xl 29 , . v --.""' ---_e-W.i__- “"“â€â€™ ers that look ahead and buy ahead will Ssyitches, Bltr.ri.es, Fuse Bugs, etc. reapa rich harvest at this sale. We will House Wiring a Specialty. commence at once to remove our stock by Repairs promptly made. the power of cut prices. Our reputation tt. o. BROWNLEE for a square deal will insure your obtain. Phone 154 Box 534 ingjust the bargains we offer. You’ll --"-"------------------.-, certainly not want to miss this opportuni- ty. In this sale, as with all our offerings, CRIMSBY, FEBRUARY 15 you’ll find honest valued stitched with truthful words. W. Farrar, Clothing For Sale-A choice block of e?n11.iaeturertl.iMsrr.kt.st Square, Hamilton, fruit land, on the Middle Road, Wegive premium tielrete. three miles west of St. Cathar- For .i"yale.--Four tons of mixed hay. ines. Fine sandy soil, splendid Apply to Frank Hurst, North Grimsby. buildings, some bush, some For Sale.---' globe, base burner coal fruit, fifty acres in all. Will sell stove;agood heater, good as new. Apply at a bargain up to March I, cr to Jas. A. Livingston, Grimsby. will divide up to suit purchas- D , . . ers. Apply to Freeman Wismer, on t forget the auction sale of fan}; Jordan, Ont. stock and Implements at Robert Thorne s Tungsten Lamps, Electric Irons Switches, Batteries, Fuse Plugs, etc House Wiring a Specialty. Repairs promptly made. ot Bartonville, has resumed teaching the violin n Grimsby and will be in the Studio, over Mil. ler's Jewelry Store every Monday afternoon. Intending pupils may call on him there or write him to Bartonville. Simplex and Kindergarten teachers MISS E. B. BARTMANN MISS BETA BARTMANNV , Btudios--Hamnton Conservatory of Music, Grims by Hall (Snetsinger block) Wednesdays and A Saturdays. Studios-Hamilton Conservatory by Hall(snetsinger's block), y Teacher of Physical Culture, Voice' aiiririuo. cntion and Dramatic Art., Btudios--Hami1ion Conservatory; Grimsby Hall (Snetsinger Block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. ELIZABETH ST. - GRIMSE For all kinds of Carpenter and Building work Hardwood floors a speciality TERMS FEASONABLE AND GOOD WORK Off Landed Banking ti. Loan, Cor. Main & James Sts., Hamilton MODERATE REASONABLE rates. LIBERAL priv11eges or re- payment. PRODUCTIVE GRIMSBY Phone Office over J. C. Farrells Shoe Store MONEY TO MISS MINNIE M. HIND A ELECTRIC FIXTURES ost Graduate in music of Toronto University Teacher of Piano. AIN FLETCHER MUSIC METHOD MISS JENNIE M. KENNEDY DR. W.A- BRO~WNLEE DELTIS‘I OFFiCE--WooLVErrroN BLOC (Grounds Floor) p.11) FICE HOURS CoRo . W. KIDD, Valuator, Grimsby. Dr. H. W. Graham, V. S. begs to announce to the hor- se and stock owners of Grim- sby and vicinity that he has opened up an office in Grlms by and he is prepare) to treat all kinds of dlsease. Office in I. H. D. Walkers Office in J. H. D. Walkers new cement Building corner Main and Mountain Sts. Phone No. 7t PHONE l93, GRIMSBY Dr. H. W. Graham I 3, VIOLIN MR. DAVID TREGUNNO perties. . H. BROMLEY entist GRIMSBY. ONT TELEPHONE No duate Ont ger's block), Wednesdays and Saturdays. ALEXAN IN a SURGEON 10 Electrical Equipment expense. LOAN . Hughton farm pro tl Vet. College of Music Grims INCOLN GRIMSBY GRI Wanted-By Feb. I5, a com Store petent man, married or single oment by the year. Apply evening: after 7 o'clock, to Dr. D. Clark ONT North Grimsby, one mile Wes, of Village. Phone 109. Spraying.7-We are taking orders now, for spraying contracts, and expect to do first class work, as we will be equipped with the Grimsby Spraving outtit which has been tlooroughly tested. Denison Bros., Box 26, Grimsby. Found.--.' shawl. Owner pay for this notice, and identify at the Independent Offiee. Notiee.