At the executive meeting of the Hockey Club on Tuesday evening last, the Committee deâ€" cided to change the colors from green and white back to the old standby "red and black." The THE GREEN AND WHITE IS NO MORE The boys: atre showing . the right spirit in their work this season, and are diligently : at work getting into condition for their games in the O. H. A. and they promise to show the citiâ€" zens of this wideâ€"awake burg what real hockey is, so get ready to help the boys grab the cheese cloth. cveEr sLEppEed on 1CcE. . Now boys, you wonder why all this talk; well, the cause of it all is the fact that Manager Cook has turned his warriors loose upon the "Frozen Waters" ang they shall return unto you with the silverware and you shall offer up manifolq thanks. rusarara»ararase»ararasa0a THEY‘RE HARD AT IT They‘re off, next week they‘ll be at the quarter pole, the week after they will be at the half, the first week in February they‘ll be turning into the home stretch and the middle of February they‘il galiop home a winner and cop the silverware. A byâ€"stander asks "who is goâ€" ing to do this" and echo ansâ€" wetrs ‘The FPeac, Kings" "And who are the Peach Kings?" and echo answers "Grimsby‘s O. H.‘ t hockey team,. as: cood a Aimotâ€"sof=â€"ssect ever stepped on Now boys, yo all this talk ; wo it all is the fac r‘nnl! LA Aigaeaal $ OUR SPORTINC * COLUMN B «areme rmaverrammnunt 50c a box, 6 for $2.50; trlal size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. Even the doctors realise that these wonderful tablets made of fruit juices will cure Stomach Troubles, Indigestion, and Dyspepsia. Ned br Compnive Fomemadbati dnainintBrecunt $ Pmb idhctam. rort â€" 100 h Ahaidarnivies As I started taking "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" at once, and inside of ten days I was able to leave my bed. My stomach got stron and I could eat and retain my food. % gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again and toâ€"day I weigh as much as everâ€"125 pounds. Mrs. LAURENT CADIEUX. About March 1st, 1909, I was taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble Backache and General Breakdown. I failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds, was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat or keep anything on my stomach. The doctors said they could do nothing for me and as a last resort, one doctor told me to try "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives "â€"if they wguld not cure me, nothing would. AFTER ALL ELSE HAD FAILED DOGTOR ORDERED lt AIEs" AND â€" "©FRUITâ€"Aâ€"TIVES" CURED MRS. CADIEUX Every line sparkling with interest and informationâ€"nothing sensationalâ€"cleanâ€"wholesomeâ€"and relishable reading about most everything that appeals to women. Send your subscription toâ€"day Then there are the most interesting of Home Pagesâ€"the daily chapters of an entertaining serial storyâ€"columns of bright social and personal newsâ€"Madge Merton‘s pageâ€"and illustrated daily fashion hints. Because it has so many special features for women. The woman who wants to keep posted on the world‘s happenings from day to day will find the news presented in a most readable way. TORONTO Daiy star â€"â€"â€" THE = * | 6 Zzg .m . 2 5> =â€"â€"= # _ Tess \\ é‘ % ~=_‘ E‘E g> yÂ¥ $s TORONTO DAILY STAR Plantagenet, Ont., Jan. 31st, 1910 This paper and the Toronto Daily Star â€"for one year $2.20 = . soemneem en en aecconnmen sconse ore L rank Fairborn WQL t 0Oâ€"â€" Â¥*E*~R)=C\ Popular SS w |Cs]f "uy» s e _â€") The Most ~f{ Y j&§] newspaper E\%%%/‘j With the â€"â€"â€" .4‘ Womenis the arsmowsers $1.50 a Year m af 44â€" As usual, there ate a lot â€" of knockers on the job, knocking the team, but we don‘t care for the knockers, youAll find them wherever you. go. and â€"all~ the bHarm they carg do this: year‘s team amounts to a flyâ€"bite. Reâ€" memiberâ€""If you can‘t boost, don‘t knock." C. Pointâ€"Ed. Hand. That‘s . a.