Grimsby Independent, 8 Feb 1911, p. 5

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u _(iqll 'td n“ Si a?! 't'i'i') HELPLESS (lllllllPllf Five Boxes Of ifrit-t-thtt"tiMil Her "I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for nearly a year, and my right gun was swollen and the pain was fearful. All down the right side, the pain was dreadful, and I could hardly move for the agony. I was treated by two physicians bat their medicine did me no good, and I tried numerous other remedies bat received no benefit. I was simply a helpless cripple and suffered from Rheumatism all during last winter. I saw "Fruit-a-lives" advertised in "The Te1egram"tu1d decided to try this medy. After I had taken one box, I was much better and the pain less, and I continued the treatment with good hopes. When I had taken three boxes, I was {so well that I could use my arm again and the pain was practically gone. After Thad taken five boxes, I was entirely well again-no pain-no iudferintr--and new I am " WELL as I ever was. ' - u .1“ __8a _ L:__-!! -.---" :...1..np1 a-a-AIA Banana. " "a. _l_'ll'%i7iii"ie.jifafGu, 1j"rtrait,-a-tives'_' was indeed splendid because all the More failed to even relieve me of my sufferings. _',,)-,);'.'), For the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease, Rheuma- h, I give you permission to publish this statement." iii";,),):) MRS. LIZZIE BAXTER. iii-f:? a _ _:s.'jiiiii,,,'i,cr', "Itrttiba-tivatr" h the only remedy that actually cures Rheumatism, and f i . because 'tmit-a-tIves" in the only medicine that actually prevents Uric id being formed in any quantity, in the body. If there is no exemof uric , , in the blood, there can be no Rheumatism. i'i(_i'irr, "Fruit-waves” keeps the stomach clean-the liver active-the bowels "€313: liii M, kidney strong and the skin healthy. These are the organs that rid the y 'g'iFrMt waste. When "Ittuibe-tivetr" so regulates the system that all waste ttt htltt " . tr. then there ean be no waste or "urea" to be changed into uric acid. “will, there can be no uric acid in the blood, to inflame nerves and cause “If?“ IEt, r we know by the names of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neu gia. 8t;?l!ta..tba-tite.y" will cure every trace of Rheumatism, Pain In The Back, Swollen il 'Ct,, L and Beet, and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by uric acid. Eb] ')ii;i'ifarmm are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself now with “Fruit-paves” (if/r "Irrtttbsrtivar" h the only remedy that actually 3 t, C been” 'tmit-a-tfree" in the only medicine t] 4id being formed in any quantity, in the body. If in“ in the blood, there can be no Rheumatism. i'.i'i1,',,Ji'i_-ijsrtraots are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself now with "Fruit-543768" a, , be in. of pain this winter. Eiiii'r'/v'_i/tt , a box 6 for $2.50, trial cine 25c. At all dealers, orsent pootpddon li ', " I ot pitch Wutba-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. a 'fii,ii(ij.' Saws SEE GRIMSBY xes Buck Saws Cross-Cut Saws ( Mitts, Etc. LUMBER and SHINGLES FROM lllllli1llllWi'ltllllll 4 HOME PLACE, TORONTO, DEC. 15th, . BOURNE ONTARIO M That the secretary, at his ex pense, has attended two commit- tee meetings at the Government House, Toronto, at the call of the Lieut. Governor, for the for mation of a Provincial Council, which has now been organized, with Mr. W K George as presi- dent and H S Hammond as secre tary, and Provincial headquar- ters have been opened in Toron to, from which all supplier and information can be obtained. That the paper called "The Scout" has been ordered for the boys' headquarters at Grimsby. That a supply of tetiderfoot badges have been obtained _ for our boys, and it is proposed that these be presented by our coun cil to those boys only, who are recommended by the scout mas ' ter. ' rm . “urn“ c., r“... m~in1q+oc BOY SCOUTS PRESENTED WITH BADGES r,---'"""' Ine council of the Boy Stoll,') met in IV, B Catder's office .