Grimsby Independent, 4 Dec 1907, p. 3

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crusher works and then I thisk I would know how much they know for I dout believe they understand the principal or working parts of the stone crusher and one thing I do know that they do not keep it properly ciled for I never have known them to run it without having to pour water on it to cool it off, which is a thing I never had to do nor have I known anybody elsc to do it excepting thera. . Now as road commissioner Marlowe is a wouderfal man I will explain to you why he is. summer. . Well they seat to Hamilton for a man to come and fix it. He put a new toggle plate, (which was not recessary) as Cole Bros. said it did not crush fast enough. I dare say that it did not crush fast enough but it was no fault of the crusher for any machine that is not properly run will not work properly and that is just the cause Cole Bros. said that the crusher jaws did not have motion enough,. I would like to ‘hear them explain how the crush at the Grimsby nmov two weeks Aag and road commissioner M he guessed the trouble was not been properly carec the crusher run fine and worked gooc now Cole Bros, have been running i at the Grimsby meuntain and the firs day it ran airight but the afternoon c the second day it got so hot that the hob Â¥ °3 xis% *% 1 tad % Couiu uoo seep iv ‘Cuui WILVi COL IN STRICT CONEF She Has Guided Thousands to Health. Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham‘s Advice and Help. Frank Beamer Tells A Little About Stone Crushing To the Councillors and ratepayers of the township of North Grimsby. Gentlemen:â€" , With regards to crushing and stoning roads, I suppose what I am about to say will be news to a lot of you. Four years ago this fall I ran the stone crusher at the Woolverton mountain to crush storne for the mountain and the next spring Cole Bros. run the crusher at the Grimsby mounrtain and they had considerable trouble keeping it from heating and they told the councillors that the cause was that I had not kept it greased which was not true as I have never had any trouble with it heating. Then again I run it at the Woolverton mountain last summer and year, some persor Mrs. Pinkham is of Lydia E. Pinkh: vears under her d years dene lett be W Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes : Dear could not carry a child to maturity. Ire ceived your kind letter of instructions and followed your advice. I am uot only a well woman in consequence, but havea beautiful baby girl. I wish every suffering woman in the land would write you for advice, as you have done so much for me." Just‘ as surely as Mrs. Seydel was cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" table Compound cure every woman suffering from any form of female ills. If you are sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for speciai advice. . It is free and always helpful. | UUC â€"Mow LyGia E. Iinknam s yege=â€" table Compound Cured Mrs. Fred Seyvdel. The first day that tkey 11 VC Mrs. Pink} Tred Seydel, of 412 North Mth a year ag 1€ nsby mountain about I was going by the Ire( o I wrote you a letter I had female ills and ill y the ?inkham nd n and other dau to Hamilton it. â€" He put ich was not id it did not e say that it UENEL (EMM ricwe sald that it bad _â€"for â€"last started the writ _by mail. iterâ€"inâ€"la w n may D t] since her NLULL A WAE 0Oz of f anything. MHe said they were filling them up better now. While we were talking they were crushing a load ana 1 wish you could have seen it go out, It was not filled in at either end nor any where else excepting“ two or three little pyramids in the middle of the box, now if that load waslevelled ijown I do not.believe it would have come within three inches of the top of the box Then again I mot a team about ha‘fâ€"aâ€"mile from â€" the: crusher with what they called a load. That oad I dont believe would have come within six inches of the top in the highest place. Now these two loads were not all, for I do rot beliove I saw the worst of them, The councillors ire not to blamse for this for they put Mr. Marlowe there to look after their interests aud they supposed that he was doing it. : charge Mr. Mar crugsber also I was driving on the same road that they were putting the stonce on and I noticed that quite a few loads were pot filled as they had ought to be. Mr. Marlowe was spreading the