Grimsby Independent, 18 Apr 1895, p. 7

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sceived by the i Grimsby for d maiflle for K Tcaltk will nt a strong case he matter reaches i this season with such as phaetons, zht road wagons nd we are selling f before, for cash. ment is always airs in firstâ€"class We would be ld customers and ossible,. Anyone or repaired would as one trial will ougall who has ‘‘ midst for the as departed for ie North West. was one other as so well known all classes and Ir. McDougall. ist but so liberal that he Lad the £ the meoting Is to make the did so and in r presented the replied very fifteen minute | to with rapt dwin, Rev. J . [ LLES, Cler® C. W. Harriâ€" dd and several ort addresses e high esteem ecDougall and parture from wishing him a 1 sections of the departure from ion of a little in the dining ouse on Saturâ€" C. H. Mills on I‘s many friends : reverend genâ€" _ purse. . Wm. the chair and partaken cf a' veli chosen reâ€" od Speed. e of your trade. tm of John V an Bloom in the LB, Baker. RS \ 8 CENTS 180 ctionery. 5 DAILY|ITHE PLACE rcielty. chell, C. Hawke, public generâ€" istomers for he past, and heir custom ie owing us lirty days, as be paid. by irst day of pt the cash the time has ores cannot‘ ing a strictâ€" propose givâ€" 1ce of spendâ€" store where )fit has to be they buy to ‘s who don‘t 13 TEM, NIL@ most prosperous career in his new home. Mr. McDougall left for Winnipeg on Monday morning. $ _ Termsâ€"The purchaser shall pay 10 per cent at the time of sale, the balance of 011‘_1?,; third of the purchase money in three weeks thereafter; the remaining twoâ€"tnirds in cash, or secured by a mortgage payable in from one to five years at the option of the purchaser, For further particulars apply to Crerar, Crerar & Bankier, vendors‘ solicitors, Hamâ€" ilton. 0n Under and by virtue of a power of sal contained in a mortgage made by Jaspe Smith, et ux, default having been made i payment thereof, will be sold by public auc tion, at the Mansion House, Grimsby, or Tuesday, April 30, 1895, the following propâ€" erty: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Grimsby, in the, County of Lincoln, being composed of the: northâ€"west twenty acres of Lot 18, Con. 23;5 said township. _ The soil is a sandy loam, 20 acres cleared and in a fair state of cultivat It is also well situated as to roads and Mare . kets. C e Sale of Valuable Fa.rrfi Property. posts. All kinds of lumber for also lath, shingles and . {Money to Loan , ON EASY TERMS, | Parties paying high rates of tnterest will find it to their advantage to Pay off their present encumberance, Money can be had for this purpose by applying to W. W KIDD, Grimsby © g East End Grocer RABeonaNG t 6 4 3 5 UUUEOH]‘-P _ The genuine Pratt‘s astral oil. _ American water white Canadian oil. If you want FISH, you c accommodated at the East every day, and prices are righ Fresh Oysters in season. i Special value in finest brands of tea and coffee, straight or blend, noted for their richness of aroma. Try Salada Ceylon and Mallawalla and you will be> donvinced they are the best lead pack?ige tea you can buy. _ These goods are guarâ€" anteed and if not as represented your money refunded. _ _Don‘t forget that "BEST" is the finest pure soap in the market, SUGARS at rock bottom prices. p ~~z and dates at rock bottom runes _ Successor to A Grocer. To buy your groceries, crockery, coal oil, etc., is at y P. H. GAMBLE‘S Dreesmaking Dep‘tis undes the management of Miss Jury _â€"Ribbons, laces hairpins, etc. Our styles are perfect goods can equal them. Spring Wra It will pay you to st:udirl our stock and to know our values.. ..See the 35 and 40c goods we open toâ€"day for 25c. We show all the leading fabrics. take in all the latest novelties,. English summer flannels 20¢ for 1 Fine French flannels 50¢ for 25¢,. K' 6 _ Ivanized oil ca } Fesale coft s Co#@hils at rock bottom Aryj . 5ic oo‘ Dress Goods Wash Dress Goods 6 ol lumber for sale, shingles and cedar W. KIDD, GRIMSBY. IlOUSH. â€" GAMBLE TTEIT E) ; Grimsby. handkerchiefs and fancy . C. Cole, East End for Spring. 