a w .... Fwy vim and vitality. Premature weakness averted at once. mahNYou a new man. Price M. ailed to any address, oo.. " Catllarlnes, Ont. restores every nerve in the body f,.'..!yeIle.e!.trg its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will makn vnn a "an, man rt-e, A ‘n . Electric Restorer for '80 Barton East Prices moderate. I Also salesman for the Nordheimer Piano Co. Bf, Piano Tuner, The oldest and most reliable piano tuner in the district. Twenty-five years experience. A post-qard will bring me right to your . . Slvuxs 1110 liUlDC CAClLl‘bC. 1L UC- Made ot heavy wire-with an easy came frightened and started to locking device-they last well, look run. In some way the rope well and help to keep the desk clear got fastened around Mr. Davis' of lettered papers. feet and he was dragged several . yards and was badly shaken up. ROBERT DUNCAN & CO Instead of covering up valuable desk space these Sectional Wire Baskets can be built high up-one above the other--giving the capacity! for lots of papers. Sectional Wire Desk Trays Ur at House t ' PaintingI/ Decorating _ in, ritiiu2zi,,i,,,r,,,?erjrtag, C, 81 Main St. West Telephone 771. HAMILTON I Ho_use g Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris, etc. Plastering Hair Mortar Color _ Lath All other Contractors' Supplies H. iti J, Dow Contractor's l Supplies 1 Lime for Spraying] Cor. WW stewah'UDrug Store Stationers and Printers James and Market Square HAMILTON . L. DAVIS house at any time. . DUNCAN & 40c per section. in. Price 83 a lpdx, tir-tur, for addgass. The Scobell Drug en_ n1. Harnttto Men I On account of the great amount of stuff, the sale will commence very promptly at I o'clock and buyers should make a point of being there on time. ’JAMES H. GILMORE WILL HOLD AN AUCTION SALE Mr. James H. Gillmore, whois giving up housekeeping, will hold an auction sale of all his household furniture, on Thurs-. day, Jan. 26, I911, commencing, at I o'clock sharp. All Mr. Gil more's stuff is in good condi- Ition and there is a great quanti~ ty of it. i Parties wishinp: to secure fur- niture of any kind and household utensils, should not fail to attend the sale. , Miss Susie Corman and her brother Albert spent Sunday with friends, in Hamilton. Mrs. (Capt.) Williams is ly- (img very ill with pneumonia arid lheart trouble. t The evangelistic meetings lwill be continued in the Metho- {dist church this week. A l The Women's Institute held la very successful meeting on Friday afternoon last. Emerson and Mrs. Hannon of Ryimal, were the guests of Orlan ldo and Mrs. Homey on Tuesday last. John and Mrs. Lottrid'ge were in Buffalo last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Lottridge's father. While John B. Davis was giving his horse exercise, it be- came frightened and started to Missionary day will be ob- served in the Methodist church on Sunday next. It will be conducted by the pastor from St. Catharines. ' - -----.WJ, Us A large number of picnics. have re§pcctfuilly €339?“$915399.†q) already" been booked and' itlsaid T0W’fl.Sh'IP'tgath’7§ looks from a distance as if, this spector for this '.rb)irn.iihip, 3'1 year will be the best year in who has had a technical t.raglP.gs, the history of this fine old.park. at one of the Government git-r15 Mr. J. Orl’on Livingston will cultural Colleges. We .rec.or1irtien) be press agent for GrimsIby the engagement of this Inspector: Beach Unis year, so look out for to be by the year, ara 3311- “a some "live-wire" stuff later on. secure a thoroughly c; Nuff sed. expert, trained, if pass,“l ----------- this, particular braneh * STONEY CREEK Elmira We su'ggw or Missionary day will be ob... oggrfmZEaI-l office m i , - . . ' . y; that he he g(',,i,i,t)',it,i,it',',rii,t,i's% served in the Methodist church Charge of the insï¬â€˜e‘ctioï¬'ï¬iii†on Sunday next. It will be orchards within the 'iii,!,"'):",):,:;,',:':,?)","),"", Eonducted .by the pastor from and have authority town: bt.wCathar1nes, assistants for two' it A/tICC Knew; c",-,-,., “an 1,, thing Will , handle the crowd. The box-ball alley will be made into a lunch counter and a checking room will be provided in connection with it. The main "gates will be closed to horses and rigs this season, I they will have to drive down the Park road past the corner, and come into the horse yard on the east side, the main gates will be for foot traffic only/ This is be- ing done to keep the rigs out of the crowd. _ A new milk depot tis being"; built as well as a new refresh- ment stand. The dance hall is being en- lraged and will be used to accom modate picnics on wet days as well as for dancing. A fast bunch of college base ball players have been secured! for the Beach ball team