Mrs Alexander Lane wishes to ex- tend her sincere thanks to her neigh- bors and friends and to the members of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Grimsby, for the great kindness shown and assistance rendered during the sickness and at the time of the death of her late husband. Mrs. Osborne is visiting friends in St. Catharines. Mrs. Merritt, Queen St., has suffered from a paralytic stroke. Judge Carman' cdnducted a session of divisional court here on Tuesday. --- - _ Rev". Mr. McKay of -Orillia, occupied the Presbyterian pul- pit pn fyndatlast. . N"N" V . The Social Club have moved their piano from the Town Hall to the Club Rooms, for their card party to be held tomorrow night. T'rid, annual meeting of the Clinton & Louth Agricultural Society is toipewhe'I-d on JEHLIB' ' Mr. Clint Culp was in Hamil- ton on Tuesday. 1 Misses Ella and Edna Kari have returned to Toronto. Following are the officers oi the local C.O.H.C.; Leader Albert Clause; Assistant Lead. er, J. Albright; Recording Sec'y R. Cruickshank; Treasurer, Pe. ter Robertson; Financial Sec'y Chas. E. Riggins; Chaplain John Trevelyen;, Marshal, Geo Spymore; Warden, Mrs. Ed Keith; Guard, Mrs. E. Amiss Sentinel, Edward Keith; Organ. ist, Miss Ca-scaran. Therinstalk tion will take place in Februarv Seymore; Warden, Mrs. Ed. Keith; Guard, Mrs. E. Amiss; Sentinel, Edward Keith; Organ- ist, Miss Ca-scaran. The installa tion will take place in February. Frank Hitchtrran had one of his ankles sprained while sleigh- riding on the Tinlin Hill on Tues day night. He was riding on a large bob gleiah when it struck a-rut, upsetting the occupants. He was (brought home by some of ' the “boys and the doctor (was ipiielrlit (, summoned. SENATOR AND MRS. GIB- V SON HOSTESSES One of the jolliest tout-of- town dances of the New Year, was given by Senator and Mrs. Wlm. Gibson, of 'qt1verugie," Beamsville, in honor of their daughter, Miss Evelyn, H. Gib- son, who came up from Berthier- en-Haut, Quebec, where she has been a student of Madame Cle- ment's School, to enjoy the Christmas holidays at home. The Hamilton» guests left the Terminal station on a special car, over the H. G. & B. elec- tric road, shortly after seven o'clock. It was a musical ride and the hour was pleasantly devoted to song and story, in... tenspersed by some well-known melodies, in which the chorus was strongly sustained. Arriv- ing at Beamsvi'lle, the guests were made welcome. Mrs. Gib- son received and was assisted by Mrs. Mackie, Miss Gibson and Miss MacDonald. After exchange of p8easantries, . the young couples soon were at- tracted to the specious ball- room. The floor Was in ideal condition for dancing. The music of the Lomas orchestra fairly captivated the dancers, and en'cores met a response that merited appreciation. Between the dances little groups gathered in the cosv corners, and in the The house party consisted of Captain Leslie Jennings, Miss MacDonald, Mrs. Mackie of Scotland and Mrs. Jennings of Toronto. ACHES PAINS AND Toronto, writes: "I cannot speak iiifiitfivirfiur.' . too highly of fa.m-Byk. A few weeks Zam-Buk Will Give You Ease ago I was suffering. from a bad cold, Have you a bad attack of " eneral which had settled m my throat, chest aching"? You know the feeling and limbs. Itried all kinds of re- lebs ache muscles seem to have medles, new and old, and found very become t"i",ii,i'i'(","u""t" our b k h little relief Until. I used Zam-BuK d . , y. ac ac PS, On applying this to my throat arid now an lagam a twrnge of rheuma- chestI found such ease and relief tism strikes you. here and there. from the “tightness and soreness I Your chests feels tight; there is a pain determined to use only Zam-Buk. I conservatory, which was a fa-. vored resting place, the sweet spring flowers waited a fra- grance to the young couples hidden 'neath the shade of the sheltering palms. A dainty supper was served and dancing was resumed. Shortly after one o'elock, at the conclusion of the program, the singing of "God Save the King," brought a most delightful evening to a close. The return trio to Hamilton W n BEAMSVILLE, JAN. II Gard of Thanks the lung," brought a mo htful evening to a clos return trip to Hamiltt successfully made in reco --Hamilton Times. between your shoulders, and alto- gether you need toning up. Cold is responsible for this con- dition, and a vigorous application of Zam-Buk w111 put you right. Take a hot bath, if possible, and then rub your chest and the aching limbs well with Zam-Buk, I} W © 'S', fa" R Rtt E, il " - "'9" " """"""' " Betlg Biii Rt IItBm , 'MMI if]; Eh' , 543%?