1, you can be the East FEnd raps a V / 1i£€C. m prices, astral Iamp i ind No tailorâ€"made cans lesg right )C and They M n in your blood for years, will be led by taking Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, , blood purifier. â€"How are you ? Have you been @raphed by Lyonde ? Thieves broke into John Bonds on Sunday night and stole about worth of goods. The peculiar re is that the robbers left their oots and hats. sns .. o _ Weimo mads: :. xperiments are ~~ is AINale IT mny to extract gas from peat, in a considerable amount of energy y . .\ ‘ fresh milch cow, 4 ‘old. good milker and well bred. _ to Thos. A. Pearson, North y s ol s3 ~ $ *NH ... 9 for Saleâ€"A milk wagon in good ir, has not been very long infuse, "%in the milk business now no further use for it; will carry 0 lbs. John R. Lane, Winona. : on the St. Lawrence river mt of Montreal broke up last ay and the channel is now free. fremendous prices are being paid adon for prime poultry. A goose air of ducklings cost about $5.25, ‘hat scrofulous taint which has Mlreg bil t np :‘ Saleâ€"Immediately, a comfortali@ 10 “fi \barn, etc., }arge: lot &vith fl‘ltly iated on Paton St., Grimsby; conâ€" o the new electric. railway. For rs as to price, etc., apply to _‘;:ph.y,‘.Hamilton, or G. S. Morâ€" and Mrs. C. W. Graham, of illies & Co., Hamiton, spent iday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams, one of Grinsby‘s best was.. S’ 4 3 igures, received the back pay on sion on Tuesday, amounting to _ Jim wouldn‘t call the king napman, of Hamilton, is friends in Grimsby. ' % hotographer Lyonde. e you cut prices the first BV y 3 teller of the Bank of ent the Easter holidays at d Goderich, f ;Hazlewood, of Ulfford, f ',;jwinh her mother. tg buy wall papers ? r immense stock. Good sâ€"â€" ;.tberican and Canadian ;1 samples and quotc atalogue on application. %: : If I haven‘t got \ fl;’tmll get it for you HIPPS BROS.& KIDD|..â€"> teel Rims. _ Smooth or ited C. & J. Tyres. “ 57€hem all. _ Absoâ€" ly dust proof. l nl. i. : fitted with the genuine ALSON chain. ERY WHEEL GUARANTEED | @IGI/DTY, SPEED, sauvTy, $ / EXCELLENCE y I(JEs AWAY _ DoWN roke every Canadian record 22 miles, all of which are uow Brantford. See the LEY DAVIDSON races in 1894 on a Brant e broke nine world‘s records, AGERT 95 BRANTFORD 'a tweeds, Irish tweeds, pantings, English tweeds worsteds and Canadian tweeds fered to the Grimsby public. Grimsby, April 18 CHOICEST SPRING STOCK fiotifying our cu. plie that we now E TAKE PLEASURE nEX â€" PHILLIPS, GRIMSBY. And make a selection & s ket for a first class gentlefifi?’g driver To suit the times at _ | at from $75 to $125. Don‘t bring anyâ€" ; thing but top notchers. :s are being made in ract gas from peat, in able amount of energy our customer and the e now Lave the GRIMSBY, ont John Calder has been ca‘l mourn the loss by death of t who lived near the Hamilton We regret to learn that V incent Jackson is home sick with quingy: The Epworth League met last Wedâ€" nesday evenino. Miss Ida White spent Easter tion with her parents. Last Sunday being Easter priate sermon was preached } Mr. Bowlby in the stone cht church was nicely decorated v for the occasion _ The closing evening of our literary society was held on Saturday evening last when an excellent programme was given. R. H. Dewar ably critized the proceedings. (The YX. P. 8. C. B;. 