stone and helping to unload and he surely must have known what was going on, of course a load of stone will shake down but it will not or should not shake down till the stone are three or four inches below the top of the box. I was up and down the mountain nearly every ~day that they were crushing and I noticed that instead of filling the boxes fuller they wore getting quite a little bit slaker and one day I spoke to Mr. Mariowe about it and ho said that was bhe reason why he was staying atb the crusher now, which he was daoing. I bad been taking Mr. Marlowe to do, about saying that the crusher had not been properly cared for by me. I also told bhim that the crusher worked fine when 1 run it and told hbimâ€"that this job was costing the township two dollare and fifty cents a cord instead of oneâ€"fifty as it was supposed to be. He wanted to. know how I made it out. I told him that fixing the crusher would eost about fifty cents per cord and they were sot filling the loads whice would cost at least fifty cents mo the nex Bros South Grimsby the couneil got fity cents a cord for the use of the crusher to crush one hundred and thirty cords which amounrted to sixtyâ€"five and when they got through wi cost about thirty or fourty d fix it. f Some people may think that I am only saying this because I did not get the job. If that had been the case I would have beaten Cole Bros. price for and General Blacksmithing ALL WORK DONE â€"__â€" Promptly and Properly Special attention to Horse Shoeing I knew what their price was a woeek before the tenders were opened but I did not want it as I was about selling my outfit, which I have done. I will close hoping this will show you what bas been going on in the township. ; it to fix it efter th Charles Wasnidge HORSE SHOEING STONE SHOP AT THE BRIDGE y hbhave never run the crushe: 0O § 1 the )b they have givin hat this job of ernshing sea a fraud from start to the best way for the s to pay Cole Bros. by the BJ think I ur A W acksasmith 10we two I am your tru him Â¥rom fa&D 1t Ovel F. A. Beamer. pation o e Ccrusne dollars to stin 11 16 AQ U Cc t 23 5 47â€"49 King Street East inflamed you Bave a rumbiing sound or imporfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed, j@eafuess is the result, and . unless th@MrfAiamation can be d 5 1 oage Cl u9 4 U Y | Fine white w« colored border, g« Extra fine‘ C# thoroughly seame on sale for per pa "F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists, 75¢. s Take Hall‘s Family Pills for constiâ€" A lot of our 200 came our way a few days ago every possible color and shading in tweeds and plain cloths, pleatâ€" ed all round self folds. braided, and beautifully hung. silk strapping, skirts worth from 5.00 to 7.50, all go on sale for Cb snn se U 2 2s u4 uin silas rrole alinls Nove fake be ate onl are avenare 1. ... . .. s . . . s395 Immense purchases of Women‘s Coats from manufacturers who wanted ready money, on the top of already large stocks are the prime eause of these wonderful values being oftered you right in the middle of the heavy mantle season. Those who have delayed buying their winter coats will save many good dollars by tak‘ns full advantage of this sale.â€" Sale will be on all this week and until all our surplus stock is entirely cleared our: n 4h rmyas «PX , 8 U3 4* C j § t 3 M 54 t o s “’»’ »,,:'i"“" Scores of them made of splendid warm wellâ€"wearing tweeds, strapped anid finished with velvet collar, lined, new sleeves with cuff, the colors are pluin greys, browns, navys and greens and stylish plaids anda checks, good $12 value, sgle priceg to clesr db ... ri.rssesr aiasknialn..l. ...... . .$7 B0 Beauiiful German made mantles cut as only the Berlin makers know how to cut; a loose back garment most beautiâ€" fully finished cloths with elegant bindings. also a splendid lot of tweeds in Ombre plaids and stylish Mammoth patterns ; garments w orth every cent of $17.50 on sale at......$12.50 All Parcels Checked Free at Termina! Station our goods. Call and for yourself. Getb your order in early and avoid the rush. | We are prepared to supâ€" ply the trade with 1 0.94 At Women‘s Coats at $12.50 Worth $17.50 ov‘t Childrea‘ Wool Blanketsâ€"Extra Special Value Womean‘s Goats at $7.50 Worth $12 ® n we & urecHaway 1s Caused by an 11 of the mucous lining n Tube. When this J o ie eBoify <t > Hf on h on » (ip cpolthede Hp car L3 Ma t mo HA. G. & one way to cure d vy constitutional rc Rousing Sale of Mantles and Skirts all* this Week Women‘s Skirts at $3.95 annmt I s and Misses‘ Coats at $3.95 11 ollen blankets full double bed size. fancy 0d 3.75 value, on sale for................ 2. 