CHRISTMAS CANDY, PURSES, PIPES,. ° ‘EFC. Is complete, and at prices away down. sSpecial reducâ€" tion to Xmazx tre«es, The riock ouf TUYS, DOLLS PICTURHE BOOKSs, WHITTAKER‘S balUG STORE FTbis hotel bas been thoroughly refitted and vefurnished in firstâ€"class style for the mccommodation of the travelling public. Â¥ine commercial sample rooms and good «tables. Ratessoniy $1 a day Whittarer‘s Block, Grimsby GRAKD CENTRAL HOTEL AMERICAN â€" HOTEL â€":Nothing so prompt, certain and take for headache and neuralgia as Pinuk Powders. _ â€"Mrs. Paradice and her three daughters, of Buffalo, are here for the holidays. __â€"Joseph Henry, of Rochester, is here on a visit to his brother A. R. Henry. Mrs. Bonnam, of Lynden, is home to spend Obristmas with bher parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moore. > with his fowls at four birds he won s k % s e O ssssssssfanme *( T&l"W‘, dam Nettie Ross. He is ‘8 rare good one and bids fair to beyas fast as his two ha‘fâ€"sisters, (Babette and Lotus. - mimcoe t£0o S Year‘s with â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. D. and Master Kenneth Christie, «or Simcoe, are the guests of J. H. Grout! 5 â€"We are in receipt of a communi eation from â€" Grassie‘s Corners but as the name was not attached we cannot publish it [ 83â€"89 King St. west, cor. ;King & Charles TLA M II/TON. have States j â€"â€"Ueorge .L NH a few days with Phillips of this ; has gone to Osh: * Miss Ida Nelles returned last week from a visit to Guelph. â€"Benj. Little and Carry Little have gone to St. Thomas to spend the holidays. â€"Albert Little is home from C land for the holidays. 10me BOOKSâ€"Large and choice stock of new and standard books, something to suit everyâ€" one. An excellent line for young people. BIBLESâ€"From the smallest in the world to the large size family Bible. Bibles for ttachers and scholars from 25¢ to $15. Prayer and Hymn Books in all sizes and styles of bindings, in sets and single books. A very large and varied stock. PURSES AND CARD CASES in separate and combination styles, with or without silâ€" wer corners, in Hangaroo, Russia, Morocco, seal and cheaper leathers from 5¢ to $6. MANY OTHER LINES too numerous to mention. We invite you to come and see our stock, We will give you the best values ever offered or the Booksellers and Stationers, King St., opp. the Gore. CXAMILTTON. ~EASTWOOD & CO. Grimsby, Dec.26 M F. C. HALBEBSTADT, PROP. n aon fKife us wmann Holiday Season H CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! BEARMAN, PROPRIETOR. H â€"Phillips. of Chicago, sp« with bis brother Char this place last week,. Oshawa for Christmas. attie Udell has gone to end Ohristmas and New her uncle Edwin Udell. en Fi~stâ€"ol as# dinner;25c. "[ REES was very successfal tuelph show. With four prizes. PERFUMES Aidhnaesa PAve i Tipprmm and nice to as Wiley‘s He ev(>â€" Boots Just received a shipment of heayy sox and rubbers,felt goods of different styles, rubâ€" bers and overshoes, which we offer at lowest prices. FULL LINES 44â€" Ordered work a specialty. hepairs neatly and promptiy done. it _â€"J. F. TenEyck is home from colâ€" lege to spend the holidays with his father. ' FOR SALE OR REN‘T _â€"For Saleâ€"Several tons of good hay at reasonable prices. . The same may be delivered, if necessary, at any place within a reasonable distance of Fulton. Enquire of Thomas Theal, Fulton. $ â€"Lostâ€"On the evening train beâ€" tween St. Catharines and Grimsby on Saturday, Dec. 24, ‘95, a pen picture of a "blue jay." _ The owner values the picture very much and would pay a suitable reward for its return to the Independent