-The Grimsby Canning Co. is now open to contract for about one hun.. dred acres of white ï¬eld beans, also toma- toes, raspberries and strawberries. All in- terested parties call up the offiee and get particulars from the manager, E. D. Todd, Grimsby Canning Co, Phone 38, Grimsby, The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday, February 17th, at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. R. J. Foreman. is taking orders for white Wyande and white Leghorn eggs tor setting, as these orders are filled in rotation would be well to place your order so a get your eggs when you want them. This week it, is Ladies' Skirts Stephen's Don't forget the auction sale of farm stock and Implements at Robert Thorne’s on the MacKay Farm, a short distance west of the post office, Winona, ' on Tues. day February, 2lst; sale at one o'eloolr, sharp. Jae. A. Livingston, Auctioneer. Money saved here. We face the fact that the selling time for winter clothing is growing short. Plenty of time yet to wear heavy weighted clothes, but the time for selling is not so long, We prefer money to stock and We are going to make great saerifieeg in order to secure it. Bu v- ers that look ahead and buv ahead will Wanted.--) boy of about sixteen years to work in greenhouses. Small wages and a chance to learn the business. Ap ply to Rice & Cooper, Mountain Green. houses, Grimsby. ~7- . . i: _ required three " l Elle Rally ‘!Wkorld,d Canada a and G.T.R. to ea ea mg Ive stop an. produce deputation and market newspaper, IS cluiblbed largest deputatio: with this a er at the rate of Ottawa. er ear fgr p/id, two $g The trains le p y . Thursday evenin A calendar tea willibe heldtin the An- Friday morning, nex to the Village Inn on Wed. Feb. 22nd After , preln f 3te6 o'eloek An excellent ro- Russell. Theatre rom: . . . . p delegation mare] gramme will be glven commencmg at Buildings and we 3:30. You may have your tea in any frid Laurier, Hon month you lwish, in stormy February, members of the‘C b l J me or bleak November Re- and George Elm: amy l , . The spokesmen member the date, February 22nd, 1911. Mr w FT Bunting The Sunday World, Toronto: Canada, for particulars of hos to secure an agency. Prizes dear to the heart of every boy will be given to those showing the largest sale in a given period For Sale.-- from pure bn for setting. Telephone 64 IS L C Those who are present at the singer Hall, Thursday evening, 16th., will surely spend a pl and profitable evening and it w cost them a cent. The entertai . N coo er, Mountain Greenh tkia For Sale-r-Forty MX acres of by. p ousea’ mm? first class fruit land, partially A ublicm eti ft G. 'l:',ai, set in fruit;goods buildings ;good cultuialSocie: 35151010 geldrfmssby 1.yti1 water; half mile from Grand Hall Thursda: 8‘71]? e Fm“ "mung; Trunk Station, Jordan. Will ' , ." ve Ing, eoruary I“; . . . . at8 o'eloelr, wnen Mr. H J ht ore a sell In quantities to suit pur the Queen Victoria Park Nia Cr; ’11†' , ag r al.ltE chaser. Apply to box 203 Jordan. will give an address. A good pregramtitil ‘XT....J.-,J h T? , - . . . Large corner lot, very desirable home. May be had at a bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Apply to Box 372, Hespeler, Ont. For Sale-Setting hens, also eggs from pure bred Rhode Island Reds for setting. A E Rymal, Winona, House for Sale:---), Hespeler-- Nine roomed stone house, hardwoot finish, heated with a Kelsey furnace Hard and soft water, good garden stocked with large and small fruits M ones rybody we eine held Dee ven by Mr 'ney can be made by b in every village and 1 will undertake the sal Sunday World. Write Sunday World, Tor, la. for Darticmlarg of irlmst tt n md Horticultur nd liter white Wyandettes me ndon,I Park, Nia . - . A memorial was presented asking $lf"(i,, Mountain Green l the presnL duty on fruitand vegetablesve l maintained. "r' . We face the fact Sir Wilfred Laurier in reply gave the . . growers no hope that the prayer of their r winter elothing petition would be granted. . Fz, n4, 4"wa --_ L- H If M at n luspxc ll as hou Prizes ll 1me Snet FehlA-New Meat Market Sam: . Grimsby We have been able to do quite a bit of typesetting by hand, but