8. the visit of Knox chur Christian Endeavorers evening last. in particular happened until last weekc,’ when making an examination, Dr, Thompson extracted a needle from her hand nearly an inch in length, About six weeks ago, while sewing, Mrs. A. J. Parker ran, as she thought, the point of a needle in her hand. Al though she suffered much pain nothing i. particular hannaned until laak usaa1 Everybody should attend the conâ€" cert in the hall on the 18th inst. ~ Be:â€" sides the best home talent assistance has been secured from the Saltflieet Devaung ,Society, Hamilton a n d Grimsby, which should make this the leading event that has been introduced in the new hall. R. Millen, Sr., made a fAying visit to Essex Centre last week. Miss Bertha Smith is recovering from & severe illness, similiar to the grip. Miss Sarah Quinbull, of Hamilton spent Sunday at R. H. Dewar‘s. The distribution of bulbs to members of the above socicty will be made on Thursday evening, 18th, at 8 o‘clock in town hall, All members are requested to be preseht ‘and receive their bulbs, All parties interested in horticulture and floriculture are invited. A short programme will be given,. Grimsby Horticultur ! â€"It was very gratifying to us to see thé number of people who answered our advertisement in this paper of last week and came and bought tea and sugar we beg to say the same quality and price will rule this week. Come one, come all, and take advantage of our great sale. We have devoted all our life to trying to supply the public with satisâ€" factory groceries. One visit to our stores will show you whether we have succeeded in our mission or not. Come and try us. _ Hazel & SoMfiiicge and MoNab, and Main and \§ t3 Hamilton. â€"The extraditson of Mrs, Mack, who is alleged to be implicated in the postage stamp swindle in Hamilton, has been as‘ted for by the United States authorites. â€"The Paris Figaro gives currency t> a rumor that Dr. Nansen, the Aircâ€" tic explorer, has discovered the North Pole, and that it is situated on a chain of mountains. _ â€"Bert Nelles spent Eester with his parents, Mrv. anod Mrs. W, H. Nelles. â€"Another Brantford bicycle was sold last Saturday by the local agent, making six new and two second hand wheels placed this season. _ These wheels are sellers. _ Don‘t fail to see them before purchasing. Terms most reasonable. _ Read advt. in another column. | â€"Adrian McLeod spent with his mother in Delhi, â€"Jas. A. Liviogston can find a marâ€" . TenEyck was home for East Fruitlana. Fulton preached by the Rev. stone church. The been called on to eath of his fat;her, Hamilton reservoir., E. Society returned church, Hamilton, on Monday W1o an_ appro. h flowers Vvacaâ€" Easter Without a Basket Factory. Nothing has been done yet towards rebuilding the basket factory,. Every. body admits the necessity of this in. dustry. . Everybody acknowledves tha Beef 5 to 8c Veal 6 to 7e¢ Pork 7 to 8c Mutton 7 to 10c ' Maple syrup $1.£0 per gal. Maple sugar, small cakes, 10c. Potatoes 80 to 85¢ per bag Parsnips 15¢ per peck Beets 15¢ & ¢ Apples 20 to 25¢ large basket Green onions 3 bunches 10c Radishes 3 bunches 10c Lettuce 3 bunches 10c, Beans 5¢ qgt. Eggs 12} Butter 14 to 18e The writer of this article b@%_ bean more than pleased during recent visits to Hamilton to see it clearly demonâ€" strated what a man or men can do when they have push and brains to do it. If some of the wealthy men of this counâ€" try, instead of continually going up and down our streets cryin? hard times until it becomes chronic, would follow the example of those twogyoung energetic, up toâ€"date dry goods men, Tregenza & Callback, of Hamilton, we would have less hard times, more hum and rush in our factories and business places. These two young men started with the full.determination to win, and judging from the crowds that have been in their store every time I have called they are gaining their point. _ Success to yon, boys. ~_ You deserve what you are getting. Next time when in Hamilton I will CGarr: BACK again. They Deserve What Getting. in g. oaxn S t in ons . 