office, Grimsby. _â€"Tostâ€"Between S. Whittaker‘s and Wm. Forbes, a pocket book con: taining a small sum of money. Findâ€" er will please leave at Independent office. _ A suitable reward. J. H. (Grout. Subscriptions so The Independent will be acknowledged in this coluron as soon SE KGINN3â€"â€"â€" (G A. V, beame J B. Bowslau GChas. Davis P. Wism Mrs. E A Alex. B On Sunday morning last one OT (Grimsby‘s best business men passed away in the person of John V Vanâ€" Dyke, head of the firm of J. VanDyke & Sons. For the past three months an insidious disease of the liver has been sapping his strength,and although he held up bravely until the very last his indomitable spirit had to give away and he was gathered peacefully to his fathers! As we go to press his reâ€" mains are being laid to rest in the Presbyterian cemetery. An extended review of his life will appear next week LOST OR FGUND The bhigh school entertainment alâ€" ways draws a big_house and last Friâ€" day night‘s attendance was quite up to if not abead of the average . The receipts were about $90, which may be termed extraordinary for Grimsby \ To particularize the program would be impossible, but we.can safely say: that it had sufficient length, variety and merit to satisfy the most fastidiâ€" ous. All the pupils took part, and a great many of their friends, _ The most noteworthy of the proceedings were the singing of Mrs. Harrison, the violin playing of Miss Taylor, the presentation of the trial scene from the Merchant of Venice and the meetiug of Queen Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots. The delsarte gymâ€" nastic by the scholars under the direcâ€" tion of Miss Willoughby was very pretty. t . E 1e i M ces $ After the entertainment, diplomas were presented to John Cowan, Fred VanDuzer, W. Konkle and Clyde Goodwin. _ The electric lights are far ahead of the coal oil lamp, which had become a great source of danger. Mr. Harrison and Miss Barr are to be congratulated on the success of the affair. High School Entertainment Of leather goods suitâ€" alle for winter wear. Whittaker, John VanDyke Dead il1n mt except by spocial request PoOST OFFICE. PAID UP TC PAID r_ Jordan Sta. ams Falton n _ Taylor,Texas 1e Grimsby Cen. L6 Shoes GRIMSBY Dec. 31, Dse. 31; Dec. 31, Aug. 1, Dec, 31, July 4, Feb.: 17; Nov. 1, Dec. 31. last one of ©96 ‘96 ‘95 96 96 ‘96 ‘96, 96 96 To our Patrons and Friends ‘} ! We also desire to return lour thauks for the liberal patronage extiended to us for the past 34 years, durinerwhich fime we have introduced (in our|lines) more new goods to the market fo Jhomg conâ€" sumption than all of our couf.petitors put together, and toâ€"day are as well prepar ed to furnish anything wauted (whether in stock or not) at short n â€" _ and at prices as low as any repuba m. In Fancy Goods and Holiday is, comâ€" Vase, Hall and ) uet Lamps, Chamber. Sets, Tea Seti Jarvers, Tes and Table Kuives, Plat . ware avd Silâ€" ver goods at cut rate pr 368. Form 1 to 2â€"Toul ~House, Fanuie Doran, â€" Olive ittaker, _ Frank Konkle, Ethel Colgp, (Dick Michener. Vesta Millgate, Curre 3y Flett, Harry Garr. Effie Raymond | Stanley Plain. Form 2 to 3â€"aseon Whittaker, Hattie Groce, Gi ie Marlatt, Herbie Farrell, Lily N 3 Edward Hand, Neliie Holbroo, zer_ McNinch, Hittie Coon. | wmomes ns coermers \ _ Form 3 to 4â€"/! Sayder, Frank Flossy Whittak®" i tpeey" _ Horm T to Sâ€".’])’l‘““’ B()O»k, Mabe Snaycer, Arthur Q'll’, TLily Hjiâ€, Mar somal romiA cus Coon Nellie CUole, A/QH V Plain, Artbur Nory», Blanche Randall. |â€" Lentra We wish to lnk our many customers for tHiberal patronâ€" age they have ended to us durâ€" ino the and