QOP 16. I‘ay ‘fle ( bone 4 Tw . UE the mMOore op l 27 i4 "treger;. T wo transfery have rg Po" Cettly takep Place, Migg L. Mauir hag | ©810 PUrchaseq the log next t, W. p. Lewis® | DOSt, And wo undemcaud, iutends bui]ding., V!;m. Gnmsby B making rapiq PrOgresy ang | Tll c o s El 8 7 C Strum we have every faith 1 ltg future being brigbt. Rov. Jas, Goodwin hag pur{? sharp, thaseq the fing brick residenge h at B.) _‘p 8 J. Pa]mer's, and wi}] sbol'tIy fl9ve in: | 111. . . 6. baving rented hfg Drona«l. y Streeg t __ JFtlin, g' isti()g- n Ao i e N. 2 j â€" ) Ol ‘the respeqc; All welcome, Ne s h (Bok meeting Of the bicycle T’_’e Program Elven | a ppl o ,*#s helq lasy Wedueoday tight in meeting .Of â€"the Debattqg the clnup 100me, T he fo]lowiug Officery Enday hight was !’Otb n for 1897 were €lecteq . B. . Nelleg lnstr ""tâ€'e-, W. Biggap pe president; J, Gibsop, vioe-presideut; C. | duties Of eritig it & most * ~P. Farre]| o\,e’v~Treas 7 F. TenE_yck, and I’_""V"ked_?"?s’d""“b]" PAptain ; Jas, Hewitt, 1st Lieup ; R,. / his lively Arlticismgs, Pr Farrell, 2nd Lieut, The tlub now ""“'“"?0"“1’ Miss O““"-Y" d: Mumbery 41. , Brodie sad Plaip ) Feading, j a debate, “Resolved tha ; Eng]m y \Rgal ie "is °2 the N0re on POwerfy] than tho Uniteq St abtn stree; I wo transfery haye reâ€" Cision fop aflirma“'ve; recitatio POlly takep Place, Misg 3/ Mauip has Post. Tp, refereey were .J / irchaseq 5p : 10t nex; tv W, p. Lewxs', Wm. 0, Kkeg * _ d we undemcaud, iutends bui]ding. 5 ‘1} 1 'imsby is making tapid progs,. ** have CVery farr .D rhv y\ SuAglilys 9 T for 1897 Were eleoj Présidep ; J., Gibsop . Fapea; / ~, UI \Tbe club WflS & and €¥enino IDL' 1n t ha A9 L J 1\61’11]8.1), proprietor Gritpsby, Ont, \Mechodist Chure Cthe 41. . t f)f} fine ‘Ine se to anty stay t cOn D1 On EIID str@et, Stree(;_ IC is p ing T5x159 feet 0 get Plang op °06 them &t the viOog prop eA ")M’Ucc .W()rulan Cach AS 5 , M w CC T auuua a s the ‘pert_y Eim\ In ¢} n) plu fl]' L"uy SCOck hn a e n uWds ‘/, l‘Ieyer Wa,‘ lflmitbee con Gibson’ w § appOiuted t e Mentioneq Nki U} 'OI] ,b Or Milly Prope INSURE . .. LONDON MUTUAL c NORTBH BRITISH & MERCANTILE COMMERCIAL UNION and HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO‘S Mâ€"ON T Y . B. Calder E. J. Palmer, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENCES. Appointments made to issue licences priâ€" vately if desired. Office, Central Store, Main street, Grimsby. C JA to See diDQ 6 AND MONEY TO LOAN on M lowest rates, of Interest. suit borrowers. It â€"Anyone calling on Dentist Bennett, corâ€" ner of King and Hughson streets, Hamilton, and mentioning that they saw this will reâ€" ceive careful attention and their denistry at greatly reduced rates. â€"â€"Dr. Carleton was in town Monday. â€"H. C. Kerman was in Toronto this week. â€"Manager A. J. Nelles, of the H G. & B., was in town Monday. â€"The scholars of the Grimsby public school have contributed $5 towards the Indian famine fund. n â€"I have yet some first class corn fodder which also contains the corn. It is yellow dentâ€"tooth. Al feed. W. H Brand, Winona. â€"The young people held a surprise party at C Dowser‘s last Friday evenâ€" ing. Over twenty were present and a few hours filled to the brim with fun were enjoyed by all ot wil} ley. An , ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Who