had no power to print the paper, and as we write we are trying to rig up a gasoline engine, If we succeed in getting the paper printed, well and good; if not, our only consolation will be that we have done our best. Ils As we have been changing from hand to machine work gradually for the past five years, until everything in the office is being run by machinery, lthe breakdown of the Cataract Power No Power no Printee As John Chinaman says "NO peachee no washee," so may we this week say "No power no printee " On account of the failure of the Cataract Power Company to supply power. there hasn't been a wheel turned in the Independent office since last Saturday, except for about an hour on Monday morning. Company has completeiy stalled the work in our office TR ll The fruit growers of the various fruit growing districts of the Province' of Ontario sent a monster delegation to.) Ottawa on Friday of last week to protest}: against the removal of duty on fruit) The delegation numbered about one" thousand and represented nearly every", fruit growing district in the Province. It/ required three special trains ot the C.P.R.{ and G.T.R, to carry the members of the; deputation and it was probably the) largest deputation that has ever visited) Ottawa. The fruit growe growing districts Ontario sent a store in a first-class manne ordered new delivery w from The Delegation to ope Mr friend. Your membership fee of $1 and if you have not alrea kindly hand this amount tot at an early date. H being rm IN n te g arr D H " W F ralker cr Upsdell anged th 1se In Int re or $1 is now due; already done sq; Int to the treasure], Dine am peppers and e, thirt Ottawa W you require; right. Rice) Seamsvine a: “aVe you tt If not, phone' 70 for eithef strains of r any Var. Specialty; “Planted: m up 1arness eoekerey, _ Anslev Jrrne a jams. for lot egg and ing members of the church did not want Rev. Mr. Campbell. The result of the matter was that it was decided that no call had been pre- sented, and Rev Mr Muir was instructed to continue his efforts to secure a pastor for the congregations. m "T"" had come when the Beamsville church thought that it could support a minister of its own, and furthermore, Clinton church was never of any assistance in lpaying any portion of the minister's lstipend. They had refused to have any thing to do with the Beamsville congre gation, and on Christmas day had refused l to come down and partake of the sacra‘ ment, saying that they would have none of it. Hon. Mr Gibson said that the congregation ‘at Beamsville had refused to guarantee a stipend, and would not do 80 until the matter of separation had 1 been discussed. At all events, the pay- ing members of the church did not want r rs is is “W 1""yfegati1on, and that it was the) [,'jillli_ii,'tt',,i,ii,i,;'ii'_ wat asking for a separation. "il,.'.,,, ')'5,t,iiPhtjpt,, ore present authorized 1tiiiiitii'"t Ht behalf of the Beamsville le’huloh, .but Hon. Wm Gibson was 1iiresettt, and on being invited, addressed _the meeting briefly. He said that the Beamsville church, or at least the paying members of the church, did not want the Rev. Mr. Campbell, and moreover, those who had signed the call were not those who contributed to the lupport of the paistor As for Clinton church, he said that the elders of that congregation were quarreling among themselves, and that 1 as a resultsome went to St Arms and l others to Smithville churches. The time l had come when the Beamsville church thought that it could support a minister! of its own, and furthermore, Clinton church Was never of anti naeiurnnna in! "'dN .vuuug. He also said that Clinton (l,,lltlllb, would, like to have Rev. Mr. I',?, ell as pastor; but he understood (i,, 'lteristwai, some trouble in the Beams an ',ia_t9tt,),yrat;ion, and that; it was the, 'il 1rrti)/hti"rtiat; “mu. “014..., in- - A-.M_._L:,,, It, Eritn behalf of Clinton cl is“ {in the congregation of t w inxious to have Rev. Mr. "it),i,',q hifi, pastor. He said that t $iilgregation of this church "'iiallllF,ihe opportunity to de _,',ii,'i, it; for. separation. 