and some fast games are looked for l The much-scrapped-over post office has been secured by the Beach Company at last, and it will have commodious quarters in the "Beehive" next to the grocery store. The Beach will open on May 24, again this year and every- thing will be in readiness to JMr. Wylie securing a bo trips between Beach. special meeting: of North Boats and a gasoline launch have been added to the Beach fleet. The auditorium will be over- hauled and large folding doors will be put in between the posts and two of the best stock com- panies on the stage today will hold the boards during July and August, The Park Home d:n;nn-mm~l A new "Figure 8" will be '1 stalled as well as a "House of Mystery'" the "Crystal Maze," the "Human Laundry" and nu- merous other amusement devices. Twenty-five new steel row- boats and a gasoline launch have been added to the Rpanh an,†NORTH GRIMSBY COUNCIL Manager H H Wylie was over from Cleveland last week and informed the Independent that Grinnsiby 'Beach would _be the finest amusement and residentai park in Canada this season. Grimsby better and season. GRIMSBY BEACH WILL BOOM THIS SEASON " 111 'UCUWCCII me posts the best stock com- he stage today will ards during July and l Beach will be bigger, busier than ever this record (ind residentai his season. e 8" will be '1 S a "House of :rystal Maze," breaking (symptoms of S'luggish, Inactive Kidneys land Liver disappear Smarting, Frequent; Urination, and all Bladder Troubles ends FIG PILLS go at once to the disordered Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Svstem, and comple e a cure before yon know it. There is no other remedv, at any price. which will effect 80 thorough and prompt a cure as a 25m box of FIG PILLS. Only curative results can Come from taking FIG PILLS and a few doses mean clean; active, lienllhv Kidneys, Bladder and Liver wand no Irlaekaehe. . For sale at all first class ding stores; 25e a box or five for one dollar. or mailed on receipt of price by The Fig Pill Co),] St. Thomas, Ont. i All Baelraehe and Distress from Out-ofa Order; Kidneys or Bladder Trouble will, vanish and you will feel fine. Lime Back, Painful Stitches, Rheumatism, Nervous Headache, Dizziness, Sleepless- nvss, Wornout, Sick Feeling' and other FIG, PILLS or Weak Back if You Take a Few Doses of months in the summer, inordcr lthat he may make his inspejy, tion thorough during this imporé I tant season. C F1 This inspector's time . during the winter months or off season, should be devoted to ipvesitigac tions and, if possible, he should give lectures to the fruit growers on subjects that would be pf, (beneficial interest to them. _ He, 1should also be at the disposal of the growers at all _times, wpre4 mated to give special advice or. information such as they' might ask for. V m urrmslby, Jan. 19, 19-1.]; To the Reeve and Council ;‘ of the Township of North Grimsby. , 1‘? Gentlemen :---. _ 'il/i','; We, the undersigned tatepii,ffr',, ers and fruit growers. oir',itilt,al T9wt1silti, v?.,' pf, ,lyprthgrj 'igiitiiiiiii'iia NO DISORDERED KIDNEYS bruit Pests Act, and give _ (ii' third reading of a by-law "ia appointing township ofnciarsriil, the year 1911. ' iii Quite a number of ratepajj; were present. A petition '1: presented by Mr. G. L. Boo-kgg' trirty-fotir others 'asking that5; T. Hunter be appointed insiiiliil tor under the Fruit Pests A_ij,:8l Geo. C. Cooper applied fowl; Cfrimsby C Grims‘by H Grimsby, C 1911, at IO purpose of pointment C) ‘mple e a cure before yon know it. is no other remedv, at any price. will effect Sn thorough and prompt as a 250 box of FIG PILLS, Only 'e results can come, from taking 82 in tea must be dis. tinctive, pleasing and unvarying' to merit continuous use. The flavor of Red Rose Tea is all its own . and it never fails to win and hold ap- proval because it never fails in quality. Try it. The Petition Grimshv. Tar NEVER SOLD IN _""---- yt .UUHCM was [all, Snetsin m Saturday )unc 0 CIOC ons Inspg Ax‘ct. ; two or three K a.m erinsr can " BULK M the und hel l: block In. 21. Our M Otto---" Sma ll _ Quick Returns." Profits ll) pauxang, 9C. This is a partial for future reference 'tlie the for jic and $1 lines, as long as they last at 50c. _ '50c caps at 40c. This is your chance, do not wait until sizes are sold out. Sugar is cheaper. Granulated Redpatlrs best, 20 lbs for $1; Light Yellow Red- path's best, 22 lbs for $1; 100 lbs Redpath Granulated, $4.00; 100 lbs Light Yellow, $4.50. fialada, Red Rose and Aroma tea, per lb, 28c. Cooking: figs, 5c per lb. ‘ Salted Herring, 25c per doz. Smoked Haddie, IOC per lb. Roil ham cured pork, 16c per H). lic per lb by the full roll. Soda biscuits, per tb, 8c, in l) packages, 