represents the following well and favorably known comâ€" panies ; AGENT ROYAL INSURANCE CO. On real estate at LOWEST rates of interest, both private and company fuads. Also for PLATE GLASS or ACCIDENT ingurance apply to is : (Br°ss, ang 8tru itg Future bemg Shse, Iwin hag $ dPnce nexyy E. e "MY move Itty | lotg & °rty On Mur. b_y; &m i;†J‘ iS tbe plaee the ?r'f chan work, | W E, 301'[1 ‘Sbeâ€e.d/ east ; ed 4; *::~ OPOar W 410 ~* C the paStOr: lprea(,h 76 "P â€" AFri4 Grimsby, Mar. 4. uts Mc pr 2 SKB Mecting, "8°t to let mp Price JYou ery Stock, My Stock % cherry *8d Dear IS asy ‘k grown in C‘anada,and al} home APNuw . i1 " clâ€'}ing Was aP[ consigti, d x ed tO Inr 3 and R P4TDOSeq W. D. PORBES, W A Orap A s Py ~* fAittee 1 dzflâ€erent rinks and NCXE ma,s~ th USlaStiq Olu HOHSe hat coulg urling an j h rage oren uin s: ste . + eiisgg0 VC â€"AnDOL social/will be held in the schew 7 a berty w t G.ri'u sby _ OClomie ra.u;-t" Sao ely pioy" # q. ""“A--“"L' v" ‘ H I'POI,M "*s the t‘ ""T Cha.,. p . "rC" 20 YE Fo,. ; ONAp WITH â€"â€" Grimsby n 4PCE Ig 3 wo be q f'ull'bouse. 1 8t in the Prograpn, 2SlaS8tiq meeting , House last Fridg t coulg be done ; 08 anq bockey rin *Ppointeq Shairip, Sting of p ;; /4 _ 3 uym l,]psibys 06 CC 90 erect q b 1 be committee ig -Pel'em: nti‘% % "ualrma‘ s 208 "of PF, Uaw] J Drope, 8. wi look Up a Suitable being W. p Gib. $ aveuue. D TY wW. B. CALDER, Grimsby C din uï¬e‘l’s Misses Mi;g: yA ; Tead in â€" 8n s x « ave. P bowerg pirsdolveq that Erf«;’laud is{gg:é frill hold aVe reâ€" I),O_wcrfyl Cban tbe Ul)ited Statesâ€â€™ de. U ree lWe‘ weighta . aï¬"llmcive 3 recitation, by our M}? rch a} Lewig®, | P06t. The refe_l‘ees were J, UOWau and A weleo; ildiflg., mip Oa'kes' Nexp week tho Program | â€" â€"My r8, , ang | U Consist op ImPromptu speecbgs’ u. T hor mi2is l,)einu StrumentaIS, etao; Chay, O SPe _ | Sharp, pur. '.ll)cas RPOW“ °xt » the tbï¬ Â» u; â€"_"‘‘4Dle Site wW, F GibSOn’s ‘uue, R Hflgar’s J LiPSit;'s °2 John | c to Crect 3 bailg. G MMitteq 39 also rinks 4nd pre. ne ?ting. C CC Price Tolur asl;_ 31.7 Strint | k 22 t A8Dsite . Metbodist Schoo] roop fl“"ée’}’, Map 15, and in the chureh the foilowing We Snnriay, Ww, Lucag will contrity ; he Rey, @xcellen; Solog The lect, _ Morp. the *U48SDicog O ‘the yo ID tho 80Ci@tigg Of the respect; All Welcome. k 24 IPro _ Mortgage Security at t. â€" Repayments to ME ue ‘(The H.Q,. Morp, Qe!‘y, Ma,-_ ~Your ~CHart f n worthy . Miso 1 ‘_tow rink W ednesq . . 51 a ,Wards Owing . G Mi“W.a «_ A/ampug 3 W ï¬ngem >=~4 V 6 bargaiu, three Patige; on Adelaide Street, Criing Mbr abo and stable, fruig trees, Occume. and 8"apes, APpl_y on l?o‘.’e [Â¥ t0 Mrg, He"derso,, Y on | m e"SOn N14 & eV ile and rSOn ipy:" Thaning Cow, milk;ng' Grimsbyl You You 27 the five [0]br00k m At 7 PreYere circulal‘s well, but of »p s . l OMI1) o l‘lenders:;: 160 Iï¬ng < Boots & Shoes a&nd in fouowing Ccan g, At prices away downr. Your inspection invited. You have to chop or split wood we have the largest assortment of 8e handles, Hickory and Oak, all lengths and styles, and Axes that will fit any of them. | ‘The price will suit too. Our lined cordwood mitt is a dandy. My dear, you must get me some pink powâ€" ders, Miss F never suffers any pains since she began using them.