1 _:ibert Banks also spoke E: W and told the presbyter lit.))"'- evening he had r t Iliit')tie' message informing h M"? wanted at the presbyt I,',?, JfIJHa‘milton on Thursday, Ir',"!'-"" for an explanation it f, ,v'mifng. He also said the 05,1123- Woiald mm Fas Iâ€-.- â€â€˜ng rtted tir (eo). T egatim 1 peii 5 and h: (HA, .5 5 ' jibe congregation heh 'll W'jrwas decided to peti Illl 351m 8. separation of tl Ilil K.rrr, _ i, Iieo the Aft t for,-al sallirhr to l (tllltiiipy, ann digit: a can I": 'isan pres l tie/t linton ei 093’? Beams, 'tr,thiibjiil was, I iiidkfiivins.r. to - Illtiii"ittrting of the Hamilton Pres r _ Tlt):)),))"" in the chapel of St. Pauls llllllE'i),,i_iiris afternoon, and although IMrri,'i'ituts a short one, it proved illllllliie.iiiting before it closed. The Iilii(icii' called for the presen- 'lllliigir"'o malls, and while one of - I llllRi"posed of, it turned out that IllllB) not forthcoming, and the . Iilllllli; be dropped until the next . 'lllllihie nresbvterv. Ill',,,.,!,,,:,.,:.',,),")"),,', Chalmers Church ‘ ' IiEi,,iiirWatt Sustained â€"181 Jackson I Iliiiiiir Gibson Talks of il gignwardness of Things [ville and Clinton Pres- B'f'"'ijtiins Are Not United Jackson addresset behalf of Clinton [1y Session of ifresbytery (Hamilton Spectator) cumg ne had received a sage informing him that he Slat the presbytery meet- n on Thursday, but when a explanation it was not He also said that Clinton n to uspoke for Clinton presbvtery that on n t1 the presby- church, and Ethan church Cr. Campbell Lt he hoped 0h would be defend any nsville tl Mond UllUI‘C m ee pre W W " l'il ffii" Lvery- thing to Wear We are, offering this week, Fifty (50) Dress Skirts at exceedingly low prlces. Wool Taffetas, Diagonals, Pana- mas and Cloth Skirts ranging in value from $4.50 to $6.00,atthe very low prieeofr..................y34.25 $3.75und$4.00 valuesfor o.................,.."" This is an opportunity to secure your Spring Skirts u Wholesale prices or less. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS . M. STEPHEN, How about a Pair of Shoes ? See _ New Spring Styles. GROCERs AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS MAIN STREET - - - GRIMSBY PILLOWS Serge and Panama and other Suits at greatly reduced prices. 98C, $1.25, $1.39, $1.50, $1,90, $2.50, $4.00 PILLOW SLIDS BED SDREADS e have a fine stock of the latest and 113% 1ri'rriGcaarc Pruning and Trimming Tools and now is the time for you to buy as this is trimming time Grimsby's Largest Store SHEETS ' $1.50, $2.25, $3.75, $5, $8.50 to $12 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS F - rimming and Pruning Tools COMFORTERS SCOTCH BLANKETS .r: HAWKE, E. S. & R. T". JOHNSON Sale of Skirts February Bedding (Sale K. M. STEPHEN best, Eiderdown and Feather filled Pillows, all sizes, down proof coverings in heavy drill and mercerised Duck. Sale price Best, Eiderdown and F lune Englis best qualitv SI White and grey Blankets, pink 0 size; sale price Main Street, Grimsby Pure all wool Scotch Avrshire Blankets, eitan, lofty cheviot. finish, large size, border des1gn, finest washing and wearing qualities. Sale price Einesr, quality English, Wool and Eiderdown Comforuers. assorted floral art cambric and satins, down proof coverings, stitched borders, arge sizes; sale price n $2.25, $3.00, $3.25, $3.75, $4.50, $5.00 "a-r------- ll it h $2.25, SB, $3.50, $5 Cambrie Pillow Slips in all siz hem stitched. Sale price It Opp. ll. c. & B. Station 65c, $1.10, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 finest qi Spreads Janudlan order. 'si: 17c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c Iali m Ibex FlannelettE 'single and double bed eu $1.00, $1.25, $1.37% MAIN STREET y, splenc He prices our window for "r-r-T------ ll Reliable Goods Popular Prices , $6.50 a