TERMS: Subscribers in Canada $l.00 per yea' in United States $150 per year ENDEPEN DENT Weigand is travelling by the cheque route and seems to be making money out of it. ' His line of business seems to be, to rent a shop, give a bogus cheque on account of the rent, order wagons and harness and other supplies to a bogus cheque on ac the rent, order wagl harness and other sup be delivered in the ne and' then cash a few and skiddoo. In due time the cheques come back marked "no funds," but Weiga-nd is far away work ing fresh fields and pastures new. From the present indica tions the meat trust in Grims by won't be busted for some time yet. In trying to reply cisms on its present utterly failing to do Catharines Journal question “What is ' dent and who is th That is easily answered. First, the Independent is the best news paper published in the County of Lincoln; and second, its editor is the man who was run- ning the Independent when the Journal was a rabid tory sheet, and he also is the man who smiled when the Journal be- came a rabid grit sheet. The editor of the Independent is also the man who has seen the once widely circulated St. Cath- arines Journal drift slowly Icp,. wards, from being an influencial, well printed, cleverly written paper, to being a paper of little or no influence, read by few and nrianA worse than the Arizona or no influence, res printed worse than Kicker, ever was. The editor of the Indenpen- dent has beeri,c,king of his F own castle for, over tnv-kitty-five yearé and during that time he has seen about every kind of news- paper man on the face of the earth, try to run the St. Cathar- ines Journal, but all have signally failed. The reason that this is the case, is because the editors, both past aqd present, of the St. Catharines Jo1irnal have been theoritica1 instead of practical. If the cou'rrtrv was ripe for protection then the Journal talked free trade. If the country wanted a good stiff tariff, the Journal was talk ing reciprocity. - Facts and Fancies. If the country wanted baseball the Journal was advocating snow ball, and if the country wanted hot weather the Journal would be advocating cold weather-al- VARIGDSE VEINS GUBED BLOOD POISONS are the most nmmlent and most serious diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and un ess entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the 'symptoms-our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.--1mprudept acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing f2.""isGll; Mentally, Jtgiigtl1g and manly you are not the man you used to be or should be. illyouheed the nger signals? " A nED Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you, intending to Teen;) Has - - - _ 1- - A __ _ an Um". .7...“ m... “moimoauo rn- N’mw mam) pntinued from page I _ r, (a A Cor. Michigan Ave. tgt,!!,!,,!.?,,'!,,!,!,,?.,!,, .e‘- - tgtttg--tlrl-l." W, . ' All letters from Canada must be addressed aqFt!!!, OT I C E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- 18lt' ' \' tgt-r-rl-ltr- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows,; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address HAS-YOUR BLOOD BEEN msnsam NO NAMES b52112 wagon; wigglv fif.?r?,5rT,2'r11rATE 1tar" No NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. LIVINGSTON, Editor £1111] Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. reply to my critr- esent course and urnal asks this t is the Indepe I- is the editor." 6 YOU. a. VlUuLux 14“": IV“ Avuv “Vt-v. -uv . v... __-______( - - ur blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? iydr NEW METHOD 11 cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation nor who has treated you, write for an honest oBinion Free of Charge. Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on iseases of Men. “Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins; When I wor ed hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time. My family Physician told me an operation was my only .,et1ti-e1p,ti I dreaded it. tried several specialists. but soon found out a they. wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was " work so much and I tNd him 2ll condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as e had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square! and skillful. I wrote them and got Tim New METHOD TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the titst month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week in a machine shop before treatment, now I am earning 821 and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. V HENRY c. LOCUST. so, the St it future cheques ways behind" the titpes.----De- †m... . ---'.. LLAJ. VV “J" -_ - . manding conditions in 19II that might have been alright in r8i7----Bestging the people to stand for free trade principles, as their grandfathers did, when the grandsons want-not free trade with the states,----) their own good Canadian markets along with their own good British markets. The only difference between the editor of the Independent and the editor of the Journal is that the editor of. the Indepen- dent knows what he is talking about, when he talks on recipro- city, while the editor of the‘ Journal is floundering around in; the dark trying" to make Icy theory of 18:7 conform to the conditions of 1011. This annual statement was pre pared by Mr. Byron E. Waller, president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. now Sir Ldmund Walker and all moderate minded men must acknowledge that when he speaks on relf1procity he knows what he is talking about. At a meeting; of the Board of Trade, last week, Sir Edmund, in a most effective speech, de. nounced the reciprocity ag,ree- ment, in the most scathing: terms. FACTS & FANCIES NO. 2 .. In this he was backed up by the most prominent men in the financial and commercial life of the City of Toronto. _ The remarkable thing about it is that a large number of these men are liberals, who in ordinary circumstances support our liberal government, but on this occasion, they have come out in a straight protest against the reciprocity agreement. our this out the again/st the _agreemen.t at tue Bbard of. Trade /" metetinfr:r,y.'lei,i/" week, i large nurkbtyi. St ', tlitit men have signed a statement setting: forth their dbjections to the agreement and protesting' against the Government _carry- ing the agreement to a COnsuma- tron. _ It cannot be said these men are swayed by politics when they are all liberals. D'. It cannot be said that they are men who are easily excited or drawn into a controversy, as they are all men noted for their carefulness, shrewdness and keen conception of business. . These men are all honest and honorable, none of them are seeking notority. A11 of them are noted for their carefulness and shrewdness and the com- mon oeople may rest assured that these men are fully con- vinced, that reciprocity would Besides speaking Icing and voting agreement at the RIVATE. No - on and Cost of Treatment -De- _ (j,-:::').')?..! ' that f '_-i',),';')'?,), I to 'ib"r' _,'ir,_"i-iii,iil, I ples, l .. ,,i-y" _,'a-'"illl . free ’ i . . . their r'--, T uri,Blllll rkcts s'.ital l 1:; 3: , ' 1 I" " I Cured by Lydia E. ham'sVegetablecottit"iit Canifton, Ont.--" had beéj sufferer for five years. 02:1; told me it was ulcers of the and another told me it wasijj . ._. .-.S. _.. ... tumor. 'cj; ii.T//.;?i, ' F: bi "rs'rt'. $33333. knows wti (//ty:c'aBtliiI gag; fered. I 'iii-.':" .. qllr,iry,l" always Is 5:55.55. 