Columbus, Ohio. - "I have taken Lydia B. Pmkham’s Vegetable Com.. "i5%'iaglitiilllttiW"ijj pound d ll r i n g fa? aw†llllE change of life. My 'l.N.B.,s...r:i.4.,.'s.tll, .iiii'B4. we doctor told me it illllllliiiiis..'il.i.?!,gllll tk ~i?‘ was good, and since ItE.t,'..4ol.,l.ii.ji),'i'iil,i.i.,i..)..t,'iallll 3 taking it I feel BO Bri'i'.i?t'iiiiiiifla a much better that I . 'lt:t2t..'si'.g:i'.:.,l.u.,':J.s'a 7 i'f,'..i.i:.i:': can do all my Work [' I Illili:Stilritallll1 .,j.'iiii.s.i.'ii: again. I. th ink _ B. 'iBiiElllllilllll s,,r:ii'l.if:s.ii:..;tj. Lydia lil. Pmkham’s ' tlrSllllll Illl1 ti.iis2ii'jtsi's.'ini. V e g e t a b 1e Com.. , , " 1 . . ill..........?..:?..."?, 1; pound a fine remedy Illllll3lM.,ltr.:5:..:..:.:sai.iFoiiaiji) u for all woman’s , - "‘" " troubles, and I ‘ - - ' never forget to tell mi friends what it has done for me." - E. HANSON, 304 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. - "I was passing through the Change of Life and suffere from nervousness and other 3'11nt symptoms. Lydia E. Pinlrham's ege- table Compound restored myhealtl1apd strength, and proved worth mountains 0350 d to me. For the sake of other 3 ering women I am willing Myou should publish my letter." - RS. CHARLES BARCLAY, R.F.D., Granite. Tille, Vt. _ _ . I want to offer a little extra inducement for the team to put in its best licks and you can tell theloys that if they land the cup, there is waiting for each tniember of the team, a season ticket to the Grimly Beach Au ditorium, good for himself and his best girl. Tell them that if they only knew what great plays the two Auditorium stock com- panies are going to put on each niglht in the week during July and August, they will play hock eV this winter as they never played before. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the Net that for thirty years Lydia B. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. which is made from roots and herbs. has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu- pity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. _ Best luck to them and they win in a walk. MMMMMMMMMMMKM Cleveland, o., Jan. 9, 1911 Frank Fairborn, In, The Independent, ' Grimpby Ont. 1 Bear S; ir:---] note by late is- Sues of the Independent, that Grimsby has a hockey team that is going to beat everything be-. tween the Equator and the North Pole. HER ; PHYSICIAN f %'rF,' Bt$ttek, J.'., Cif?.ey., P, 1%" .," J. Ag "p .- - 1 . 'r'1 :' b 145-994†" ". 1:" ‘ M13.“ - PC', G _ rss 3. "s 5".†5RW.ii, .' ' 'lib ‘ _", " "1'A '1'" KM (6.3/13- A' ' "-i?f,! ir?fiitWF,'i, i.??:?" _ ( z-C f w-li':')?)')-"::';',:)':'.::.'",:,,:':)':'". ts ii bi%itttMi8h8i8i be,' 1 '. 8 é . 8qWl22B888NWl2kkt 3;. * , _ " I ' . C. .;.-.-.;,_ V _ .2. A a. r 1. 11-1311: . ' N ‘1 t% o' 2u, ..;.;:;:.... : _ gilt? -» " '6MMMMM8.T-'rwy .' 'ttMt l l _ ....,:. 'pk"::'.:.':'..".,.'.':').. MtlliR f9 41N A?.i'.tif.i:ji?.ji.C:.'ii.i).:ij'i_ . a: . 3. l Bi 1.5:? A' A.:trtei?yry. y" agai 'sf,' 8881 . new. cr'." '-ye,u+8Mlir . _ 'O. RtP,?.?Ci:i"-:'::':r'r'rr.,': if: . . :- : , fo"yirrA:'.:rr2tltRif . 9 - " 1virW,o:ir'r.'):?j:i.::.'C'ii'i) "dti%1 'o' l 3. "ri':'::,'? (tiai'i2iii'it' . C', '" . fnends what 117 J)tMMMlWMMMMMM8l8 Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound _ _ I. H. WYLIE OFFERS AN INDUCEMENT FOR BOYS TO LAND THE CUP ' OUR SPORTING COLUMN Clubbing Offer The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To he a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket-a live paper for wideawake people. --the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next dar-aa to " hours later. Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Grain and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important centres IlliigrteilFigllllllllligP V 'lilii,iiiiiiifi-l!ti.i; Market Chile" 1’7 i'i'9l?J'r"" -,.,--". ;ii.if..'.,'.f Reports C..-----"-- 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of the Morning Papers "E _ I - L! " ..|a {papal}??? FalttiE . is F: l EEiiiiitit), at)" an“? Mfr', li? , . ...>:-’~~ Milt . r g ".,..,--". '.',Cs"s'"" 4" e.----'-"- By Frank F airborn, Jr. TORONTO DAILY STAR ADVISED new what great plays - Mrhen the team had got nice- 1ditorium stock com- ly warmed up they went at it itoing to put on each hammer and tongs, and it cer- e week during July tainly warmed the cockles of the ,they will play hock writer's heart to see the way ter as they never that bunth played. re. Gymbination plays, back shoot to them and may ing and in fact, everything in a walk. Gilmartin's repertoire of tricks Very truly yours, was pulled off. . H. H. Wylie.! If a stranger hau stepped mto Mtg Daily Star Jbr one y-tor Sana it paper and the Trainer Jackie Gilmartin had eleven' aspirants for O. H. A. honors on the ice, and a faster bunch of boys never graced the old rink with their presence. The boys are all fast on their feet, good stick handlers and all hard shots, and Gilmartin had a hard time to pick his team for Monday night;, but as he ex plained to the boys that it was a hard job and that ther would all get a