâ€" ville for the past month organizâ€" ing a new lodge in that viliage. The new lodge, which will be known as Court Smithville, No. The following officers wer elected to the respective offices E. Merritt, C. R. T. Kettle, V.C. R: Quite a number from here at tended the box social held at Mr. Gowland‘s last Wednesday evening, and spen; a very enjoyâ€" able time. * Mr. ang Mrs. G. W. Braxut have moved into their new houre over the drug store. Mr. Gordon Mortat; went to St. Catharines op Saturday last in the interests of the Agriculâ€" tural Society. s Miss Blanche Gove of Vineâ€" land, spent Saturday and Sunday day with her parents here. Mr. Chas. McDonald, who is studying for the ministry, preach eqf two very interesting sermons in the Presbyterian church on Suniday last. | Mrs. Roy Goring is hery parents,. Dr.. and Oliver at Newcastle. Mrs. Geo. Copelang is visiting at: Toronto. ‘Mrs. 0. C Rouse of Waterford, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Wesley Cartwright spent a few days a; Welland last week. Everything ‘will ‘be solqg with out reserve as Mr. Louks is giv ing up farming and moving into the village. For list of stuff see Jarge bills. out reserve. Terms six months. A. Livingston, Auctfoneer. ig11, at t o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon. § Schrlick, Chap TEEFETâ€"NAERGARTH SMITHVILLE 1 visiting Mrs.