“ 1trCCD T sri-a/d,???' Lau-a '53†ti' ' IL" - " ra' i@lMillilill illlliigllillllliiiailiiillailtlllglllllh \wm. '.re-r're" u, I _ ft,"'" 333? 2iliiili 'fd 172335336; rtr4itiNittitt2 vim-me. z."‘.*.?.. a; iatIeNlSltlleltt= - . Mrs Ladies' Coats of all wool Kerseys Beavers and Tweeds; made in all styles, full length, 6 75 and worth up to $12.50' at...... . .. . . o Ladies' Broadcloth Coats of fino quality, in black and colors; all of this season's make; full 8 45 length, and worth up to $12.50, at . . H. o High Grade Imported Sample Coats, of Ameriea's best makers, in many sizes and styles; values up to $35, on sale now at... ......r..........-.. Fine Tailored Suits for Women and Misses, of all wool Serges and Basket Cloths, in the newest styles of thesseason: regular 815 Suits, now on sale i'tTrr.".".'r.'.r.1'r.T. ........."" .... .... $7095 High Class Suits of beautiful Broadcloths and Wor- steds,, in plain tailored and fancy embroidered styles; some suits in this lot are worth up to 830,nowat... ................m.e.. $15.75 Imported "Printzess" Suits in many new styles; only one ot a kind, all are lined with guaranteed silks. and the fit, finish and general quality can't be equalled; values are from $28.50 to $4000 now at................ ._.__ J.C"..rr. $19.90 Ladies' Tailored Skirts of all wool Venetians, Ihr. gonal Cloths, Serges and Shepherd Plaids; made in pleated and gored styles, also hobble 3 95 effects; values to $7.50, at...... . . . . . . .. $ q Ladies' Fine Dress Skirts of high classs Chiffon Pan- ama, Voile and Serge, in the latest styles and colors; perfect garments in every detail of fit and 4 90 finish;values up to $10, at....... .... $ q r Finest Quality Voile Skirts, also a number of fine Cloth Skirts, in the best Broadcloth and Panama, all new styles and assorted colors and 5 sizes; values up to $12.50, at ....r...... $7.7 Silk Dresses in Stripes and Checks, of good quality Taffeta; made in new bobble effect, splendid style, well made and perfect fitting; regular 5 $12.50,at.............................. $7.7 Silk and Cloth Dresses of splendid quality materials, in black and all colors; assorted sizes and styles. These dresses are worth up to $25, now on sale at ... ..qrqt.. .. ....... ........ . $12.50 Ladies' Fine Dresses of all wool Chiffon Panama, in black, navy, fawn, reseda and brown; 5 9 madein new style; worth up to $12.50, at o 5 Everything in this sale is fully guaranteed in every way, and we will refund money on any purchase unsatisfactory for any reason. Your Money Back If You Want It RAPHAEL & CO. Dresses at Cost of Material Tailored Suits at Half Off Gorie, 76 Berkeley St., writes: "I cannot speak Seperate Skirt Bargains Coats Greatly Reduced Come Early for First Pick at This Feast of Bargains Genuine Bargains In Every Line the latest styles different colors, also rubbed it on limbs where I felt the rheumatic pains. . In three days from the time I first began applying Zam-Buk I was free from the cold in throat and chest, and also the rheu- matism in my limbs." . matism in my limbs." . Zam-Buk will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands; frost bite, ulcers, blood-poison, vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises and ,skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 50c box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co, Toronto, upon receipt of price. Avoid harmful imitations and substitutes. RECITAL ON 'THURSDAY NIGHT ' The public is invited to at- tend’a1 to be held by a $16.75 38 West King St., HAMILTON, RAPHAEL & CO. Raphael & Co. THERE is a reason for this sale of ours, and it takes only a few words to give it. This is why we offer you high-grade Clothing and Furs, all this season's make, at so great reductions. We prefer to sell all of the present season's stock at cost and in many cases less, and keep our stock clean and up-to-date. You reap the benefit, Come early if you can, but come anyhow. ' 50 pair Men's Trousers, all sizes, assorted colors well made and finighed. Worth $1.25 to $1.50. At ..... ....t. . .. _..-...-' . . . . ..... .... 25 Menu Suits, of all wool Tweeds, in staple patterns and colors, well made and good style $10 suits, at .. .. . . .. _ . . . . .. 