'llll,l,,,i,,i._'ii'_:"iiqDEPEN DENT "light fantastic toe" till the "wee sma' hours" of the morn- ing and the young people Cer-. tair/y enjoyed themselves. A large crowd was present from Hamilton, having come by special car and along with the Grimsby people repaired to Grimsby Hall after the re- cital where they tripped the "ft,.1,4. W,..,a..,,.,se, LA-†.411 .1 The pupils were asyisted by Miss E. Porteous in vocal num- bers. Miss Porteous has an ex cellent voice and she quickly en- deared herself to the music loving public of Grimsby. - The instrumental numbers by Mr.' Howard's pupils were well rendered and reflected imuc‘h cre- dit upon the artists themselves and their teacher. 'RECITAL AND DANCE The redital given in the Town Hall on Thursday night last, by pupils of F. M. Howard, was a grand success. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the bldod and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo o. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ifl . Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my prisepce,'this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. LARS for each and .every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. The system of bank inspection must be a rotten one when a bank manager can steal $190,000 without being found out until after the bank has gone. into liquidation. Mate of Ohio, City of Toledo Lucas County. " Frank J., Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do- ing business in the City of Tole- do, County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- The banks of this country are doing business with the people's money and it is up to the Gov- ernment to see that there is a better system enacted than the present one in vogue. A few more bank scandles and the timid people will begin to wonder where to put their mon- ey for safe keeping. TERMS: Subscribers In Canada $|.00 per may in United States $150 per year However, as my motto is "Good wiill towards all" I wish Enoch much joy and I wish Shipman better luck. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. JT'rite for our private address. MiBtNilll.tt u oT'll c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â€?! “s Ml-l-ttitll-l-t ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: v. WV v, 1 If unable to call, write for a Question List I if - I for Home Treatment Ihirar, KE NNEIY &KENNEDY ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT , y f"'"""" JR WI"! BLOOD IS TAlNTEB Facts and Fancies. JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Editor. Cor..Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Continued from page 1 FRANK I CHENEY ur" " E on the plptr-Paiv Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease. Under the influence ot the New Method Treatment the skin be.. comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright', ambition and energy return, and the Eictim realizesanew life has opened up to 1m. system. Our vast experience in the treat ment of thousands of the most SI rious am complicated cases enables us to perfect a 1Prt,withput txper1mpntfng. We do business We desire to call the attention of all those airiictud 'with any Blood or Skin Disease to our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cuse for any person having a dish ured face from eruptions and blotches. ie," matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons in the blood and expel them trom the YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED The intreasiing of the reserve is an indication of sound, con- servative policy; while further evidence of good management is to be found in the large propor- tion of liquid assets shown by this statement. These latter in... clude $636,263.15 in gold and sil- ver coin, and $3,399,6rr.oo in Dominion Government notes; notes of the cheques on other banks covering another million and a half; $3, 725,337.26 is held in Canadian municipal securities and foreign pu- Deposits show an increase over the previous year. In 1909 they were $30,981,464.63. In 1910 they increased to $32,310,001.03. The Reserve Fund has been augmented from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000; while the capital stock, is $2,680,570. On the 30th of November, 1909, the balance at credit of Profit and Loss account was $403,665.32. This has been aug- mented by the past year's pro- fits and by premiums received on new stock, to a total of $1,006,325.34. Out of this latter sum, $5oo,ooo has been carried to the Reserve Fund ;$25,000 carried to Rebate of Interest account; and $25,000 written off Bank premises; the divid- ends, amounthy to IO er cent disposed -lil1/1-si1li1i'itf/?rr-h'afr','; 5 14.53 N ---thus leaving $192,810.8I to be carried to