W Contractor's Supplies Lime for Spraying Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris, etc. Plastering Hair Mortar Color Lath All other Contractors' Supplies th Main St. West T [elephone 77L HAMILTOD H. ik J. Dow The oldest and most reliable piano tuner in the district. Twenty-five years experience. A post-card will bring me right to your Prices moderate. Also salesman for the Nordheimer Piano Co. 580 Barton East A full range of Suitings, Pantings and Overcoatings Grimsby, Ontaxio, For Sovenirs Grimsby's Coat of Arms on China ANNUAL MEETING OF SALTFLEET PLOWING ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the members of the Saltfleet Plowing Association was held in the hall ,near Tapleytown, on 'Wevdnes- day, January 25, 1911, at 2 p. p. Phipps Bros. _ President Enos Jeffery in the chair. Stephen Twedle, secre- tary. The secretary-treasurer’s books were passed, which showed a surplus on hand. After which the following officers were elected for the year 1911: T Hamilton Lee, Stbney Creek, ptsi4ent, - - Better Time TO GET A SUIT PRICES RIGHT Than Right Now J. T. LANE'S MERCHANT TAILORS, GRIMSBY- Marriage Licenses issued by A. E Phipps Elvin Corman, Stoney Creek, H. L. DAVIS IN. L. DAVIS, house at any time. Piano Tuber, Go To " tt MN“ Hamilto Ist vice president. George Southward, T-weedside, 2nd vice president. Stephen Twedre, Tweedside, secretary-treasurer. Directors-Geo. Millen, R H Dewar, W. E. Corman, Edgar Altsho1ie, E Jeffery, Wm. Cran- ston, Elmer Hildreth, G. H Car penter, Geo. Gledden, W B Bridgman, W J Bradt, Chas. ogg, Leslie Laidman, Hugh Ber tram. Honorary directors --- John Young, Seth Parker, C. M. His. dreth, J W Smith, John G. Trues dale, Samuel Hildreth, Isaac Geddes, J H McNeilly, Col. W. H. Ptolemy, Daniel Reid, M L A, R. E. Glover, W. O. Sealey M. P., Erland Lee, J T Middleton. The" meeting' then adjourned to meet in October at the call of the president and secretary. The Vinemount creamery will be converted into a house of refuge as soon as the proposed changes in the tariff come into force. The peach growers are to be pitied as the crop must be ruined by this time. Gilbert Thoms arrived from England last week where he has been visiting his relatives. , The Pine Crest Literary So- ciety has been well attended this winter. The debate for next Tuesday night is: Resolved that pursuit promotes more happiness than possession. Clarke Kitchen of Hamilton, paid a flying visit here last week. THE FARMERS' ADVOCATE IS GOING FARMING The assertion has been made that agricultural papers could .not practice what they preach, but the Farnfers' Advocate and Home Magazine has the courage of its convictions. Faith backed up by works is the kind that car- ries strongest proof to the doubt jng mind. Believing earnestly in this principle, the publishers have followed up their valuable line of orchard demonstration by purchasing a farm of 135 acres, six miles north of London, .where the methods advocated through the paper will be work- ed out in practice, and where new ideas may be tested before being recommended for general adoption. The farm is what is locally known as. the Old Sifton place. The rolling land, while naturally good, has been worked â€out and infested, y,rit1r,piytstyls,,t,,i,a1,l,, [it has become about "tht"itirtr'tii'g,itri,::' farm in the County-of Middlesex'. The barns are dilapidated and the fences down. 'Altogether, it presents an excellent opportuni-l ,ty for showing what can be ac complished in restoring a . run- down property. The managing editor of the Farmers' Advocate ovill live on the place, superin- tending it with the assistance of a competent working foreman. This is not to be an experi- mental farm, except incidentally, |nor yet a model farm. It is sim- l.ply a farm run on a straight commercial basis, where strict accounts will be kept and the in ,fonmation published from time to time. "Good farming with- out frills" is the motto. The news that Mr. Stephen' Peniold was found dead at his home on Saturday, 24th inst, by his brother, Aiwrey, and brother- in-law, James Hildreth, was a great surprise to the people of this community in general, as Mr. Penfold was doing a piece of carpenter work for his brother James Penfold, on Wednesday last, who resides at the Penfold homestead, After his lay's work was finished, the deceased