Great Show at Bennett‘s r Manager Driscoll has good reason #to be proud of the show that he is $ exhibiting at Bennett‘s this week. Z The superb Hamilton home of greater | n advanced all star vaudeville is now | hb baing supplied with acts by the comâ€"| I bined â€" Keithâ€"Klaw and Erlanger | ! Sy ndicate and if this week‘s bill is an |° earnest of what is to follow, and the : general public has the management‘s | ; word that it is, splendid performances | I aro assured. Lasky‘s great string 1 quintette is one of the headline attracâ€" | tions and Those Four CGirls another, 1 In the former all those magnificent |, tones which can only coma from r string orchestra are captured. They play a selection of Victor Heberts‘ music, and play it as it should be | played, the hand of the composer, who | personally rehearsed the pieces with orchestra being noticeable in the rare finish and sympathy displayed. Those Four Girls are a quartet of charmingly pretty girls, possessed of sweet voioes, which are given good scope in some ‘catchy songs,. The Agoust, family of tumblers are described on the program as wonderful and they deserve the description. C. W. Williams has an entirely new ventriloquial act and is a roar from start to finish,. Bampson and Douglas, comedy sketch artists, have a very strong act and made quite: a‘ hit. Stanley and â€" Cogswell â€" are ric'bly comic â€" burlesquers and their medium, a parody on the famous Musicmaster was Aa great success,. Laura Ordway tells some funny stories and sings well after the style of Vests Victoria, The Bix Samois do some sensational tumbling, which beats anyâ€" thing seem in this or any other theatre <" before. The Bennettograph, which * £cots the bill, is showing two very medium,. a. pat Musicmaster W Laura Ord way t« and sings well af Victoria, ‘The | sensational tumb thing seenm in thi before. The B foots the bill, 1 interesting films On Friday morning at 2 o‘clock the citizens bere were awakened by the fire bell.: The barn on the premises occupied by Mr Mandlekurg, was found to be alt ablaze. The building and contents were totally destroyed. Three horses and a cow were burned, also a lot of hay and eats and harness.. The cause of the fire is a myseery.. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Mandieburg in his severe loss Mr. John Davis is home again for a short time. Mr Fred Hutt, an old and much respeCied I‘s wn Saturday it time. â€" Theirfah the cost up. Get and follow directions. The result will be light, wholeâ€" some bread or pastry every time. You pay a few cents more for Royal Household, but those few cents buy certainty and purity. Your grocer can supply you. @gilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. » n 87 6 155 Many housewives think cheaper to buy than to ze. That is because their cing isn‘t successful every Smithville. al Household Flour Durha , an old and much of South Grimsby died Mortreal. llures un repast was served to about forty guests. The bappy couple left on the 2.18 train for Torounto amid showers of rice, and on their return will reside in South Grimgby. Among those present were Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Haith, Mr. ard Mrs. Elijah Durâ€" bam and Mrs Durham Sr., Mr. Harold Durhum, Mrs. Althouse, Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Allen, Dr.jand Mrs. J. M. Zumâ€" stein, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durbam, Mr. and Mrs Bougbhner, Mrs. R. M. Griffin and Miss Thersa Griffin, Miss VanDyke, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vankyke, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, Miss Kohler, Mr. and Mrs F. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Merâ€" ritt, Mr and Mrs Israel Wilcox and Miss Beatrice Wilcox, Mr. James Book, Miss Mamie Patterson, Miss Emily Fretshan, Miss Lyle. The annual Christmas entertainâ€" ment and tree of the Grimsby Centre school will be held on Friday ovening Dec. 20. A good programme of songs, recitations and dialogues is being preâ€" pared. Admission 10cts, Presbyterian chnreh, Saltficet, will Lkold a bazaar and concert on Friday evering Dec 13th, at the home of Mrs.