Nee i9 o7 " TE uTs . s 83â€"89 King St. west, cor:rKing & Charles HAMILTON. tHates oniy $1 a day. Firstâ€"olass dinner;25 F. W. BEARMAN, PROPRIETOR. Figh Hooks,â€" Fish Lines, Fish: Poles. GUT HOOKS3, . TINNED HOOKS STRAIGHT HOOKS KFine commercial sample rooms stables. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Thittaker‘s ‘Block, Grimsby {This hotel bas been thoroughly refitted and refurnished in firstâ€"class style for the eccommodation of the travelling public. tm g .. Mn c 1000 o0 Cc l e 00 & 11 AMERICAN HOTEL Grimsby, May 16 F. Câ€" HALBERSTADT, PROP All kinds and prices at sSMITIHVILLE, WHITTAKER‘S CRUG STORE and good 25c. â€"Bicycle oil, bells, whistles,toe clipe, guards, and in fact almost everything in the line of bicycole sundries at reâ€" duced prices, W. E. Phillips, agent for the Brantford, the cheapest high grade wheel in the market. / See it and get quotations. â€"A brass band was organized in Grimsby on Tuesday, with theâ€" followâ€" ing officers : Pres., Geo. E. Miller; Sec‘y, Albert Phipps ; Treas., W. Gibâ€" son. A teacher will be employed and active will work commence at once. The next meeting Friday evening at the rink. â€"J. F. TenEyck was successful in passing his first year examination in his medical course. Will McConnell has bougbt the King Barton house and lot on Paton St. Rev. Mr. Ferguson has exchanged his property on the Niagara River with a Toronto party. Both deals were put through by Martin and Morphy. mmmsoâ€"Mr..A lhost T assoh sseyr â€" has anm. pleted arrangements to open ‘ an art studio over the store of Phipps Bros. & Kidd, where he will be prepared to give lessons to students in charcoal, p%ain and colored crayon, oils on different materials, eto. Lessons will be given on Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday afternoons and visitors will be admitted on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 o‘clock. J. Scott, contractor, carpenter and builder, Winona, Ont., attends to all kinds of general jobbing: Estimates given on all kinds of work on short notice. See personâ€" ally or address Winona P.O. . Try Salada Ceylon or Titley‘s teas at 400., the best teas ever offered for the money in Grimsby,they are equal to any tea you pay 500. for elsewhere. P. H,. Gamble, East End Grocery. Lyonde‘s photo studio will be opened by next Monday. â€"Doran‘s forces in the council are reduced to a corporal‘s guard." If Durâ€" ham deserts hiin be will throw up the sponge. The H. J. Ciub races commences on May 30 and continues three days. The entries for.all the important events are very large and splendid sport may be expected. The entries for the FARMERS‘ RACKE close May. 25. < This.race is as folâ€" lows : $100, of which 850 to first, $30 to second, and $20 to shird. For half: bred horses owned by farmers, or farmers‘ sons, living on farms, in Counties of Wentworth, Halton, Haldiâ€" mand, Brant or Lincoln, to be ridden by farmers, or farmers‘ song, living on farms. Jockey costume not required. Each starter to carry 150 lbs; overâ€" weight allowed, Euotrance free. # mile. Relief in Sizx Hours.â€"Distressing kidâ€" ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great Bouth Ameri« can Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physiâ€" cians on account of its exceeding promptâ€" ness in relieving pain in the biaddor, kidneys, back and every â€"part of the urinary passages in male or female: It relieveg retention of water and pain in passing it almoss immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by all druggists. â€"Photographer Lyonde was in town again on Tuesday: seeing to the finishâ€" ing touches of his new gallery. He is kicking because it is not finished and ready to go into. â€"See the new line of spades, hoes, shovels,garden rakes,spraying syringes and pruners, just received by