Grimsby Independent, 15 Feb 1911, p. 2

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1 If it was necessary for the fruit industry to make a sacri- fice for the good of the Domin ion, then all industries should sacrifice in an equal manner; but it is most unfair and un- Another ridiculous statement Sir Wilfrid made was to the effect that the fruit growers should gacrifice something for the good of the 'whole Domin- 10n. As far as Mr. Johnson of Sim- coe is concerned, anything he said referred only to apples and the deputation, to Ottawa, did not take up the subject of apples at all. ff the reciprocity far as the fruits are The New Brunswick tender fruits do not amount to" one- tenth of one per cent of the fruit (i'i?rvn in the Dominion of Cana a. . As far as the fruit growers pf New gruns‘wiok are concerned, they are tkm-exist-ant and ima- ginary, as far as there being any industry engaged in growing tender fruits in New Brunswick. referring to Mr. Johrison Simcoe, were quite content have reciprocity in fruit. TERMS: Subscribers in Canada $l.00 per yea' _ in United States $1 50 per year Another statement, which Sir Wilfrid made, which was unfair and unreasonable was to he effect that the fruit growers of New Brunswick and also a fruit grower in Ontario, probably referring to Mr. Johnson of Sir Wilfrid then went into lot of gush about the quality Canadian fruits, and he lo the Canadian fruits and l proud he was of. the Canad orchards and gardens, but he not give the least encoura ment or hope, that he would anything to save those ordha from being utterly ruined by invasion of inferior Ameri fruits. on l; "clit was to be intertcred voch. and than Si" Wilfrrr to make the statement he did, an?! to take the ercaml he did, on this point, was most unfair and 1lt1 reasonable and di,honest. ment of a-juggler, who had no real reason to give for refusing the prayer of the petitioners. It was an invented one-and every fruit grower and every vegetable grower in that big deputation knew, it, the moment that he gave expression to it. The statement was not a statement that would be expect- ed from a statesman or from a politician, but it was the state- ENDEPEN DENT Jfrite for our private address "7.731“! M 'iltt ‘ ' Il I l illlll-jl:!a!-,!,l) Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases. Varicose ‘ llllllll 'lllilM Ilit liilll . Illllll 'ill .. r I Miii Veins. Kidney, Bladder and lilllll I itll Illl I Iltllllllilllllllllllll, I I , ill? Illill Urinary Diseases _- IillillBiilllll. r ‘ ii-lt 'j."‘:_;; CONSULTATION FREE Nllli, - ‘ ' "lil _ I 'alll.. [humble to call.write foraQuestion Blank ll - MlgrNg" " KiliRll8MIrt Bil- I" ml W "W for Home Treatment , IhtsAEllilll)ilEllrt & KENNEDY Ill Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL. Detroit. Mirh, I w W’ -lrrrrl-itt ment in Windsor, Ont." If ydu" -diUifi" 12; see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. FINEST BENGAL 1rl8$'rllTlllTE III AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. a K. Facts and Fancies. MEN-WE DAN Illllllillii Ttyij0,i Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., ou/ii, RE. Continued from page A. LIVINGSTON, Editor apple growers want , they can have it, as growers of tender concerned. l" [IE he di uragc uld d All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to cal Institute in Detroit as we see and treat 1rd ve euies required for each individual case to complete a cure. That's one of the secrets of our wonderful success when others fail. Send for our Free Booklet on Diseases of Men (Illmstrated.