> pretty_ .strong. and fast defence to <buck. up against. Am L _fright ~or. not? Of course, I am not ‘saying that the above is going to be he defence, but it is going to â€" take a nighty good man to put either Tufford â€"or Hand off the job; as for Elett, there is no goal tenâ€" der this side of the professional ranks can swipe his job. Rink Manager â€" McGinnis is "making ce while ~the moon shines" these nights. Ladies, don‘t be afraid to come out to skate, there‘ll not be a crowd of loafers. atround the rooms this winter like there has been in the past. How does this hit your fancy? Goalâ€"Flett. Pointâ€"‘"Foxy" Tufford. Here: are some pointers. for hockey "fans" to follow : Get your colors out. Get your lungs in shape. Buy your hockey ticket, now. *Join the rooter‘s club. And last of allâ€"Bet all you‘ve got on Grimsby to "bring home the: bacon"‘â€"fol, course,, save enough for car fare.) Second, they won the Southâ€" ern .. Niagara District League (composeq_ of four teams) and this was some league and don‘t you forget it, for Beamsville was ftight> at her height as a hockev town then. Third and last, dig not Jack VanDyke send Beamsville into bankruptcy and financially cripâ€" ple half of Brantford, the time that Grimsby beat Beamsville in Brantford by. & score of 4â€"3. So vou see bovs, the ola red First, they won the Niagata District League (composed i0 â€"teams)y and it., was some league. What did they ever win while wearing them? Nothing, t not even,.a district in the O. H. A. when they : were groupeq with Beamsville alone and Beamsville badly handicapped at that price, on account of the Government refusing them the use of the drill hall for a rink. What Grimsby won when wearing the red and black is a different story. in the wwriter‘s opinion _ (and I‘m a little superstitious) the green and white. colors have been a hoodoo to Grimsby. _ boys had to get new sweaters and stockings this season, and as the green and white show th» dirt quickly, it was decided to go back to the old coiors. SPORTY SPORTLETS hite forty ways for and no cars rtunnin by. nc plaver ere cate a lot . of he job, knocking we don‘t care for you‘ll find them go. and all‘ the i do this; year‘s s, the ol it on the d Te Silverdale (the cemetery being on the old Lane. homestead) services being held at the house and grave. There was a large attendance of friends from far and near. § Mr. Cook‘s loss will be about $400. We do not know if it is covered by . insurance or not: It is not (known how the. fire started. The fire was a most stubborn one to fight, as the walls were of cement and weatherboarded out side and «.athed ang plastered inâ€" side and the fire got in between these walls and made it hard for the workers, but the boys never gave up hope ang with the use of pikeâ€"poles, ripped off â€" a good many boards and in‘ this way reached the fire. The clanging of the fireé bell aroused the citizens of Grimsby from their peaceful slumbers on Monday morning, about â€" one o‘clock. Upon reaching the fireâ€" hall, the fire fighters were in formed that the large and beauâ€" tiful home of Mr. Benjamin Cook, about a mile east of th Village, was in flames. o g,, As the olg fire engine was out of ‘commission, the firemenm, through the generosity of Mt. A. B. Bourne, were well supplied with pails and the fire was fought by a bucket brigade. When the firemen reacheq Mr. Cook‘s, it was found that:. the back part of . the . mouse, the kitchen and Mr. Cook‘s: workâ€" shop, wias in flames, but they went hard at it and after valient work under Reeve Mitchell and Chief Tom Walker, soon had the fire under control, and also kept it from reaching the main part of the house. DEATH OF ALEXANDER LANE FIRE DOES DAMAGE TO‘ B. COOKS HOME State. of Ohio, City. of [Foleda, Lucas County. Frank J. Chehey makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., daâ€" ing business in the City of Toleâ€" do,â€" County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLâ€" S»worn to betore me ang â€" subâ€" scribed in my presence, this 6th day. of ~December, A.D. 1886 (Seal) A.. W »GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall‘s Catarch Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send: for testimonials free. F. J.