chance in exhibition games before the final team was picked. THE GREATEST PRACTICE -IN THE HISTORY OF THE OLD TOWN The O. H. A. team's practice on Ft1iday night last will 'go down in history as the greatest praicti'ce ever pulled off in this grand old town. Wishing the Independent and the Grimsby Hockey Club every success during the coming seas- on, and the same to yourself and my friends in Grimsby, I remain Yours respectfully, T. C. Hewitt, 1254 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, I,ll.. I come over. I do this in order to have a ticket in case I should get held up here some afternoon and the ticket taken away from me. I am perfectly safe after dark as I do not go out then. You can send one ticket to me here and the other to be sent to the honorary president, John VanDyke, to hold for me until I r'o not know how much sil- verware the Club is after, nor what clubs they will have to play against in order to get it, but in case they have to play against the Beamsville Club, _1 hope they W1.. ,e just a little lenient with them as it wouldn't do to have the Beamsvirle boys go so long without pocket mon- ey. It is a long time yet before strawberries will be ripe (the Beamsville boys know the rest.) As the Club is now organized for the season and is going after a big lot of silverware, accord- ing to the news in the "rndepen- dent," I hope they will bring it home with them. If not all, he lion's share of it, at least. In any event, they have my best wishes. Hockey is a game in which I am very much interest- ed, and hope you have as good a team in Grimsby as the Inde- pendent describes, and I cannot but believe you have, as the Independent, I find, generally correct on all statements made by it. as per bill enclosed and $4 to buy me two tickets for the Hockey Club, as I see by the "Tndependent" the tickets are $2 each. A BOOST FROM AN OLD GRIMSBY BOY 1 Chicago, Irl., Jan. IO, 1911. Editor Independent, Grimsby, Ont., Friend Livingston:---- Enclosed you will find $5; $1 to pay for the "Independent" a Year $1.50 ll The teams lined up as follows Grinisby Port Dalhousie Flett Goal May Tufford Point Yorke VawDyke C. point Young Gibson Rover Willins Farrell Centre Coons Hand R. Wing Pickering M'11irhead L. Wing Rooney Referee W. w. Gilmore The first hali Grimsby start- ed off with good combination and scored three goals in the first seven minute's of play and continued to work their cC?tTr- bination throughout this half, the " wings and centre men bringing the disc down the ice and letting Gibson do the shooting and right here we must "hand it'; to Archie Bbr,sa. This game old veteran of many battles play-ed the game of his life and kept the Port team from being buried beneath an avalanche. The first half score was 6-2 in favor of the "Peach Kingsâ€. The second period was not quite as fast as the first on account olf Grimgby easing pp. The Port boys played a great deal better game in this half, succeeded in scoring four goals. T he Port forward line is very fast, but. are not as good stock-handlers as the home boys and thereby lost ground. Quite a lot of long shooting was indulged in by the home- brews in te second half and very little combination was used. SPORTY SPORTLETS Well, people, you might just as well start caning the "peach kings" the O. H. A. Intermediate Champions NOW, for when Grims'by cuts loose l ice, it will take ar of Fred Taylors 1 beauty) to stop them The Grimsby boys all played good hockey especially Tufford and VanDyke on the defence. Flett was a little off color and did not play his usual good game. On the forward line the boys all worked hard . Muirhead played a great game on left wing until he fell and cut his forhead On one of the Port boy's skates. Eddie Hand was not as solid on his feet as he generally is, but a couple of practices will soon fix him up. Gibson an; Farrell shone as usual and made them all sit up and take notice when they let loose, a chunk of that speed stuff. \Vhén the writer, accompan- ied by his side-kick, Mr. Jas. Managers Cook and Gilmar-tin were well pleased with the showing made by the Grimsby team with a little more prac- tice they will be able to stay with the best of them. For the Port boys, May in goal was easily the star and he de- serves a lot of credit for the good game he put up. Grimsby plays a game ag,ainst Burlington on Friday night, and a good, fast, clean game is as- sured. Everybody come and cheer the "Peach Kings" on toward the silverware. The score, while being a large one is no criterion of the game as it was very fast and hotly contested by both teams and it was as fine an exhibition of hockey as anyone could wish to see. HOTLY CONTESTED GAME MONDAY NIGHT "Peach Kings IO, Port Dal.. housie 6 The sport loving public of Grimshy, Beamsville and Wino- na were treated to an excellent srame of hockey on Monday Zi'glht, when the "Peach Kings" (who are the pride of Grimsby) walked away from Port Dat- housie in a hard fought game by the score of I0-6. The boys are showing the right spirit this year and are working