â€"The delicate wife. â€"Mrs. R. Lipsit spent Sunday with relatives in Bartonville. | â€"W, E. Ramsey, of the Pedlar Metallic Co., Oshawa, was in town last Thursday looking up business. It was his company that put in the ceiling in the Methodist church. â€"A sample Cleveland bicycle was received at Miller‘s jewellry store last Friday. It is finished in wire color and presents a baautiful appearance. Call in and see the improvements on it that other wheels have not got. N# trouble to talk wheel. 4( ,_â€"In another columr;;g}?(. at advt announcing that the flington tl:ii' orty _ will ,!gE Eï¬ld by; nllf:“-;.a“u‘c;J A large stock to choose from. &Atilon Repairing neatly and promptly done. C Year mMet . Plebg l';e‘ / Speechs * U‘ge ro a. It jg ‘ tbeir + beauty i[] and e how . _ Whittaker, 20g3 Sa w WM. FORBES. aceiq in P**Tticy] CS3 BQOI{ ,chdeub 3 While Cnt Olsl 4n GOGiet_y iOtel’bstiag Pel‘formed 8ble m a .. s h«’iVe I" tail, 169 if ; nd gep ) w you UCAS w 1 l C‘ and . Culp ; ran cMents io ODen an Ioe ']’G three lor agbout May 151;, INn the t »Grimg. a treey oocuplgd by L. p Oakle_. ‘ly on | move bls.st_udto office Upsta i Or to | Stock of frhitg and ©onfectio ,street; *ays bo kept in Stock ag we 7 toOmepg bay rely 4POD beip | tire Satisl'action. The C r old Rlaph C,, he vo d‘cided to with &n Office hera‘;; ; a 6 On re to ba 1@ U00 j Simp at asg #o 00n WINTER T RADE e 18 the EP !y jn TOp B 7.45 /We(“ks ‘" look, Will leg Just 1 ‘Ol'ing e 4nYyone Uttin Mannep well . " 8180 Fiog: .. " taRet, of Migg Fem'es, 8 Misgion, r Yder ; will hold 4 missionary | ore Free Metbodist oburcb, h de. March a, T:30 Pm. p,. ' O':; Al} welcome. an at IF 3 Who 1 ue aey., strawberr; /plants for a weekly thril'ty. f ty lasc/ ~â€"Fop Sa S 804 |!‘nyp, .. 2143 “II:;{' / iti M o ne Sâ€Ould/.A hew Suit | in the i ODe Sar, bre i iiizh s n 34 ‘K offruits and ‘Tg u]ay rely u! S“‘iflléction_ ie gpN is o estab] ish P‘aceq as Ba WOOd ‘ is dOin‘ Sreat o ‘able ;, wound, "formed Uure prOpPl‘ty MiSs M. i(:ing Mrs, C \Rév_ B. M igg Fe"ies. T £ \ .7 CaTr0ty Vi“e_ . H. at iLrg, Dobe,ty l yth, where She with olq friends 4. and ; / * Wicl Oing v» the ‘® Ver. cha.h hi t the t'hi"d a | Give Prices y *=St 4. d 2 In irst (ance Oa,E-b Ouble | S0 ge 80n Dr3 «+ Dasci“n ~‘Geo p; St. Ar; of I,s 8e Dale. Rey / ‘nornin pâ€SllIUD OO, & ied him hearty S an the/ ‘te. ~Ot, A"dl‘ew’g ries of specia[ o Andrewys o P or â€" Culp h 1 an Irm ale CVe the Rilleg, 53 Rillecc. nt, C to e 4st Eua O“tbbcn cheap' e Crow ':‘Ids‘ ante hay â€"A meeting of the Grimsby Choral Society was held at the bhouse of Mrs. H. E. Nelles, GrimsBy, Mar. 9. It was decided to engage the service of H. A. Stares,of Hamilton, as conductor, for the purpose of giving & representation of The May Queen ab the town hall, Grimsby, in course 0f a few weeks. Those desirous of joining the Choral Society may leave -1 names with the secretary, George Meyer, Grimsby. Practices will be held on each Tuesday. eft ___â€"The secretary of the Gimsby Gold Mining Co. informs us that great activâ€" ity prevails in their gamp on the Wabiâ€" goon., The manager, J. A. Livingston, reports on Feb 20, that the shaft is down seven feet.. Ap assay taken on the five foot level showed an increase of $1 »er foot from the surface. _ A road has been cut into the property, a buok ‘Aguse and:blasksmith shop built and & gang of four miners are Ronstantly at work,. A very favorable| report is exâ€" peoted this week and |w" aiipear in our next issue, { * 0 ~â€"MiS S rom â€"$30,000 private funds at 54% to lend on improved farm security, with terms of repaymen-l;? suit borrowers. Loans put through without delay. ‘No commissisn charged. (If you want to borrow money to pay bff present mortâ€" gage at high rate of interest call on Morphy & Baker, Grinsby. Se ib"t o0 "In§ the 1 \ Cbul.cb | HamHCOn â€"Rev. J. H. Rielding, missionary at Tapleytown, Woodburt and Rymal, took the service in S;, Andrew‘s church, Grimsby, on Sunday moraing last. Rev C. R. Lee being absept on missionary deputation work at Rymal and Wood:â€" burn. <£ â€"01‘n ‘onari, “Si(’iug "s 10r 4 with SOVera _ to the will on Tbursd Rog nd off d Chig Th @Aile 0 Y to Inc R y n e pot Anc tr Wis} R chu; l Py NC 0) ES STORL We have no old shopâ€"worn goods to offer at catch. prices, but new goods at lowest posâ€" gible cash prices. FOR LENT. Fresh Oysters,Finnan Hadâ€" die, Cod Fish, Kippered Herâ€" rings. § Choice coffee 20c 1b. Toilet soap 2¢ cake, usually 5¢. . Canadian oil, the best, 15¢ gal. Purest American, 17¢, same as others advertise at, 18c. Yeast cakes fresh 4¢ box. Cream soda biscuits,tin box, 25¢. For cash only. WANTEDâ€"Good butter and eggs. V . â€" Mitchell, Culp their agent. Grimsby should be & good place for a firstâ€"class 16e cream parlor anod that is what the Culp Bros. intend conducting. Editor Independent : 3 In the last issue of the Gazette apâ€" pears an article over the sign@ture cf "Citizen‘", in which he would like to lead the citizens and ratepayers to beâ€" lievo that our present fire company was away below par. © If the writer would only stick to the truth when he rushes into print (for the first time, I should judge, from the tone of the artlele) he might have as much weight mentally as he probably possesses physically. _ But that is more than we can expect, as/we have heard his wail on former occasi when he came no nearer the m than now, and his words of wisdom warning were no more heeded. _ It wouderful how bard some peopl* I feel sorry for you, bus you will to concoct somethiog better befor will make the citizens believe yo the only people on earth. AML EL wl@=P Arim oh > id Next Door to A. F. Hawke. A Wail of the Soreheads. n Fire at th« n t 11 l )1 : eR ue fox q\ Perfect pPicniec in pPricesâ€" At the O.K. House now. It‘s wonderftul ‘the buying power of $1. All the goods fresh and brand new. 20 yds fast color print $1 35 yds grey cotton $1 8 yds 2â€"yd wide sheeting $1 20 yds flannelette 1.00 10 yds best 12%ic print 1.00 7 yds dress goods 1.00 17 yds dark gingham 1.00 5 yds table linen 1.00 4 pair ladies‘ black A similar reduction in all lines for this week, and we have just received large shipâ€" ments of â€"Fashionable Dress Goods â€"Trimmings, Linens â€"Veilings, Prints e naat '9:7 meyy. e alos Veme > vabln D Ne y 0s S .. f‘,l"r"* s «\','.f?;{\, & i"{‘ï¬?&‘; Nh pot a i?&ï¬?&t@%ï¬ï¬‚: ‘ï¬%ï¬@é 2 FW C cashmere hose 1.00 o ts c t e e gote S (uoaiainal A e enbetie d <oo P oi 01e 3 .3‘ 13 th, in anetiie ts 0e 0 Moone trienfo 2. dr oi y ue ,,.v;.y‘.wl‘: l * 4. ue r , +. Sce lt ts ids C yo2 Noh us oo Aruc ts d 4..3":2'.'1‘;!.'-5?15‘3 s u“’*f«" t e id cce o aine s nc s romaan at esc Un ie