Moved Joy Mr. Nelson, second- Al by MrrNillaygh, that F. W tiberts be pal t _ 26.20 election expenses, and that J. A LivLivinlgston be paid the sum of $20.14, being balance of print ing account for 1910. Carried. Moved by Mr. Nelson, second ed b Mr. Middaugh, that this council rent Brant's Hall from J. A. Schnick for the year 1911, for Township and Division Court punposes, at $2 a sitting. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Morley, second ed by Mr. Culp, that the tender of J. A. Livingston for the ordin ary township printing for the ' By-law read a second and third time. Moved by Mr. Nelson, second ed by Mr. Middaugh,'that Hiram Krick be paid the sum of $2.40 for labor on R. Div. No. 15. Carried. =Moved by Mr. Morley, second ed by Mr. Middaugh, that leave be granted to introduce a by-law to appoint a trustee for the South Grimsby High School. and the same be now read a first time. By-Law read a first time. Moved by Mr. Nelson, second ed by Mr. Culp, that the by-law just read be now read p second and third time and do pass; the reeVe and clerk sign and seal the same and its title be as in the motion. Carried. time Moved by Mr. Middaugh, se conded by Mr. Morley, that the clerk be authorized to send for six copies of the "Municipal World." Carried. Moved by Mr. Nelson, second ed by Mr. Middaugh, that Jas. Ross be paid the sum. of $2.40 for labor on R. Dis. No. 12. Carried. Communications were read as follows: From T. W. Shipman, applyinig for appointment as auditor; M. S. Nelson and Wm. Kellam for the office of assessor; from A. Sprague and, J E Roszel for road commissioner of Smith- ville R. Div.; from J. A Living- ston, tenderirig for the Township printing for the sum of $65. - 'Members present-J. L, Mer- ritt, Reeve; Councillors L. M. Culp, A. D Middaugh, J Morley, I. E. Nelson. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirm- ed. The Municipal Council of the Township of South Grimsiby met pursuant to statute, at Brant's Hall, Smithville, on Mo-ndav, the 9th day of January, 1911, at II o'cclock a. m. and made the necessary declarations of quali- fication and office. SOUTH GRIMSBY COUNCIL Jan. 9, 1911'.---- in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness. Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a package. Your Grocer Will Recommend " NEVER SOLD IN BULK 81 A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly glowerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at " a box,' or three for $10. Mailed to anv address. The Goobell Drug 00.. St. Catharmes, Ont. Moved by -Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that John Dunn be appointed tru ant officer in the Township of Caistor for the year 1011; to act at the call of the teacher, trus- tee or ratepayer, and be paid by the Section making the call, if benehtted, at a fee of $1 .per call. Carried. . Moved by Mr. Silverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lytriburner, Dr. de Van's Female Pills Moved by Mr. Grant, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law 358 to appoint an assessor, a collec- tor and two auditors and that it be now read a first, a second and a third time, and do pass, and the reeve and clerk do sign and seal the same. Carried. Moved bv 'Mr. toilverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, J. K. Tisdale, A. Bl-axill, Wm. Serge and J. S. Shields for $4 each for rent of halls for elec- tions. Carried. (Moved by Mr. Silverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that John E. Naengarth and H H Coslby be appointed auditors for the year 1911 at a salary of $3 each. Carried. Moved by Mr. Silverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that the time for the collector to return his roll he extended to the first of February. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that the reeve issue cheque to Samuel Smith and Russell Smith for $4 each, they being sum- moned to St. Catharines at lthe hearing of the Summerfield family. Carried. Moved by Mr. Leslie, second? ed by Mr. Grant, that Edgar Snyder be appointed assessor for the current year at a salary of $45. Carried. Moved by Mr. Leslie, second ed by Mr. Grant, that Hugh Asher be appointed collector of rates for the year 1911 at a salary of $50. Carried. Moved' by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Grant, that the reeve issue cheque to the clerk for $30 to pay election ex- penses. Carried. Jdoved by. Mr. Lyttiburner, seconded by Mr. Silverthorn, that J. A. Livingston be given the contract for the Tp. printing for the year 1911 at the usual price, $55. Carried. Noved by Mr. Lvthburner, seconded by Mr. Grant, that the clerk be authorized to order six' copies of the Municipal World, for the use of the council and clerk for 191r and the reeve issue cheque for $5 to pay for same. Mov.ed by Mr. Silverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lyniburner, that the reeve issue cheque to J. A. Livingston for $28.72, balance printing account 1910. Carried. Moved by Mr. Silverthorn, seconded by Mr. Lymburner, that the reeve issue cheque to Samuel Angleman for $I.50 for two days statute labor, he being a non-resident, the labor being done. Carried. ' Letters were read from J. A. Livingston tendering for the Tp. printing, the Sick Children's Hospital, and the Erie Telephone The organization' meeting of the municipal council of the Township of Caistor, was held in the Township Hall, on Mon- day, January 9, 1911, at fl o'clock a.'m., when the Iollowing named gentlemen subscribed to the declaration of qualification and office: John M. Lymiburn- er, .Reeve; Colver Lymburner, Richard H. Grant, Arthur Silver thorn, and John S. Leslie, Conn cil-lors. Or at StewUrt's Drug Store. Minutes of last meeting of 1910 were read and confirmed. at Brant's Hall on February 11 1911, at IO a. m. Carried. Council adjourned. WM-ovled by Mr. Morley, second ed by Mr. Middaugh, that this Council do now adjourn to meet Moved by Mr. Middaugh, se- conded by Mr. Culp, that the collector's time for collecting the taxes be extended to Jan. 25, 1911. Carried. Moved by Mr. Morley, second- ed by Mr. Culp, tha the clerk of this T1y1icipa/ity be instructed to write to the Hydro-tElectric Commission for information re garding electric light and power for this municipality. Carried. Moved by Mr. Nelson, second ed by Mr. Middaugh, that M. S Merritt be paid the sum of $1 for 50 ft of tile across the road in R. Div. No. 3. Carried. year 1911, for $65, be accepted Carried. _ CAISTOR COUNCIL F. W. Roberts, Clerk Lime, Portland Cement . Plaster Paris, etc. Plastering Hair Mortar Color Lath All other Contraetors' Supplies Contractor's Supplies Lime for Spraying th Main St. West Telephone 77L HAMILTOI‘ Moved by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Grant, that the council meet as a committee of the whole to consider the re- building of the Doestader bridge, to meet at bridge on Saturday, 211'st day of January, 1911, at 2 o'clotk, p. m. Carried. 'Moved by Mr. Leslie, second ed by Mr. Grant, that this council do now adjourn to meet on Saturday, the 11th day of February at IO o'clock, a m Carried. H. ilk J. Dow that the reeve issue cheque to Frank Lymburner for .155 for care of hall and George Parker for cleaning hall, $2.50. Carried. N, John M. Lymburner, Reeve Albert Shields, Clerk. HON. WM. GIBSON, Prosldent. Carried to Rebate of Interest Account ......q.....q.........q Written oft Bank Premises e................................ Allowance to former President, authorized by Shareholder: Al submitted to tho Shinbone" " the Annual Mm held " the Head once of the Bank, " Hamilton, Monday, January 16th, 1011. HON. WM. GIBSON. President. C. A. BIRGE. Prom which have been dachred four qusrterly dividends, in “I 10 per cent. Curied to Reserve Fund from Premium an New Stock as above ............. Carried to Ream. Fund from Fronts .'..'..-..".""'.o.......-....o.......,. The profits for thesaear ended 30th November, 1910, after making provision for bad and doubtful debts, are......... .. Premium received on new stock The Balance at credit of Protlt and Loss Account, 30th November, 1909, was To the Shanholdon. Capital Stock (wrung. of the yen: $1685.00†82.680.570.00 Reserve Fund w............................... 3,000,000.00 Amount reserved for Route od Intoroqt on Current Bills Discounted . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance of profits carried forward . . . Balances due to other Bank! In Canada and the United m o.......................... Dividend No. 86, payable "t Doualbu‘, 1910...! Formor 131de {mogul EihultillllKollllllr llllHlAlVllllll,,,Ci'llll"olllhll accrued to date .........'. Deposits not hearing interest Note: of tho Bank in circulation ............ Deposits bearing interest. including interest Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward... 'rHlllllYrhGNllN"rlH ANNUAL STATEM ENT ICCCOIOOIACIIOOICOI. LIABILITIES To the Publlc. .............824,65¢.625.52 ..........qq. 7,653,375.51 HE rising price of lumber has compelled It shows how Concrete can be used .to ad- the farmer to look for a suitable sub. vantage on the farm in the construction of stitute. almost every practical utility. . . Concrete, because of its cheapness, durabil- Bend for this book to-day. YoWil tind it in- " ' ity and the readiness with which it can be tensely interesting, even if you don't intend to ' used for every farm purpose, has proven itself ib,112'.m'aot'iot 3:39; J/ Ji,otntv1i/u" hing}; ',1dful oe, to be cheaper than lumber and far more dur- of saving money. Among the subjects dp able. Our Free Book-- treated are: Barns, Dalrles, Fence Posts, ' You Feeding Floors, Hltchlng Posts, Root - m a " What the Farmer Can Do Cellars, Silos, Stables, Stalrs, Stalls, I send me 1 . u Troughs, Walks, Well Curbs, and ' With Concrete so forth. cu copy of "What shows the farmer how he can do his own work 'v15uh,5,1B,Eo','ir7,h.1 22%;; “is / the Itt' fir,'. without the aid of skilled mechanics. It de- prompuy,‘ Write now. gp . gh, With Concrete.." monstrates the economy of Concrete construe- f Nam tion as compared with lumber, brick or stone. gf! e--................ . . dp Address ...q0.r..q..... B.............. CANADA CEMENT CO.. Limited / SIAM? National Blnk Building, Montreal // o-.................................?:... - sti: Concre ity and 1 uied for shows the without th monstrates tion as cor "lem-g-Ig-est-ttttgg-ggi-mtl-tgtg, =e==l====-g=gg-gtttg=g-ggt=gttmttamtg= m“'__"" Do You Realize the Advan- ( C C DALTON. GEO. RUTHERFORD. " 68,876." "I." BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 1911 the aid of skit tes the economy compared with 1 100,000.00 192,810.81 PROFIT AND LOSS . . . . " 8,813,645.00 “1,314,369.21 433,310,001.†'tlr,8e,"tt." , 5,973,380.81 1se of its c [iness with rm purpose, m lumber a Book-- 149,733.81 a, TURNBULL, tnoe-President and General Manager. Farmer Concrete Mr he can do skilled mecl 67,548.46 q.....q..q.q.q.q...o.q.o.o..q......q... cheapness, du: 1 which it ca e, has proven and far more PENS ! ROBERT DUNCAN & CO. Bunny and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 725,079.79 Lam at 0a.“, or Chm Call. on negotiable Securities .................................... 1,816,029.62 the United State: o......................... Balances duo iron: Agents of the Bank In Great Britain o.............................. Dominion and Provtndal Government so- curttiu ...................................... Canadian Municipal Soon-incl, and British or Fords-n. or Comm-.1 Public Securities, other Note. Discounted and Advances current .. Loans to other Banks in Canada ......... Notes Discounted. etc" ovordmo (estimated for) q................................................... Bank Premises .......................................... 0mm Furniture, lulu, etc. ............................. Real Esta“ (other than Bulk Premises), Mortgagel, " Other M not included and» foregoing heads ..... [county for Note Circulation . . . . . . . . . . Nom of and Choques on other Bank: .. Balance. due from other Bank] In Canada Gold “a 'riNer Coin . . . 636,268.15 Dominion Government Notes . I . . . . 8,399,611.00 Deposit, wlth tho Dominion Government as Stationers and Printers Cor. James and Market Square HAMILTON deducting charges of management and o-....--.---...-..),)) J. TURNBULL. V ice-President and General Manager. COL. THE HON. J. S. HENDRIE, C.V.O. W. A. Woon. AOOOUNT R. DUNCAN & GO. construe or stone To suit everybody's taste is a large undertaking. We have over 350 different makes and styles of points--- surely we can satisfy you, Very few people like the same style of pen point. But we can do it. IUW VHS-IGLIUU --.....oo-oo.. toque: on other Banks ...... an other Bunk: In Canada and atea ..q....q...oq...-......... From Agents of the Bank In Provincial Government u- ASSETS . This Book Tells How Concrete Aids Farmers. . . . . . . . . 3,725,337.26 . . . . 125,000.00 . . . . 1,537,05G.30 Ion 84,035.87 £115 209,488.36 818,859.10 $258,514.53 provided 30,435.03 . . . . " 403,665.32 --t12,523,159.76 . . . 26,526,651.50 . . . 151325.53 "1,314,M9.21 $1,006,325.34 99,347.11 1,651,163.80 161,849.38 139,649.51 60,622.62 180,670.00 th