‘1 Friday evening; last. John H. E‘or'mau president, occupied the man. i The :ecretary reported follows : V That sash curtains were pt? vided for the Boy Scouts' head quarters, as ordered by Our lo cal council. That Mr. B. Barton has. ac" cepted the position of assistant scout' master pro tem. ' That a' scoutmaster's warrant shOuld be applied for, to be given Mr. Harry Baker, he hav- ing served faithfully for, more than three months and done ex- cellent service. That a registor in our minutes be kept of those boys considered worthy of the badges. The following members of the, local council for the scouts then proceeded to the boys' head- quarters, viz :--uMr. Forman, pre sident; Mr. Calder, treasurer; Mr L. Woolverton, secretary; Rev. J. A. Ballard, Rev. Mr. Priest, Mr. W. Mitchell, reeve of Grimsby, Mr. J A Livingston, editor Independent and Mr. Ken neth Grout. The following boys were pre- sented by the Scout Master, as duly enrolled, and as having con ducted themselves as worthy of ‘the Tenderfoot badge, and were called forward separately .5, by name and given hisbadge by,the president, vie::-- "r.'_"r' I Patrol _ "If Patrol Leader Scott, Cohti?ral Grout, Scouts Bonham, Sdirtt, Orr, Bromley, Burland. \ II Patrol '"i'eetA'a Patrol Leader Muir, Corpo::§ Smith, Scouts Rutherford, Leg Page, Marsh, Grout, Ross. 47% III Patrol -/',i' Patrol Leader Marlatt, Corpor? a] Phioos. Scouts M. Nelles, Gy Patrol Leader M al Phipps, Scouts I Nelles, Liddle. After addresses gentlemen present, retired about 8 ol It may be expla ti BOARD OF EDUCATION ORGANIZED ,,'ra',ir;, , . a, _>_.____._____-d cout dut Sll )r the y M ven1n )re Cl rom )n nr'ma Davi 1nization meeting i,i",r'v,l,i, of Education 1_i,t:i' office of W W KIQ WHY NOT M105 YOUR TILE ent illa If chan sent, the tte " the (16 1rll nd on o O ft n ined that t] astruction 'ti, ometimes iri' ne Otis nt vemng, member JCI nn n the Wil' imcoe, a .-0ard j to put? tank sy) ; laid tyi)', garag" Saturd ',i for oui Manda? or indod he piii, was r comm? rppoin 's, om “laj m the councxl s W63 busme. - fis ”of 33$ ' All those attending the delegation are particularly warned against giving any nil: interview to any person who might talk to them at Ottawa. Our case will be put lei; before the Government by competent representatives and it is most important that the any individual delegate should not give an interview to reporters or other strangers then‘who mightask questions. ' . ted Il), Marc Feb, wi the Farmers' Cement Tile Maine at half cost of ordinary tile; b, d save being disappointed wh 7,. irou wish to lay them. Il ti, price of machine apply to (I! EC The Ottawa deiegation.yill le the H. G. (in B. trolley to Hamilton. pm. Tickets will be good on any tr regular C. P. R. train for Ottawa, lea possible. This will insure the delega fusion. Returning special trains will l few days in Ottawa, however, may d: including Monday, February 13. evening Tickets from Grimsby to Oil; the Committee, or at the office of W )f To make our protest to the Government effective, tion, and every man in the Township should either go fr someone in his place. It is surely unnecessary to point . . .I 3 A E.“-'.Af\v‘lV i., fliu u To make our protest to the Government effective, we must have at least 1,000 men in the delega- tion, and every man in the Township should either go himself or contribute something towards sending someone in his place. ' It is surely unnecessary to point out the vast importance of this matter, not only to the fruit growers, but also to the grain farmers in the southern part; of the Township. The latter will undoubtedly be detrimentally effected if the fruit growing industry is practically wiped out, as we feel it surely will be if this tariff measure is allowed to pass. Every working man in the Township will be affected, as well as the' stores in the villages and towns. . 