Grimsby Independent, 1 Feb 1911, p. 2

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. INDEPENDENT Subscribers in Canada $1.00N per yea‘ In the town of â€" Beamsvilie some of the hotels ‘have been open most of the time â€"since Local Option, but a good many people hesitate to use these hoâ€" tels on account of the fact that they are not licenseq and on acâ€" count of the fact that the Local Option fight has divideq the peo ple into two sections, one secâ€" tion in favor of licensed hotels and the other section against them. The situation is simply this, that the people in many towns and villages will have to go ‘ to work and supply for themselves the accommodation that was for merly supplied to them by ithe licenseq hotels. Mrs. Thomas, in bringing it be fore the Women‘s Institute and advocating that it be brought before the business men, is doing something for which she should be highly comimended. For over a quarter of a century I have wa‘tched, and to some exâ€" tent assisted, the growth and gevelopment of the fruit growing industry in the Niagara District and during all that time it has been a case of buildingâ€"laying one stone upon anotherâ€"in the building of an industry by earâ€" nest, honest and enterprising men, and I must admit that it is most: discouraging to see the work of years exposed to destruc tion, to make the best of it; or entirely ruined, to make ‘ the worst of it. If the removal of the duty off all natural products between Canada and the United States has done nothing else but create a feeling of uncertainty and unâ€" rest, it has done a great evil. There is nothing more necesâ€" sary in a town or village than a place where ladies can go and rest, arrange their toilet and etc. ang if this is not supplieq by a first class hotel, then it should be supplied by the town or by the business men of the town. I think I am correct when I say that not one of the fruit %Zowers in the Dominion of Canada thought the Government delegates would go so far as they diq in allowing natural pro ducts of the United States free access in Canadaâ€"The announce aient was, therefore, all the more stunning when it was entirely unexpected. The announcement of an agree ment between Canada angq the United States for free trade in natural products, was a stunner to the fruit and vegetable growâ€" ers of southern Ontario. Facts and Fancies. Piaogeeres All letters from Canada must be addressed N G?lc E to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" way CE oonmpwierseemm@m®s _ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laborato;'y for Canadian business only. Address, all letters as follows : a 1. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address Drs.KENNEDY &KENNEDY Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS CONSULTATiU.:; FREE Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Editor. P P i e e e Continued from paSe 1 Dr. Kexneov or D Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. in United States $1 50 per year CURE DISEASES OF MEN T H 1 TERMS: CTOR m m’. E VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. Drs. K. & K. are favorabli; known throughâ€" out Canada where theg ave done bust ness for over 20 years. Thousands of patients have been treated and cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment. ~When you treat with them you know you are dealing with respon sible physicians as they own and occupy their own office building in Detroit, valued at 15!00,00()i When they decide your case is curable, all your worry is removed for you know they will not deceive you. T};ey guarantee to cure all curable cases. No matter how many doctors have failed to benefit you; no matter how much money you have spent in vain; no matter how disâ€" couraged you may be, don‘t give up in desâ€" pair until you Feb & free opinion from these master specialists,. If you are at present within the clutches of angv secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suffering from the results of past indiscreâ€" tions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of sympâ€" toms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suéering as the result of a misâ€" spent lifeâ€"Drs. K. & K. are your Refuge. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. _ This action on the part of the Governiment cannot be ‘said to be in the interest of the consumâ€" er, because it is a well known and well established fact that the consumer , except in rare cases, has always been able to get fruit at very reasonable prices, and in many cases at less than cost. It is notorious fact that for the past number of years grapes have been sold at or below These fruit growers have over come _ almost _ insurmountable difficulties in fighting pests, scales and insect and diseases, and transportation problems and package problems and colg stor age problems and help problems, by long years of patience and laborious work, only to see the husbandman from another coun try step in and reap the benefit of <their labors. s A‘sturdy class of men engaged in this business having their proâ€" ducts shut out from the United States, turned their attention reâ€" soluteiy to the opening up of a fruit market in Canada and after years of struggle, after years of losses and years of disappointâ€" ment, they have succeeded to a great extent, and at a great exâ€" pense, in the opening up of all the Canadian markets for the sale of Canadian frurts and C4iâ€" nadian products, angq by carefulâ€" ness, ‘hard work ang enterprise, they have laid the foundation for a great industry, only to see the whole structure smashed to the groung by the sweep of a politician‘s hand, who either does not know, or does not care anyâ€" thing about the conditions. It is silly of the advocates of the agreement to say that the large markets of the United States will be openeq up to fruit and vegetable |â€" growers of Canada, when, as a. matter of fact,all the fruits and vegetables, except a few, grown in Canada, are already glutting the markets of the United States. Peaches, which have been the great staple of the Niagara Disâ€" trict‘ growers, ate a drug in evety market in the United States, and extensive orchards have been abandoned because the owners were unable to find a market for their productsâ€" Canada will be useq as a dumpâ€" ing ground for the overplus of the United States peach ranches. The fruit and vegetable indus tries of Canada have been makâ€" ing steady and sure progress for the past quarter of a century.â€" Why, then disturb them? YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure This is not a party question this is not a political anestion this is not something to be use as. campaign literature, it is In my opinion it is a rank inâ€" terference with the vested rights of the people ; it is a rank interfer ence with the property of the fruit growing people and it is a destruction of values that is inexcusable on any grounds what ever. This high valuation of real estate has been legitimately and rightfully brought about by the conscentrated action of thousâ€" ands of intelligent menâ€"What right has any government, thereâ€" fore, to destroy ang sweep away these values at a moment‘s notice? * _ On account of the business methods; on account of the untiring energy; on account of the enormous brain and brawn, on account of upâ€"toâ€"date meth ods; on account of the improv ed transportation facilities; on account of the government aid and on account of the class of men engaged in the fwo industries, the price of the land in the fruit and vegetable grow ing _ districts in Canada . has gradually grown in value year by year until land that was worth one hundred dollars an acre twentyâ€"five years ago is now worth five hundred, seven hundred, and even ten hundred dollars per acre. This wonderâ€" ful=increase in _ value has not been â€"brought about by ‘the large profit in the business but by intensive and intelligent farming, by the productions of large values off small acreage. a direct interferance with "vest ed rights" it is in the case pf removing the duty off fruit and vegetables. & 88 4 In the case of strawber g and _ raspberries the consutmer in Canada except in rare .cases has been able to get oice lines of fruit at very reagon able prices and if good profit resulted to the growers of these fruits it was more as a reward for their extra efforts in cul vel ting and fertilizing than . cause of the big prices in the market. 