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY The deputation will bear good results on account of its immense size, the intelligent, well groomed members, the orderly conduct of all the mem- bers of the deputation and the busi- nees-like manner in which the whole who need the services of expert specialists why waste your money in treating with doctors you know nothing of, why waste your money with worthless electric belts or drug store npstrums, when you can get guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment from these Master Specialists. Drs. K. & K. have treated patients throughout Canada for over 1.0 years and are responsible tinan- cially. They accept only curable cases and should your case prove incurable it need not cost you a cent. If you are unable to call at our ofiice tor a personal examination we will send aQuestiori List for you to fill up from which we can diagnose your case and tell you whether you are curable or not. Theh we will prescribe spepific remedies for Tour individual case which Cd can take at home. We have no cure-a1 remedy that we send to everybody alike as most specialists .do,Aut we_pres_cri_be the rem- The fact of the matter is that until the Dep1atation visited Ottawa, not only were the mem bers of Parliament ignorant of the immense capital invested, in the fruit and vegetable growing industry, but the mem bers of the Government were, also to a great extent igtror- ant of the facts of the case---- therefore, the information supplied by the speakers for the deputation opened the eyes of many men who will have a desire to give the fruit growers fair play. Not only did the immense numbers of the Deputation have its effect on the members of the Goverinment and on the members of the House, but the concise, exhaustive and clear arguments put forward by the speakers for the Deputations had a remarkable effect, and I thoroughly believe it will bring good results. tk I am creditally informed that the effect of the Deputa tion upon the members of the House of Commons and the members of the Government was a most remarkable one. t1011 b ly of The real trouble with Sir Wilfred is, that he ,cornmitted himself to an agreement with the United States, which he now realizes will do a great injury and a great injustice to a large section of the people of Canada and he is sore to think, that he will either havrs mJury and a great injustice to a large section of the people of Canada and he is sore to think, that he will either have to do this injustice or withdraw fruit and vegetables from the agreement. Consep-uently it ir riated him to think the fruit growers presented their case Sir Wilfri.l's whole address did not contain one satisfactory reason why the duty should be removed irf.yrl.1 fruit. The address was nothing more or less than the evasive excuses of a word juggler, who made meaningless phrases take the place of reasonable arguments and statesman-like expressions. reasonable, to leave the duty on almost every line of manufac- tured goods, and not ask the manufacturer to sacrifice to the extent of one cent, while the whhole duty is swept off fruit and vegetables, thus asking the fruit and vegetable growers to sacrifice their very existance to suit the whim of a politician,---- or if it could only be proven--- for the general benefit of the Dominion. Ive 2arcely ajblfto treat the rtion with courtesy. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN Ottawa l d results We Guarantee m " SDI 11 t the immense Sir Wilfrid, I the belief that va will not be n 1n made : argument fruit. -- V“ . -.' W.typene.verywsrresouititemiid'ilill 'i, ently It y that there is no other remedy riiiiiiit . the fruit to medicine that willcure female 1t.itti:gl their case ness and so successfully carry b such all through the Change of Life as JY 34"? ill, . _ . l 1j?inkham'sVegetiible Comgounw 1t,itllt . ent af?,"alnsr from native roots and her 8.. ‘ ll J, and he For 30 years it has been yj,l,ii.%' ' an d wax women from the worst forms of fa It'. t the Den“ ills-inflammation, ulceratlomggtgw I placements, fibroid tumors, "reg, : 2 . ties, periodic pains, baekatshii/iiiit, ' , nervous prostration. r,),i,ii,i"ti dd shoulder f If you want 2tifilf,,1,'fg,'fit ".'tltl 1se De outa orittoMrs.Pizik am ynn, _',48a ) I am I' r m It is free and always helpful. h at the trip . 