Grimsby Independent, 22 Feb 1911, p. 4

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VIOLIN MR. DAVID TREGUNNO of Bartonville, has resumed teaching in Grimsby and will be in the Studio ler's Jewelry Store every Monday Intending pupils may call on him the him to Bartonville. Teacher of Piano. Studios-Hamilton Conservatory of Music Grims by Hall (Snetsinger’s block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. ' Simplex and Kindergarten teachers MISS E. B. BARTMANN MISS RETA BARTMANN tstudios-Hamilton Conservatory of Music, Grims by Hall (Snetsinger b1oekhwedatiays and . Saturdays. ' '" MISS MINNIE M. HIND A.T.C.M. Teacher of Physical Culture, Voice Culture, Elo- cntion and Dramatic Art. tStudios-Hamilton Conservatory; Grimsby Hall (Snetsinger Block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. ELIZABETH ST. - GRIMSE For all kinds of Carpenter and Building work Hardwood floors a speciality TERMS REASONABLE AND GOOD WORK . PHONE l93, GRIMSBY DR. ALEXANDER . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON CORONER COUNTY LINCOLN JAIN ST. WEST GRIMSBY o'tiiee hours, 8 to 10 a.m.; l to 2 and 7 to 8p.m. U entist _ Office over J. C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 216 Electrical Equipment GRIMSBY ONT Pose Graduate in music W. W. KIDD, Landed Banking & Loan, Cor. Main 8. James Sts., Hamlltoa MODERATE REASONABLE rates. LIBERAL privileges or re- payment. PRODUCTIVE MONEY TO FLETCHER MUSIC METHOD on. w.A. BRQWNLEE DELTIS‘I OFFicE--WooLVErrroN BLOCK (Ground, Floor) FICE A.M To 4 P.I GRIMSBY. ONT MISS JENNIE M. KENNEDY Dr. H. W. Graham, V. S. begs to announce to the hor- se and stock owners of Grim.. sby and vicinity that he has opened up an office in Gums by and he is prepared to treat all kinds of disease. Office in J. H. IrWallrers new cement Building corner Main and Mountain Sts. Phone No. 71 Dr. H. W. Graham Graduate Ont Vet. College Valuator, Grimsby. perties TELEPHONE No. s resumed teaching the violin ill be in the Studio, over ‘MiL are every Monday afternoon. may call on him there or write . BROMLEY . Hughton expense. of Toronto University LOAN farm pro- GRIMSBY ONT at thr. Wanted-A position on a fruit farm by a man who is c0mpe- pe'tent to handle 'horses, plow and do other Work on a fruit farm. For full particulars apply For Sale-Seven acres of land in lot 3, concession 9, North Grimsby (on top of mountain.) Some fruit on place, house and barn. Apply to Frank B. John- son, Bedmsville. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roberts returned home last week, after a three months sojourn in Scot- land. Prevent the spread of disease on your trees, by using our special disinfectant, on your pruning saws, etc. W. M. Stewart Drug Co., Limited. Lost-A collie dog. The find er will confer a great favor by notifying the owner, R, A. Butchart, Jordan Sation. Tomato Growers --Growers, have you ordered your tomato plants yet? If not, ring up Mountain Greenhouses, phone 70 ring 4, and book your orders for either pot or field plants of the latest strains of Earliana, Chalks and Success, or any var iety you wish grown to order. Specialty. 