437:; at certain; '.).'c.'r a R " .'::i=.-. and new Compound. Through persona rience I have foun it the iiiiiitll cine in the world for female' 'it1q for it has cured me, andI did: 1'flll to have the operation. aftef‘l'1735} Compound also helped mty:ttli1?,Jll ing through Change of tdft'tij'i?ii' LETITIA BLAIR, Canifton, i),,),')', Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetabl pound, made from) roots andâ€: has proved to be the most 911.“; remedy for curing the worst: fog; female ills, including displawé}; inflammation, tibroi tumorsi larities, periodic pains, backache ing-dowp feeling, t1ata1e?tert ,r?,is$a tion, and nervous paro!strht1oP: T3,8 but a trifle to try it, and the. reg F,, been worth millionsto tmtterintt " tll be a bad thing for C,ri,ii),i,ifaiglll they would not eitttji(i,(,'t,as,'iiiN so prominently F "tiiitj"tal * against it The members of the "rr-f,'-,)),', government may be keeivifi,ij'a mess men and may be ii:1il? tell to some extent, what_3;;,â€} for the benefit of this cit», but there are none of the stand higher in the cojit,,j,t,'t wand than any one of tag/‘1 mess men who have/iii, against reciprocity. _,r,r/,_',i,s,_irr,-v,c,_e","c,,'i"i')w"jlll 'rl, finincial and cone Virtual he “no mt +1111}: country,)'; 'laces problems of this Ghest r; iks of him in the very highest Â¥ Canada's great men. ' Neither Sir Wilfrid 'caurier nor the Hon. Mr. Fieldi†can have wider, broader ot Pore intimate knowledge of _us1ness affairs than he. f, 1Vhen such men as B. E. Walker, John L. Blaikie, W. D. Matthews, W. K. Geor ' Z. A. Lash, W. T. White, G T, omers, Robert S. Gourlay, Willi m M. Clark. R. J. Christie, Blain, H. Si. Strathy, L. Goldrn n, Geo. A. Somerville, W. (rancis, James D. Allan, E. R. wood and The annual general meeting of Niagara district fair "r managers was held in St. Catharines on Thudrsday afternoon with good attendance from all points, the following officers were elected: president, J W Shriner, Thorolj; vice-president, Edward Bough- ‘ner, Clinton; secretary-treasurer; "F. F. Gilmore, Clinton. T The dates fixed for fall district fairs were: Thorold, Sept. 19 and 20; Niagara, Sept. 21 and 22; Wah/feet, Sept. 22 and 23; Bertie Sent. 26 and 27; Clinton, Sept, A. Somerville, W. 'r'_rycisd!t'., James D. Allan, E. R. WOOd and iii John C. Eaten declare against il) reciprocity, then neither Sif it) Wilfrid Laurier nor the Hon. il) Mr. Fielding, nor the Hon. Mr. . . Patterson have any right to force u! upon the people of Canada an “I agreement, such as they are try it; in}: to do. ii) Everything,' will be sold posj- tively without reserve, as Mr Park is giving up farming. Terms nine months credit. Jas. A. Livingston, auctioneer. O MR 26 and 27; Stamford, _Sept. 2: and 29; Monck, Sept. 29 and 30 Smithville, Oct. 5 and 6; A-bing Ion, Oct. 13 and 14; Fenwick Oct. 17 and 18. the stone school housefon the first road east of the Thirty Road, about three miles north of Smithville. will bola an auc- tion sale of farm stock and implements on Friday next, Fel: 24, at 1.30 o'clock in the after- noon IL FALL FAIR DATES HOLD AN AUCTION SALE PETER PARK WILL Peter Park, llVlI me school house )ald east of the ,ssssiss ark, living near W. m %%%%%%%%%m%%% I . For Sale ! 'tl 'iiRttietrMittiaiiiRiEtiiiiRjitRiiiiRifRR)liE9 P" 1'Sh.s,, .‘o ' .s. .‘.‘.\.\.\.~q. .P.9r_rgtr_%tsr .