Grimsby Independent, 6 May 1897, p. 2

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E. J. Palmer, AND MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage Security at lowest rates of Interest. _ Repayments to suit borrowers. M. Griffin, of Freeman, was calling on old friends here this week. Veni, vidi, vinceâ€"pink powders conquer headaches. â€"Miss Laura Farrell returned to London on Monday. __â€"Chas Paterson, of Leroy, spent Sunday with relatives here. â€"Mrs. J. A. Pettit returned from Canaseraga, N. Y., on Saturday evenâ€" ino. 5 spent a few days with J. H. Teeter last week. â€"Mrs,. W. V. Hare left on Saturâ€" day for Hamilton, where she will reâ€" main with her daughter for some time. â€"Sergt.â€"Major Schoof, late of the South African Mounted Police, was the cuest of H. F. Baker last Thursâ€" â€"Hay Scales timber complete Grimsby. â€"Dr, W. H. Carleton, of Smithâ€" ville, was in town last Thursday. â€"Quite a number of the young people attended the Epworth League convention in Beamsville last Thur:â€" aay. ~â€"â€"Mrs. M. B. Tufford has returned from Smithville, where she was the guest of Mrs. I. A. Teeter for a few in st thne t 0 Don‘t forget the "at home" in the school room of the Methodist church tonight (Thursday). _ The admission is only 10 cents and a good times is promised to all. â€"â€"Mrs. W. Whittaker returned on Saturday evening from Leroy, N. Y., where she has been for some time past. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Patterson. â€"The jury in the case of Samuel Rowatt, charged with the murder of his wife in Torounto last J une,returned a verdict last Friday of manslaughter. He was sentenced to twenty years in Kingston penitentiary. L1 17 { ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES. Appointments made if desired. _ Office, antral Store, Main strect, Grimsby. M â€"Rev. 0. G, Langford will be orâ€" dained in the Biptist church, here, on Monday, May 17th. Delegates are expected from fifteen churches. Rev. C. A. Eaton, of Toronto, is expscted to preach the ordination sermon.â€" Georgetown Herald. ? â€"Farmers and fruit growers, before you purchase a spray pump call and examine "The Spramoter," the kind that was awarded 1st prize at a test on 2ud of April, 1896, at E. J. Woolver ton‘s orchard, can be seen at my place at any time â€" Egbert M. Smith, Wiâ€" mona. AV â€"Another runaway occurred about six o‘clock on Saturday evening. The H. G. & B. hand car came down the eastern hill at a lively gait and Jas. Book‘s horse, which was tied in front of 8. Whittaker‘s, became frightened. The buggy struck the post and the horse, becoming free, struck up Main street at a good fast clip. In making the turn at Mountain street it slipped, and went through J .S. Randall‘s fence. Before anyone could get near it, it came out tsrough the hole it had made and started for home. The whiffleâ€" tree was broken, as was also the harâ€" ness, which was strewed along the road. It is time something was done towards compeliing the cars to stop at Oak street. We bélieve a clause to that effect is in the byâ€"law. . Why not enforce it ? ‘ ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES O yS. â€"The plastering has been completed M. E. Book‘s new house on Oxrk reet, and it will soon be ready for cupation, f â€"Rev. Dr. Lucas‘ lecture in Wesâ€" y church, Hamilton, last Thursday ening was largely attended and D â€"Bicycle repairs of every description ae by Chas. Phillips on short notice. ave orders at Miller‘s store. Try the eveland livery. Wheels are all in d sha pve. AGENT ROYAL INSURANCE CO. wd se o e nds nauge â€"Ses the ‘program in th'i‘s"',?iés‘ig&éf celebration to be held at the Drivâ€" Park on the 24th, It is a good and will no doubt draw ‘a large ling was iargeiy altended an h appreciated. f t > 4 â€"Try theijob department of th apendent with ',‘Jour‘M Jos. Chambers, of North Pelham, Grimsby, May 6 W.â€"D. FPORBES, for Saleâ€"Scales and E. J. Palmer & Co.. SEE OUR .. â€"The assessor has finished his labors for 1897. All appcals must be in on or before May 14th. BICYCLE BALL BEARING BARN Door Hangers, Steel Rafter Grapples, â€"Miss Mitton aod Miss Palmer epent Sunday with Mrs. Clyde Green, Hamilton. Sure Grip Pulleys, Swivel Rope Hitch and Hook, Star Fastâ€"Pin Clevis, Adjustable Coil Axle Washer, And Clamp Sheers, «And yoa will be interested. Bought at a sacrefice sale. _ Prices about oncâ€"half the regular price while it lasts, The early buyer gets the plums. â€"â€"Mrs, Correvon, of Toronto, was the guest of her.sister, Mrs, N. J, Teeter, from Friday until Monday. W“i‘“?