Grimsby Independent, 18 Jan 1911, p. 8

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We are pleased to report that 1Frarrrkrfthrtrttritt177i'thrr-1h7'irs'r, in- jured in the sleighing accident last week, is able to be out again. The Women's Institute meets in the Reception Hall on Thurs- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Two excellent papers will be given at this meeting and every mem- ber should attend. The Rev H up his resid installed to on evening, by J D.D. G.M. and board: FREESTONE LODGE It is reported that some of the Public School scholars are being handled quite roughly. The par ents are of the opinion that the plan of hitting children on the head with a blackboard brush should be cut out. C. E. Riggins, P. D. D. G. M financial secretary. H. Sinclair, P. G., treasurer. L. Davis, Warden. . H. Smith, conductor: J. Trevely-en, chaplain. Geo. Greves, P, G., R. S. S. Geo. Smith, P. G., L. S. S. R. H. Montgomery, P. G. We understand that Senator Gibson is quite ill in Ottawa. secretary Thomas Finton, the young Saltfleet farmer, who has lain in jail since last April on acharge of being responsible for the death of his father, Elijah Fin- ton, was acquitted by the jury and At the home of the bride's mother in Glamis, the marriage took place on Saturday last of Mr. L. B. Tufford, to Miss Ger- trude McKeeman. Miss Marjorie Reid and Miss Francis Tufford spent last week in Glamis. CAISTORVILLE Rev Mr. Copeland of Canboro occupied the pulpit on Sunday last. Mr. Se-nn will preach next Sunday. The members of the Y. P. A. B C. intend holding a banquet in the near future. Mr. Robert Lymburner is on the sick list. Mr. Edward McCready had the misfortune to hurt his leg by wrenching the muscle from the bone. Fred Albright o: Alta., is spending a with his parents here 'Mr. Frank Gavmar Mrs. C. Sisler and son have returned home after spending a week with relatives at Jordan and St. Catharines. Miss Bertha Chapman of Port Dover, is the guest of her cou- sin, Mrs. Walter Surick. Mr. Herman Lester and sister were guests of Russel and Bessie 'Mr. Frank Gayman of Wind- sor, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Orth has sent out invi- tations for an "At Home" on Friday. “Mr. Geo. Jennings. of Melita Man., visited his aunt, Mrs Muir. Rev] Davey occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday last., Remember on Feb. I, 2 to last week were Bell In six weeks, the' Stone in the Bladder came away. When I recall how I suffered and how now I am healthy and able to work, I cannot express myself strongly enough when I speak of what GIN PILLS have done for me." Jan HERMAN. 48 $ GIN 1a,ut'i',,t",'gef, fir, abet-F6 for 2.50. nt on reoei price . your dealer does not bandit them. Stag box free if you write us, mentionin paper. Money back, if GIN Pauli do not give full “detection. National Drug and Chemical Co., WA. Tomato. My wife read in the papers about GIN PILLS and sent for a box. From the very first, I felt that GIN PILLS were doing me good. The pain was relieved at once and the attacks me less frequent. 7 GIN PILLS SAVED HIM 513 JAMES St., HAMILTON, ONT. “Five years ago, I was taken down with what the doctors called Inf1atntmr. tion of The Bladder-intense pains in back and loins, and difficulty in urin- ating, and the attacks, which became more frequent, amounted to unbearable agony. I became so weak that I could not walk across the floor. NEARLY DIED ill: STONE IN RE BLADDER S. N. G. E. Keith, L. S. N. G. S. J. Wilson, R. S. V. G. Dr. C. J. Freeman, L. S. V. J. Sinclair, I. G. A. Julke, O. G. Dr. C. W. Elsmore, physcian THOMAS FINTON FREE BEAMSVILLE, JAN. I 8 215, I. O. O. F. following members were Ito offce on Monday , by John A. Webb, 'r.M. and his installing ev H. T. Miller has take residence in Beamsvil1e Llaus, J. t’. Julke, N. G Amiss, V. G l Ryckman Iber the poultry [, 2 and 3. Jemmett was in ot tew recording al oro show days n V Mr. William Morris is confined to his bed with rheumatism. Rev. Mr. Tyson, of Toronto, preached a very impressive sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Mr. Sanderson has purchased the grocery store at Vinemount from John Tallman. The