â€"~ CHENEY & CO., Toledo O Sold by all druggists, 75c. ‘Take Hall‘s Family Pills" fo; constipation. PÂ¥ V cevenIn L1 Afternoons Skatingâ€"Thiesday, â€" Thursday and baturday, 2:30 to 3.30. Hockey . Practiceâ€"Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2.30 to 5. ‘ Evenings Skatingâ€"Tuesday, Thurslay andâ€"Saturday, 7.30 to To. Hockey : Practiceâ€"â€" : Mondayâ€"Maple Leafs, 7 to 8. O.H.A., 8 to. 9.30. Beavers, 9.:30 to 10. Wednesdayâ€"Beavers, 7 to 8. O.:M.A.. 8 to 0.30 Maple Leafs, 9.30 to to. Fridayâ€"Maple Leafs, 7 to 8. O:H.Ay, 8 â€"to: 9q.30. Beavers, 9.30 to 10. Now, boys, don‘t lose this, beâ€" cause this schedule will positiveâ€" ly not be diviateq from. 4 1 The following skating hours and practice scheduie has been drawn up by the Executive Com mittee : PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT ne 16 the ire. U death 10 L1 decease 18 failin veel ) U he wi r each and every case h that cannot be cured ise of â€" Hall‘s Catarth n h FRANK J CHENE} h took place on Thurs Ot 1m 10n Ppas U n M th n ut Alexandet he 1009 n etully vC m n 11 W n 1 vyote given to me on Jan. 2, more especially as it was entirely unâ€" solicited. Before . election, I made no statement or promises whatever, but now, being electâ€" ed, I promise you to discharge the duties of my office to the yery best of my ability. Yours truly, E. 5. Tohnson. To the Electors: _ I wish to express my thanks and appreciation of the splendid CARD 1VLONn C Mr. it not tance aÂ¥LL, : DCNH]JAIHNL Grimsby, desire heartfelt thanks and to the fi.em ~feepfiprorncentiIifenrrreuornmiximCeIr> NORTH GRIMSBY As I will not be able to see all of the Electors of North Grimsby, who so loyally supported. me at the polls on Monday, I take this opportunity of thanking them and will try to look after your interests to the best of my ability. Grimsby, Ontario, For Sovenirs Grimsby‘s Coat of Arms on China )1 Mi TO THE ELECTORS OF CARD OF THANKS Thanking you once m J. T. LANE‘S n 01 Corner King and Hughson 3ts. Your en f Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, plain and circular Pillow Cottons, slightly imperfect Damask Cloths, Napkins and Tablings, Swiss Embroidered Flouncings, Allovers, Corset Covers, Sample Endsâ€"Lace Curtains, Linen Torchon and German, French,â€" Normandy and Platt Val Lacesâ€"White Bed Spreads, Towels and Towelling, French hand embroidered Under Muslins, French Bridal Sets, Readyâ€"made Sheets, Pillow ‘Cases, Varsity Combinations, Drawers, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Underskirts, Princess Slips. thousands of yards of Nainsooks, Persian Lawns, India Linens, Flannelettes, Canton Flannels, White Piques, Berkley Cotton, Batistes, etc. The enlarged store and increased selling forceâ€"an insurance of quick, courteous service amidst comfortable surroundings. â€" The fact that almost every line of merchandise upon which we have marked reduced prices has advanced from 30 to 50 per cent since our buyers secured their stocks in Europe last summer. C y uoo i i n oo e e in ons l House last Tuesday have already passed all previous records for the volume of business done. There are many reasons why this should be soâ€" The power of our nameâ€"â€"built up upon years of satisfactory serviceâ€"â€"â€"the superiority of the merchandise itselfâ€"â€"â€"greater stocks, greater assortments and greater values~â€"â€" 11 U All Sheetings and Pillow C The HE ANNUAL JANUARY WHITE SALES which Annual January White Sales An Immediate Successâ€"â€"â€"Our die Thousands Are Taking Advantage of the Decidedly Helpful Prices on the timel fine home n t "HAMILTON‘S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE" sure that h â€"timely ass again servant 11 Sutherland n AN Return Railway Fares Refunded on a Liberal Plan :« THOMAS C. WATKINS, Limited z=tt«» M C 11 11 pa R remain 1( nD "ESTADBLISHED S&LIXTYAEVEN ‘ | Py | 6y & W JacorB Lanc, President ' GEO. SLINGERLAND, Viceâ€"Pres Admission, Children, 10 a.m. to | 2nd and 3rd. Instructive, HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Open to the public from a.m. to 10 p.m. Feb‘y ottons Hemmed Free of Charge During This Sale Beamsville and Lincoln Send for Prize List DOWN HALL Wish all their Customers and Patrons a _ oo m . _Marsh & Sons and solicit a share of their oultry WIA C Entertaining, PATRONAGE r i ; 3 * ns umanm Cnent prrrre FOR roff X CSA m 6 t mm 15¢ 10c ASsOClatiOn s â€" OUSC€ C. H. Prupnonmm®, Treasurer J.A.SixnctLair, Secy * opened at The Right D SHOW W 6 ’ 107 a W 9 ‘ td 7Q | §A Pn 2 . Sï¬ A1. 8 cRrdatAlPed & : sw l"\\\\‘ } %\"‘ sdsc nvsody 4 \\0 Vï¬ re ioi blliants yMb dA y â€" l s tÂ¥ Z, \yo, es 0 C o l AURE oC K en rrdle C se \To i oo $ ‘ 4. â€" uggiP o e o tm x & @l v M m Ns Hlrir, 94 l~ a