hard to get in shape and they are certainly succeed-. ing, and when the supreme? struggle comes, Grimsby will have seven tried and true men to bring honors to this little village beneath the hill. the rink the last fifteen minutes of the practice, he would think he had landed in Bedlam, for Pandemonium was reigning su- preme. _ About 150 kids and sports were on hand and when the playess laid down to it in the last fifteen minutes, the bunch started and nothing like it has ever been heard or seen since that memor- able night at Brantford, for the crowd yelled and the players played as they never played be- fore and the writer and his side- kick decided right then and there that the J. Ross Robertson cup was as good as in Grimsby at that. moment and we are still of that opinion. on the big: Who/1e team (the' $4000 baggie, the genial secretary of the Hockey Club, stepped into the nink on Friday night last and saw Eddie Hand. the "Cur lev headed speed merchant from the north ward" on the ice, going at the rate of 365 miles an hour, and shooting on the goal like shots from a Winchester rifle, his heart stopped, but after he had regained his composure, he was so glad to see Eddie on the ice that he fell on the neck of the genial James and wept tears of gliadness down his back till his feet were wet. tle Shins; Skates upon his feet, A puck and ‘a stick to j with, Our Freddy Van so neat. So come to the ice rink On any hockey night, And see him shoot the puck Clean out of siRht.--aHurrah One of Grimgby's best sports was heard making the following remark after Friday night's practice: "I do not think there is a team in the O.H.A. any fast- er than that bunch of boys, and now that Eddie Hand has turned out, I will back the team to my last dollar." We rise to remark that this gentleman will have more money on February 28, than he has now, for the "Peach Kings" can't liose. Here is some more of that "par boiled stuff we promised you last week. Don't get mad, be- cause we pan't help it, we must get it out of our system. Here's a choice selection com posed by "Ye Humble Scribe to Eddie Hand: F (Tuine--"Kelly") Has anybody here seen Eddie, E-D-D-I-E,, Hat anybody here seen Eddie, Eddie Who’s Grimsby's pride ; jt'hru - - V Hag, anybody here seen Eddie, Eddie who shoots so hard. Our "Prrnter's Devil" isrespon sible for this classic composition to Freddie VanDyke. ' (Tune---'qlings on my Fin-gel Sure, he's got pads upon his lit- For his hair is light' And his eyes are blue, His a hockey player -thru Corner Kina and Last Saturday The Right House Basement contamirig about I 2,000 square feet of selling and display space was informally opened with an immense. Sale of guaranteed, four-coated, SEAMLESS, Enamelware. Thousands of housewives became acquainted with our superior Enamelware stock through this sale. If you are not one of the fortunate ones who is able to attend this remarkable selling, bear in mind to visit The Right House Basement on your next trip to Hamilton. f These values will represent the very best opportunities of the entire year to secure RELIABLE furnishings for the home, for yourself or for the children, at immense savings. Please watch the Hamilton papers for more details. Warm seasonable garments for women, misses and children-mea/l, stylish and reliable Furs---thousands of New York's newest Waists---Skirts and Underskirts-colored and black Dress Goods-uh-rods of yards of Embroideries---Laces-Nets--Linens-Linings-White Goods--. Neckwear--Handkerchiefs---Trimmings--Hats--Underwear- H osiery--Shoes-Carpets-Rugs-- Linoleums--Curtains-Glovesu-S0ks--etc. MODERN store keeping methods do not allow of the carrying over from one season to another of surplus lines. The Right House is a modern store conducted on the most modern of merchandising and service-giving policies. In order to reduce stocks to their very lowest volume before taking our semi annual inventory-and in order to have as much room as possible for spring lines which will soon be here. The Greatest Pre-Inventory Sales in Our History Will Be Opened Here This Week. . Come Expecting Great Values-You'" Not Be Disappointed Wonderful clearance values in more than fifty departments. The enlarged basement is open, est 3pre-lnventory Sales this Week The Right House Starts Its Great- 'il?iites 1itiigii" The Enlarged Basement Has Been Successfully Opened Return Railroad or Electric Car Fare Refunded on a Very Liberal Plan . "HAMILTONS FA\76RITB SHOPPING PLACE" stick to play THOMAS C. WATKINS, Limited 'tret" an: Open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Feb'y 2nd and 3rd. Admission, Children, JACOB LANG, President GEO. SLINGERLAND, Vice-Pres Instructive, HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW NEAR D. Marsh & Sons TOWN HALL, BEAMSVILLE FEB. lst, 2nd &Brd Beamsville and Lincoln Poultry Association Send tor Prize List Wish all their Customers and Patrons a and solicit a share of their lit WINTER SHOW PATRON AGE Entertaining, FOR 1911 15c 10c (ti)yitlii2it)d) C. H. PRUDHOMME, Treasurer J. A. SINCLAIR, Sec'y