South Wentworth Farmers' In- stitute will be held here in the Insti- tute Hall on Friday. The Womens' Institute of this place will be held at the Same time and in the evening a joint meeting will be held. He was warmly congratuloted by a large number of friends. The New Year dinner of the On tario branch of the Red Rose Tea Company was held at the offices and warehouse in Toronto on Saturday night, Jan. 7. About fifty wives sat down to an excellent repast, spread by Coles, in the board-room; mark- ing the close of a very successful year's business, and every indication pointing to a very large increase in the sales of "good tea" this year, and much enthusiasm pervaded the gath- ering. Without allowing the lawyers to ad- dress the jury, Justice Teetzel told the jury that a case had not been made out, and the jury brought ina verdict of "not guilty" without leaving their seats, and Thomas Finton was given his freedom, after being about nine months in jail. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barlow of Wilson St, Hamilton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Corman. Revival services will be continued in the Methodist church this week. A little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perney on Wednesday of last week. Master Harold McComb of the North-west, is the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. McComb. Thomas Finton was put on the stand in his own defense, and told his story. He stated that when he drove away from the farm, his father was In the shed fixing a pig trough, and that was the fast he had seen of him. Doctors for the prosecution sword that the fracture in the skull was caused by some round instrument. The doctors for the defense swore that the fracture might have been caused by falling on a stone. Mr. Geo. F. Campbell, the manag- er, presided. A telegram of greeting was read from Mr. T. H. Estabrooks, of St. John, N. B., the proprietor, who was unable to be present, and his health was drunk with great heartiness. The progress of the toast llst was enlivened with a racy line of narrative and jest, and there wasa ball-throwing contest for the ladies, which created much amuse- ment. It was an evening of great sociability and thorough enjoyment, prpsaging still greater success for Red Rose tea. was discharged by Justice Teetzel in the Courtroom in Hamilton on Satur- day evening, January s4th, after four day's trlal. The trial commenced on Wednesday at 9 o'clock in the morning, and lasted until six o'clock Saturday night. George T. Blackscock of Toronto, and S. F. Washington of Hamilton represented the case for the Crown and George Lynch-Staunton and S. D. Biggar acted for the defense. The members elected to the Muni- cipal Council of the Township of Gainsboro met pursuant to statue on January 9, 1911, at Welland Port and made the declaration of qualifi- cation and office and took their seats as follows: A. E. Burritt, Reeve; Albe Beamer, Oscar Burch, John E. Lymburner and John M. Lane, In brief, the evidence went to show that Thomas Finton and his father left the breakfast table about seven o'. clock and went to the barn. Thomas returned to the house about an hour afterward and got ready to go to Ham- ilton. A httle later he hitched the horses to a lorry and went to Hamilton. His father was seen no more until af. ter I 2 o'clock when he was found dead with his skull crushed in. Thomas was in Hamilton when he heard of his father's death, and. imme- diately returned home. A large number of witnesses were examined for the crown, and quite a number for the defense. GAINSBORO COUNCIL NEW YEAR DINNER STONEY CREcK Councillors Applications for grants wettL-rf,?ir, ceived from the Sick Children's Hospital and Mrs. W. Wismer in aid of a free library in the Village of Wellandport. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Burdh, that the application of E, A. McPherson, as Assessor for the year 1911 be accepted and the salary be seventy-five dollars. Carried. Moved by Mr. Beamer, second . by Mr. Lymburner, that'we grant ten dollers to the Sick Children's Hos- p1t Moved by Mr. Burch, seconded by Mr. Lane, that David L. Overholt, be re-appointed a member of the Local Board of Health for three years Carried. Moved by Mr. Beamer, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that Elmon J. Hodgkins and Alonzo Strong be auditors to audit the accounts of the Township of Gainsboro for the year ending December 1910 at a salary of $5.00 each. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, and seconded by Mr. Beamer, that the Clerk procure the usual' number of coples of the Municipel World for the Council for the year 1911. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, second- ed by Mr. Beamer, that at the next meeting of this Council at Bismarck, we will appoint Pathmasters, Pound- keepers and Fence Viewers. Carried. Moved by Mr.' Beamer, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that the Inspector of the different sub-divisions for the year 1911 be as follows:---)., Diviison, Oscar Burch, No.2 John M. Lane, No. 3 Albe Beamer and No. 4 John E. Lymburner. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Burch, that we, accept the offer of the Journal printing Company for the Township printing for the year 1911 at the sum of $80.00. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Burch, that the Clerk have authority to order a new minute book. Carried. Moved by Mr. Beamer, seconded by Mr. Lene, that Oscar Burch, be a committee to look after repairing the road machine. Carried. On motion of Mr. Lane and Mr. Lymburner, a By-Law was passed to confirm the appointment of the al armed ijjilll Ladies' Coats of All-Wool Kerseys, Beavers and Tweeds; made in all styles, full length and worth up to $12.50, at.... .... $6075 Imported "Pr1ntzess" Suits, in many new styles, only one of a kind; all are lined with guaran- teed silks, and the fit, finish and general quality ean't be equalfisd; valués are from to $40.00, at. 2. . .. ttqi Ladies' Tailored Coats, of splendid quality tweed, made in plain, neat style, lined to waist with silk serge, beautifully tail- ored and worth $20, sizes 34 to 40, at............... $10085 38 West King St. Winter Coats Auditors, Assessors, and members of the L.B.H. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, second- ed by Mr. Burch, that we grant to the Silverdale sidewalk Committee $25.00 for three crossings. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, second- ed by Mr. Beamer, that we grant the sum of $25.00 to the Wellahdport Library if organized. Carried. The following bills were passed and paid: I Allen W. Robins, valuing sheep Soc; E. A. McPherson, railing on Boo's arch $4.50; The Journal Printing Co., balance on contract {$17.96; The Municipal 'World, supplies $10.75: Charles Billard, dog tax refunded $1; Sick Children's Hospital, $10; Bell Telephone 200; the Council $10.50; Hall rent $2.00. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, second- ' by Mr. Lane, that the Treasurer's i,itcloii11-rveli' at the sum of $65.00 w1th no rebate. Carried. The Council adjourned to meet at Bismarck, on Monday, February 6, at IO a.m. Subscriptions to the Indepen- dent will be acknowledged in this column as soon as they are received and entered up in the books'. Parties who remit us and do not see the amount acknowledged here should drop us a card. No receipt will be sent'except by special request. IN Ed. Rosiell, , Grassies ... Alfred Teeter, Grimsby,. . W. R. Woodland, Beamsville, Andrew Sturdh, Grimsby, . Commercial Hotel, . HamGton .. R. J. White, Grimsby ... Edgar . Farewell, Grimsby ... Albert Mrarsh, Grimsby .. Henry Marsh, Grimsby Fred Marsh, Grimsby . Daniel Marsh, Grimsby .. J. Ellis, Crimsby, Frih'naw, Tisdalc, : 11. Englarsd, London, iii"iiiii' $28. 50 PAID UP Our Big Sweep-Out Sale Girls' Coats, sizes 10 to 16, of heavy all wool tweed, military colllar, $6 value, at. . . Mink Marmot Rug Muffs, of excellent quality, large size. trimmed wuh heads and tails, worth 4 98 $7.75at............ . ........ a Silk Party and Dancing Frocks, in several dainty styles, white and evening shades, latest New 75 York styles, worth $12.50 and' $15. . . . . . . .. h Black Bare Sets, of large rug muff and stole to match trimmed with heads and tails, worth $12.75 7 98 for.... .....' ........r.". .... ...... .... .... o Ladies' Coats, of all wool tweeds and broadcloth, in several styles, plain tailored and military, 7 95 worth taptotl7.50, for r......