51. C BEAMER DulUlJ V'lll UV . wua~>-_-‘-__ W affected, as i'isiiii'iiiiiriiJrL in the villages and towns. The elz penses' (if attending this delegation is certainly a mere trifle when compared with the large and eertairrloss the'friit'ttrowyrs will sustain if this legislation is rot stopped. The Committee urges, therefore, that all fruitgrowe'rs and fruit farm hands, and others who will be indirectly affected to join this delegation, and it) it is impossible for them to go themselves, to contribute as much as they feel they can afford towardrtrialring the delegation successful. Committee:---)., G. Pettitt-, W Wolverton, Jas. Marlowe, C. W. F. ( Following is the prize list and special winners at the Beamsville and Lincoln Poultry show, held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There was a fine class orbirds and strong competition in nearly every class, in fact, a vprv successful affair for a in nearly every class, in very successful affair first venture. Brahma, light, cock, S W Bis? bee. Houdan, cock, hen, cooker el and pullet, Angus Stewart. Barred Plymouth Rocks-jock, Jacob Lang, Alfred Moot; hen, Moot, first and second; cockerel, Lang, first and second; pullet,‘ Lang. White Plymouth Rocks---- all prizes won by Wm. Hons- berger. Buff Plymouth r'ri")s'lio's1is1,,rs,,--j cock, hen, cockerel and pullet/ brooks; COL' nett. Golde pullet, first der. Whit Elmer Groff hen, Peter i Groff; cock ing; pullet, Javas pingtons, COCK, nen, 1 'dllu 2, vv 111 Shiiltz; cockerel, H F Vidal, Shultz;, pullet, Vidal, Shultz. Black Ohyingtons----all won. by H. F. Vidal. Onpingtons, white Jacob Moyeir,cock, second, hen. (Rhode Island Reds, S. C-cock W. A. Mackenzie, (Winona) hen, I-and 2, co-ckerel, Couse ={Mackenzie; pullet, Lang, C. R iSnure. Rhode Island Reds, R C-cock, H B Smith, (Winona lC. R. Snure; hen, N. G. Is- ,mond, C. R. Snure; cockerel H B. Smith, I and 2; pullet 'Smith, Lang. Leghorns, S C---- white, cock, Peart, A. W. Fin show: hen. I and 2, Finbow; Smith, Lang. Leghorns, b c--- :white, cock, Peart, A. W. Fin bow; hen, I and 2, Finbow; ip11l1tt, I and 2, Peter Bertram g§(Grimsby). Leghorns, S. C-- ibrovwn, cock, Gordon Henderson g-(Hamilton), hen, Bisbee, Hen- ngerson; cockerel, Henderson, flouse; pullet, Henderson, M Teesdale, (Grimsby). Leghorns _fs'i. C-hae, cock, George Oliver ta. L. Hagar, (Grimsby); hen, it The First Exhibition a Great Success Those who wish to engage a pullet, Bertram,. A. Uouse. i----hen, cockerel and pullet, Peart, Hamilton. Buff Or- ons, cock, hen, I and 2, Wm Gr" ".nckerel. H F Vidal, EEAMSVILLE POULTRY SHOW Phone 238 The Ottawa Delegation GRIMSBY '115, S C---!": k. W. Fin . 2, Finbow; R. ar BertramI l s. S. C----'!---. l will leave Grimsby at 8 pm, on Thursdg oilton. Special trains will leave Hamilton 1 any trolley to Hamilton on Thursday, l awa, leaving Thursday. All Delegates are e delegation arriving in a. body at Ottawa, leaping berths, should notify Culp Bros., I leave Ott, do so, as re awa and return will be ($8,95 and may . W. Kidd, or Culp Bros. store. [Oliver; ditto, cockerel, Thos. iForan, (Winona), Oliver; pullet ‘Oliver, Hager. Minorcas-llack S. C., co-ck, A. Couse, S. _B iiiisiii'e,. hen, W. Ghastle, (Ham lilton), Bisbee; cockerel, Wm. 1Louns'bury, A E Field-Marshall 'pu‘llet, I and 2, W. Lounsbury (ls1"i"/il'r'ca's.-1'i,'i'ac"i', R. C., cock, m. Mitchell, H. K. Griffith, W. 3arpenter, Jno. H. Alway. Geo.' Singerland; hen, John G Pell (Hamilton), Slihgerlan4; 1cockerel, t and 2, Slingerland; millet; Hall; Slingerland. Min- prca's--shite,cock Bisbee; pullet 1. and 2, Bisbee. Blue Andulu- sians---hen,, I and 2, IV Shultz pullet, Shultz. Black Spanish---- cock, hen and cockerel, Jno. E Peart. Black Hamburgs-- cock hen, cockerel and pullet, W Ghastle, (Hamilton). Hamburgs --silver Spangled, cock cockerel and pullet, C. H. Prudhomme Hambt1rgs, golden Spangled J E. Peart; cock and pullet. Ancoras--- hen, cockerel and (pullet, I and 2; Geo. Oliver. Old 'En‘glish games, all by L L Hagar vale game barits--cockerel, I and '-"'tb'""'" ow----~: .. - Pyle game barits--cockerel, I and 2, Henderson; pullet Henderson; Golden' Seabright Bantams, cock hen, cockerel, pullet, I and i?, Farrell Bros., (Grimsby). Silver seabright---cocketl and pullet, Jno E Peart. White CochinI trants-cock, hen, _cockerel, pul let, I and 2, John Hicks, Winona. ( Black Rose Comh Bants---hen, Ghastle; cockerel, Lounsbury, Ghastle; pullet, Ghastle, Lacken- C velder; cockerel and pullet, I and 2, Wm Hongberger. Ducks--- ] Pekin-old male, Groff; old female, Groff; young male, Groff, Finbow; young female, _ Groff, Finlbow. Best decorated coop, C H Prudhomme, C Snure. Special prize winners :--- Pair of R. C. R. I. r.ed chicks--- H. B. Smith, Winona. , For best cock and hen, R. C. R. I. reds-H B Smith. Collection White Wyandottes (----?ster Lertram, Grimsby. l Best Barred Rock cock-Jacob lLang. T l l Breeding pen of Barred Rock (chicks-Jacob Lang. Collection of Black Orping- tons-H F Vidal. 