y VW ie M tramrtrouse; m’Anderson and family spent a _ _ _ fow days at Rothsay and vicinity. Geo. Davis had the misfortune to have his house and contents burned to the ground on Tuesday of last week. So quickly was it consumed that he f was able to ‘save only a few pieces ; from the kitchen, _ The house was very‘bandsomely furnished throughout including a fine piano, but all went. The fire originated from the pipe of the"kitchen stove. _ We understand there was about $1200 insurance. An independent spring show for stallions will be held on the 8. Grimsâ€" by agricultural grounds on Thursday, April 25, when the following prizes Another business change was conâ€" summated last week, when Mr. Coller, of Dunnville, bought out the Walker & Eastman tin shop, and who will perâ€" sonally conduct the business here. We wish the house success. â€" _ T., H. and B. surveyors were through here last week staking out the route through here. They used 4x4 stakes and they intend returning this week to take the léevels and to stake out the width. Stake..No_. 545 is on Griffin St a few feet north of the small bridge just north of Wm. Alcock‘s residence., A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. A. SCHNICK, Mrs, Johnson (nee Kate Tanner) we understand is quite seriously ill with a fever. According to last re: ports on Tuesday she was quite low. Miss House returned to Lunanville last Thursday. H. D. Walker was in Hamilton on Monday on biz. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt speut Easter holidays in Dunnville. . Mrs. M. 0. Merritt is s+pending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Pernie, at Norwood. and Caps, and aid ucuts‘~Furnishings. See my stockâ€"Fresh and‘ Latestâ€"at Right Prices. CUSTOM WORKK dome promptly and at prices that will surprise you. GO TO J. A. CCE NICKE For the latest‘in Suitings, Overcoatings, Hats cand Caps. and aid urcuts‘~Furnishines. Miss Jefferies, lately of Niagara Falls, has been engaged by R. Murgaâ€" troyd & Son as tailoress under Mr. Scott. Mrs. John Tanner was called rather suddenly to Bay City, Mich., last week on account of illness of her daughter. _ _ ) Yorm Will Find it to your advenâ€" tage to call and inspect the stock of A, M. Paterson, of Simithville, consisting of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry _SBMITHVILLE, BICYCLES Agent for the BRANTFORD Bicycle Miss Atcheson and Miss McNish are spending their Easter holidays at their respective homes. ‘ Miss Awrey, of Dundas spent a few days in town. Miss B. Walker was in Hamilton on Mondays Miss Tisdale, of Copetown, is at the parsonage. i Ed. Marlatt was in town on Sun day. A. M. Paterson and work doue at the lowest price and guaranteed. butter 1oc., eggs 1V¢. L. R.â€"Bridgman was home from Toronto and spent Easter. Butter 13c¢., eg; e W Smithville, April. 18 Spectacles and Silverware SPRING SHOW. Merchant Tailor, Smithville Cleaned, repaired and adjusted. JE W ELER. FOR CASH s in Grimsby last Loxpox, April 16. â€"The Daily News publishes an Armenian letter giving the result of the enquiry made to ascerâ€" tain the fate of Frank Lenz, the American bicyclist who disappeared in Armenia while engaged in making a tour of the world. The writer of the letter says he hears that Lenz was shot dead on the road between Koutali and Rahar, â€" He adds that he, how. ever, promised the villagers a reward for information and that this is likely to elicit fuller details. â€" â€" The council will meet at Bismark on May 27th as a Court of Revision and for other business. A number of accounts were pre: sented and on motion ordered paid. The clerk was direct to order from the Hamilton Rewer Pipe Co. a car: load of 6, 8, 10 and 12 inth culvert pipe. " Mr, Dalrymple was appointed to coufer with Messrs, McKay and Pysher re cutting away trees which shade the road. The reeve and Mr. Cook were apâ€" pointed to confer with a committee from Pelbham regarding water overâ€" Howing the road,. On motion Susan M. Thomas was relieved from. the county treasurer‘s bouks for: arrears of taxes, which should have been charged to Martha M. Thomas‘ land. J. H. Johnson and 29 others preâ€" sented a petition, asking that . the road allowance between lots 3 and 4, Con. 6, be not closed. The <petition was not entertained, and a byâ€"law was passed to stop up and sell the allowâ€" ance. L Nelson McPherson was appointed collector at a salary of $50. Council met at Wellandport April 8th. â€"Members all present. Gedrpa _ Ailton has be for a few Uays but is able again. There has been some gardening done here already. Mr.. Gilmore is living Johuson‘s shanty again. Wm. Filby bas moved Wm, Durâ€" bam‘s old house down to the mountain and is repairing it to live in. te w Miss M. Douglas spent her Easter holidavs at.Dfue ) _ _._ i FUR GARMENTS. Astrachan jackets are still on the move; we parted with several on SaturJday. March is usually a raw, blustery Ripans Tabules : best liver tonic. will be awarded : Carriage horseâ€"$3, $2, $1. Roadsterâ€"$3, $2, $1. Heavy draughtâ€"$3, $2, $1. Entry fee in each class 50c. Roadsters to be shown in harness,. Named raceâ€"A purse of $10 will be set aside for a named race for the following horses : Heslop‘s Flora,Gee‘s Frank, Crow‘s gray pacer, Crow‘s bay pacer, Bennett‘s bay mare, Comfort‘s C, Brown, McClenchy‘s Bay Amber, Field‘s bay :mare, Middaugh‘s Belle Forrest, Livingston‘s Lady L. Eniury {‘ee 10 per cent. of purse. 