8k "Vested rights" has always been held to be of the highest importance in British Domin ions and if there ever has been In the case of choice varieHe of peaches the price while NC low, was certainly reasonaD! and â€" when the great diffict of: growing these choice’f};’; F ties is considered the pf which the consumer paid woul yield but a. veryreaa@ ront to the Growemn., L uzn cost, so that in considen the consumer‘s rights, the, sumer has haq all the best it over the owner of the m yards. In the case of \ all variel of plums, all varieties of p€ nearly all the variecties of pe es and all the varieties of C ries the consumer has" IP able to get them in "amt quantities and at pricésg barely netted the fruit gro" a lHiving. profit. <~ gound ns Our bookâ€""A Treatise On The Horse‘‘â€"free at your druggists or write us 49 Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, VL. . No telling when you will need it Get a bottle nowâ€"g1â€"6 for $5. _ In the 40 years that this world‘s famous remedy has been on th market, Kendall‘s Spavin Cure ha: saved millions of dollars to ho owners. id just as thousands have done are doing today. _ A I{ 4 4 ::.{-:w j 'f f’c /C ”, '_‘.. Alame horse is a dead loss. S a in, Curb, Splint, Rmébone, Swogl‘ Joints and Bony Growths won‘ cure themselves. Yet you can cure these troubles and make your 12 me horse sound with s ~op Kendall‘s s Spavin Cure "I have used Kendall‘s Spavin Curefor a numberof years with great success, and I Qe]] think it can‘t be beaten VA as an allâ€"around stable N\ liniment for Kicks, Strains, Swelling of all Y kinds, Ringbone and SpaVin”. fa: Mounds, P.O., Olds, Alta baTd Aok Are hundreds and thousands of men to be ruineg financia.ily ?â€" Is the life‘s work of thousands of men to be destroyed in order to help or hinder a political party â€"I say, take this question out of politics and let it be decided on its merits by fairminded men and I have no fear of the results: vital question affecting the very life of the people, it is too sacred and too solemn a question to be kicked about like a foot bail beâ€" tween two political parties on the politician platform, it shoulq be discussed without political aniâ€" mosity and free from pouitical entanglements. The question should be consiâ€" dered in the House of Commons, not as a political question, but it should be discussed anq decidâ€" ed outside the realm of politics altogether. W w w SnssnE ede dsc s \W Nb s \ W W U Ubs ~t8 _ Phone 57 ‘3B) c \m, â€" un â€" tm â€" "on . une â€" tm + n . tm Iy° ~{ + Nom . «um » Yom + « Nn + We + + um » Sm â€" « + + a ', Bs es 3228033033333333 37 d Stoney Creek eA i . i . i . i : i . . in o. is is o s s e m m â€" n â€" l : s . : o i & s is s @» s . i o. o. o to. as. o as. . do. do. C 4e oz RingnaD nenineneritrinstt _ _ For Sale ! Our workmen are very proficient and will cause you very little inconvenience in repair work. _ Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time and money by attending to it at once. PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. Cirir Finest stock in Canada. sing on car or otherwise. Stock growing on Corman Stoney Creek on north side PJ UMBIN( Liberal discounts allowed on F Fall planting. Norman M. Walker Grapeâ€"Vines, Currant and Gooseberry Plants Joseph Tweddle i Corman Farm one mile east of north side of stone road. anada. Take notice when pasâ€" roprietor CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal. remedies. _ Hall‘s Caâ€" tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directiy on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall‘s Catarth Cure is not + quack medicine. It was prescribed by ane ‘of the ‘best physiciars in this country for years and is a regula; prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfec: combinaâ€" tion of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarth. SenQ for testimonials free. F. JACHENEY.