trust th very Merry C) New Year H.J . Pal Grimsby Publi c School. orm PROMOTION EXA HINATIONS. M‘-â€"ffl v*" to gjf?harlie H K(’)nléiz, Larry: Nelles. _8 â€"Iyrtle Book, Mabel t‘ orbes. T)liday rade... mas and Happy may all enjoy a er & Co SOMC, FE Farrell, Mary Flossy Smyse, 10r. > Peels, Exâ€" ges, Lemons A1, and sold Farrell, Wilâ€" Aunieâ€" Hill, arrlson, USI NE me m m? + P N Me & FRESH ... Â¥ A ARRIVALS 2 aAeAz7¢ | 7G 7AG.7(G society. was held Monday ¢vening. Mr. Sweet acted as critic. Rieve M. Pettit, Clerk R. R. Snith and Treasâ€" urer F. B. Henry, of this township, being present were called on and gave short addresses. _ The debate for next night is "Resolved that agents are 2 greater nuisance than potato bugys." ‘The â€" Uhristmas. entOFbniHEIISRI D: O3 the Methodist Sunday School was held in the town hall on Monday night,and was a most successful affair. The little folks, under the manageâ€" ment of Superintendent Hewitt, did themselves and their teachers much credit. Why suffer with headache ? A der will relieve you in 10 minutes A meeting was held at the Mansior House Monday evening for the pur pose of organizing a gun club.. There was a good attendauce and much en vhusiasm shown by those present. _ A club was formed to be known as the Grimsby Gun C.ub, and the following officers elected : 8. E. Mabey,; presi Eleme Figs Choice Red Salmon apan Teas at 25, 40 and | vhusiasm club was Grimsby ofticers â€"¢ dent; J. club was formed to be known as the (Grimsby Gun C.ub, and the following officers elected: 8. E. Mabey, presiâ€" dent; J. A. Pettit, viceâ€"president ; N. L. Randall, secretary treasurer ; Exâ€" ecutive committeeâ€"Wm. (Gibson, (G. W. Meyer, David E. Fisher, H. M. VanDyke. A good orchestra added much to the pleasure of the evening, and a well loaded Cristmas tree made the little people happy. Santa Claus appeared, dressed in furs, but minus his whiskers,which he had shaved off during the warm weather. f The club purpose holding their first shoot on New Year‘s afternoon at 2 p. m, on the farm of W. S. Anderson}» east of the village. Next Door to A. F. Hawke. New Season Valencia V axDrrEâ€" â€"At his residence,Grimsâ€" by, on Sunday, Dec. 22, ‘95, John 2Â¥, VanDyke in the 66th year of his age. Underwear buyers, listen. get fine all wooi underwear $1.50 tye suit at Treble‘s, the ever shown. Cor. King and Hamilton. Useful Xmas presents in endless varieâ€" ty at Treble‘s. Fine Fur~Caps for chilâ€" dren. Gents‘ Persian Lamb, Teal, and Beaver Caps, the best and cheapest. Cor. King and James Sts,, Hamilton, Oranges, Lemons, Dear Editor »â€"Please inform your readers, that if written to confidentially I will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest home cure, by which I was perâ€" manently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. * have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness. Perfect secrecy assured. Address with stamp :â€"Mr. Edward Lambert. P. O. Box 55, Jarvis, Ont. _ . Mitchell, Grimsby Gun Club Christmas entertainment of Christmas Tree Choice cleaned Currants One Honest Man. Cream Soda Biscuits ilar M Stoney Creek buyers, listen. You cen ooi underwear at $1 and at Treble‘s, the best value Cor. King and James, Ats., Fulton Died. . Citron Peel and 50 cents als1ns A pink pow T wo weeks untll AINMas, _ LIOL is ehough to start the mind in the strain of presents. wWHAT TO GIVE! Jardineres, placques, tray covers, chenille curtains, a dress or a fur cape for mother. e dveenniy on s ITNI w0 SaxaÂ¥ tA \JOJ[J\J TB Nee n in ue t A hat, fur cap, gaurtlets, mitts for father. Bon bon casket, fancy trays, perfume, glove and handkerchief