30,000 tomatoes in flats, transplanted. Best strains of cabbage, peppers and egg plant. Don't wait till planting time and get left. Tell us now what you require. Prices and quality will be all right. Rice & Cooper. Mountain Greenhouses, Grime- by. For Sale-Williams and Great Northern strawberry plants at $2.50 per thousand. Cuthbert and Marlboro raspberries, also Herbert raspberries. Those wanting Herberts should order at once. Apply to W J Ellis, phone I82, Grimsby. Wanted-ey Feb. 15, a com- petent man, married or single, by the year. Apply evenings after 7 o'clock, to Dr. D. Clark, North Grimsby, one mile west of Village. Phone 109. For Sale-Forty six acres of first class fruit land, partially set in fruit ;goods buildings ;good water; half mile from Grand Trunk Station, Jordan. Will sell in quantities to suit pur chaser. Apply to box 203 Jordan. Don't forget_the auction sale of farm stock and implements at the home of Peter E. Park, 3 mites north of Smithville, on Friday, Feb. 21, 1911, at 1.30 p. m. Mrs. John F. Schultz will re- ceive for the first time at "Hazle wood," Livingston Ave., on Thursday afternoon and P mien,- ing, March 2, and afterwards, on the first Tuesday of the month. For Sale-A horse, dray, cul- tivator, plough and barrow; a full outfit for a fruit farm. The horse is good in every way. Ap- ply to Andrew Hewson, Ontirio St., Grimsby, Ont. ' For Sale. -Setting hens, also eggs from pure bred Rhode Island Reds for setting. A E Rymal, Winona, Telephone 64. T House for Sale;----) Hespeler----. Nine roomed stone house, hardwood finish, heated with a Kelsey furnace. Hard and soft water, good garden, stocked with large and small fruits. Large corner lot, very desirable home. May be had at a bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Apply to Box 372, Hespeler, Ont. The W. M. Stewart Drug Co. presented the Grimsby ladies hockey team with a nice large box of Neilson's chocolates after theiame on Monday night. For Sale-A quantity of fine rails at $3 per hundred, delivered. Call up Carpenter Bros., phone 37, ring , Winona. Entertainment-The Fruitland young people will hold a high class entertainment in the Town Hall, Stoney Creek, on Friday, Feb. 24, 1911. A four act play will be presented, together with solos, duets and recitations. Doors open at 7 p. m. Concert at 8 p. m. Admission-adults, 25c; children 15c. In aid of the new Fruitland Sabbath School room furnishine fund. E. A. Armstrong of Beams- ville, and E. D. Smith of Winona, were in Milwaukee on Wednes- day, the 8th inst., attending the National Canners' Convention, at which 3,000 delegates were present. Phone 154 Tungsten Lamps, Electric Irons, Switches, Batteries, Fuse Plugs, etc. House Wiring a Specialty. Repairs promptly made. GRIMSBY, FEBRUARY 22 ELECTRIC FIXTURES Indepen fent ofnite . G. BROWNLEE Box 534 T. A. Wooley and J. M. Fare well have opened a real estate office at 177 King St. east, Hun-n ilton, under the firm name 'et" Wooley & Farewell. Mr. Fare- well is a former resident of Grimsby and is well posted on farm values in the Niagara Pen- insula. T _ Have you visited our. new housefurnishing and drapery departmen? If not, do so at once, as immense _ bargains await you in all the necessaries in furnishing your home, during our great Red Tag tale. A. F. Hawke. A few of Miss May 2grham's friends gave her a surprise party on Friday night last, and a most enjoyable evening was spent in progressive pedro, singing and dancing until the' "Wee sma' hours." Our large range-of new spring prints are placed in' stock in all the newest colorings' and "de- signs for every purpose, made by the best English and Cana- dian manufacturers, in excep- tional values in the best English Crumb prints in prices at 10c, 12)dc, 13%c and 15c per' yard. Large range of best English "per- cale, latest colprings, regular 17c, Red Tag clearing price, Trl; per yard. A. F. Hawke. . We are siorry to report that Mr. Jas. Loggie, the genial secre tary of the hockey club, is on the sick list with la grippe. Messrs Geo. Cooper and ank McIntosh, Rice, who