left for his home, which is situated at the back of his brother James' farm, and was, apparently, in his usual health; Mr. Penfold was not again seen alive by any of his relatives. On Saturday morning Awrey drew a load of wood to his brother Steven's home, which was previously planned for by the two brothers; not seeing his brother about, he went to the house and found it locked, and after unloading the wood returned to his own h'ome in the village, though feeling quite concerned about not see- ing his brother as he had expect- ed, consulted his brother-in-law, Mr. James Hildreth, living near by, and they immediately decid- ed, upon going to the brother's home to find out if he was in the house. Upon doing so, they found his remains, cold in death, upon the bed. The coronor, Dr B. E. Thompson, of Stoney Creek was summoned, and after an examination, pronounced death due from natural causes, and de- cided that death had taken place on Wednesday night sometime after the deceased had. retired. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. James Hildreth, VINEMOUNT TAPLEYTOWN on Monday afternoon, to Methodist church, for 'sei"':", which was conducted by L Mr. Brand. Deceased was}? eldest son of Mr. John Pct Sr., and was a much restiii"ig citizen. Interment took p1iiigl the Tapleytown cemetefyi/t)lia Tapleytown, Woodlyu,rp "rr-i-jj-sl:,,', Rymal Episcopal churches/iii":), preparing to build a nttii'iiiii'gll tory in the village here, for V Cooke. _-j'.","'-'.::))',?-' Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Keliiia Fulton west, spent Fridrryilsiia with Mr. and Mrs. C. c./r.ijgl son. m3??? I Mrs Murray Dean of Std: Creek, accompanied by MrIsili'iia Dean of Winona, were guest/ia Mrs. Jas. Penfold on Wedneifitt,rtl '. The Ladies' Aid Societies Ilinbrook and Saltfleet Pre/y1iiilt terian churches held a social t)'fdti, for the congregations, on T day evening, Jan. 17, at the 1jii_,il,__.l""','i' dence of Miss Aggie Ptolemy "'ii'_t,_cr Woodburn. A pleasant evei1iitit was spent. The Saltfleet ladiei furnished the program and t'hjfg: _Binibrook ladies served the teaiiliiii" last. On Tuesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dean of Fruitland, and Mrs. A Dean of Wia3slir,' aw'iil' 'k guests of Mr. and Mrs: C 'ti' Jamieson. and family/ Fairv. mg Farm. w Miss Ethel Corlett, wltiilB,i,i,iB, recently Spending a few "rti:illllr)ia,', with Mrs. P A Ptolemy :ill51qllE, place, has retured to Rsseiilt! gEr Mr. C W DeWitt of Fm: land, called on friends here tr/tr,',, Mqnday last. ',; F ', cr,i'iR', Quarterly service was h'eltr/i'r',,i",t the Stone church, Fulton wi,eiiiti) on Sunday last. Quite a numbgl' of people from this place attetiitii; ed the service. ",vll,; W'INSLOW 1 Frank Rinker has returnedt Niagara Falls, N. Y. _"r', Chrd Shrtim and brother Claud of Coaldale, Alta, are -te'-. neyring old, _acqujy1ta11ftsAerr' "kr.a'anlr/s." John Erick have returned home froth visitingr friends at Fontliill. q _ 1" Ernest Tpeft and family at, tended a birthday party at Fulton on Saturday last. -- ' . There will be preaching ser vices here, Sunday Fel?.). A The hunters from this place came home heavily laden with muskrats from Chfppawd, where the high water had driven the rats from the bank. Caistor Centre The many friends of Mrs. M Street will be pleased to kndw that she is able to be up again) T American Eagle: "Can I fish in Canadian ponds, creeks, riiiets etc "--Uncle Sam: "Yes." _ Mr. Chas Servos is down with _ Mr. Chas Servos la grippe: - ,. -- g'uits'cribe for the Independent See J W Weekes, he will tell yo1rall ‘a'bout it...,.,,,),"- J Church service 2.30 p. m. SMITHVILLE PUBLIC '.r SCHOOL REPORT _ The standing of pupils for the month of January: "r','" Sr. IV.-L-Esther Merritt 46, Fred Murgatroyd 95, Flossie Gove 94, Verna Shepherd 93, Lillian Merritt 92, Hazel Jen- ,nings 87, Stanley MacPherison 86, Stanley Clark 85, Annie Schnick 84, Aurel Baker 83, James Gracey 80, 2rc,ly,re, Allen 68, Gerald Baker 66, John Sheit, herd 64, Lloyd Bradt So, Hariie, Patterson 45, Fred Schnick ft Clayton Bartlett 30, Wil g Schnick 28. . 'j,:!, Y1"l - bably been iii'il tending _ to try Rt/tsit, Rose Tea for some ti _i'i":t, but from "force of hang; have Just Kept oh ust "ii'il another tea. __":'),)-",,,,!, Break the Habit "r'jjl and .buy Red. “8% next time. (_jii, TENN NEVER SOLD IN BULK Rsh" tsss(ttp h av e pro? at the Free, :1 EJarinet Solo, "Softly Gliding,"' ich'. "lrh1nson---F'. _ Graisley. /li, mustrated Song-Miss May 3 t , Hiker. "tl', i,jrl,ts.,tie,n, "Southern Memor- I, 'r?ii 'll)')'-??