The Hamilton Provident and, Loan Society Cor For treasurers of small clubs or societies there is no better means of keeping accurate records than opening a checking account. When all monies received are deposited and all payments are made by cheque, the bank book is a record in itself. The cancelled cheques are the only receipts required. 644 Apply to Debentures issued for one or more years. bearing interest at FOUR per cent payable half yearly. iii'i'i"iiliriiLiai,' HAMILTON Cupita a: ADERS jii5(!fl'lf,l;i',,i,,,.i; Branches also at Barton am TO WINNIPEG AN D W E S T MONEY TO§LOAN All High Class Pianos in stock m ' Our Music Room Thos. Anderson DIRECT ONLY CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE We have secured the for the We are now ready to supply you with all kinds of Spring Seeds for sowing and would ask you LO give us King and Hughson Sts HAMILTON a call when in need of these seeds. We have a full quantity of first class Lucerne, Red Clover, Timothy or Alsike. _We have still an number of those grain bags on hand and are selling them at a very low price. On Farm Property . J. MURRAY & co. ti. ANDERSON, Valuator Grimsby Twenty-sixth Year. Smithville SPRING SEEDS GOURLAY PIANO The McMILLAN PIANO MENDELSSOHN PIANO and The ESTEY ORGAN PIANOS 65 James N Nth Hamilton W. C. LANN IN :1 Surplus, C. FERRIE, Treasurer at 5 James Street and corner and Wentworth Streets. "rlllhilllE illllr?tti travel by the Manager of express trains carry- ing through standard and bonnet sleeping cars for all points in Western Canada. E. H CULP, Grimsby Jarvis For information see $6,550,000 agency Cayuga TONT. I 1011 real estate security at grates of interest. I W. B. CALDER! PHONE NO, 7 MONEY The new amusing card game. Played by four people at a table Progressive "Chantecler" is one l the most amusing ways to entertain number of people possible. More Bitter Oranges Very popular in the States, but quite new in Canada. We are expecting our second shipment of choice bitter Oranges this week. Full directions for Progressive "Chantecler" given with each set. ome and Nothing is more bracing these mornings than a cup of our Special Blend Cof-. fee. Have you tried it? ROBERT DUNCAN & CO. and other TRAVELLING and LEATHER GOODS Don't Forget we carry the Best Values Made in Solid Substantial makes of TRUNKS . SUIT CASES HAND BAGS TELESCOPES SHAWL STRAPS HAT BOXES James Osborne & s THE LEADING GROCERS 12 and " James St. South HAMILTON Telephones 186 and $0 CLOKE & SON Slicer if Requested "ehiioteekr" Booksellers and Stationers 16 WEST KING ST., Hamilton. Price soc each Models just received from Paris and New York. Stationers and Printers Cor. James and Market Square HAMILTON j'ull line of Mourning Veils, Ornaments and Flowers. 4 John St, North, cor King hamilmn - - Upstairs Mourning Goods a Specialty . DUNCAN a GO. new line of beautiful Mourn- ing Millinery. THE Hinman=Atkinson see our our Big Stock ll MILLINERY ain street, Grimsby Prices Right , at current LOAN AR ERIMSBY, WEDNES; LORS Son one of ii Unfortunately, neither 'ia?,,nseitil,1 these men discuss the q1ipstiqiil, on its merits, but both of the? appeal to the people to suppo,if)), reciprocity as a Jolitical..meaii) ure. 5 The editor of the St. Cathay? ines Journal has asked thi?, readers of his paper to support reciprocity between Canada anti: the United States. c"i': It does not seem to affect theg editor of the Journal at all, as; to whether reciprocity will be iii good thing for the readers of his} paper, or not; what he is afraidl; of is, that many men may desert" their party and oppose rCciproc)-i'i, ty, because they believe, that it: will injure themselves and their} country. _ " g Mr. Atkinson of the Star, ingféi (speaking before the Bbard of}: \Trade meeting; in Toronto, (iliac/vi/i,',:,,:;:"::',"!), other day, airpealed to 'thtieiiili'lisl.i',, hundred members of the Boar'it'iii;'?' to vote in favor of JiiCiprocrt(j1'iii1i"i,y and he told them if they did ni)) [l' that it was simply voting tr"wa si' ' of confidence vote" in the Grow ; . emment, arrd, heurgaï¬urtï¬reï¬ï¬ strongly not to vote against they" I Government. _, The Editor of the Torontd' Sitar goes even further in the political line and begs the people to support reciprocity for fear) of the defeat of the Laurief Government. r"' J. How little infiue of the Star had, IT fr n', the fact that, was taken. Hun "s" ed for recigrm. hundred and eigh' against reciprocity I. have repeatedly 5.1171 this question should be , outside of the realm of po If it is a good thing for Cana- da, this country should not 'e prevented from getting it and if it is a bad thing for Canada, it should not be . forced on the country, just to suit some poli- ticians. There has never been any measure introduced b" the Government of Canada, which has aroused