have been car 393' Hand--; on business in the Mo-u 'taln 18, to M greenhouses, have, by m tual Hand, a S consent, dissolved partneiship . , and the business-will be carried Ripenbto on by Mr. Frank Rice.' Mr. on deru‘a Cooper will not, however, be iMrs. Ripe leaving Grimsby, as he has ar- "7- ranged to remain with Mr. Rice. BA Spray materials should be or- ‘T-he tlt,' dered early, for dear of a J/,arr"lfei,fn, shortage in the supply. Get orP trelr C prices on sulphur, bluestone, etc., _a ons from W. M. Stewart Drug Co., SE“? l Limited. l e. rst i. For Sale-A dozen oo rd T . _.-..--------------" wood barrels. Just {Shag1 3:101: ', BORN requlre for spraying pur ses. MeIntosh---A't Vineland, on W. T. Softley, Grimsby. I Feb.,1, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald MPQQr-n Con FAnw‘nv- ”a. . nnl- 1fc1ntosh, a dtu1ghter. _ Immense clearing bargajnsi,iil] offered in our clothing and mtriti,1l furnishing department d11tll,r!i the great Red Tag Sale. c?/il lines, up-to-date clothing; fii'iilti, material, best tailoring, T685134; $23, Red Tag pride $16; reglial $21, clearing price $15; reglila $18, Red Tag price $12-50; gular $15, Tag sale $10-50 ':41llll mense clearing prices In, hi and meh's overcoats, "i, boys' heavy, all-wool 'swgef' best _ make, regular Arrc.,stiy,s',iitial ' TN nien's heavy wool Sweaters” _,t-t gular $2 to $3, Red Tag sale Fi tro to $2.25; IO dozen all-silk 5, regular 50c, Tag sale 25c. “gs F mense clearing prices in ”1:311 winter lines, including 11 1er- wear, sox, mitts, caps, etc. 7 F Hawke. f To Rent-soo Township of Nort ated three mlles E Village, This fa] occupied by Jas. s ticulars apply to W by. Would be pleased to hear from parties having properties to dispose of. Fruit Farm, 5 no 20 acre? McDougall & Hannigan The Big Real Estate Men GUELPH Offerings will be devoted to the above Association. You are cordially invited to these services. Special music at each ser- vice. V In the evening at 7 o'clock Young People's Service under the auspices of the Y.P.S.C.E. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Glassford will address a united gathering of the Method ist, Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools. . R. J. M. Glassford, B.“D.' Field Sec. Ontario, Sunday school Association. ., ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN GHURQH GRIMSBY On Sunday next, Feb. 26, the morning and evening ser- vices will be conducted by Rev The band expects to have two artists from Hamilton to assist at the next concert, besides the usual illustrated songs and band selections. Patrons are reminded that this series is being continued on the first Thursday of each month instead of the second Thursdays as heretofore. BAND, CONCERT The 44th Regt. band is pre- paring another good program for their concert next month. V Ripenburg--In North Grimsby on Felbru‘ary 21, 1911, to Mr. and JNdrs. Ripetoburg, a son. Hand-ln Grimsby, on Feb 18, to Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Hand. a son. Brir15_ertram is offer kh‘ndotte and Legh {Tale for hatching. l Illlrt" them in this Br have the adv; 'tit able to see the are mated, and k (lt,",')-', are gem ins: Eéh'd Methodiist churches" of 'slby, will hold a union ser- k':',,) Monday night, Feb. 27, 1], at 8 p. m., in the Methodist lrph. The 'address of the f‘ing will be given by Rev. };_,_R-os_s. Everybody come. 'ite Bright Mission Band of Methodist church 'ntend .‘f'ng- their annual eutertain- "in; on .Tihursday evening-. +23, at 7.30 p. m. Everybody it'd to hear the children lllii)' cdllection. 