e of the Gazette apâ€" rer the sign@ture cf| _A similar reduction in J:dh:azgoamgrq htli)e b';o lines for this week, and ient ï¬â€™ep°°ymF;afly wa;| bave just received large sh If the writer would| ments of th when he rushes $ t]gzmupï¬n' : e. 1 shoold| â€"NA8bi0nable Dress Goods i o trut h ols j stick to the truth w}leu Ie “‘Trlmmlngg, Tihens rint (for the first time, ie : :. from the tone of the artlcle,_VelhngS’ Prints t have as much weight mentally as iÂ¥ ; robably possesses physically. But rear: is more than we can expect, as| We\ _ 16L .. ; heard his wail on former occasl a he came no nearer ghe m _now, and his words of wisdom ning were no moré heeded. _ It derful how bard some peop!e el sorry for you, buts you will oncost something better befor make the citizens8 _beheve you Puban fees. on hes he Soreheads. ) old shopâ€"worn at catch. prices, s at lowest posâ€" jes. ers,Finnan Hadâ€" \ Kippered Herâ€" 20c lb. ; cake, usually 5¢. . the best, 15¢ gal. can, l7¢, ‘same as at, 18c. resh 4c box. iscuits,tin box, 25c. [itchell, o A. F. Hawke. od butter and eggs. T Grimsby should be & firstâ€"class 16e cream what the Culp Bros. LENT. SIORK )pl D Foundry. g, about 1 & k =a §M iDr by Fir At the O.K. House now. It‘s wonderful ‘the buying power of $1. All the goods fresh and brand new. 20 yds fast color print $1 35 yds grey cotton $1 8 yds 2â€"yd wide sheeting $1 20 yds flannelette 1.00 10 yds best 12%c¢ print 1.00 T yds dress goods 1.00 17 yds dark gingham 1.00 5 yds table linen 1.00 4 pair ladies‘ black A similar reduction in all lines for this week, and we have just received large shipâ€" ments of AL Perfect pPicnie in J‘rices â€"_. ©eR 3 mitare m in es 3’3‘% ons mpe Cl e unll @“.‘é’m‘ i o teis Mauies hk en cashmere hose 1.00 (nt w1 Wnn Sute miles Men‘s Tweed Suits, regular price $11.00, sale price $7.85 Youths‘ Tweed‘Suits, regula,liprice 10.00, ““ . 7.85 Men‘s Halifax Tweed Suits, _" ggg, : ‘é‘gg i & 3 ggg’ i ‘- 2?(5) $ . 6 “Serge Sults,“ | J 6'50’ § 4:50 s [ a 5.00: 3 es $ 1 n > * s.60, 2. Bfs $ + § 3 50, * /6i 280 f § «« «< «« 2.00, & 1.50 . « « «« 2.75, # 176 6. 66 C 3.50 6C 2'75 § s i ‘s Shoes are all offered at prices never before touched ur stock of Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s i . to in thi?%rpgmzbg{h%r part of the country. Our Crockery, Dinner and Tea Sets at astounding reductions. This is cerâ€" tainly a most favorable time for housekeepers to replenish their wardrobe and china closets. All our goods are new and fresh. Come and help us out with them. | This is only the third announcement of our great sale and it is surprising to us the point it has already reached in the thousands of dollars sold. Nothing else but agenuine givingâ€"up sale could create such enthusiasm amonyg buyers. We are determined that every artâ€" icle must go and to bring about that result prices must tumble. No reserving the best goods, every article sold at asacrifice price, many articles at half price. We want to tell you about our Spring goods. Before deciding to give up business we had placed orders for some lines of spring goods which could not be cancelled. \.These goods conâ€" sist of Shirtings, Flanhelettes, Cottonades, New Cambrics, New Gingâ€" hams, and immense stock of Ladies Blouses It is enough to say that all these goods will be disposed of at slaughter prices. | We are loging a lot of money selling Ready Made Clothing at these prices: _ o * j * o n uh R e x CA /+ M : i B 8 â€" (G give a big cut in ordered . Come and inspect before is we have the finest range Is in the district and price 3 beaten. gaver and Melton Overâ€" Ylue and Black. Vorsted Coat and Vest, y tailored anda trimmed. treed or Worsted Pants, ut and perfect fitting. is proviso always with PS BROS., RIMSBY. 