the credit of Pro- fit and Loss account. ' Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE BANK OF HAMILTON PROSPERING Year's statement shows increase in total assets and a general- ly healthy condition The shareholders of the Bank of Hamilton have reason to feel pleased over the eviidences of prosperity contained in the An- nual Statement presented to them at the Thirty-ninth An- nual Meeting of the Bank, which was held on the 16th of January. From $39,000,000, a year ago the Bank's total assets have in- crqased to $4r,3r4j369.2r. ’All members are requested to be present. The annual meeting of the Central Peninsula Agricultural Society will be held in Brant's Hall, Smithville, on: Friday next Jan. 20, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon. The business before the meet ing will be to receive the annual report of the treasurer, the elec- tion of officers and general dis- cussion of plans for the year 1911. Mrs. T. Pearson, who has (been seriously ill, is recovering. JNfr. R. Goring has moved in the John Tanner house. ANNUAL MEETING OF SOUTH GRIMSBY AGRI.. CULTURAL SOCIETY There is likely to be a new harness store In town soon. Miss M. Tait and Miss J. Tel- fer are on the sick list. , There are good prospects for the forming of a lodge of the Canadian Order of Foresters here. Dr. Willis Merritt has returned from Calgary and is now taking a post graduate course in Lon- don, England. _ SMITHVILLE The Bell Telephone Central is being removed to the premis- es of Mr. W. Ahl. CONSULTATION FREE "Yet the farmer. seems somehow to struggle along under this handicap. He seems the only producer who has nothing to say about the price of his wares.".--' White, K.C., of Pem- broke, in the Globe’s Annual Finan- c1a1 survey. "The consumer in Ontario com- plains that he is paying too much for his produce, and the farmer com- plains that he is not getting enough for it, and both are largely right. The trouble is that it costs too much to sell farm produce. How long would the manufacturer of staples last who' was paying sixty per cent of the sell- ing price to sell his goods? Harold Fry has returned to Guelph to continue his studiesin the College. Mrs. Ja/mes Hotilsberger and Mr. and Mrs. Moyer spent Sun- dav at St. Catharines. The ‘Roy‘all Home Circle held a debate in Victoria Hall on W..epnestlay evening. J W Smith is taking out the apple orchard on the Jacob Mar... tin property. Frank Atyeo has hired to E. Page, the Jordan blacksmith, for the winter. Wm. Empson is looking up old acquaintances. G. Overholt & Son unloaded a car of coal on Friday. H. M. Rittenhouse has return ed home after several day's visit with his sister. in Philadelphia. Cayuga, on Wednesday. Ail wish them much ioy and pros- peeity. D. W. Fry has returned to Buffalo after several days' visit at this place. M F Rittenhouse of Chicago passed through the village on Thursday. Frank" Honsberger was quiet ly married to Miss Cressman, of Mr. J. Lewis is spending a few days with friends in Hamil- ton. H. M. Rittenhouse"and his brother, Nelson, spent Friday in St. Catharines. The canning factory finished canning on Wednesddv. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks have gone to Grimsby to spend the winter. Mr. H. Lewis returned home Mrs. Camby Wismer is h the sick, list. i-i/ii-iii-l-ti-i-I-C-sr.)') Johrr Culp and Miss Anna†bright were quietly married at the Methodist Parsonage, Jor- dan Station, on Thursday. recently after spending a few days with friends at Hamilton and Harriston. Altogether, the report shows a highly satisfactory con iition and fur- nishes further proof of that careful direction of the Bank of Hamilton's affairs that has brought this institu- tion to the position it occupies among leading Canadian banks. Mr. Christian" Ravmen, assists ed Mr. Raymen, pastor of the M. B. C. church, in the week of VINELAND (Held Over from Last Week.) Richard Beaton of Winnipeg, Man., is looking up old acquain- taryyes at this place. prayer blic securities, and $725,07g bonds, debentures and stocks THE PROFITS OF THE MIDDLEMAN tr. a bottle-6 for ts A copy of our book-- " A Treatise On The Home "--free " dealer! or from us. 'ttt Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. " - Enosburg Falls. tttt $725,079.79. in 92 i0 ili a; W ili ii? a; E)ljiEtg!)3iitHBlitRRiigRiaRtEetitttRtEtgi)4' I; W 'Q %%%%%%%%%wï¬%w ' For Sale I =i===='LT.r=.V '.U I Wtbcs,s. aPa"pu%uTauis.s. .‘.\.‘.‘.\. .‘.\.\,", - 143" Stoney Creek PLUMBING and HEATING Opposite Post Office. n..:- .1 r- -_\,-v..- wuu " Au cause you very little inconvenience in repair work. Should you have any plumbing to be done, you will save time and money by attending to it at once. Stock growing on Corman ' Stoney Creek on north side Finest stock in Canada. T sing on car or otherwise. eéeseéeeéééééééééééé‘és V 'iIlllElllStilMl1l I "dlllll8llliillllillii, " A . ) I".