'iii!',, V be without), 'rkr'48, l = If the citizens of Canada who' are 1n favor of Reciprocity had any horse r! sense they would ask themselves, how ll is it that President Taft is fighting a; tooth and nail to carry through the , agreement? The answer is because ll Taft sees, in it, a great benefit for the , United States. So it would be, to an extent, throrigh- out Canada and the United Stiates the big country would have all the ad.. vantage on its side. ,1 Just so-it is always beneficial td, a big country to have free trade withi a little country-Aloe United States ill sure ship their manufactured go ds to the Philipine Islands, and the Phillpinos W111 toil, moil and labor to pay for them. i The Erie Pa. Evening Herald, in speaking of free trade between the United States and the Philipine Is- lands, says that, while many of the United States people were opposed to to free trade, before it was brought about that now the people of the Uni- ted States think that free trade with these islands is agreat benefit and the Herald goes on to quote how many million dollars worth of manufactured goods and food stuffs have been ship- ped to the Islands under free trade,! Men do not work up deputations and spend thousands and thousands of dollars of their own money for nothing, and despite the vaporings of the St. Catharines Journal and the Toronto Globe, which know nothing about the case, the fruit and vegetable growers of Canada have a greivance ---a very big greivance---and when they went. to Ottawa they knew what they were talking about, they knew what they wanted and they knew how to present their case intelligently, con- servatively and convincingly ---And all this will bear resu‘ts It is impossible that athousand (l3lll representing the thousands upon th sands of men engaged in the /,'/, ‘ and vegetable business could _si."t,/_,'4l Ottawa andpresent therir cu-ttiss::"',';");"'" svlii intel igent and business-like 'i'f.i,r'i'iitrdi',_fi.,l,, without having a tremetysou,st"'eireiet' not only on the members of Paijiameiit and the members of the Cabinet, but the whole of Canada T affair was conducted. This wil,f'i_i3 much to impress not only the Cal? and the members of parhurnenti'i'l,':'iiiii,ijl the whole City of Ottawa.' "1ti)__,/s,,'_rii'i', respect the deputation CompareaE: favorably with the deputation frort} and I am terepedingly grateful to you g [tl iy)our kind letters, as I certainly protl Y I , y them. I give you permlssionw i1e,li't this any time you whys“ rs. ALBERT WICKETT, Belle Bl, Ontario, Canada. _ a, TAR-1y Belleville, ont.--", was so mag; and worn out from a female weakn'6; that I concluded to try Lydia E. Pi '3’ _ .rittet-rtrw-.e-..-.4 ham's Y.etrptttgllll " Compound. I ,a I . .:?;.ff.f:fa"iit, m tlNiti:if:.)ff::': several bottl p, N', , 'iii?.: 'll ll x, :53; it, and I gain' ial '):.'::.1.'.:i., I t'l, 533:5; strength so fioJtiii1 '.ii::ii..ii a g Iri.i.ii.iii that it seemed if i'::).)':..:.',".:?,.? 1.5223572; make a new worn igl r'i.C':'i.if:..x: V sc-iii:)'..?...':' of me. lean doiidl ':.ij..'ii)iiril 'SF" i':?...'.:.:..?:?::': good a day's wo MI 'il.':'..:.).':) , -- E.iiij.iiit as I ever did. _"i1It Cf:r?.r'cii r'ff.'i:iiirj.r.f,'. ‘5 ':iid:i,'.r'.,' sincerely bless t a; 'ial -.' '4 ' day that I made, l ll IIB MI my mind to tar} rl your medicine 3 -. _female weakntya, ForWomen-Lydia E. pirili'ili, ham's Vegetable compotifij 5‘31? '1' V q 1754:3322; -.‘.‘:. " / I..:" wr.i.'.Y: . R :5:5_.;:_:' ':.ij..'i.i.?.ft! sr ..ff/ii.iiii, , At tl THE st BEST ' REMED E)lRi)RaEtiiti)!tiiRiititiaRtEtiitiaiiiiRttiittiiii)ai' iiiaiaiai)fiR)Siiaiiaiaiaiaagiii)aitig I For Sale I W. i.)) w w il) il.; ili it) iii m il) 'SL'ir,')' loan at lowe WWW _B..uildiryg,r'H It aitsv-i.s.,-,s,,.s-s---.