3 whi ds m i es g yha Are CE ; 9k t T BA aA | o ~"R. CB ‘A V e a 0 8 .: 8 E : iraw No â€" bD e hl M i a 9 % 2 S B j in t Ro t y j harusl E3 * 4 loW ( 2c p } y a _ [P #5 w\ io 1 99. m # A o i ts 3. 90% _ > A B9 C f oo T o â€" m uesn . o d "‘_'__ 6e ceR + ¢ . ‘):", uB0 :"-""-'.;"‘ "*‘."." 7 q 19 : & & ; ,; ( - J NJ V a â€""PERFECT SATISâ€" OR NO SALE at IY sSOCIETIES, |.0.C.H.C. meets last Mon ith in Society Hall. 8. A der, R. H. Kemp, Secy. STONE, No. 830, I. ‘O. F., ciety Hall, last Wednesday . T. Miller. C.‘R. ‘C. A:. DDY,. NO 4 4%,â€" U. 'U.. £. uesday of month in Society F.â€"RANDALL,; C: K. â€" JAS; SBTV GK, No. 196, A. 0. U. W. \ and fourth Fridays, in S. Wurrraxrr, M. W. L, Recorder. CE OF WALES LODGE, sets in Society Hall, third f month. Rost. TErRYâ€" [MSBY LODGE, No. 90, | Monday of month in A. M. MiruwaArRD, W.M. iRIMSBY, No. 217, S. Society Hall, first and i# month. â€" G:: W. Mrxâ€" vO. L. ioÂ¥ . 8 A. M. on or before full moon W. D. ForrEs. W. M Gro. GarRr, Recâ€"Sec A. F. & A. M Men‘s Tweed Suits, regular price $11.00, sale price $7.85 Men‘s Halifax Tweed Suits, " 6.50, § 4.50 * Berge Suits, 3 9.00, 4 6.00 & 09 d 6 50, § 4.50 6C 66 66 5.60’ 66 3'75 We will ever look back upon the four years you served us as Master with feelâ€" ings of gratitud â€" to~ ds you for your efficient â€"rvices rowdered ths order. These your~ ire tï¬ ot happy recollee tions _ bich im â€" «> +t measure hbave been brought alout by you. Our asâ€" sociations with you have been of so pleasing and profitable a nature, and the effort put forth by you to carry out, not only in word but in deed, the prinâ€" ciples of the watchword of our order, viz., Charity, Hope and Protection, will long be remembered. Now, brother, as a lasting memento of our esteem for you, we present you with this cane. Vaiue it not on account of its pecuniary worth, but for the spirit of the givers. We hope that you may long be spared to. years of usefuluess and we sincerely pray that our Heavenâ€" ly Father may bless and prosper you and those dear to you. D. Syxr®s, j S. WuirtaKsR, | W. Cowan, [ E. J. WoornyvrrtoX, { Committee, H, H. Anpsrson, | C. C,. Homax, J The council met in the town hall on Saturday, Maron 6th. Ino the absence of Reeve Pettit, Deputy Reeve B. Book was in the chair. _ Dear Brother,â€"We gather about you this evening to express in a more tangible form than has already been exâ€" pressed in the lodge, our deep sense of your untiring energy and devotion, your heaity coâ€"operation, timely council, and zealous interest, which have so material ly cuntributed to the welfare and ad:â€" vancement of our noble order. P The audicors presented their report, and on motion of Pa«lmer and Beamer, the report was received and adopted and the reeve authorized to issue his cheque for $10 for their services. In prescntiog their report the audiâ€" tors wished to have it placed on record that they were exceedingly well pleased with the businessjike aud neat way in last issue, the fcllowing address was preâ€" sented at the same time : North Grimsby Council. In connection with the presentation to Wm. Forbes, Esq., of a beautiful gold headed cane, already noted in our TO WM. FORBES, ESQ , Past Master of ~Grimsby Lod No. 108, X. 0. U. W :~â€". (Hrimsaby. Mar.4 CIVINGâ€"UPâ€"BUSINESS SALE NTRA SITONE Presentation. is you for your cred the order. happy recollec t â€" measure have The following sccounts were passed : Stuart (Waiker.....slscrrsre «ase$ 0 90 W.H. Nelies, reg. B., D. and M. 10 60 C. H. Mills, oak plank...........« 6 56 W. H. Nelles, Board of Health _ . MECCHIDZ ......;2» ......ser .saseae, OO W. H. Nelles, expenses to St. | | ‘ Catharines re county rates.... 1 25 J. A. LiviD@StOND...... ircecsarena BR ,;e W. W. Beamer, 8. S. 13 nominaâ€" _ 4! UIOD ... . ...+s .aiacre04 sawk as a Â¥eveee & 2 7 Municipal World, for torms...... 2. 'f H. Kelson, bridge repairs ......... 