_ THEINDEPENDENT N* Hood‘s P Is the Only â€"_ True Blood Purificr Hood‘s Sarsaparilla *I have used six bottles of Hood‘s Sarâ€" gaparilla as a general tonic and have enjoyed the best of health, Although I had a strain of work I have had no sick spells for many months and no lost time, so Iam doubly repaid.‘‘ Tromas 8. HILL, 261 Brussells St., St. John, New Brunswick. Weak Strong Mrs. Harrison will also take part in the Methodist church concert in Smithâ€" ville." ~> Â¥ larrison sang Bishop‘s lovely oid fashâ€" med song,"Lo Hear the Gentle Lark," ~out the flute obligato, and piano acâ€" companiment interferred at times with the singer. Her second and third numbers, a "Waltz Song" by Arditi, and "Semper Libera,"from "Traviata," won for her double encores _ We con gratulate Mrs. Harrison on the success scored before such a large audience used to hearing the best going, and in competition with such brilliant artists as were on the programme." Sarsap irilla i â€"mLl "‘The honors of the evening were divided between Mrs. Hsrrison and the Buffalo Ladies Quartette, . Of the inging everything that is pleasant [pâ€"~ . â€"Aravemmmrens insy bo said. Mis. Ripans Tabules bavish pain The Buffaio Courier has the followâ€" ing to say about Mrs. Harrison,of this place, who took part at the Thanksâ€" giving concert in Buffalo. Mrs. Harâ€" rison will take part in the high school concert in thé town hall here on Friâ€" day evening, Dec. 20th : One short puff of breath through blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder diffuses this pomder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightâ€" ful to use, it relieves in ten minutes and permanenty cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat tonâ€" silitis and deafness. _ 60c. Sample bottle and blower sent on receipt of 10c. in stamps or silver. S. G. Detchâ€" on, 44 Church St., Toronto. Sold by M. Fitch, Grimsby. A Wellâ€"knoun Roman Catholic Priest of _ Hamilton, Rev. Father John J. Hinchey, _ Pastor of St. Jos ph‘s Church, Hamilton» _ Bears Testimony to the Undisputed Worth _ of Dr. Agnews Catarrhal Fowder. ‘ In the person of the Rev. John T. Hinchey, of St Joseph‘s Church(R.C.) Hamilton, is found ons who does the highest credit to the self sacrificing work in which he is engaged. His kindly heart constantly prompts to to deeds of love and goodness, and in the city of Hamilton all who know him are ready to bear testimony to his high character and active generosity. A result of neglect, thinking more of others than himself, he has been a sufâ€" ferer from cold in the head and its al most certain associate. catarrh. _ Reâ€" cently he made use of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, and has found in it so much relief that he deems it a pleaâ€" sure to tell others of the good it has done him. | That Tired Feeling Which makes rich, red blood, and thus gives strength and elasâ€" ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part of the body. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla positively Muins. daunger,. It is a serious condition and will lead to disasâ€" trous results if it is not over. come at once. It is a sure sign that the blood is impoverished andimpure. Thebest remedy is Prominently in the public eye. Makes the Mrs. Harrison at Buffalo. @GRIMSBY SEAMSV"‘LLE ANC SMITHVILLE . Inmurspayr, DrormkBEr 19, 1895 JAS. A., LIVINQGBTON, HOOD‘s E DITORANL®ROPRIETO R flg_, cure habitual constina« AS sigqm, â€"Price 25¢. perbox KARL‘s CLOVER ROOT will puriâ€" fy your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head as clear as a bell. 250., 500., and $1.00. old by M. Fitch, Grimsby. . Price 25c & box, 5 boxes $1 at all medicine dealers. _ Nice, immediate and permanent. pain Stark‘s Powders remove immedâ€" fately. They are the only medicine She ever got that has been of benefit." â€"â€"JONATHAN PacE. A well known farmer says: Lot 232, Thorold |T‘p, Welland P. O.,â€""For over 30 years my wife had been a sufâ€" ferer from most dreadful headaches $ at times they were so bad she could neither sit nor lie ‘down but her head seemed as if it would split. She tried everything she could hear of and was attended to by two or three doctors. but could not find relief until we got Stark,s Powders for headache, biliousâ€" ness, costiveness, neuralgia and the liver. Nince then she has been free from suffering, and any tendency .to Suffered for Over 380 Years Tried Everything and Emâ€" ployed Two or Three ~/Doctors, I Was Cured of Rheumatism in Twentyâ€" fJour Hours. I, George English, shipbuilder, have lived in Chatham, N. S., over forty years. _ Last spring I took severe pains in my knee, which, combined with sweliing, laid me up for six weeks, during which ‘time I endured great suffering. I saw South Ameriâ€" can Rheumatic Cure advertised in the Chatihiamâ€" World, â€"and procuredâ€"a bot, tle. _ Within twenty four hours I was absolutely free from rheumatism, and have not been troubled with it since." Sold by M. Fitch, Grimshby, A perplexed woman can ask more questions in a minute than she can re member the answers to in a lifetime. â€"Detroit Free Press. Yes, said Dicky Stalate with a satâ€" isfied smile, that young woman is very fond of me. How do you know that ! I was calling on her yesterday evening and do you know she was so thoughtâ€" ful of my comfort that she worried for two hours for fear I would miss the last car. Ripans Tabules. A woman can rarely conceal her true self from another woman. Common sense is the happy medium of all the senses. A bad man‘s example often does more good than a good man‘s precept. Life isn‘t worth living for the mere living of it. 20":.