cases, Trilby pin cushions, lace collars, work bask ets for sister. Shaving cases, elegant ties,handâ€" kerchiefs, â€" shaving â€" mirrors for brother. D Silk handkerchiefs from up for all. Something for one, ca¢ every body. Come and buy. Dress BUSsSINESS®S ! ON STRAIGHT LINES Ts OoOUF MOLPO Good goods for good money and at rock bottom prices. Finest teas and choicest coffees always on hand. f - Is still to the front. _ Try it, and if it doesn‘t give the best satisfacâ€" tion return it and get your money. Fresh canned goodsâ€"corn, peas. tomatoes, salmou, ete. _ New raisâ€" ins and currants. _ Citron, lemon mad,orgpge peo) °. dedt * "f7aras â€" *2:a and shredâ€" matter of the real\ EStaLE U} UUCULIGE H&DVGY, deceased, and in a cause Mabey vs. Mabey, the creditors o+ George Mabey, late of the Village of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, who died in or about the month of November A. D., 1881, are on or before the sixth day of January, 1896, to send by post prepaid or deâ€" liver to E. A. Lancasger of No. 6 Queen street, in the City of Sg. Catharines, the soâ€" licitor for the plaintiff, their christian and surnames, addresses, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims; a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securiâ€" tes, if any, held by them; or i2 default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment. ~\_Rvervy creditor. holding any security is to U To at rinc D.; the clai last End Grocer, Grimsb oi Dated at Grimsby this ber, 1895. All sorts of X Shirts, Collars, Braces. Muffier proof Coats, C Hamilton. ssâ€"making department under management of Miss Jury. 1ImS. Dated t Notice to Creditors. du the irsuant to a Ju ustice Chane ti Ripans Tabules Executors‘ Notice. GEORGE W. MEYER, Of Grimsby, Solicitor for the Executors TV I1O L P. 4. GAMBLE t] I t rts of Xmes presents at Treble‘s: Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, Silk Mufflers, Umbrelias, and Waterâ€" ats, Cor. King and Sames Sts., E4B3 s until Xmas. â€" That start the mind in the & K: 16th day of December, 1895. F. W. MaAcDOoNALD, Local Master at St. Catharines ) ; XG . lgmeut of the High Court ry Division made in the estate of George Mabey, one, each, all, | £QL V , i1 Gay of Jan before nool adjudication 17th day of Decem "71£6C. dgment. y security is to it my chambers ty of St. Cathaâ€" v of January A. qvee weoner mm zn ~â€"won 12%c. being n the We have our entire stock of fall| ed to vote at t sgoods now complete with some exâ€"| have the termin| Sra fine lines of English, Scotch,| tric railway at I "Irish and Canadian After passing on uie e ies val The meeting was called to hear a proposition of settlement from F,. L. Webster on behalf of the Co., and it was agreed as follows : The Co. to pay $100 down,~"$200 and costs in action, Village vs. Co. to be paid by Jan. 2, ‘06. ~The company to be allowed to leave their track where it is on condiâ€" tion of keeping crossings, etc., in propâ€" er repairs. FALL pis‘s, 1t orvj>s snd is t:1e best C "Tweeds & Overcoatings ‘A special meeting of the village council: was held in ‘the fire hall on Tuesday, â€" Dec. 24th inst. _ Members all present. Settlement With the Quarry Co â€"Stark‘s Powders, each package of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, ti'le cover of which forms a measâ€" ure for one dose, an immediate relief for cosâ€" tiveness, sgicd headache and stomach, also nueralgia and all inds of nervous ains, and another in capsules, (from 4 to 4 otpone is an ordinary dose) which acts on the bowels, liver and stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all head and stomach comâ€" plaints. They do not, as most pills and 30 many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after constipation they are nice to tape. 25c a box at all medicine dealers, PHIPPS BROS.