8 OU R. Cosby, moviag and repairing | _\ | r0oad MaGhitG ......scsssersanres | 2 00 The next meeting of the oo'unéi;l‘-‘;% f be held on Saturday, April 10th, at H The clerk was instructed Mr. Fieldiog that the c()uncl‘iï¬ï¬lé consider the abutments in a condIbIOI receive the iron #pan. ‘ #.> U John S. Fieldiog, of Hamilton, the council that the: Canagian | and Iron Co. were ready to 8h Grimsby bridge, and wished to what he wouid do h ‘The council met in the town h““m Monday night, members all present °x cept W. D. Forbes, who was confined t the house with sickness. & The clerk was authorized to write Mrs. Robt. Kemp that the council are of the opinion that no injust’tde is being done her on s{deline between lots 2 and 3, concession 5 and 6, as the timber is W. B. V anDyke, of the village coun cil cemetery committee, appeared before the council, explaineg the cemetery scheme as proposed, and asking the council for‘ a grant. _ The council thought it advisable to 14y the matter over until the next meet!?8 when the reeve would be present. which theâ€"bookswers ipt. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"_~ T hos. Pearson was paid $3.35 for one sheep killed by dogs. x1 the It Village Council. aud light ecommibbeG ind avcouuts as ftol vonderpogintnitt. reuumonmmmmmcormannenenunmmemtmonerncee tollows ian briidge to ship the 1 to knaow report wrote A byâ€"law to authorize the purchase of a portion of land suitable for a zgubâ€" lis cemstery, sitaate without the village, was read and received its several readâ€" iogs and passed. _ The byâ€"law was introduced and passed. A byâ€"law was introduced authorizing the issuing of debentures for $2,000 for cemetery parposes. The by law was given its first and second readings. ’gt matter of loitering on the coroer J}Zw and D pot streets was brought ï¬f,. ti was decided to give all cou easd fair warnios chrouch the villize :fg‘.; 7’{1“11«5 reeve was appointed to superin'- aml the work ou the Q and G. stone ) :. d April 6 h suring fire hall, $10; street lighting for two months, $50 ; N. Culp, for Fire Co., 85¢., total $60.35. Â¥ote on the byâ€"law will be taken on U wELEBRATED Ha 29 L i ;C) | ND PowERr MACHKINB inbntity ! STRANGER ! D 5|} [ H‘;[ sumumn t dsn Choise Liquors and Cigars always in stock. Btable in connection. Fine commercial sample rooms stables. Leave Hamiltonâ€"9.10, 11.15, 1245,; 2.10 8.15, 5.10; 8.45, Leave Grigsbyâ€"7.30, 9.30, 12.85, 2.00, 8.25,}05.25, 8:90. On SATURDAY cars leave Grimsby for the west at 25 minutes after every hour from 6:25 a.m. to 9:25 p.m., excepting 11.25 a.m. and 7:25 p.m. Cars leaving Hamilton at 1:10 and 8:10 p.m. are cancelled. 188 and 140°King street This hotel has baen thoroughly reflitted and refurnished in firstâ€"class style for the accommodation of the travelllng public. F‘Hu commercial sample rooms and good at as hk GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, busy man, to office boyâ€"Bring powder or I‘ll soon have a heada muddled now. HAMILTON, GRIMSBY, & BEAMSYILLE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. HAMILTON.]1 tates oniy $1 a day. Firstâ€"class dinner:2tc, F. W. BEARMAN, PROPRIETOR. papers. «lf this i parties will be sum istrate. FARRELLâ€"At Grimsby on March 2 the wife of H. H. Farrell,of a daughter AMERICAN HOTEL VICTORIA HOTEL 83â€"89 King St. west, cor. IKing & Charles John Rowan, Proprietor. Where did you get your hcrse clipped ? "At T. W. Crow‘s, Grimsby. He has one of the best machines out. He does a firstâ€"class job,and his price is right. _ Now is the proper time, too." Call at Perry‘s blacksmith shop. T. W. Grow, Grimsby Council then adjourned F. C HALBERSTADT, PROP #MITIIVILLE,I 7.85 4.25 4.50 3.1T5 2.50 1.50 1.176 2.7 0 If this is not sufficient, the EXLAMILTON. SUNDAY TIME ing street east, a few doors east of Jatharine street Born. nmonsed before a mayâ€" â€"bring me a pink Â¥ headache. . T‘ TABLE,. OR