---' u ff-r-9 il Wj=ETCCra "' -' q2erixlzeig Fff) Via-.5195 E! f' '_--..-..- .. 'ircrt9' “WE: ‘ , Norman M. Walker - 4 u F9Ft . -.~- n" in " ci42Mp'fr','h 5 K, 'ey?%'h'ue .-,- " TF. :.".- , t l. warm _ "v.1 . fi: J C, {3.9.31 3r.“ '". a'kjsr :4? ,. "ity', tkt. .. tu '. 'it' fr F, 1.4:. T."' itt' Iâ€, pk L V; 'iiE 'e,'/'s' 51‘ Hi J"" ' w J"C'i'dfiC" _ 23.": Ci', it 3'. l T, et, "p? 4-53 (e, _ f 1': a: a i?: yjy l, ' an“. v:'. ’:. fr: ':/" 'fd. .3 _ "RY, ' " 9/ '/ Ii a ' '.,'r' V fl, if?) ;lriitig:'y 54:5 ' _ 5- yr, s: ATwiirr/k-3.h')r' r'i,'rr,'_ ' ;-,:‘,a~?-- w" "'. . Grape Vines, Currant and Gooseberry Plants Our workmen are iberal discounts allowed on F; I Fall planting. Joseph Twaddle 1 Corman Farm one mile east ol north side of stone road. ianada. Take notice when pas- 'roprietor very proficient and will cause 5487a Correct Faulty Plumbing it is an absolute ne- cessity, if you would care to take the full enjoyment of living. We can install every plumbing need, or. Good Plumbing Is Not a Luxury 'all delivery for Grimsby Ontario. ff) tt it (tt m t.t.t f.t.t It.t tt.t m (t.t N! ft.t 2 ft! A full line of kodaks and The finest collection in the country The very BEST that The cars from Beamsville are due in Grimsby at 20 minutes to the hour from 6.40 a.m. to 11 05 p.m.and 20 minutes after the hour fry m Hamilton from 7,20 a.m. to 12.15 Beamsvillé depart---?. 11.15, 12.15, 1.15, 2.15 6.15, 7.15, 8.15 9.15 p. ', GEO. E. WALLER Pass. Agent J. G GIBSON Superintendent SUNDAY SERVICE Hamilton deImrt---7.10, 8.10, 9.10, 10.10, 11.10 8.113. 12.10, 1.10, 2.10, 3.10. 4.10, 5.10, 6.10, 7.1t, 8.10, 9.10 p.m. Fifteen minutes mm. to 10.45 p.m Ten minutes after the Hour, from 6:1( t. m. to 11:10 p. m,, CARS LEAVE BEAMSVILLE GOING EAST. GOING WEST 9.34 a. m. 6.50 a. m 11.50 a. m. 1.19 pm. 6 13 p. m. 5.55 p. m The Muskoka Express from Toronto stops at Grimsby every morn- lug at 1.33. H_ (i. a: B. Electric Railway! ASSIGNEE AND VALUATOR Mortgages, Deeds, Wills, etc., drawn. Money to loan at 4% to 6 per cent. Es tates wound up and a. general Insurance and ')onveyaneing business transacted. MANUFACTURER OF WEDDING CAKES, ICE CREAM AND FINE CANDY Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and En tertainments Supplied. Lunch Counters. Caterers 34 King St. W.. Hamilton J am es_f?aravvfitwd t ,7 __ ,.-___, "a'vt""'io'tr'mNt_" I y I LTO N ' has moved to a more modern of. tice in the Federal Life Building, corner Main and James Streets, one block west and one block south ot tamer office. Take elevator to Room 46). MUNRO & MEAD, ARCHITECTS. 10 MAIN ST. EAST HAMI ARS LEAVE HAMILTON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, VALUATICNS BLUE FrYINTS. LAURENCE MUNRO 3 JAMES ST. N., HAMILTON Successors to T. c. Browniohn, Civll and Mining- Engineers. Land Surveyors. otr1oty-T HughsonSt. Mouth Hamiltor Taleohono 10955 A. E. NICHOLSON. 0AA, U Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates. Office, “Spectator Building," Hamilton. S. F. Lazier, K.C. E. F. Lazier. H. L, Lazier. LANCASTER & CAMPBELL . Barristers-at-law Solicitors, Notaries, etc. No. 6 Queen St. M. CATHARINES E. A. 1.gancaster. Jas. H. Campbell Note-Mr. Lancaster will be at the Lincom Rouse, Grimsby, every Wednesday from mm. to 6 p.m., except during the session of the Dominion Parliament. M. J. 0'Rielly CRERAR, CRERAR & BELL, Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries No. 1 Hamilton Provident Chambers, Hughson St. South. Hamilton, Canada, Telephone No. 652. Money to lend. Mortgages purchased P. D. Crerar, K.C. T. H. Crerar, C. W. Bell, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., â€A ,, ___ Teleplrrpe 754. GIBSON & OSBORNE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to loan. Private funds. Lowest rates Bank of Commerce Building, Hamilton, Hon. J. M. Gibson, K. c., 46 QUEEN ST. ST. CATHARJNES lOHN B. BRANT Jffiees, 15 Main si., East, 7 _ Hamilton, At SMITHVILLE every Thursday TIME TABLE CUNNINGHAM fp_llltliitrrloNER Plans and Specifications for all classes builinwgs dInsurance Adjusted " 1M l1; " ‘A Bl.‘E offieeis---Grimsby and Beams-ville. Money to loan at current: rates. NT.iiR. & LAZIEAR, BARli1STERts, rt-, 5J1. A,ths,i!Uz,s, Rams. HAM: Irreifect from June Ist, 1910 LAND SURVEYOR . H. CARPENTER, B, A. B. McCONACHIE Barrister, Solicitor, Grimsby Station. Tyrrell a MacKay PICTURES ARCHITECTS DENTISTRY KODAKS PHOTOS BEAMSVILLE after the Hour Trom 6.15 7. 15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15 [5, 3.15, 4.15 5.15. can be made SMITHVILL WILLIA' I. MEL HAMILTON W. W. ossborne Notary Public supplies