‘mfl%m’%}%%a' a, is guilty of biga;n_y,,a;gl;fief Justice Strong dissent â€"Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church last Sunday mornâ€" ing, conducted by the pastor. â€"E J. Palmer is making considerâ€" able alteration to the property on Main street recently purchased by him. Also Just Opened a Crate of â€"Electric lights have been placed in Society Hall. â€"Mrs.J.Fisher spent a couple of days this week with her son in Jordan. â€"Mr. Rowan, of Hamilton, an exâ€" pert on concrete work, was here on Wednesdsy examining the abutments of the Gibson avenue bridge. â€" He is to submit a written report to the council. %.â€"The Supreme C urt‘at Ottawa on Saturday d’eqidqd@.thai@éz!lrifigbfi;},bj%, â€"Do your best to make the celebra tion here on the 24th a grand success A good day‘s, sport{will be provided that no one should miss. 109. ~â€"â€"The monthly "at home" by the Ladies‘ Aid of the Methodist church, Grimsby, will be held in the school. roum of the church on Thursday, May 6th, Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o‘clock, and everyone is welcome. The admission‘is only 10¢, â€"We are clearing: out our packing ground. Great snaps in fruit trees. We have still a fine lot of plum leftâ€" Lombard, â€" Abundance, Washington, Imp. Gage, Yellow Exzg, Reine Claude, Pond‘s; two or three hundred cherry, also light grade pear. Call and see us. The Grimsby Nursery. â€"Advancement is the order of the day. Almost every department of life has been revolutionized. â€" Mrs, Madâ€" den‘s Yeast bids fair to revolutionize the making of bread into light, white and sweet loaves. _ This Yeast should be used by every progressive housekeepâ€" er, and will be. For sale by all grocers. â€"An excellent program has been arranged by the Grimsby Park dirpct-‘ ors for the coming season. . Among the lecturers secured is Sam P. J ones. Prof. L. H.‘Parker and the Hamilton Glee Club will give a number of popuâ€" lar concerts> Special arrangements are being made for society excursions. â€"The May edition of the Delineator is called the Spring number and is filled from cover to cover with illus trated articles, lithographic places, literary miscellany, etc, and may be obtained from the local agent, A. F. Hawke, or by sending direct to the Delineator Publishing Co., Toronto. Single copies 15 cents, or $1 per year. â€"The license inspector has issued a cireu‘ar to all the county license holdâ€" ers notifying them that after July 1st they must close their bars at 10 o‘clock | every night, instead of 11 as at pres ent, and also that no liquor must be sold to any person under 21 years of age. These two injunctions must be very strictly obeyed, the inspector says. * â€"For Sale or Exchange immediately, that beautifully situated 9} acre lot on the corner of Grimsby Park road and the stone road. Soil rich sandy loam ; good orchard of bearing trees ; large frame barn in good condition. _ Will be sold cheap with easy terms or excha nged tor good productive Grimsby village prozerty. Apply to Morphy & Baker, Grimsby. WHITE GRANITEWARE W m. Forbes. Our stock o’ffiWall Papers, Ceilâ€" ings and Borders for this season is very complete, somprising the new â€" est designs in gnerican and Canâ€" adian paterns.; Beautiful gilt papâ€" ers at 10c per %3’11, suitable for parâ€" lors, dining rooms, halls and bedâ€" rooms. _ Great variety of kitchen papers at 5e per roll. Good cooks want the best grade of flour. ‘ We keep it. _ Goldie‘s is positively the best: . It will make whiter and better bread than any other. Wall Papers Weather and waterproof Readyâ€" Mixed Paint, guaranteed pure, in all shades, requires nothing added before: using, _ Full line of paint, whitewash and Ralsomihe brushes. Special prices in chamber sets, dining ware and white goods. Full stock fii}l the leading varâ€" ieties of fieldfand garden seeds Choice mixture of lawn grass ‘seec Prices Riogtht. g 6 Spring Crockery CGarden and Field Seeds Flour â€"Oliver Teeft, who has been residâ€" ing in OQwen Sound for some months past, has decided to returo to Grimsby. Paint â€"Look up J. W. Konkle‘s new advt. in this issue. Hisice cream parlor and lunch counter will be opened this week. â€"The wood work of A. M etcalfe‘s on Paton street has beevr commenced. Jas, A. Hewitt is th« contractor.‘ _ { â€"â€"Friday, May 21, is the date c: the Farmer‘s Concert in the town hali Hoyt L. Conary has been secured and a firstâ€"class program is assured. â€"A special méeting of the Fire Co. is called for Efi'iday, May 7th, at the usual bhour. & good attendance is requested as v3ty important busiâ€" ne:s will be up for discussion. â€"OQOa Sabbath evening, J une 20th, a service will be heldin the Methodist church in connectioa with the diamond jubilee of our beloved Queen. A comâ€" imittee has been apppinted to make arâ€" rangzements for a gtand entertainment to follow on the evening, June 221d. Further particulars l ter on. â€"There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Rire Co. on Monday night,. An account was received from Wm. Mitchell, which was ordered to be given to the chairman of the Fire and Lisht committee. Ihe