--....... o Ladies' Fine Tailored Suits of all wool worsteds serges and diagonal cloths, silk lined, $22 50 value 9 85 Broadcloxh Opera Capes, of ffne materials, excellent style and perieet make, latest designs, $25 values at.... .... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. 13.75 RAPHAEL & C0. .June . Apr Dec Nov. 27,'r I Dec Mar. 13,'r I Aug. r/rr D ec Sept. I Dec. Dec. Sept. July We Never Carry Stock Over-. That' s Why Special Values 27 31 I5 I5 3I 31 31 3I 1,'11 lhm't, Miss This Opportunity ',rr , /ro ,’II , ,II , /11 Means Money in Your Pocket A. Burland, D. A. Orr, Grimsby. . .. ..Mar. I5,’II J. E. R_ps5ell,, - . 1211 Irvine, ', . Kimbo ........Feb. Harry Jewson, Grimsby . . . . .Dec. Mrs. Alex Lane, Canfield . . . . . .Oct. Mrs. Herron,. _ Beamsville . . . .Apr H. Heuther, Kimbo .Dec. Mrs. A. E. House, Nicola Lake, B C. Feb R. C. Pauerson, Vancouver, B C jan Gri:mslby ... .. .Mar. I T. C. Hewitt, F Chicago, Ill., . . .July I R. D. Alway, . Aberdeen, Sask. May I Wilbur Jeffries, ' Beamsville . . . .May 15 A. H. Russ, Grimsby Dec. 31 J. J. Grace, . Grimsby . . . . . .Dec. 31 P. J. Dressel, Queenston . . . .Dec. 31 Andrew Bradt, Grimsby ... ..Dec. 31 Wm. Hands, ‘ Grimsby . . H. L. Gibson, . Grimsby .. Eugene LePage, Grimsby .. W. Goldring, Beamsvil1e Jordan Station Dec Rufus E. Glover, Stonev Creek .Dec Mrs S. Oakley, Grimsby Phil Hand, Fred Davey, Beam-sville M. B. Tuffo-rd, T Grimsby ... Dr. Woolverton, Grimsby .. F. T. 1Voolverton New York L. Larsen, W.B Urlmsiby. . .. ..Uec. 31,’II W. H. Wright, Toronto . . . . . .Sept. 30,'r1 T. S. Johnson, Tweedside ... .Dec. 3r,'ro Mrs. R. Withington, Philadelphia ..Dec. 3r,'rr Dept. of Agr., Toronto . ., . . . .Dec. 3r,'rr Mrs. R. W. Glover, . Boston Mass. ..Jan. 15,'rr H. Bull, Grimsby. . . .Jully 3r,'rr Wm. Ayers, _ HAMILTON J. O'F"1eld, Grimsby. . ....Oct. 28,'rr Grimsby . . . . . .May Béa'misville ... Apr. 15,'rr Smithville . . . .Dec. 3r,'rr 500K, Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Feb Dec Dec Dec Mat $2.69 July I,’II .31 3r,'rr 31 20 31 31 3I 31 31 15 31 31 IS I,'II ,'rr ' /11 , ,II ,'rr ' ,II , /II , /II ,'ro ' /II , ,II ,'ir ' /II /rr ,’II 'II ’11 II II II II II W Billiard has moved away from the village, and Chas North is prepar- ing to take possession of the place just vacated. On Sunday last the Rev Mr Cragg exchanged pulpits with the Rev Mr Smith of Hamilton, it being Mission- ary Sunday. Geo E. and Mrs Smith, of Jordan Station, spent a few days renewing old acquaintances. Ray Ridge of Woodburn, spent Sa- turday and Sunday with Ernest Nic- bolls. On Tuesday evening Mrs D W Nic- holls and Hugh Asher sang at a con- cert at Bmbrook. The tax collector is making his final calls. Be prompt and save trouble. Real estate is on the move on the fifth concession. _ Teeter--ln loving memory oi those who died Jan. 16, 1909. Do not ask us if we mis: them; Oh! there's such a vacant place. Oft we think we hear their foot- .steps, Or we see their smiling faces. They have gone to higher re- gions, Safe from every grief and care. We shall meet again in heaven, And nevermore be parted there. _ Angels guard you,' darling ones; ' May your harps ring loud and clear, Leaving notes of love around you, To the ones who loved you dear Youths' and Men's Overcoats of all wool Tweeds and Black Mel. tons in Chesterfield and waters styles; all sizes; assorted colors values up to $12.50, at.... .r.......... $6.95 Men's Overcoats Men's Fine Overcoats, of fancy tweeds, diagonals and beavers made in adjustable and college collar styles, also some in plain styles garments at .. ........ $10095 Handsome Matched Set of Stole and large Rug Muff both pieces elaborately trimmed with heads. tails and paws, of finest quality fur and a snap at T .. $19.75 Russian Pony Sets of long Throw and Empire Muff, nicely marked skins, very effective and popular, per set........ .. cn Fur Sets IN MEMORIAM ABINGDON Open Evenings Gone but not forgotten

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