& KIDD | Garrots 30 to . Parsnins 40c wuImeunIng novel: and s( mewâ€"Youman‘s day, Jan. 3 The party will be held at Ma the residence of Mr. and M Woolverton, Friday evening, . at 8 o‘clock. _ See program week‘s Independent. Hard and soft wood taken in »xchange for clothing. frien W. Goodyv home from c â€"Miss Metcalfe is home from schoo for the holidays â€"Invitations ane out for a big bal in the town hall on Jan 8, ‘96. > few days in Buffalo â€"D. MceDonald : after a timber limit mas â€"â€"The annual meeting of the Vil lage of Grimsby Horticultural Society. will be held in the town hall on Thursâ€" day, Jan. 9th, 1896, at 8 p. m. for the purpose of receiving reports and electâ€" ing officers for the coming year. ©The public are invited to be present as well as all those who take an interest in floriculture and horticulture. C. wW. "V anDuzor, secretary. I momethin _â€"â€"Blood and nerves are closely reâ€" lated. |. Keep, the blood pure with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla and you will not be nervous. f Ned en ura iys. Lostâ€"An old time, all day, 30 minutes. Cost 4c for P from college, Tiss E. M. Beamer is vititing s in Simcoe and Delhi. Grimsby, Dec. 26 \ L L $1.94 was House, an indig The clerk was G O O D 8 Mr. Gardiner re between lots 20 The reeve anC 18 A. Hornibrook is spending IvAl Sold by Murray Fitch. GRIMSBY. IRTHDAY PARTY W. €. Buffalo and Duannville. 'oqz_zld is up north looking od w in aaranteo by all cmg« neipient Consumprio® zh and Câ€"soup Curg. . in and W. Caswell ‘are és is "home ftor UChrist 1y ~Of t is home evening, J an. 3rd, program in next l-..- "\> aoa t Papgenips 40c 1 BY. * Onions 50¢ bui cmmmanememmmemammizm| SquaSsh 5 to 1( Celery 3 bune! Dec. 26 Turnips 25 to | â€"â€"-â€"â€"“â€"‘â€";"'; Cauliflower 3 | day, sick h fora }Ir’irsxif Pow?ge:s(f s %zgll):hgfs 2550 t(i 0Z and something Jan. 3rd, 1996. 1 at Maplehurst, and Mrs. Linus M Council met I hall, Beamsville A byâ€"Jaw wi deputy returnin, municipal electi( A grant of $8 placed in the h in lieuw of road gravel on said r( Through an e i@ Ti 88 No IA J U M «N +ss 412 was called for b; reeve was inst cheque for that will be charged and added to its Large amount of tr lowest rates of i For large loans 5 W. B. GILLELAND, _ Barrister, St. C n After passing counts the coun:« MONEY TO KARI‘s CLOVER ] fy your Blood, clear yor regulate your Bowels a head as clear as a bell. $1.00. â€" Sold by M. Fit Ripans Tabules cureâ€" Miss Nettie Millen, alist, took part in the concert given by the . ance society at CGrimst evening. The B.L. of C. E. cept of the invitation ciety at ‘Tapleytown night. . Parson Smith has from his prohibition to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ford, are visitors at Ja idence. Misses Eva and N home for their holiday At the entertainme caster last week, Mes: Edwin Orr and Hert Misses Netrtie Millen a of this place,took part The Kunights of the a successful oyster sup at Squire‘s ha«ll on D last. and 3.30 p. m. Services in Smithvil Feb. 9th at 10.30 10.30 will b Grimsby is to be aj a visit by a chosen c ton under the leaderst on Jan. 19, 1896, wh Vespers will be c Joseph‘s church here the church will be by lowing is part of the GRAND HIGI At 10.30 a. m ~of #loria shall be take [2th Mass, and the C Asnus Dei from Peter ory, Adeste Fidelis, COlinto High Mass an rV1C¢ MUSICATL _ y held at 3.30 p. ices in Grimsh: Â¥a. m. Jan. 19 30 p. m. Fruitla & . L