20 Men's Overcoats, in heavy all wool Frieze, Tweed and Melton. Valuesup to $12.50 in this lot. At ....... . . . . ...... .... ...... .. . .. 20 Fine Bathrobes of high class material, in all sizes and assorted colors Worth$6. At.............. ... .... ............r...m. .. ........ 100 Ladies' Skirts in black and all colors, made of all wool cloths only, in the newest styles. At......... t-m%'e, .....r........... w.......... 50 Ladies' and Misses' Coats, in black, navy and tweeds, all sizes; all of this season’s make. At.......... _.......,..-...................... 10 Black Bare Sets of Large Rug Muff and Stole, trimmed with heads ahd tails. Worth $12.50. At...... _....... .. _... .... . . . . ' . . . .. 10 Marmot Sets ot Large Empire Matt and medium size Stole, trimmed with tails and heads. At. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .q.q.... .-....... 60 pair Boys' Knickers: all sizes and assorted colors, well made and sigbtly. Worth 500 to 75e. At.... .... ....e. .... . . . . B......... . . . . .... 20 Girls’ Coats, in tweeda and plain colored all wool cloths, sizes to fit girlsupto lByearsof age. At "mm"."."""."""""". ...... ... WE NEVER CARRY STOCK From One Season To Another SPECIAL VALUES TrIti"r, WEEK ONLY few pupils of F. M Howard, assisted by Miss E. Porteous, violinist and Miss G. Stafford, controlto, both of Hamilton, in the Town Hall this Thursday. The program, consisting oi the best piano classics, will com mence at 8 sharp, and patrons are requested to be in their seats early, that the performers may not be interrupted. A special car will leave Ham- ilton at 7 p.m., to bring a party from there for the recital. There will be no admission changed, but children not ac- compianied by their parents, will not be admitted. / It is hoped that the audience It is hoped that the audience will give the players a better hearing than at the last recital held here, as they deserve a good reception. Children's Wear Men's Clothing RAPHAEL & CO. Ladies' Wear Furs =================== RAPHAEL & CO. 79c $4.95 $5.50 $2.98 $2.95 $4.98 $6.95 $7.75 39c $2.98 Open Evenings Men’s Suits of all wool Tweeds, made in single and double breasted styles; good material, ex- 5 75 cellent, make and perieet fitin a suit, at. .. o Men's Worsted Suits of tine quality, in black, navy, checks and stripes. Splendidly made. Perieet fit and high grade finish. All Sizes. Val- 11 so uesupto820,at.... "",'"'"" .frmr_' $ . youths' and Men's Overcoats of all wool Tweeds and black Meltons, in Chesterfield and ulster styles; all sizes, assorted colors, values up to $12.50 6 95 Men’s Beaver and Melton Overcoats made in Chester field style, fly front, velvet collar, finest material, splendid make and trimming; worth $15, 7 95 at...... ‘09... oo-cu...-a gnog.n.oon..ou . Highest Quality Overcoats bf _ "firiis" iiiriiTrry _ Beaver, Melton and fancy materials. Splendidlv trimmed, perfect in fit and the latest in design; these overeoats are worth every cent of their original $25price,nowat.................... $13.75 Men's Fine Suits of highest grade materials, in plain colors, checks and hairline stripes. The best suits to be had at 825 and no better than these suitsab................... ... .. $14.50 Boys' Suits in Norfolk and double breasted styles, of strong Tweeds, dark colors; all sizes; 2 19 worthupto84,at-.-........ o Boys' Overcoats, in fancv styles. to fit boys up to 9 years of age; some of these Coats are 3 69 worth upto$7.50;now at........."..... o Boys Overcoats of fine Melton and Fancy Tweeds, in sizes up to 15 years; splendid coats 5 50 at.... .....OROO ........ ............... . Natural Mink Mutts, in large size Empire styles; some with three, four and six stripes 20 00 regular price up to $32.50, now at. ... . Orenberg Marmot Muffs, extra large size, rug style trimmed with heads and tails, Shirred 10 00 silk lining; regular $20 value, at. '. . . . . o Mink Marmot Mutts, in large Empire shape, trim- med with three heads and six paws; a very 4 5 handsome muff; worth " now at.. ... . .. .7 Overcoats at Less Than Cost Men's Suits at Half Price Boys' Clothing Bargains Bargains in Furs We refund round tr1p fare to out-of-town purchasers to amount of $15 or more, within a radius of 15 miles. On $25 sales within 25 miles. . Fare Refunded to Out of Town Patrons RAPHAEL & CO.