â€".:;:;““002 _ It has real merit; as a means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to Perry Davia‘ Painâ€"Killer.â€"Newport News. KAMIâ€"RILICT.â€"Newport News. i & M Beware of imigftions. Buy only the genuine "Prary DAYIS." Sold everywhere ; large bottles, 25¢. No article ever attained to such unbounded popularâ€" ity.â€"Salem Observer. We can bear testimony to the efficacy of the Paimâ€" Killer. We have seen its magic effects in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a good article.â€"Cincinâ€" nati Dispatch. s Organ, Nothing has yet surpassed the Painâ€"Killer, which is Q_Pe most valuable family medicine now in use.â€"Tennessee Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, 8praing, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhcea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. a° PE P CEA 20 CV TT at PNRLIL ND & > : 3\ § ts yA o B hb Mz AW =a f A C hi . i Bm Large Bottle, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., L Proprietors, MoxTREAL "As & cure for coughs P{ny-Pectoml is the best selling medicine I have; my cusâ€" temers will have no other." **Pynyâ€"Pectoral has never failed to cure my children of croup after a few doses, It cured myself of a longâ€"standing cough after several other remedies had failed. It has also proved an excellent cough curs for my family, I prefer it to any other medicine for coughs, croup or hoarseness, ‘ Mrs. Josepn NorwicK, of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes : The Quick Cure for COUGHS, Break Up a Cold in Time _BY USING COLDS, CROUP, BRONâ€" CHITIS, HOARSENESS, etc. H. 0. Barsour, of Little Rocher, N.B., PYNYâ€" PECTORAL OQdads and Ends. writes : Soylish hats and caps. The best $1, Fedora Hats in tho pountry. Nobby stiff felt hats. Winter oaps for meniand boys cheap atTreble‘s, Cor, King and James Sts., Hamilton, f Aps Ripans Tabules are of great value. Hamilton, Nv. 22, 1895. g1 We offer toâ€"day special value in all departments.. Our system of shopping by mail own courtry store. You have the advantage of a large stock from which to make your sel sold for by small dealers, Take a few linesâ€"Canadian Flannelette, 33 inches wide, large rang our price 8%c. English Flannelette, twilled, 33 inches wide, fast colors, sold everywhere at 15 inches wide, very effective designs for children‘s wear, regular price 15¢c., our price 12%6. well worth 45c., our price 38¢. Full range of Tablings, from 22c. up to the highest grade. wide, our price 28¢. Extra value in Grey Flannel from 15c. up. s IBRESS; F‘:O’ODSj-"â€"‘-Tweed, 44 inches wide,. 80c., regular price 37%. Better line, same There never was a season when we had everything in such good shape for the grea)t‘ customers that ar foming this way during the next few weeks, and everything is now ready, ; § scarcely think you were in a dry gcods store, to come here and see the great array of good®â€"Ssam Jap Germany, England, Ireland, Switzerland and the United States. They are handsome 3flz†Cistic, _ you should come here and see. ; ? . eag=CUIC, 1g We always consider it a pleasure to show the new goods to our friends. . In emm buy and import these goods direct from the country they are made, and in consequence of this find our prices as low and in many cases lower than other houses in the city., Come and see. FINCH Your subscription one year in advance to "The Indepenâ€" dent ? If so, you may have a winning coupon f receipt. If not, get one at once. Addressâ€" J AS. A, LIVINGSTON Grimsby. m im snn n actmntzcncs »afrerene e rnomncmst®s 4 Tave You Pafid $\ ; Aâ€"4t ) s1 in / o\< | ;‘(\" Anyel = ‘ /y SEX orso! Rasi / Sp$ €2) y o. ye awsgge =â€"â€" & n Eim * d""‘ ‘,»‘,,au mss 3,!““""‘ BROS. DIREIC‘JE EL i‘ 1/ AIL JL, New fall felt hats for boys. _ Stylish Fedora hats from 50¢ each. Nobby felt hats from 25¢c. each. Children‘s hats and caps. All the latest styles at Treble‘s, Cor. King and James Sts., Hamilton,. V anDuzer GO0D WHEAT AND OATS Messrs. Green Bros., funerâ€" al directors, of Hamilton, are now in & position to conduct funerals in any part of the country within 20 miles or so of Hamilton, at a REAsONABLE PRICE. / f7) 7iR Wheat and Oats W anted PUBLIC NOTICE: THE RIGHT HOUSH .â€".â€".. Delivered at Warehouse, . Grimsby Station. Good baled hay for sale Highest Cash Price paid for THOMAS C. WATKINS. )ll@ & Calder. CT TMPORTERERS 18â€"20 King West lar price $12, now 7.99 & Heavy blue twilled serge overcont, regular _ price $6, now 3.50 2 Price is the fulcrum that will move things _ And prices this week shall be called in to do it as never before clearingâ€"out sale In order to wake up Christmas trade, will sell our frieze ulaters Brown and grey, regular price 6 50, now 4.99 Fine blue and brï¬"own melton overcoats, regnâ€" Pick up s bargain when you can Every vestige of profit consumed in this KING OF CLOTHIERS, James St., HAMILTON . . HEAP _ _ _3 OVERCOATS. LOADED WITH Aalrita C Independent from now until the end of the year 1896 for $1 to neow Subscribers. \â€" M e o y + *gmmme oi $ ~iieeâ€"â€"ae m â€"< CA i lcmaie ioA : . 0u ym i stt SS Ne 4 6 *,':?,g‘ ,ZI%,,‘..-' x% 4 F03 ue o Rentecall The Private and company fund# to loan on real estate security at lowesk current rates of interest, and on gilt edged security at 5 and 5% per cent. im sums of $5000 or over. Apply to __ MONEY TO LOAN Geo. E. Bell, Solicitor, Main St., Grimsby , HAMILTO®®.: In every instance w e eonmmunmrenemmtses necornrmmmeseremenncernietnfebigii®in ) you will he 44