Win. Forbes. â€"Hawke is advertising 'sé:ne great drives in duck suitings and men‘s furâ€" uisbings this week. See advt. Give your orders early for French camone and Oxford shirts. Treble‘s stock of new© shirtings take the lead. Shirts made to order promptly at Trebles cor. King and James Sts., Hamilton. â€"The funeral of the late Martha Hunter took place on Wednesday afterâ€" noon to the English church cemetery, and was largely attended by old friends and acquaintances, _ Miss Hunter had reached the advanced age of 86 years. â€"H, P. Berry and wife, of Chicago, will spend May aud June in Grimsby. They are staying at Griffith‘s. j â€"Mrs. Cornwell died on Wednesday morniog at the ripe age of 84. The funeral will take place Thursday to the English church cemetery at 4 p.m. _.~ M. Hospital, who returned lastPThursâ€" day evening. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabuies cure dyspepsia. Hamilton Jockey Club. The bibl€ says, if your enemy sthite you on one gheek you are to turn to him the other also. Police Magistrate Jelfs, of Hamilton, has revised this _ m +abo i: ult ind -:’vu vH1D a little and says if a man smites you Tou are to hug him. â€" If Magistrate Jelfs ever runs acrass a real hot rough and tumble fehter we are inclined to think that i would be better policy for him to use his legs and "run for it" + Te k x than to try any of the ‘Fhugging busi m Mbaihh; 33 § (2. < d MH€ ic ny _ Accounifis to the s were paid f Moved Hare, : that the ncil do meet againlJ une 22 revision & for tl other busintks C H., G.fand B. waited upon the council at 4 o‘cKock p. m. when the matter of right of} way from Grimsby Village to Grimsby Park was discussed.. It was decided thhat the council would go over the road/and ‘examine it closely, on Monday, 13th inst., and would then state thb terms on which they could grant said right. bentral ~Store 4A« In mater.als for warm weather dresses continue to arrive. This week we have reâ€" ceived a line of Chiâ€"Chl silks for ladies‘ â€"blouses, â€"which we have placed on our counter at 25¢ per yard. _ They will not last long at the price. | FRESH GOODS The reason why the Grimsby boys go to Beamsville is easily explained by a G.H.S. boy, who said if he at tempted to embrace the Grimsby girls as he does those of Beamsville they would squeal like the "Dickens". We have just received a large shipment of the latest styles in white and colored shirt waists, chemisittes, cuffs, ete., which will have a big sale this season. HARDWARE & GROCERIES. Our stock in these lines was never more complete.| Get ous special quotations for nails, if you arao going to build. If you want the best value in fresh groceries call and get our prices. 3. 1lb. Bones soda buiscuits for 18c., evapâ€" orated peaches and apricots at 15c. per lb. and all choice groceries at bottom prices. A lot of the newest patterns and colorings in Duchess of York stripe for dresses and blouses at 20c. per yd. These goods are worthy of your attention. Our dressâ€"making department is giving the best of satisfacteon. Get our prices before you have your work done. B.J.Palmer & Co Mdbved by Pettit, secondad by Hare, tha W. Cline and R. Kemp be a com@Milittee to examine and report on side R@Bad between lots 18 and 17, from stonef# road to lake shore. Carried. Molived by Cline, seconded by Kemp, that . B. Russ be allowed the sum of $5 M for extra work in connection with tihe assessment for 1895. Carried. Moted by Pettit, seconded by Cline, that tlhe request of Thos. Péarson be { laid ofver for further consideration. mal day N 020 oy Hare, seconded by Kemp, thatff after this date this council will not Mipe liable or pay any accounts for wo done on the roads except by ordefip of the commissioner in such road divisfffion. . Carried. ianntie fls oalait enc metf hk t h frdiliptm Great