9t. l the Special for 20 days, as long as they last}, winter caps, regular _ 1 notice in last week's add that I had made a mistake, as my price for'Electric Oil is 15c and Parke's White Pine Tar "Cough Medicine is also 15c. ', My stock of school books is complete. _ All that the public school requires- and the later: lbooks out. Readers, composi-' tion, grammars,, English and Canadian histories, spellers, geo- graphies, copy books, drawing books, exercise books and scr1u- 01ers. Lead and slate pencils, pens and pen holders, ink and, school cnalk, mucilage, Lapage’sl liquid glue. “Lay No. 191 and that WW. Russ' name be ingtrted and that the By-Law as amended/be read a third time; and that the By- Law be 'now read a third time and -be passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk Sign and seal the same and histitle be as in the motion. Carried. The Council then adjourned. lial ""k'iet by Beamer, seconde 5’" {H'5~ith, that the followin 'l,,')Illl films under the fruit pee Ir-j", appointed under Pry-Lal ',iillll for Polling Division "afgiws I if?" Ir)) _ A. T, Hunter. 'ii/is) John Kelson. Illiir:r,H. Walker. Eiir'they be provided wit] _iillllli B'it'i?ate time report book t', il J hy the owner of tin :3I ' Irlt) his representative, Cl alll IE,,.'jr" of thirty cents pe' , i llt,ji, rried _ 3llll 'il,ir by Fleming, seconded 'Ill Blish, thatthe petition pre- I jy'.A.' G. Pettit am: I v _ Illgt,1'1r,e, others requesting the , I 'i)','(rtti's,, :ait.iibitlt as Insoector -:_.T‘ Ii,,li't'r'w,r/riTf)ii,i/riiship of North aman who has had ill, Wt;i',,’ii;ée§;§£x£rirning at one of I ‘ .,'_sf,,1:i,l.t'_i,tit".il,lijt, tut ' Agricultural i,'_._'tQr'lillllt' ’ gmr'thh It": prtsehted by Thomas Sower'hy an.d forty-seven others be re- cenved and that Mr. William Smye's name be struck from By- n GRASSIES STORE NEWS iiiiii, Itil Council 1 _iit,4 .scqnsiiderat11 'ill omens wer (it Eii, T Counci g» IE' - - . as yvelal frui :1: Etrvor of tir g Bis': permane 1.; 'll in favor 1:" '9 (r,,)). E§t1t10n _i)/,iil ilThQS. 1:3: . K, _ if; others k" . t' 91;; F, be mi; 3: Bin the , Ik," T "Sr-explained that although tii)1rpn hid only been out ' B',i'1day that it had been tir,liy leading fruit growers . lit/district and would have 'libre largely signed had 'i)ien time before the meet .P-SI ', tithousand dollars is cer- aah'very small amount to t Eiiiti safeguarding and Oro- lithe industry upon which 1lllii,)ji)l dependent for a limi- , Ei(iPherefore, we respect- Ilt.i,yte this appointment. {ï¬e when compared with inpOrtance to the rate- Itif this subject of inspec- Irirticularly just at this ' Eil, = also believe that an V _‘"ent of this kind would , end to rest-ore confidence 'iitipctive land buyers and '.iielt'y to support present rtirtie values, which, in it, 'iii/sr vast importance to! Hon. by Smith. that the De retame partial list that the petition Thomas Sower'by 1e pet1tron ent insane Il'l HTS") l, . Moore n presente erby and n IS commlssmn by Mountain i the ma The fc oassed: Keep th a t W 1t10n pre- zttit and 1stirrg the Insvector If North 1dd am Wltil trom l fortvl m f n n Vigorous Health (lil,.t:ll,fl, 1'-1i-i"iiiiiiiiii' Dresser and Stand $14.00 for 'n'.'........... Window Shades 25c up, according to style. Mattresses, Ostermoor, Felt and Common, (i Bissel Carpet Sweepers $2.25 up. 10°/o discount off on cash sale of $100 r,", l, 3:100:00 worth__for $90.00. . . _ ' ( In Mission Sideboards $1 q tone up weak Mom your food being p1 brain. Soc. a box National Drug “a C Whittaker Block " Painter and Paperhanger Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Lead=-others follow Artistic Effects-Shows no Laps-Easily Applied-Absolutely Sanitary. Get color Cards, sample books and descrip- tive matter from ' Is the best Wall Coating made. Ready for use with the addition of boiling water. 'allll Announcement Funeral Di;;t;:' BUCK, Beamsville $20.00, reduced to $18.00, reduced to Extension Tables, C :.stomachsr-supply the digestive juices which are racking, ing properly converted into brawn and sinew, red blood at a box at your druggist's or from Ind Chemicgl Co. of Canada, zen known for years for the place to get a on the payment plan. Now all houses are coming to the same plan. MURESCO reduced to 'ii'i"drllEfi"tijii: m. F ARROW les Ina, Furniture, Window tShades. DINING ROOM and Man Phone 239 Chairs accordingij/iJiv g to style. Ommon, $3.00 up ding , Limited, of $100.00 and over. Goods delivered free ---the power to enjoy to the work and pleasure'---."-,' 0 good digestion. ---the i'i!i?soiiiil)le.liiiir's W 'arpets, and GRIMSBY 1ll paper ' at: PcKIng-ensure red blood and active $rr.oo $18.00 $15.00 Montreal, e fun life's only with . 32