‘ G. William‘s, Saltfleet, balf mile east of Mt. Albion. Friends, do not mixs the opportunity of being present to secure some of the very beautiful and wnique articles which will be very appropriate Christmas gifts for your friends You will find plenty to choose from and prices to suit the large and small purse. After the sale a good program will follow and light refreshâ€" l ments will be served by the ladies. The east end of the new stone read on tho Townline between Saltfleet and Bin brook Townships, whish for the past year has been left in a desperately unfinished condition for the travelling public, is at present undergoing completion. The Tapleytown branch of the Women‘s Institute met at the home of Mrs Lalor on Thursday last. The married ladies were in charge of providing the program for the mecting which was weli receivedâ€" Mr and Mrs Jas. Arthur of Binbreok spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jamieson. WINONA We are pleased to learn that W. C. Dawe, our popular Nursery Stock and Land Agent is able to be areund again after one week‘s illness A number of the elsectors attended the special meeting called by the Township council on Monday evening at Stoney Creek with regards to local option byâ€"law. Tt was stated by legal authority that it had to be voted. upon. ; : _ Remember the Christmas entertainâ€" ment in Winona Institute Hall on Saturday eveniug December 21. The Ladie‘s Aid Society of Cheynes Mr Harry Pettit, spent Sunday in West Flamboro visiting friends. Mr Philip Blanchard has purdhaSc'd the fruit farm belonging to Mr Pozt Addresses on Agricultural Subjects a Winter Fair Guelph subject at which, as well as Mre A Campbell, Good Roads Commissi for Ontario, being present, M Ward King of Missouri, who is a roads expert and enthusiast and originator of the Split Log «Dray, be present to discuss this _ m This is a subject in which every A number of important subjects have been decided upon for discussion at the coming Winter Fair to be held at Guelph,. The sessions of addresses will commence on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, and" will continue through until Friday morning, December 13 The necessity of good roads through: out the Province is receiving considerâ€" able attention at the present time, anaA‘sa enscinn"is heino devaoted to ;this son will procure all available iunformation as vo how the roads may be improved. Special attention is being given to addresses on the "Economical Feed.ingr of Different Classes jof Live gtock:" Under the conditions prevailing at the present time, & discussion on this subject will prove very belpful to ‘all feeders of live stock. One of the most interesting ad. dresses or demonstrations, will be given on the Friday â€"morning, consizting of or traini d a session GRIMSBY CENTRE TAPLEYTOWN @ BLl ently inte g present, Mr D. ouri, who is & good uthusiast and the lit Log Dray, will ‘uss this matter byâ€" Mr D ation as to 1t0oner BENNETT,S PRICESâ€" 15, 25, 35, 50c, evening 66 10. 15, 25¢, every day Tsckets can be purchased from the H. | the Radial conductors or agents, whic | for the best seats in the theatre on pr | at the box, office. e . W ). W. Williams Ventrilequist to Showing many of thé‘,_prom'ment people Canada and England Matineesâ€"â€"10 41;‘1250 5 Box Offlce. Phone 2191 See the best. Followthe Savoy. § AGENT FOR DEERING AGMCEOLTIURAL Hamilton‘s House of Stars Vaudeville Harness And in fact everything a farme: requires. Galvanized Roofing Gasoline Engines Pn Wind Mills Pl FiGeSsâ€" latinee Residence, Livingston Avenue. I always have horses on hand for sale. Agent 'MATINggs DAILY Week commencing Dec. 2 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE dihadl Abaal d iT AJ ment plan. We also teac once a monthâ€"class co each month. These lessc put togather any garme waist suit to the most e {amily can learn from on: over 7,000 dressmakers to anyone who cannot le: and 40. You cannot lear as this course teaches i years. Beware of imita outside the school. Th Dress Cutting School ir nohke in any other count THIS WEEK UCU short time. . Address SA&NDLRS DREC WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have to instract and employ‘a numbe young ladies to teach our course making. having one teacher fol nearest towns where they liveâ€" 35. Those who have worked making or likes drawing