TO WINNIPEG AND W ES T we have used for shipping seed in, but equally as good as new, we can sell them at a very reduced price. é On real estate security at current rates of interest. PHONE NO. 7 We have 1000 Grain Bags for sale, and as they are bags J. J. Murray & Co quimenen conmnonine oirorin uennmomcrmememppumenenamurtemenmncemt ns DIRECT l ONLY CANADIAN | THROUGH ROUTE |CAR LINE DAILY â€" SERVICE All High Class Pianos in stock in Our Music Room Thos. Anderson 65 James North Hamilton Debentures issued for one or more years, bearing interes¢t at Four per cent payable half yearly. Cor King and Hughson Sts : HAMILTON Apply to H. H. ANDERSON, Valuator The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society MONEY TO LOAN Then you are never short of cash to make a payment deâ€" manded â€" unexpectedly. Nor do you need to bother with receiptsâ€"your cheques provide them automatically. There‘s a prestige, too, in paying by cheque, that is well worth while. Put your private expenditures on a business basis, and pay your bills by checks on the Traders Bank. â€" _ Rranches also at Hamilton and St. Catharines 4 Smithville THE TRADERS BANK of CANADA Keep a Checkâ€" ing Account GRAIN BAGS We have secured the agency for the GOURLAY PIANO The McMILLAN PIANO MENDELSSOHN PIANO and MONEY TO.LOAN W. B. CALDER, PIANOS The ESTEY ORGAN On Farm Property Twentyâ€"fifth Year. travel by the C. FERRIE, Treasurer Main street, Grimsby of express trains carryâ€" ing through standard and tourist sleeping cars for all points in Western Canada. E. H CULP, Grimsby arVvIs For information see THE â€" INDEPENDENT Cayuga Grimsby 1 beg leave to annouce to the peoâ€" ple of Grimsby, Beamsville, Smithâ€" ville and surrounding country, that I have purchased a firstâ€"class outfit for drilling wells, run by steam engine, and am prepared to execute all work of this nature in first class shape, at reasonable prices. Write or call upon _ + \ JOHN H.â€"PATTERSON;, Box 48, Smithville restores every nerve in the body El‘ its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make Jou a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., Bt. Catharines, Ont. Grimsby, Ontario, For Sovenirs Grimsby‘s Coat of Arms on China Electric Restorer for Men r m Sugar Sticks. Imported Turkish Delight. Malaga Grapes Nice Large Grape Fruit Fresh Pineapples Or at Stewart‘s Drug Store. Batger A new line of beautiful Mournâ€" ing Millinery. J. T. LANE‘S Models just received from Paris * and New York. Full line of Mourning Veils, Ornaments and Flowers. 4 John St. North, cor King Hamilton _â€" _ â€" _ Upstairs New upâ€"toâ€"date styles all at Reduced Prices 15c Papers for..... 10c ase Papers for......15€ 354C Papers for...... z0c soc Papers for......35C 60c Papers for......40¢ #5C Papers for....:. 50C $1.00 Papers for...6oc 1.2§s Papers for.‘.:75sc 1.50 Papers for 1.00 A few good things in remnants, room lots at 49¢, 745¢ and $1.00 50,000 Rolls of Wall Paper Annual January Clearing Sale JAMES OSBORNE & SON THE Hinmanâ€"Atkinson Mourning Goods a Specialty THE LEADING GROCERS 12 and 14 James St. South AHAMILTON CLOKE & SON Booksellers and Stationers 16 WEST KING ST., Hamilton. Choice T unis Dates I5C #5C 35C¢C 5oc 6boc 715C Well Drilling MiruinERY PARLORS Telephones 186 and 830] Prices Right Go To Barley GRIMSBY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1911 DANCING MAKES YOU GRACEFUL The best teachers of this delightful art will also tell you that you will also appear and move more gracefully if the floor upon which you are dancing has Parke‘s Dancing Floor Wax on it; used on linen and on hardwood floors. Sold in 30¢ and 5oc tins. Parke & Parke, druggists, Hamilton. : Nothing could be more fair than this, from the standpoint of the newspaper man, or from the standpoint of the public. The ticket which Mr J D Bennett has must *have been overlooked by the conductor, as railway tickets are generally collected, and even they are not collected, it is an unusual thing for the holder to retain them, as they are no use after the date of issueâ€" This fact makes it all the more reâ€" markable‘ that Mr. Bennett should have .one of these tickets, fiftyâ€"seven years after it was issued. in December, 1910 and made»i Ten thousand lives would not Fhls remark in his letter "We are goâ€" b¢ longâ€"enough for you to live ing to carry Local Option in Welland tâ€{tplease tl}llem and lfaé‘ils'fy therrllta as sure as ‘pussy is a cat." jafter you have wiorked [yourse‘ PM S t CA L c hgnes. *_ eatin an thei" behall......