1 Best pair of Black Orpington "hiclrs----H _F' Vidal. ll Collection of Black Ham- _hurgsy---iW Gastle, Hamilton. l 'Best display black rose comb 1antams----W Gastle. E Collection of old English 'Games---) L Hagar, Grimsby. Collection of Silver Seabright bantams---iJ E Peart, Hamilton. Display of black Spanish, Ino. E Peart F Best pair of black Java chicks, 1no E Peart. r Silver Spangled Hamburgs, cook and hen, C H Prudhomme Rhode Island reds, s c pair chicks Almer Course Best cock and hen in R I reds, W A MacKenzie, Winona Ottawa, Friday evening. Those desiring to remain over for a as return tickets will be honored on all regular trains up to and '" on Thursday, February 9, by special cars on ave Hamilton from the C. P. R. Station at 10 1 Thursday, and will also be honored on any Delegates are urged to take the special train if " at Ottawa, and will avoid delays and con- --List of Prize Winners W. Kidd, Thos Best cock and hen in silver laced Wyandottes, C S Crooks . Collection golden Seabright han- tams, Farrell Bros., Grimsby Parr white Cochin chicks, bantams John Hicks, Winona Collection of white rock chicks, Wm. Honsburger, Jordan. Display of Lackenvelden, Wm Honsberger, Jordan. Best cock and hen ins: c buff Leg horns, George Oliver. ","i" .' C _ Pair s c buff Leghorn chicks, -Geo Oliver Best light Brahma cock, S B Bisbee _Best white Minorca cock, Bisbee Three best r C black Minorca cock- erels, Geo Slingerland Best r c black Minorca cockerels, C Slingerland . Best display s c white Leghorns, A W Finbow l Collection s c, brown Leghorns, G Henderson, Hamilton Pair b r game bantams, Henderson Display of buff Orpingtons, Wm Schultz Collection s c black Minorcas, Wm Lounsbury Best pair Ancona chickens, George Oliver Best four barred Plymouth rock cockerels, Jacob Lang Largest entry in one section, Jacob Farrell Bros, youngest exhibitors, 16 years old or under. A short time ago a woman in the ad- vanced stages of tuberculosis died in her own home. By her death five little ones were left without the care of their mother. There was money enough in the family to make some provision for the care of the children, but; it was almost; impossible to secure any- one who would render this service, so afraid are many people of this dread disease. A. visitor to the home says that time and time again she had found the baby sleeping in her sick mother's bed, and near by food was stored from which the children par- took. A sequel is revealed in the fact that I to-day one of these five children is a patient in Gravenhurst, and the baby is in the children's ward at the Toronto Free Hospital for Consamptivtss. It is for the care of such sufferers as these that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptives, has been built. The tax on the accommodation is heavy, and the Trustees have only been able to make the large ex- tensions of the present year by borrowing heavily from the bank. An appeal is now made for funds to help on this work and l provide. a place where children, such as are referred to here, may find ahome with good possibilities of cure. _ _ -- in .._A__ “A" 1“. “out tn W. J. be had from any member of Jang MOTHER DIED OF CONSUMPTION AND ONE LITTLE GIRL IS NOW AT GRAVENHURST. . Contributions may be t Gage, Esq., Chairman lil mittee, 84 Spadina avenue National Sanitarium Associ St. W., Toronto; " The Muskoka Free Hospm tients from any part of the D not) a. single patient has over because o poverty. FIVE CHILDREN LEFT. not later than Wednesday né may be sent to W. J. Chairman Execugive Com.. free Hospital accepts pa- hart of the Dominion,, ant! D. .venue, or See. -Treas. Association, 347 King all Theron

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