North Western Telegraph Cofiémpany, declining to remove all their wiflires to one side of the road from GrWWiimsby Village to Grimsby Park as reql#uested by the council ; Tender from mRomlbert : Cosby s#oracinos LX 2020064 :C 01 &Trle E] O pameai ht o P0 es Et TE fbert Cosby agreeing to furnish two > and two teams to run road @#Fhine for season of 1895 for $6 per ylk, which was accepted. loved by Hare, seconded by Kemn J.North Grimsby Co )wa hall 11th inst. pu arnment at 10 o‘clock rs all present, Minutes of last regul ceting were read and â€" Communications w e orth Grimsby Counc aid ed T 18 nC gainl) u n & usintlhks, Hug) y Thfe Boys ara Girle. mn;i{;tee of the directors SHIRT WAISTS. Your Assailant. lare, seconded by Cline, il do now adjourn to ne 22nd as a court of for the transaction of Carried. the amount of $28 regular and special and approved. were read, one Western Telegraph & pursuant to adâ€" Council met in Dcorfin to furnish two a. m. â€" Memâ€" of the 2.87 The Ontario Jockey Club races comâ€" mence at the Woodbine track, Toronto, on Tuesday, May 21st. The big event of that day will be the running of the Queen‘s Plate,‘ a race for provincial bred horses, for 50 guineas, the gift of her Majesty Queen Victoria, with the stakes and $800 added, distance 11 * BA 9 e ‘E The opening of \ Mr, 4. eerys;â€"..; C art studio occurred on Wednes d{ ;"g{; : § \ 15th, The walls 0 ;p, studiy 4/ art hung with gema of "t s1 frow. ie of tn te brush of Mr. Te;rryben. or hig Pupils, | 8d van t, Mr. Terryberr_y,s work_ ‘OWs the blnd. pregent of the real artist, especia. in hig deky . on o ing of life and landsctpe.qe tss n e ] exhibition some real gilim"'flted Â¥% "PPIymE oak, plush and glas«, k: Â¥ryberny Grimsby is now prepared to ta ~Age. 4j would be pleased to have a Trin Al] ki any of friends interested in bul JaAlso Iatb The studio is over Phipps ! g osrg y Kidd‘s store. The next weeting will be held Tuesday, May 21, at 3 p. m., in f house of Rev. J. Murray,. Have you bought yor paper. Selection still good 60c Ceylon tea 50c Chase & Sanborn‘s coffee, : as you have been paying ot 45¢, sold here at 40¢. { Soda biscuits, 3 1b box any ] for 19c. Oatmeal, 10 lbs best for 25¢c. ‘ ‘Choice mixed pickles 10¢ bo Good brooms 10c. Eclipse soap 16¢ bar. Our prices for sugar are alw the lowest. Good garden rakes 20¢ each. Black annealed wire $1.90 100 1lbs. Next Door to A. F 50c tea for 43c A FEW CASH PRiGES CASH STORE The Queen‘s Plate. _ Mitchell, rakes 20c each, ed wire $1.90 per bought your wall | 40c tea for 34e ~ CoIlee, same paying others . Hawke. are a,lways x any kind lg. T mss lu:n * A o rme &,posts, » shingles bottle M 1 2445 UZ & ./can be in T i_ . C This § * classig ©vent ang between Purely Canadiap horses an ordinary Interegt 13 takep in { meeting continuesg the balance *k and q Splendiq Program lasal * ved. j VA VALCIE T 00 Bad tor fl",f:,‘pï¬?g pplying to W C rimeby \ KIDD, Al] kindg of lumbep fo cale 0 lath, shingles &nd [ . *"* tg, Hot weather i our summe â€" enat Black and at 124c. Our »lines :â€"of," sun shirts are taking well ling‘is good. & value in Men‘s and 75c¢. Men‘s Furnishin gs | P £ ulefl Ccure naHSea‘ Rip _2 _ S" * L0 and t9%e ; If you want a new sun come to see our display, ° help being suited. Ou goods take in every varie latest novelties. nrpa) Have'you S Suitings at 10 oV weather is returm'ng. summe coats and vests @ Fo HaV[Ke. New Goods at Lowest Prices 00 rmmmnuud, ,have come to Stay wl 0 ppy. IDD GRIMSBY, _ 937 / Seen our â€" new â€" Muck gs at 10 and 12%¢ per yard. on want a new summer suit to see our display. You can‘t being suited. . ‘Ohnr. anpias. ro Scrofuls you seen our E1O U &1 e are showing ts tnd w cotton sox ‘s Straw == m y s c T o e k summer off their ving special Hats at 50¢ Our cotton , seamless isty of the ale, dlar i outing The 75¢ See