_.. _ A friend of mine in Welland wrote to me in December, 1910 and made AAfter Local Option was ‘deâ€" feateq in Welland I wrote back to my, friend that "pussy" ‘had not developed into a cat in Welâ€" iand vet. My old friend Brother Thompâ€" son of the Thorold Post found ou; a few things during the last election, which he did not know before. The editor, in his fairness of mind opened the columns of his paper to both the Local Optionâ€" ists an‘d those working against Local Option. The result was that the Comâ€" mittee against Local Option took advantage of this opportuni ty and supplied Mr. Thompson with some splendid stuff against Local Option. The result being The late Rev. T. Bolton Read of Grimsby, told me some years before his death, that he was the first person to buy a ticket at Brock St. station, Toronto, to Newmarket on the Northâ€" ern railway, at a date, I think, previâ€" ous to the opening of the Great Westâ€" ern Railway. This ticket was issued about four months after the first train had run over the Great Western Railway tracks, from Niagara Falls to Hamilâ€" tonâ€"The opening was on September 18; ‘t853: ¢ Mr. J D Bennett of Beamsville, showed me a ticket the other day, which was issued from Grimsby to Beamsville, by ~the Great Western Railway Company, on January 21, 1854â€"Fiftyâ€"seven years ago this mon‘th. lose money by buying in Hamilton, let « M. Stewart Drug Company Limited Pink Pills . ....}.u,s 0 w n ty . ue t 2. Dodds. Pills .:..;..":2 c soli i tiil.lls Ves Chase‘s Pills .. .0 h e i t o Carter‘s Pills. :...zsll.‘gm.......15e"2 for Four T‘s.~.¢ cAAA livirivedeak ce aaa ie L w g Nervilinge;..lsl.ll.l use taaXk 1 . Shilohs‘ Cure... ... evas kn e ak esns a o‘ 2s o Burdock Blood Bitters 2..22iA..mAilll.. ... Pain Killer..". ; ..u.;y; o oat aseh .e .ls s t Cuticura Soap .....1i./. insl l l o. Other Patent Medicines at like prices. We do more than save your car fare Y O U prove this to satisfaction iss‘ . . 1be,." 2 ft itfters, ¢. o e lt . 2l n YOUR US Dear Brother Thompsonâ€"if you really want them to love ang respect you, give them a black eye or hit them a kick every time they come close enough to youâ€"Like the Irishâ€" man at Donnybrook fair "Every time you see a heag hig it." Ang if the editor of the Thiorâ€" olg Post tries to satisfy or please them he is starting into a lifeâ€" long and hopeless taskâ€"There is only one way to make a Loâ€" cal Optionist really love and respect you and that is to bump him every time you get close enough to ‘him. e The town of Welland, â€" by defeating Local Option by a majority ‘on a straight vote, has a\ foot hold; they are like the horse leach, thev cry "Give Give" and are never satisfied. ‘The Local Optionists in Thorâ€" old will be like they are in every other town, when they have got a foot hbold: they, are like the this is the first real, live experi enice in a Local Option cam paign. â€" Brother Thompson has been a life long temperance man, but Alfter the battle was over and Thorold had defeated Local Opâ€" tion by over fify majority, on a straight vote, the Local Opâ€" tionists in looking around for the causes of their defeat immediâ€" ately pitcheq on Brother Thompâ€" son‘s liberality as one of the causes ang many of them found fault with him foropening the columns of his paper to ‘both sides of the question. that as far as the newspaper was concerned, the Antiâ€"Local Optionists haq the other people beaten to a standstill. | PARKE & PARKE (Continued on Page 2) 30c 35e 440C 20c 20c T5¢ 20e 250 20c 20c #5, ‘ WM.â€"â€"MITOMELL, ~MANAGER w« SCM :c:m:xxxxxxgg Manufacturer All Sizes The best Fruit Dray made in Canada | Fararuarararararara242d FausuFiRARAARART Everything delivered vesthnal ts mt GRIMSBY SRANCH, AGENT GRIMSBY Good Eating Potatoes The United Empire Bank OF â€"CANADA enragreumenns im rassadim ......coummentrti Dâ€"â€"..‘_'.,.,:._;;;i_/ S. WARDELL & SON Hay, Straw and Oats to suit the purchaser J. H. D. W ALKER F. W. POTTENGER. Corner Main and Mountain Sts. aivaet mt All kinds of CEREALS Readyâ€"mix Chicken Feed Savings Accountâ€"Anyone can open a savings account inthe United Empire Bank of Canada by depositing any sum from one dollar up. We allow interest from date of deposit and compound every six months. The depositor can deposit or withdraw money at any time. / Every man and every boy from twelve years up should have a Bank account, it encourages the habit of: saving. Call at. the ank for particulars. OPEN AN AGGOUNT Many people have no bank acâ€" countâ€"either saving or current. We have in a supply of AA WR Eesn ce Prices Reasonable GRIMSBY $1.00 Per Year ONTARIO COR. MAIN AND DEPOT STS. GRIMSBY Phone 157 Head Office ;Hamilton