‘ y-§a£§35333333§33353 Stoney Creek you save _ PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grit Stock growing on Corman Farm one mile east of Stoney Creek on north side of stone road. Finest stock in Canada. Take notice when pas- sing on car or otherwise. Norman M. Walker Grape Vines, Currant and Gooseberry Plants Liberal discounts allowed on Fall delivery for Fall planting. gar workmen are very profieiH1t and will cause gory little inconvenience in repair work. ' ShOuldxyou hive any plumbing to be done, you will time and money by attending to it at; once. Joseph Tweddle FRUITLAND NURSERIES Proprietor Good Plumbing Is Not a Luxury it is an absolute ne- cessity, if you would care to take the full enjoyment of living. We can install every plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Plumbing Grimsby; . -‘.\.‘_-'7 La.,::-:,,::-,:::-':'"-;"" Ontario. s. ir... 2 'f, ft! t ft! I f.t.t iii Ir) TI CRERAR, CRERAR & BELL, _ Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries' No. 1 Hamilton Provident Chambers Hughson St. South. Hamilton, Canada, Telephone No. 652. , Money to lend. Mortgages purchased P. D. Crerar, K9. ___ .. h .T. H. Crerarl GIBSON & OSBORNE, '3 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc: Woney to loan. Private funds. Lowest rated Bank of Commerce Building, Hamilton, Hon. J. M. Gibson, K. C., lffices, 15 Main ti., East, _ Hamilton, At SMITHVILLE every Thursday W. J. O’Rielly LANCASTER & CAMPBELL Barristers-at-law ,'olicitors, Notaries, etc. No. 6 Queen tit; _ ST. CATHARINES E. A. Lancaster. Jas. H. Campbeli Note-Mr. Lancaster will be at the Lincon House, Grimsby, every Wednesday from mm. to 6 p.m., except during the session d the Dominion Parliament. LAZIER. & LAZIER, BARBlSTEB», Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to nan at lowest rates. Office, “Spectator Building,†Hamilton. S. F. Lazier, K.C. R‘. i. Lazier. H. L. Lazier. V Notary Public ottiees--Grimsby and Beamsville. Money to loan at current. rates. ' ' 46 QUEEN ST. PLANS, SPECIFIC Div" and Mining Engineer Land Surveyors. 'tnear-T 13112113098! mouth, Barnum LAURENCE MUNHO '0 MAIN ST. EAS H. r . "HIVDnL, we.“ I not, ~------ D I LTON ' has moved to a more modern bf- . tice in the Federal Life Building, corner Mam and James Streets, one block west and one block south ot former office. Take elevator to Room at. J. ar,t,iErr(iMiy ADrsawfo Fifi CON FECTIOBLEIE Weddings, Receptions, At Humes and En tertainments Supplied. Lupoh Counters. Caterer/s 34 King St. W.. Hamilton MANUFACTURER OF WEDDING CAKES, ICE CREAM AND FINE CANDY GOING EAST. GOING was“ 9 34 a. m 6.50 a. m 1150 a. m 1.19 pun, 6 13 l m 5.55 p. m The Muskoka Express from Toronto stops at Grimsby every morn- 1ug at 1.33. AssmNEE AND VALUATOR vlortgages, Deeds, Wills, ete., drawn. Vloney to loan at 4% to 6 per cent. Es ates wound up and a. general Insurance and Jonveyancing business transacted. CARS LEAVE HAMILTON Ten minutes after the Hour, from 6 t. m. to 11:10 p. m., CARS LEAVE BEAMSVILLE Fifteen minutes after the Hour new 6 & m. to 10.45 p.m. Beamsville depart---'?. I 11.15 1215 l.15. 2.15, 6.15, 7.15. 815 915 p m The cars from Beamsville are due 'm, Gnmsby at 20 minutes to the hour from 6.40 a m to ll 05 p.m.and 20 minutes after the. hour fr m Hamilton from 7.20 a m to 12.15. Plans and Spectiicrtions for all classes builinwgs dlnsurauce Adjusted ilectric pm 30H N B BRANT The finest collection in the LAN D SURV FJYOB- Giro. E. WALLEP Pass. Ag I. G GIBQON Superintendent A'Full line of kodaks lhe very BEST that can E. NICHOLSON. 0AA, n. F. H AN s E L,,P, E_titt1syrht.?, '39. McCONACHIE Suécessors to T. c. Browniohn, Tyrrell & MacKay CARPENTER, “B, A., ClPlt "" TA B14113 tCMiF I ABLJS MUNRO & MEAD. ARCHITECTS. 3 JAMES ST. N., HAMILTON Barrister, Solieitpr, ARC HITEC'I‘E In effect from Jane lst, 1910 Solicitor, Conv, l'eleph Pf 754 C. W. Bell, B.A. Grimsby Station. CUNNINGHAM DENTISTRY I Sr. ST. CATHARINES GIFIGATICNS, VALUATIONS- BLUE PRINTS. " (i. J PICTURES $6110an 1053.5 PHOTOS KODAKS I Conveyancer, Eto., W. W. Osborne & B. WILLIAM R. MEI SMITH IN HAMILTON md Supplie 15, 9.15,1015 5, 415 5.15, be made COL" Agent 6.15