Continued from last week Pollination should be carefully attended to,as insufficient pollinization causes misshapen fruit. When flower immature the stamens are longest. But as the flower opens to be pollenized, the pistil gradually elongates until i; is much longer. Being longer and the stigma larger than the style, it tends to ward off pollen. Pollen grains adâ€" here and, germinate easily. The more pollen; the:more perfectly shaped fruit, is affected by tapping flowers, jarring uprights, or using brush. Using a spoon and stick and tapping carefully each flower is the best method. It should be â€"done at least every othér day. The pollen is most abundant on bright days. Plants and atmosphere must be dry. . VariEtiEs.â€" Comet, Industry, Queuxâ€" Clipper for winter use, and to these add Bonny Best and Earliana for spring crop. STERILIZATION OF SoIL.â€" There are two method. Steaming and Formalin. If you have sub â€" irrigation you can simply connect your stsam pipes by hose to the upright and force steam through the soil until it rises in a cloud, Another method is to make a pan which is forced down over the soil and steam connections made on top. The steam is then turned on at a pressure oftwenty pounds for twenty minutes. To use formalin, the following is the strength:â€"8 lbs, formalin to 1 gallon water; 1g quarts of mixture to 5o of water. Then use one to every square foot of surface and leave for 1o days Then dig over and plant. The. Manv friends of J. M. Young of Red Deer, formerly of this place, will «carn with deep regret of his death, which was very sudden. He underwent an operation for appendicitis which proved fatal. The bereaved widow anq family have the symâ€" an atmosphere. Give better ventilation and allow less water on the leaves, As soon as noticed, use Bordeaux mixture, spraying thoroughly both sides of the leaf. If disease is well established it is best to remove crop, then sterilize or renew soil. Theodore Barker is preparing to move his buildings from his lot in the village, out to his farm. The K.O.T.M. held a very suc cessful oyster supper at the home of Bro. Springstead, on Friday night last" The C.O,.11.C. â€" held its regular meeting on Friday evening, when three candidates were initiated for membership. Mildew appears as purple or brown spois on the leaf which will there attacked. * DisEASES.â€"Leaf blight _ bocsra (Cladosporum fulvum) appears as rusty brown spots on the under surface of the leaf Is caused by too damp «â€" Blossom End or Black Rot is caused by insufficent moisture at roots as plant manures. Plant has become dry and when watered the sudden filling of the cells of the fruit causes the skin to burst and allows the entrance: of bacteria. The best remedy is to vaporize sulphur in the house. ' B F ang Mrs. Moore ang P. H and Mrs. Huffman of Spring Creek, spent Friday last with D. W and Mrs. Nichoils. to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness. Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a package. in tea may mean GROWING INDOOR TOMATOES z: I Your Grocer Will Recommend It NEVER SOLD IN BULK ABINGDON 81 Moved by M Morley second e by Mr Middaugh, that this Council instruct the road com missioner that he shouid inform the people who are in the habit of throwing ashes and other refuse on public streets to disâ€" continue the nuisance at oncce or prosecution will follow. Carâ€" ried. : â€"Moved by Mr Nelson, second Dby M Culp, that this council do . not, entertain the request of the Lincoln ‘County teachers Association, re the extension of , the summer. vacation., Car ried. Byâ€"law was read a second and third time. Moved by Middaugh seconded by Mr Morley, that the Byâ€"law just read, be now read a second and third time, and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign ‘and" seal the same, ang its title be as in the motion. Carried. Moveq by Mr Nelson, second ed by Mr Culp, that leave be granted to introduce a Byâ€"law to appoint Pathmasters, Fence Viewers, Pound : Keepers and Sheep Valuators in the_Town ship of South Grimsby for the year IQI1I, and that the . same be now read a first time.. Carâ€" ried. F. W. Roberts, registration fees, $11.00;, Municipal _ World for six subscriptions, $5; Exâ€" press charges on assessment supplies, 7oc; E. Oill, balance of Coltector‘s salary and post age, $20.64. Carried: Moveq by Mr Morley, second ed by Mr Middaugh, that the Auditors‘ Report ‘be received and adopted. Carried. $te The Byâ€"law was read a first time. Moveq by Mr Middaugh, sec ondéed â€" by Mr. Nelson, that Councillors Culp and Morley be a committee to interview the Treasurer regarding the. bonds and report‘ to this meeting. Carried. The Muncipal Councic!l of the Township of South Grimsby met, pursuant to adjournment at Brants Hall, Smithville, on Saturday, Feb. II, IQII, at 1o o‘clock a.m. . Members present, J L Merritt Reeve; Counciliors, L. M. Culp A. D. Middaugh, J. Morley, I. E. Nelson. The minutes of the last regu lar meeting were read and con firmed. Communications were read as follows : From _ the Hydro Electric Power Commission, re electric power| for ‘the" municipality; from E."Gâ€" Seaver and‘P. Pysh er, applying for the office of commissioner _ of Smithville Road Div.; from the Salvation Army requesting aid in their chairitable work. Moveq by Mr Nelson, second ed by Mr Middaugh, that the following accounts be paid: Moved by Mr. Middaugh, sec onded by Mr. Morley, that _ a grant of $5 be given to. the Salvation Army ang cheque be sent to W.; J. Barnard. Tarnet ‘Toronto:mCartied.s~‘@¢l.szy>>,s ae2 pathy of a very large circle of friends. __The Ladies Aid Society: of Ker church helq a valentine lap social on Friday evening, Feb. I7, at the parsonage.