-;'))"',,, :(,i,1i1tt/erd/1caiins) some T 's, 1yeaii,i/ik'iti. "chit ern a1rs " Wgalf-f‘l‘rcfmehe Doqble Eagle, March “The Dogme naglc, Hall. -..Band. Illustrated song-Nay Walker Piano Solo, 'qTunting Chorus" Mehdelssohn----Hctmer Brownlee. Musical Sketch, "Luncheon Trio" --,Male trio. __ . t 'r_-A1.- iiiiih,"iri-state" Band. God Save the King. The first League season was shot of day bethveen King 1 of Hamilton and S in which the horn? successful. The score was as J. Rogers .. w. M. Logs W. Degrew . C. O. Nichol J. *M. Jones . Freeborn .. E. Anderson W. Glover J. M. w. A Evin J Walke1 .. E Kelly .... E Corman .', The prize this year is one dozen silver spoons H. Lee .... . l. Hendershot l. Marshall . W. Clark . .., A Glover .. . v Mrs. "Capt.) Williams is it pryring after a severe illness. r Jamis and Mrs. Mi11en of Hamilton spent Sunday with friends here. - __ The revival meetings will be continued this wepk., M _ IEW/in _, . . . . Iiii(i,"i,l7,tt'1ss11 IS V131t1ng her . new; 'r.,'. . ',i_:t,'i',ili,frMr_si. Wm. Smith. Ittr"til?ta, Book has erected a .,iii'iii"ij1, his premises. Illil).i!,,'jiAT Nelson of Hamil- ' llilrii':rirtiterred in the Roman iii-{cemetery on Sunday Mr Robertson of St Cathar- ines, gave a very interesting dis course on, missionary work in the Methodist church on Sunday END CONCERT THURS- 'i."',-,)?' DAY NIGHT last V Master Cline Cooper of Ham- ilton, was renewing old friends here on Suridgy. --- - - - Misses Edith Holstein and Theresa Whaley of Ancaster, were the guests of Miss Tressie Nicholson over Sunday. Bi,li,tij,;,t,.1as. Mare has returned Bra"'),,,),))'?)", at Procton .Mines, 'Ili-iii')::';)','.-,)]'?,.?)' visit with her llllir.i,i,s'i':)r,"pr: and Mrs. Woodran. lllllti,'i.iiti(,iricle of South Grimsby Illtiiiiliii),'_/iii'1t pleased that Mr. llll?,'.l,,_,),r:'i'ti',fltt has been appointed ;l;;;._§MITHVILLE Bji'iivtii'ittss of Toronto, spent a Il'il,itijrs,'ss at Mr C Snider's. 1lrai,_,,i'sc)'vtt'eiiinedor of Hamilton, m-z-Lregdnesday last at Miss inure], "The King," O'Hare; hiking "Down Whqre the Jn,an-anas Grow," "Where Ei,ij' River Shannon Flows," _,e be my Sunshine Dearie," ti/ppp'; Know," "Just fdr a May Joyner, Audrey 31, Arthur Culp, Clarence Rrv---Ft _ii'Ma.y Wall-kc}. 91g, "War is a Bountiful y’" Edwards-l. H, D. Walk- -:’. "Shaky Eyes," "In the £611 of my Heart," "I Trust 'r, tisband Anywhere," "Temp i1,†and "Daddy was a Grand if?Man.†---Band. hstrated Song, Solderman-- i Program garc‘h; "L Moley Commandry Gr Krick Ilhj',ilic),,?ibe1 Nays/house 89, 'ili',i'i,i'iiiy1er, 75, mMorrls STQNEY tyrmaf1 Harvey Nichol King Stoney League shoot ( shot off am 5 King Edward and Stoney ( a homp team s as foll JWS Edward' CREEK reek incoln---- of the Satur- 1 team Creek, was 629 63o 67 63 Headquarters for everything in STATIONERY I _ and . CON FECTIONERY Frank Greves, iitoa,,tettnag,1 Beamsville, Ont. WWW Whittaker Block Exceptional values in Furniture, Carpets, and Window {Shades We have been known fer years for the place to get Furniture on the payment plan. Now all houses are coming to the same plan. We Lead-"others follow. Sidieboards $I5.00, reduced to................... " $20.00, reduced to................... In Mission $18.00, reduced to................... Extension Tables, Chairs accordin; Dresser and Stand $14.00 for _"................. Window Shades 25c up, according to style. Mattresses, Ostermoor, Felt and Common, $3 .Bkissel Carpet Sweepers $2.25 up. Special /Announcement Painter and Paperhanger Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Wallpaper and Moulding. Artistic Effects-Sham no Laps-Easily Applied-Absolutely Sanitary. Get color Cards, sample books and descrip- tive rhatter from ls the best Wall Coating made. Ready for use with the addition of boiling water. 'xrel furm " F IT n? b I R a'"'" 9 $100.00 worth for $90.00.; MURESCO Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer Wm. F ARROW Undertaking Up-to-Date. DINING ROOM J. W. BUCK, Beamsville Phone 239 accordingly low. ' SI{160.00 and over. s.Date. -rodsr4 , .00 up. GRIMSBY .........‘$12.00 .........$18.00 .........$15.00 ......$II.oo