the same amount of opposition,- irrespective of Hot applications as a home" cure for diseases are recognized? as the most successful forms of treatment. The Electrotherm, the electric bottle, gives con-, st'ant, regular heat and over- comes ah the defects of the hot water bottle one. Parkl Hamilton. HEAT IS THE FAMILY DOCTOR The kind that will not; leak. »::Q'f“f“ffi}iug that is just a little better than any other tnnktijcr4llllllrt,,ttrh.u is the kmd you F want we ii) Ilti'i,it in THE QUEEN CITY HOT WATER BOTTLE WITH THE 2-YEAR GUARANTEE 2-QUART $2,25 -, T 3-QUART $2.50 We carry We are offering in arid try one HOT WATER BOTTLES . ll. Stewart lyirritg Co. Limited You save more than y T " 3 5:1; .I I a Come in and see Parke, Druggists; will line of RUBBERWTB and we have Hot Water Bottles frt'it"itilltEi,,f?,p up ring our CHAMOIS 1-.illl1f,r.')j.i.r 201, reduction Come :mmnn if vou have tliiliEilthilly feeling in the back i1. on if you eir:ied itics i When a whole district, almost ‘0 a man, rises up and sends 21‘ ielegation of one thousand perm 'ions to Ottawa to protest gainst tlyy5srreeyyiet,: it means .. at all oif these people feel that p.e agreement would be a big I jury to them and to their industry. ' » When a Board of Trade, com- osed as the Board of Trade of 1"oronto is, of the brainiest and threwdest business men, rises 'pp-with only thirteen dissent- [ng members, out of,three hun- [ired--and condemns reciproci- ir, it must be granted that reci- 'riocity does not appeal as a Food thing to the the business men t1 li " Btlt mgr tysrrttre when you buy here F O e e [ls cling IS t nd in even e liberals pposied to greement his alone [12106 hm e ois ty, as the present recipr cement has. _i":'iri,,i.,, handed in to t 1beir"1oltiee to tlie" "e 316nt1eman My the l 'igand. oi To' rteed a buildingr am e6li, supplies, with a St ing a burche“ sh maet on the Sout Mii, street. This N of/I': police Swayze ar/tid d with a war podet for the sait forltorgery and fe mrfii-v under false 1( I Ly H of am 1 Doc for mo I'f Phroughout the Province the‘ ling is the same everywhere) l in every line of business, , liberals are just as much posed to the Rirciprocify reement as the conservatives. 1is alone ought to show the )vernment that they have ade a mistake and the proper ing for them to do is to give n-~vaom'pnl'- a six months or the Board of Trade of the of Toronto, were divided .rding to their politics, it ,Id be found, that some of strongest opponents to iorocity were staunch liber the big delegation of one sand representing the fruit vegetable growers of the ince was thoroughly analy it will be found that the :rs of it to a great extent liberals and the rank and lil FEBRUARY 22, 191 1 "(Ever stop to think what this Iltipounfemfnt means from a re- fable firm ? C-;V:3,This preparation is a specific I," the cure of all throat and fog troubles ' . _ L:_:_ “2,“. agreement Gamtss & PARKE are equally divided m servative. tq. Itt, In Market Square. mmmon (Continued on Page 2) Parke & Parke Iloronto PARKE’S COUGH BALSAM GUARANTEED a 'iiort'gad _ that week a loca A in to the 11 _. money refunded Soc per bottle. Have It not give satisfaction :ular case, come and This week 'anch wayze is going warrant its his '. said Weizaud d for obtaining false pretences. a, k a local itsm to the ngepen [TEX "efrectf, T that LF Us“: 11ng of Toronto, 1130 I and had order th a view of 'c'" shop or meat South side of name ocity liberal (Chief s.roine gliz- 5%! kï¬mxxxxxx xxxxxxxxga g The United Empire Bank ii .. OF CANADA 'f ii, iti Sixxxxxxxxx The best Fruit Dray made in Canada . BANK OF HAMILTON WE HAVE THE GREEN MOUNTAIN POTATOES All Sizes Manufacturer Everything delivered Savings CapitaiPaidUp. . . . . Reserve and Undivided Profits l RIMSBY BRANCH, Total Assets GRIMSBY Perfection and Calgary FLOUR All kinds of FEED for animals Some first class Wheat Straw We handle nothing but the best at the F Right Prices . . WARDELL & SON OPEN AN AUUUUH ll Many people have no bank ac- count-----)" saving or current. Savings Account-Any) Can open a savings account inthe can open a savmgs dcuuuUL 1llUlaNe United Empire Bank of Canada by depositing any sum from one dollar up. We allow interest from date of deposit and compound every six months. The depositor can deposit or withdraw money at any time. " , 7 a“... HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON a", Me----"" Every man and every boy from twelve years up should have a Bank account, it encourages the habit of saving, Call at the ank for particulars. Corner Main and Mountain Sts. Bank Department . POTTENGER D. WALKER 'r - GRIMSBY RANtwi,i?g'iity)-",lhl" 1 . MITCHELL, MANAGER MMyiNMMMMMyl ACCOUNT Prices Reasonable at all Branches. $1.00 Per Year $40,000,000 $2,750,000 $3,250,000 $6,000,000 , Agent, ONTARIO Phone 157 GRIMSBY