> A good program, consisting of songs, speeches and gramaphone selecâ€" tions was given. Light refresh ments were serveq by the ladies. J Johnson\made a business trip to Hamilton on Saturday. Hugh Asher killed a little pig on Wednesday that weighed a little over coo lbs dressed. sOUTH GRIMSBY COUNCIL Moveq by Mr Nelson, second ed by Mr. Middaugh, that the following accounts be paid: 1/ H. Farrell, for" 205 t W oak lumber, at $35 per‘ thou sand, $7.17; Merritt, Bros., mat erial for road scraper, $2.94; Merritt ‘Bros., 25 ft. W. oak and ; scraper tongue, $1.59 Carried. + Mrs. W. C. Lampman of Ham ilton charged : Jas. Brooks of this place, who is working her farm on shares, of theft of _ a number of sheep ang, a quantity of hay. He was charged before His Honor in St. Catharines, on Wednesday last and was honorâ€" ably acquitted, having shown he had receipts from her forâ€" the articles charged with. f J. A. Cragg received an almost unanimous invitation to remain another year. $ John‘ Jackson attended the monster delegation to Ottawa. At the regular business quarâ€" terly meeting held at. Bethel church, on Monday, the Rev. Moveq by Mr. Morley, second Booth‘s Kidney Pills carry a guaranâ€" tee that if vou derive no benefit your money will be refunded . Booth‘s Kidnev Pills are a specific for all diseases of the kidnevs and bladder. Sold by all drug. giats, 50c box or postpaid from the R. T Booth Co. Ltd:, Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by W. M Strewart Drug Co. Limited. complain about her back, the kidney secretions have become normal, and she plays around the house with no apparent fatigue. We always recommend Booth‘s Kidney Pills." > Booth‘s Tiidney C .illsj & Cured of Kidney Trouble _ _ . Mrs. Alex. Moore, of James St., Oxâ€" ford, N.S, says: "Booth‘s Kidney Pills eured our little daughter, Christian, age six years, of many symptoms of kidâ€" ney weakness. She complained of a sore back, the kidney secretions were frequent and uncontrollable, especially at night. Her stomach was weak and her appetite poor. This caused ber to have frequent headaches, and the least exertion would tire bher _ We had tried many f Tllf remedies, but | 00 Sf she did not imâ€" P s nm/ [ prove. Finally | h‘dne | _ we Iearnqd of | f ty [ â€"Booth‘s Kidney f e ] § Pills and pre | _lIIS M cured a box In h â€"«cllipaaaass 6‘ ~ a short time she e oraye w was well and does â€" not‘ now. _â€"On motion of Mr. Lymburner ang Mr. Burch, a Byâ€"Law was passed to appoint poundkeepers, fenceviewers and pathmasters. The Council adijourned to meet at St. Anus, March 12. at 1o a m. S. KENNEDY, Clerk. . Moved by Mr. Burch, second ed by Mr. Lymburner, that we accept the offer of Mr. Elliott Shriner, of $30 for the tile plant building, to be paid on or before the 1st of October, I911, to the treasurer Oof â€" Township. The building to be moved inside of two weeks from date:; Carried A number of _ bills were passed and paid. _ G@4C@GC484%6@40804804C°C+CQG000OC°0CGCOCOGOOOGOGOGG _ _ Mattresses, Ostermo fls biesel Cags ;. * ~~ "g. .IOA éiscount $100.00 worth f I relieve and cure indigestlonâ€"acidity of the stomachâ€"biliousnessâ€"flatulence â€"â€"dyspepsia. ‘They reâ€"inforce the stomach by supplying the active principles needed for the digestlon of all kinds of food. . Try one after each meal. 50c. a box. If your druggist has not stocked them yet, send us 50c. and we will mail you a box. 3 National Drug and Chemical Comnanw af Misl3.‘ ;. l 4 W [ «t e BBE Oc e Aaidinl aneiis frr en ol zt in Mission $18.00, reduced hO it iï¬ enï¬ irrag?viatersn.l1c B 18.00 YÂ¥ . oz Extension Tables, Chairs accordingly low. Dresser and Stand fraso for :..!."........... lcR ..... .$11.00 Window Shades 25¢ up, according to style. _ _ Mattresses, Ostermuor, Felt and Common, $3.00 un. _ F Suo och sale Gouods delivered free Whittaker Block Sideboards $15.00, reduced to.... S s. $20.00, reduced to.... Exceptional values in F urniture, Carpets, and Window ; Shades. We have been known for years for the place to get Furniture on the payment plan. Now all houses are coming to the same p a . We Lead=â€"â€"others follow. Special /Announcement Painter and Paperhanger Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Wallpaper and Moulding. § Is the best Wall Coating made. Ready for use with the addition of boiling water. Artistic Effectsâ€"Shows [no Lapsâ€"Easily Appliedâ€"Absolutely Sanitary. Get color Cards, saimple books and descripâ€" tive matter from and Chemical Company .of Canada MURESCO } J. W. BUCK, Beamsville Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer DINING ROOM _ FARROW Phone 239 s Limited, GRIMSBY * ._»*~ Montreal, $12.00 $18.00 $15.00 Â¥r it 4i thve us Ta 18 8, t RC T