1990 operation was performeqg by Dr‘s, Mc Crae and Son and Dr. Jennings, but all efforts were fruitless, and he passed away on the date above given. â€" His wife and Bro. Frank went over as soon as they accertained hig condition, and were with him to the sad. â€" His funeral will occur Friday at : a‘clock, from the Congregational Chu%n;h_ ; Mr. Drake will be Masonic ceremonies. _ Died at the residence of Â¥. L. Reed Council Bluffs, Towa, on Wednesday evening at 8 o‘clock, Mr. W. R. Drake, one of Oakland‘s Most re spected citizens. Mr. ]) went to the Bluffs Friday on some business connected with one of the benefiCiary orders to which he belonged, was taken down with appf"}dlcltefi on Sunâ€" day morpnin DQ Sthrenil e The following is clipped from the Oakland (Iowa) Acorn of April 4th : Don‘t forget the place in Bur land‘s new block, opp. foundry. Have never been equalled for barâ€" gains in Grimsby. Call and see them, and we are sure of your order. OUR SUITS, OUR FIT, OUR STYLE, § OUR PRICES the Grimsby tailor. B to say that Our Spring goods ate now in shape and you can get HARD TIMES bargains in suits at Suits for Spring Every body ackfiov;fâ€"le(i-g.;;% t.l;le- Will Drake Deaa The Market. 89 tapiuly worse. An NV3 buried with Thoy Are We venture immense benefit a basket fa.ctory is to the place. Why is it then that there is no move made to put Mr. Carpenâ€" ter on his feet again 1 Already some of our boys have left town to get ‘emâ€" ployment. â€" Will all be allowed to go Surely a few hours fire is not going to check Grimsby‘s forward march, If something definite is not done at once we would rather advise the reeve to call a meeting of the citizens to conâ€" sider this all important matter, The bus passes Grimsby Park going west at 9.40 and 5.25, going east mt 8.45 and 4.30. The bus passes the Thirty going west at 9.30 and 5.15, going east at 8.55 and 4.40. Bus leaves Beamsville at 9.15 a and 5 p.m. sherp. Cars leaving Hamilton at 7.15 a. m,. and 3 p. m, make direct connection for Beamsville. °& Cars heated by electricity. Fast time on ‘the bus. Direct and quick connection from Beamsville to Hamilton yia bus to Grimsby, thence by electric railway. ELECTARIC RAILWAY nipan Takules cure scrofula. Ripans Tabules cure jaundice ‘yus Jjeurcel Our patrons for their gener â€" ous support through the year just closed, and will endeavor to win still further favors from you by showing you the LARGEST SELECTION BEST QUALITY, CLOSEST PRIGES WY «2 ST.â€"CATHARtNES: BUS LINE. PASSENGER TTRIFF TIME TABLE, JaAs. A. Litvinastor Jeweller and Optician, O M@$§ | A ND IN TYRAILL, opmndls B& Py Manager, Independent from now until the end of the year 1895 for 50c to new Subscribers. The 147 King St. E., Hamilton, Opposite Victoria Hotel. Importers, cashâ€"traders, profitâ€"sharers tablished 1885. Smart‘s Tea Co of either articlte for 25¢ with 1 lb. of tea or coffee, etc, bamboo curtain pole with brass ends,.complete 10c with 1 lb. bamboo table finished top 25¢ with 1 lb. The home is what you make it and when art enters its portals there‘s a transformation, there‘s a sense of refinement in the commonest things, our immense showâ€"room is here to assist you to realize and attain it. You secure free, dinner, tea and: toiletâ€" sets, silverware, cutâ€" lery, agate ware, etc. everything new in the choicest of the choice. Everybody expected everybody welcome at this mammoth model profitâ€"sharing tea and coffee store. If you want flour away down just call on me. 1. bur Foeed, Bran, Shorts, etc. (Gmarantce®e you satisfaction. ° All kinds of I give my special attention to the seed trade, and _ All of John A. Bruce & Co‘s seeds can be had at my store at catalogue prices. A large supply on hand of every kind of seed required for farm or garden. All 5e packages sold at 3¢ and 4c THE ORIGINAL W ARRY THEM VAWAY FREE FrrE Girts ’;/ See the splendid i presents free at ; //%Smart’s T Store NiÂ¥ L)opposite V ictoria yÂ¥ xPopp MEAZE Hotel, with 1 lb. # L7g, of unexcelled any }'P ;lflpprice tea, coffee, CX ' baking powder, \“Vl\-l 4 GVU, J3 yr§ Thousands trade mhem, bhave for 9 yearsâ€"say they i always will, as Y4IMP COCOR, cocoanut, '/”\ pepper, mustard, AÂ¥_Vetc. â€" Established 4#\ here 1885, E make this phenomâ€" enal offer for a few weeks only that you may give our teas and coffees, etc. a trial test,â€"a magnificent bamboo easel worth $1.00 or a wall pocket for music or newsâ€" papers your choice of V Es.

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