-,-,,,.ev'" ~$§$55555555£5555£555£9¢ .ere Stoney Creek "tfcg1"csrcgrciei: 'i" ' 1.52::22:35:33:gazetteeeeee§u2 Finest stock in Canada. Take notice when pas- sing on car or otherwise. Stock growing on Corman Farm one mile east Stoney Creek on north side of stone road. PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Grit Our "workmen are very proficient and will cause you very little inconvenience in repair work. Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time and money by attending to it at once. Liberal discounts allowed on Fall delivery for F all planting. Grape Vines, Currant and Gooseberry Plants P Norman M. Walker Joseph Twaddle Proprietor it is an absolute ne- cessity, if you would care to take the full enjoyment of living. We can install every plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Plumbing Good Plumbing Is Not a Luxury Grimsby i Ontario. "We ff) ' It. f.? 'll in ' 2 .0 ft) iii ft! It) m (t.t ii) ')), ff) ih 2 ft) try A full line of kodaks and supplierl The finest collection in the country GEO. E. WALLER Pass. Agent J. G. GIBSON Superintendent; The ctrs from Beamsville are due in Grimsby It 20 minutes to the hour from 6.40 mm. to 11 05 p.m.and 20 minutes after the hour fr m Hamilton from 7,20 mm. to 12.15 The very BEST that can be made Beamsville depart--?. ( J 11.?. 12.15.].15. 2.15, 6.1 , 7.15, 8.15 9.15 p m SUNDAY SERVICE Hamilton delurt-t10, 8.10, 9.10, 10.10, 11.10 mu. 12.10, 1.10,. 2.10, 3.10. 4.10, 5.10, (hit). 7.r 8.10, 9.10 p.m. Fifteen minutes after mm. to 10.45 p.m. GOING EAST. GOING WEST 9.34 a. m 6.50 a. m 11.50 a. m 1.19 p.m. 6 13 p. m 5.55 p. m The Muskoka Express from Toronto stops at Grimsby every morn- 1ug at 1.33. Ten minutes after the Hour, from 6:1t t, m. to 11:10 p. m., CARS LEAVE BEAMSVILLE kd. G. & B. Electric Hallway! MANUFACTURER OF WEDDING CAKES, ICE CREAM AND FINE CANDY Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and En tertainments Supplied. Lunch Counters, Caterers 34 King St. W... Hamilton ASSIGNEE AND VALUATOR Vlortgages, Deeds, Wills, etc., drawn. Honey to loan at 4% to 6 per cent. Es ates wound up and a. general Insurance and Donvtsoraneing business transacted. J arrHMr<hcawfmrd I ' I LTD N , has movc'd to 'a'Uo'rirt'n'ode'r1"l " . fice In the Federal Life Building, corner Main and James Streets, one block west and one Block sggth ot former office. Take elevator to com . EONFECTIONER IO MAIN ST. EAST HAMILTC Plans and Specifications for all classes builit1pags dInsurance Adjusted 46 QUEEN ST. ST. CATHARINES PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS- BLUE PRINTS. LAURENCE MUNRO A. E. NICHOLSON. o.a.a., ARS LEAVE HAMILTON Solicitors, Notaries, etc. No. 6 Queen ST. CATHARINES E. A, Lancaster. Jas. H. Campbel N ote--Mr. Lancaster will be at the Line Rouse, Grimsby, every Wednesday from a..m. to 6 p.m., except during the sessic of the Dominion Parliament. CRERAR, CRERAR & BELL, Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries No. 1 Hamilton Provident Chambers, Hughson St. South. Hamilton, Canada,' Telephone No. 652. Money to lend. Mortgages purchased P. D. Crerar,‘K6r(,1h I, h ‘T. H. Crerar, 3 JAMES ST. N., HAMILTON lor Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to loan. Private funds. Lowest rates Bank of Commerce Building, Hamilton, Hon. J. M. Gibs m, K. C., u. J. O'Rielly W. W. Osborne I AZIE Jifiees, 15 Main si., East, . Hamilton, At SMITHVILLE every Thursday ' lOHN Er., BRANT " IBSON & OSBORNE ivll and Mininu offiees--Grimsby and Beams"viiiC Money to loan at current rates. TIME TABLE CUNNINGHAM ANCASTER & CAMPBELL res, 1'c.,tl, ALNESMENITJA P E N TI ST, .H A lif, l'IME 'ruiViTii'i" H.0ARPENTER, In effect from June Ist, 1910 B. McCONACHIE Barrister, Solicitor Grimsby Station. MUNRO & MEAD, ARCHITECTS. I'vrrell aler PICTURES ARCHITECT'S Jan In DENTISTRY KODHKS PHOTOS Solicitor, Conveyancer Telephone 754. st C. W. Bell, B.A. TS SURV D ZIER, BAR-RISTER otaries, etc. Monev urvey< Barristers-at-law the Hour tram 6.15 5, 8.15, 9.16,1015 3.15, 4.15 5.15, MacKa\ " SMITHVH Br WILLIAM R. MEI ti HAMILTON Yotary Public n tater Ete.,

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