J Please do not apply unless you ¢ your whole time Address â€" Parisian dramatic sketch Sampson & Douglass Comedy act International Horse Show King _ As well as being of practical | value to persons haviog borses to train this demonstration will be of interest to everyone, and persons going to Guelph should rema m over until Friday morning to see Mr_King and his plan of handling an unbroken horse. Two sessions will also be devoted to questions in connection with the horse industry, following the report of the special investigation infto the horse lindustry of Ontarieo by the OUntario Department of Agricu‘ture. ‘ A single fare passenger rate has heen arranged over all dlines ruoning i to Guelph, from December â€"7, to 13,i ir clusive, good to retsrn up to Decemâ€" comopmmmennsnmtnnconnnnmemsuce: Six SAMOQIS, Fast Tumbling er 16 31 Erie Street, St: Wm. bammond, Buggies a nable all to lear A great musical novelty LOUISA AGOUST & CO LASKY‘S$ QUINTETTE IDA FULLER COGAN & BANCROFT THE THREE GEMS GREEN & GREEN BURrTON & BROOKS 10. THOSE FOUR GIRLS BENNETIOGRAPH LAURA ORDWAY DiCk TEMPLE KATHRYN MILEY MOTIQN PICTURES DELMQRE & LELZ Enclish Comedienne &n oul Jp BY 35, bfic. id 25°e. Dbe 35, 50c, evening. | . 25¢, every day matinee ‘ Hammond ers HAMILTON‘S HOME OF VAUDEVILLE Fhone 97 Stanley & Cogswell ko Comedy Skit id Carriages Matinee daily > "iTTTING a C( £3 our rate onge orate aress course, â€" We d guarantee ford Ont., Canada sach on cash or instal personal class at schoo encing last Tuesday c teach how to cut, fit an SMAKINC ‘a numberof smart ur course in Dress acher for the si> rey live â€"age 20 t Box Seats, Tb¢ ats on sale at ty W’ flmpertan_t_!&ot'i‘ce to th_e Gengral Public ali Star s we e re onls crowds to the | presentotion Film m Pumps$s Plows Grimshy HBE 5°CHOOI are good se in Dressâ€" ‘or the six â€"age 20 to 1 at dressâ€" preferred. can dsvote o as thorough t EMENTD t School The whole of ided M LA crda db n it it ies pt uh rounding country say that we sell goods too cheap, that we are hurting the business; perâ€" haps we are as the bulk of our trade is with the farmers. â€" We will speak of their interest. I have been connected with farming business all my life, owning as many as five farms a one time. â€" The agricuitural interest represents about nineâ€"tenths of the capital of the civilized world, and about nineâ€"tenths of the people of the world are engaged in it. Taking this fact into consideration the agriculturist is not a side issue as many look mpon them, they represent the largest business in the world, and upon their business rests all other business. No workingman, business man or professional man is entitled to any better pay ho sn ike woa o S o ue es dn Psn mt va n mm men and professionaim n are, | his wiunters in Southern countr farmer camnot afford to do this O nNOW . .. ° 1 RC. LO P LLLC 1 DA sh Â¥ to CULC . EO ChctoRE Cl «d ced ue en 0 9 DRA times what they pay him for his services. As a body : as individuals you can‘t. My sympathy is with the f: are not getting a fair proportion of this world‘s goods T77 N CE CA COT ORA Courls h . Nee s mt 0 OM SCce B se S 9R 81 John Street, South, Hamilton. It is three years since we commenced selling on 10 and 15% profit, and each year since that has nearly doubled the previous year; this shows that the public appreciates our cheap selling and come to us for their goods. There is no doubt but what we will have all the trade during che busy season this year on Saturdays that it will be possible for us to wait on in our present premises. _ Of course on all days except Saturday you will avoid the crowd and get better attention than we can possibly give you Saturday sell goods cheaper than oth sell cheaper than others doâ€" the centre of the city; seco: buvers. â€" Many stores trust about the same capt are entitled to a fine Can farmers afford t open every day exce other stores open at better pay than the number and cheaper than pared to serve our customers than ever bel We bought direct from the manufactur about 30% less than any other store in the there is not a store in the city or the ec kindsâ€"during the coming season. We lines of all kinds of rubber footwear, whic convinced that we ar kinds of rubbeis, lum ties direct