invitation from Bowmanville was difeussed but nothing definite done, as several wish to go but were not yet in a position to decide. The lieutenants reportel that they had completed the divisiqn of the company on the different apparatus, and the list was read, giving the josition of ecach member. . ‘T‘he engingerreported favorâ€" ably and the meetine agourned. ' â€"Come to Grimsby Roller Mills for the best satisfaction in the flour and feed line. We positive; guarantee satâ€" isfaction. / Gristing ancfine chopping & specialty. Wheat and ofs wanted. W. F. Lewis. â€"Anyone calling on Dctist Bennett, cor ner of King and Hughson ;reets, Hamilton, and mentioning that theysaw this will reâ€" ceive careful.attention ancdtheir denistry at greatly reduced rates, TERMS, CASH. C 1891. mare, cheap i . Hawke â€"The Fire Co. has succeeded in seâ€" curing the services of Hoyt L. Conary, one of the best entertainers now beâ€" fore the public. He will give an enâ€" tertainment in the town hall, on Friâ€" day, May 21st, and should be greeted with a full house. This is the first entertainment the Fire Co. has had this year, and we trust that their efâ€" forts, as in the past, will meet with great. success. The program will consist of impersonations, etc., and very high ly spoken of by the press in all towns where it has been presented.. Don‘t miss it. ©‘Further particulars next week. TrrrELL, Texas, April 29, °97. Editor Independent : Dear Sirâ€"Herewith inclosed money order for $1, amount of subscription due your valuable paper. Central Store on Saturday of This Week, The GROGERY S Tell the public who you are, where you are and what you are. "Money talks," so does good advertising. â€" Dear Sir,â€"Please change my address to Alabama, N. Y., and oblige. I wouldn‘t be without your paper. for twice the price, as it comes to me like a voice from bome. Subscriptions to The Independent will be acknowledged in this column as soon as they are received and entered up in the books. Parties who remit us and do not see the amount acknowledged here should drop us a card. No receipt will be sent except by special request : NAME. POST OFFICE. PAID UP TO Sol. Davis Vineland _ Deoc. 31, ‘97 T. A. Simpson, Beamsville, Sep. 15, ‘97 M. J. Kavanagh, Terrell, Texas, _ y ‘July 22, ‘97 This is Your Chance The annual meeting was held on Monday evening, and the following diâ€" rectors were elected : John Kerman, J. H. Grout, D. Sykes H. H. Anderson, LOOK OUT FOR A FULL LIST OF PRICES COTTONS, LINENS AND ALL STAPLE LINES o i C eawal 4 8 _â€"- I 4.‘3\;1 is | : C _ i hsn mea : / i ts ,v‘y; i es . CC uc } i s v& $ «i. r-'w TT CieemoCicl sle Editor Independent: #: To buy goods at less than manufacturers prices. Having bought the E. J. PALMER & .CO‘8, stock at a rate on the $, we are offering at the will sell goods at prices never heard of before in Grimsby. We are sorting off the is complete, and the prices will be found as low as A 1 goods can be sold. The late firm‘s staff of help has been secured, and the great sale will be conâ€" ducted on the cash basis, I In the Next Issue. g and don‘t forget that we will be ready for you on thoroughly, and| have made heavy purchases of Voices From Afar. ALABAMA, N.Y., May 3, ‘07 SATURDAY, MAY 8TH. PAlID UP to meet the demands of a first.class trade ublic Library. Dry Goods Stock ours Yours Resp‘7, Jas. PurCEEL M AND FOR 60 DAYS, J. KAvÂ¥ANAcH ruly, This is the season for houg ing and gardening and if:f quire any articles to assist in work, such as ‘Tubs, Also a full line of General C ceries and the famous Gold M4 Flour at rock bottom prices. _ EAST END GROCER You will find the goods and ; right at the East End Grocery Forks, East End Grocer, Grimsby. S. A. Whittaker, Rev. J. Muir, J, W . Nelles, J. Brenoan, and Wnn Mitohell. Another meeting will hel on Friday evening for the election 0 officers and appointments of committes The library has just closed a ver) successful year, 188 volumes wer added, making a total of 4060, ant there were over 5000 volumes issue( duriog that peroid. _ There are now 110 members, and although the Governmen grant was unusually small last year, 16 is expected to be larger this ‘year, an® the directors look for a very successIU year and expect to have a larget r‘ner bership than ever before, _ _ _ Therreading room, which has been largely patronized, has been gl‘(?atly 0: proved by repapering and adding eleoâ€" tric lights and altogether the library 18 in an excellent condition. ' "Business is good, very good, And continually on the rise," Says the merchant who has som ‘And knows how to advertise. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: at druggiSst8, > Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles: Spades, Shovels, Moes, P. H. GAMBLE Pails, Brooms, Stock Brushes, Rakes, come sense th Tb

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