'ttttape, parsley, carnations, WhthS, freesias, cinera;ias, lt"ii:iils, etc/ at Thos. smv-ls gmvgouses, phone 119, RObin- B',iii_, g, s, Ahrimsby. llil'r,':i_'i?rretr'---tone or two unfur- 'ft',h,srtotott1ss with electric light 'i1'fapoes---People requiring; po 5;,‘ca'll at Wardell's Fem 17-, We have a trood sunnw 'tittrrpry convenience. Apihy ért'her particulars at the “géendent office. tici').,",-",'",))').?. Dr, Fletcher of Ham 'gngzll occupy the pulpit in ~§§fBeamsville Presbyterian Ililiiiyn Sunday, Feb. 26. of March. Electric ugh} tiitrred. Apply to “House,” 1rraltr Manufacturing Co., Fjsbf. _ , "iiidn .M'eetinnglhe young,' tFile/ortho, Baptist, Presbyterc. br Sale-About 15 tons C 's"."; Will sell at barn in bulk f, If er by the ton. Apply to j It urst, telephone 64, ring , - svillg, Ont. if. Guy Greves of Windsc, Zed friends in town last weel tpnted---A 7 room house b t' WANTED atehing. Those who in' this neighbor- the advantage of I see the pens as ed, and know what js pffering White t the Beamsville hich was post- uesd-ay, Feb. I4, the storm, will be Leghorn eggs supply of d Trimming and Pruning T We have a fine stock of the latest and most up-to-date Pruning and Trimming Tools and now is the time for you to buy as this is trimming time Lvery- thing to Wear K. M. STEPHEN, We are offering this week, Fifty (50) Dress Skirts at exceedingly low prices. Wool Taffetas, Diagonals, Pana- mas and Cloth Skirts ranging in value from $4.50 to $6.00,atthevery low prieeof....................S4.25 $3.75 and $4.00 values for . . . . . . .. .. . . /. .. . . .. $3.25 This is an opportunity to secure your Spring Skirts at wholesale prices or less. 10c to 35c. Immense range of New Kitchen 1 1300 Rolls last season's Papers, .'., 5e to 10c roll. It will be to your interest to inspect our lines fore placing your selections for the rooms , Our special sample books will be sent . homes if desired. Immense range of New Immense range of N, Grimsby’s Largest Store 6 doz. Dining Room Chairs, high back, reg $1.25 for 99e. " Dining Table to match, reg. $7.50 for $6.15. 5 Sideboards, large bevel mirror, reg. $15.00 for $13.25. Bargains in Bedroom Suite $11.50. Iron Beds MI 90. Mat- tresses $2.95. 3-piece Parlor Sets, reg. $22.00. This wool: 9:17 'rr; Brussel Rugs, 9x12, reg. $25.00. Sale price $17.50. . Axminster Squares, 9x12, reg. $32 00, for $27.50. Tapestry Squares, 21x3. Speiial $5.75. Tapestry Squares, 3x3h and 3x4. Special 810 and 812. Hall .and Stair Carpets' in Tapestry, Brussel and velvets Less than half the month to finish-it behoves every house wife in this locality to follow closely the very exceptional opportunities this Great Sale affords This will be a. Special Carpet, Furniture, Wall Paper and Drapery Sale. GROCERS AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS MAIN STREET - - - GRIMSBY How about a Pair of Shoes ? See our window for New Spring Styles. ' Serge and Panama and prices. We are V _ February . House Furnishing Sale .|=. HAWKE, LADIES' TAILORED SUITS and 66e to $1.25 yard E. S. & R. T. JOHNSON Sale of Skirts prepared to hang all Wall Paper or/short notice Make your selections early. K. M. STEPHEN NEW WALL PAPERS Main Street, Grimsby Sets, reg. $22.00. This week $17.75 fl. F. HHWKE F New Bedroom Papers of New Parlor and J New Fitehen Papers 5e to 12le FURNITURE CARPETS other Suits at greatly reduced Opp. H. G. & B. Station reg. 15c to 20e;- clearing at the rooms you in ill be sent to your MIN STREET l, 5e to 200. Dining Room Papers and, prices be., Grirnsby's Largest Store Reliable Goods Popular Prices ools , 50c, W

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