95 nadlian fleeee wool, fast colored border, 1 lofty finish,. 64x84 worgh 6.00, any where ray t» OMinD § PJ PJC uipplupeimveenn Fe Di mace rommrpueminmemmenerer y prices. Station puem e ouanc o rorpunenta viate they can: lt l n c on ue €% oR x?"f iTC 5 % m Mso i ue e o s o l C e uon d uces id ul yotk Inenn e uoc To Wncs use "v".-’;‘.‘,'t‘ p M royne o e es %‘&':& is ce it A B h ts oue MMRatAeih is Un JAMES SHEA, Hamilton Stoves 8eo t] W 21w medies, flamed O ube 1s ness The Store for Thrifty People % | t THE Canada‘s olde hHMiurserics Fidr Our stock is first class and B. G. ARMSTRONG of Grimsby 4 is our General Agent for the Niagara Peninsular, Write him for particulars f Randall & Falconbridge SELLING AGENTS FOR x\ 4 4 AC CFREliAhDan o Open Evenings to 9 p.m. Phone 1498 ' foofoofo Yocfocf o ouffenffoeforfaaflouffy i oo Hacfian fooffoofeoffaoffueff\ es for pooGecffeofocfualfeo{freffooffoclfeafoofooffaoQoufasifooffasfonife Be sure and see our represent_atives or write direct to u The finest stock of CHERRIES, PEACHES, RASPBERRIES and GRAPES to be found in the Dominion. Order some of our light grade, low headed Peaches and Cherries; spccial prices. Boots, Shoe We have 100 Ladies Astrachan Fur Coate worth Forty ‘Dollars, we selling at Twonty Dollars; all, other kind> of fur goods we sell at least 2 cent. cheaper than other stores sell them. We have over one thoussnd yards double fold all wool Scetch cloth, sixty inches wide, worth seventyâ€"five cents per yard, we are selling for twentyâ€"five cents per yard. s * § $ + "Some stores in Hamilton want the public to think they sell better Rut bers than cthers do. SBee their brands. Come to vs and we will sell yo same brands 20 per cent. cheaper than they do. We buy all brands mad in Canada. o 6 THOMAS W. BOWMAN & SON CO LIMITED _ Rubber footâ€"wear of all kinds for men, boys, youths, women, misses and ehildren, we are selling at least 30 percent. cheaper than other stores can sell them. & C ‘ All other lines of goods that we carry in stock we will sell at least 10 per cent cheaper than other stores sell them. It will pay you to come and see and be convinced. placing your order. Have 600 acres of nursery stock under cultivation, consisting of :â€"â€"AppiEs, PrEars, Puunms, PEacHES, CHERRIES, QUINCES, AprICOTS, SMALL Fauits, Frowsring SuruBs, RosEs, ETo, GrarE VinEs, CUurrANTs, GoosEBERRIRS, RasPBERRIES, Brack Cars anp BLacKBERRIES. _ORNAMENTAL TrEES AND KVERCGREENS. RIDGEVILLE CGENT Polh The Pelham Nursery Co. PEQPLE‘S STORE "‘Himitton _ noes, Meéad [CRUIT NERAL Imitation Stone Martina Stole, lined with sat broad front, trimmed with hbheads and tails, sold up now.for 6:95, on sale. for éach. . .. .:; .~.. "Liaeeas. . inss d Bplendid showing of particularly stylish su‘ts. blac browns, navy, greens and pietty checks; skirts : pleated, triimmed, with self folds. long tight fitting co new cutaway style, latest collar, suits that worth 25 Stylish box back garment made in the Gibson effect prettily finished with strapings and velvet pipings worllr7.50 all on sale tor each :.* ¢:* * .b}ail.s~ ou.lst. Bb 6: Women‘s Coats All the new shades, gr fine‘German tweeds aill the building are shown in both |« ments, beautifully lined and j manner. Coats that are wor BAlG CACN : L s 2. se... css se o Guaranteed ftrue to name At this popular price the collection isiguperb ; elegant iweeds, rich black cloths, lesutifully appliqued and braided, all cut in the most swagger style of both loose and fitted back, all full } lengtb, be«utifully hung. coat we would have been proud to show you at 15 00 six weeks ago all go on sale now for each............... $10 K U Womea‘s Coats $ § 0d §* yâ€" Made C Ladies‘ Neck Fursâ€"Special Values SsSeFrV WwO,, Misses‘ Coats $5.95 Only place in city that sells May Manton patterns.............. Ladies‘ Suits $15 Pelham, Ontario i EQ B ut ncrenmewane=as nenoncimys §$15 Worth $20 C Worth $15 and tight fitting garâ€" ied in the mo t perfect 8=10 Hughson g Streetâ€" North ONTARIO 1 tans, moles and t ideas of coat commmeme np o venrnermaniercenc smcs m rou uen Nacialatt with satin )eIoré all 10c $ 5 On isd l'ty I 29 ,i

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