from the : 20 per eent cheaper th: CGur stOoCRK 1s oW Coiil/il Fall and Winter trade,.consisting of & large stock of all and rubber goods for men, women and children.. Clo wear, and Men‘s Furnishings ef all kinds, We car boots, rubber boots and lumbermens rubbers as any oth to 15« a pair chcaper than others do. that deals extensively in m all kinds. We buy thess and sell them for about one great value. We can‘t gi Heotch, English these remuants great value, esp Coats. Bkirts and B cheaper than others d than others. cheaper than other stc tea at 20c per lb. that for gTC ordeI early of them dependin all our only Horse Our competitors in Hamilton and surâ€" en y P es 2 Ar h cds Aaan nhaan That we‘ ate hurting the business; perâ€" this coming season at least oV pOr CO! We have many thousands of pairs of S$1 J Phaone 11098 These are th The qauestion i o carryimany other 1 Th erie it To chat We car u 0 nd e Ccoming per a plitai OL 1 other stor s are the tin war will ge member on the except sundaay rg THE PEOPLEHWS STORE ~"~pres In eca@ry for less vely in mis ~f +] on at least 30 n St. South 9Â¥ coming season,. yY C â€" ubber footwear, which ity or country can sel) are the cheapest in a ty pi i ta ve sucha 14D C3 manual t other bermens s0C d TA lb al Rinds of B close at 5 p.m ble hon ot! but thes idi who first, we DIS 11 tha 1c D s now com arV C misn half i about the sa e VIiews oT W U 11 re stock of Horse Blankets, Sweat Pads, ind ‘Robes, and sell them much cheaper than others do, We goods not named here. f season we will be better preâ€" ever before, especially in Rubbor Footwear of all kinds. nufacturers over six theusand dollars worth of rubbers af re in the city or counbry can buy. This being the cag® or the country that can compete with us in rubbers of afl n. We have many thousands of pairs in all the differesst ar, which we ean and will sell at least 80% cheaper thap y can sell them. Come and see them for yourself and is apest in all kinds of goods we carry, and especially in al jcks for men, boys and youths. We buy in large quan#â€" hiuo. 5 22c the iw:AAlaman‘s nrofit. and sell them at least ) 11vG tI â€" A*+* m e shou only store in the Dominion rese &T re not in th p i nere are located w1 if cent 11 give you few of the reasons why we can and do s located where rent is not one quartor what it is in r.own buying and have the name of being close mt matter to others. We buy for cash and sell for e satisfied to work and to live as farmers having . We don‘t think because we keep store that we i house at the Beach and servants to wait on us. not, why should we expect it ? ° We keep our store e same hours as farmers are forced to work.. Many n. Why should we be entitled to shorter hours and ents in numbers and in wealth xineâ€"tenths of the ere are still other reasons why we can and do sell Of e have many inousandnuso 21 P0 ich we ean and will sell at lea sell them. Come and see the in all kinds of goods we carry r men, boys and youths. W | save the middlomen‘s profit, sell all kinds of Rubber Footwear t cheaper than any other store in the city or country. all kinds of rubber footwear. worthn â€" you ce no de and w1idows 11 at cost, it affor 1A K€ n asked us why we can body you could remedy many such wrongs, the farmeror with any other class who shoes, both in leather and rubber footwear of r the Domi{nion, mate them up as best we can berfect mated goods of same quality; they are sumc1eht. GUZP (3OC k of all kinds of boots and shoes in leather .. _ Clothing of all kinds, overcoats, undeézâ€" We carry three times as many long leather imy other store in the city and sell them Â¥5 rocer tic iffords us pleasure to do so. . We a and sell on small profits for spc m on hard. e IOFf » for all kinds of clothing i for about oneâ€"half price n clothing. business but we sell black and mand. â€" We sell thousands of paits f ends of webs of for the same amot y same amount at nd all other goods COI OUCS,), â€" CA/ Hosiery, all of which we s« : carry we sell 10 per cent buy from us, if you ask sds about 20 per having small children for the Summer Han i!ton. (Open evenings to 9 p.m.) ame amount of all kinds mount at cost. Wich t her goods in proportion oats, _ We buy ; these are HAteZ cen t nuch U @7