& CO., Props., Toiedo, O. _ ,Sold by druggists, price 75. Fake Hall‘s Family Pills for constipation. it is an absolute neâ€" cessitv, if you would care to take the full enjoyment of living. We can install every plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Plumbing Good â€"Plumbing Is Not a Luxury all delivery for Grimsby Ontario. @(a> $ A by HQ\ ;fl A AQ z\ iqh Lb m\ M f M\ AN ;!.\ fQ\ 1 The finest collection in the country A full line « The cars trom â€" Beamsville are due in Grimsby at 20 minutes to the hour from 6.40 a. m to 11 05 p.m.and 20 minutes after the hour fr m Hamilton from 7.20 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. 9 34 a. m 6.50 a. m 11 50 a. m 119 p.m: 6 13 p. m 5.55 p. m The _ Muskoka . Express from Toronto stops at Grimsby every mornâ€" 1ug at 1.33. Hamilton departâ€"7.10, 8.10, 9.10, 10.10, 11.10 w «‘~" ‘12‘10, 1.10, 2.10, 3.10. 4.10, 5.10,;6.10: 7.:4:~ § 10. °9.10 p.m; $ Beamsville departâ€"7. 5, 8.15, 9.15, 10 15 11.16. 12 15 1.15. 2.15, *3.16, .4.151 BADj 6â€"15, 7.15, 8 15 9 15 p m. Fifteen minutes after the Hour mrom 6.15 a m. to 10.45 p.m. GoOoING EAsT 9 34 a. a 11 50 a. i CARS LEAVE HAMILTON GFQO. F. WALLER._Pass. Agent 1. G G!BSON Superintendent Ten minutes atter the Hour, from 6:10 1. m. ‘«to 11:10‘p. m., » CcARS LEAVE BEAMSVILLE MAwmUFACTURER OF WEODiNG CAKES, ICE CREAM AND FINE CANDY Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and En tertainments Supplied, Lunch Counters, Caterersg 34 King St. W., Hamulton Electric _ Railway! Sn i N o sn 0009 000 N ie To y EPOC PCP ENT p 0C sc u LLTON, has moved to a more modern ofâ€" ._ _ fce in the Federal Life Building, corMCL Main and james Streets, one block west and O0€ ll’IIOCk S(‘)‘l‘lth of tormer office, Take elevator t9 com 46, * James Crawford C O N FECTIO NE R The very BEST that can be made 46 QUEEN St. ST. CATHARINES: PLANS, SPECIFIGATIONS, VALUATICNS, BLUE PRINTS. ates wound up and a general Insurance and Jonveyancing business transacted. MUNRO & MEAD: ARCHITECTS. 10 MAIN ST. EAST H A M I AgsiGnEE anp Vauruator Mortgages, Deeds, . Wills, etc., drawn, Money to !oun at_41/2 to 6 per cent. Eg LAUVRENCE MUNRO Successors to T. 0. Brownjohn, Civil and Mining Engineer® Land surveyors, Officeâ€"7 Hughson8t. south, Hamilto® A. E. NICHOLSON, O AA, LAZIER & ‘ LAZIER, BARRISTERS, Solicitors,â€" Notaries, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates. ‘ Office, "*Spectator Building," Hamilton. S. F. Lazier, K.C. LANOASTER & CAMPBELL . Barristersâ€"atâ€"law solicitors, Notaries, etec. _ No. 6 Queen St, StT. CaTHARINES f E. A. Lancaster. Jas. H. Campbell _ Noteâ€"Mr. Lancaster will be at the Lincoln House, Grimsby, every Wednesday from _ a m. to 6 p.m., except during the session »f the Dominion Parliament. # CRERAR, CRERAR & BELL, Barristers, Solicitors & Notariesg No. 1 Hamilton Provident Chambers, pughson St. South, Hamilton, Canada, Telephone No. 652. Money to lend. Mortgages purchaseg P. D. Crerar, K.0... â€"_â€"__ _ T. H. GOrefap -m JA Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, eto. Money to loan. Private funds. Lowest rates Bank of Commerce Building, Hamilton, ' Hon. J. M. Gibs m, K. C., ‘ M. J. O‘Rielly )ffices, 15 Main St., East, . Hamilton At SMITHVILLE every Thursday JOHN B BRANT 8 JAMES ST. N;, HAMILTON wotary Pu Officesâ€"Grimsby and Beamsville Money to loan at current rates. Plans and Specifications for all classes builinjogs dInsurance Adjusted TIMUME TABLE IBSON & OSBORNE, &4 1Mb Ob A Bit CUNNINGHAM LAND SsURVEYOR. H,. CARPENTER, B. McCONACHIE In effect from June 1st, 1910 Lazier. H. L. Lazier. Tyrrell & MacKay F. HANSEL, Dentist, HAM: Grimsby Station. A RCHITECTS sSUNDAY SERVICE DENTTIS®CR Y _ Cs+. & PICTURES Barrister, Solicitor KODAKS Solicitor, â€" Converancer Teieph ne 754. PHOTOS Telephone 1098 W. Bell, B daks and supplies SMIT 4 Y 1# GoIng west WILLIAM R,. MEA HAMILTON W. W. Osborne airy Public Ete., "C

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