4 to enter, 3 to start. Admission to grounds 10c. I. Wardell, president ; A. M. Patâ€" erson, secretaryâ€"treasurer.. _ I Night gowns 35¢, 50c, 80c¢, and $1.. * Drawers, 25, 35, 50 750. Chemises, 25, 60c, $1. Corset covers 15, 25, 40,50c Skirts 50c, 80c, $1, 1.25. Aprons 25¢. A few knitted and quilted skirts left, very cheap to clear A special line of Ladies‘ White Cotton Underwear opâ€" ened â€"out a few ‘days ago is a marvel of cheapness. You can u0t buy the rmaterial and iwake them up for the money we offer them at. As a conseâ€" quence many ladies are takâ€" ing advantage of this opporâ€" tunity and purchasing freely MCLAREN & CO. Gainsboro Council. Lenz Reported Shot ST .CATHARINESE . Grimsby Centre. i«",.;' 1 i I§ Y $ ) v Y $ ‘ ffr. Meckie. | aAfliton huas been laid® uni 8. Kenuedy, Clerk,. to in aid up be out George again enjoying thefblessing of perfect health,. Eight months have passed since she ceased using the Pink Pills, and in that time she has been entirely free from pain or weakness, and says she is confident no other me.icine could have performed the wonder Dr. Williams‘ Pink . Pills bhave done for her. _She says "I feel happy not only because I am now free from pain or ache, but because if my old trouble should return at any time I know to what remedy to look for a release." Dr. Williams‘ Piok Pills are a cer tain cure for all diseases such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheunmaâ€" tism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness. chronic erysipelas, serofula, etec. ‘They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the femanle system, correcting irregularities, suppressions, and all fortns of female weakness, build: ing anew the blood, and resturing the glow of healith to pale and sallow cheeks. With men they effect a radical cure in all ceses arising from mental worry, overmork, or excesses of any fature. Sold only in boxes bearing the firm‘s trade mark and wrapper (printed in red isk), and may be bad of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. ‘Williams‘ yedicine Co., Brockville,or Schenectady, tUS CASbNMSS SÂ¥ invalid, said that wflm recently, she )w ast brogaredt®aefmem weakâ€"back \whin}t gave he[§ great paill at times, IX.S she grew older the weakness and pain inâ€" creased, and for nearly twenty years | she was never fre? from it. About a year ago her Lui's*ér'y was increased by au attack of sciatica, and this with her back srouble forced her to take to lbed, where she remained a bhelpless in valia ?Jr over four months. Different idoctorsj»atwnded her and she tried numeroys remedies said to be a cure for her brouble, but despite all she con tinued to grow worse. She was adâ€" vised to try Dr, Williams‘ Pink Pills, but she had dosed herself with so many medicines that her faith in the healing virtues of anything was about gone, and she had fully made up her mind that her trouble was incurable. At last a friend urged her so strongly that she consented to give the Pink Pills a trial. Before the first box was all used she felt a slight improvement, which determined her to continue this treatmeut. From that out she steadily. improved, and was soon able to be up. and about the house. A further use of the Pivk Pills drove away every vestige of the pains which bad so long‘ afficted ber, and she found herself From Brockville Rkcorder. On a prosperous farai in the town:â€" ship owgï¬tague, Lanark county, lives Mr~ and Mrs. Joseph Wood, esteemed by all who know them. Mrs. Wood was born in the village of MerrickWWi®, and spent her whole life there until her marriage, and her many friends are congratulating her on her ©ECOY®ry to health and strength after Years ‘0f pain and suffering. When th Cofrespondent of the Reâ€" corder M“Pafl the Wood homestead, Mrs, W“@’ ‘*"\Qil_ough now not looking the least HkEe a, ;..ol1n., 0 .4 0. m She Had’Suï¬ered for Years from Weakress and Pains in the Backâ€"Sclatica Complicated the Trouble and Added to Her Miseryâ€"Her Health Almost Miraculously Restored. HOW IT WAS FOUND BY LANAREK COUNTY LADY Butterick‘s Paper Patterns, the Metropolitan Catalogue of Fashions,.gnd the Delineator, al ways iq‘r;tock. Health and Happiness. Printaiafnd Dress Ducks sellâ€" ing very fiast A line of Fancy Duck Skirtâ€" ing at 30¢, _ White Ducks, Blue Ducks, Navy Ducks Grey Ducks, at 10, 12} and 15c. month, and one of these will be needed just as much as any month in the year; and even if you ‘f}gl’t require it so much, inal] probalility yon‘ll never get them any cheaper, and they are a staple garâ€" ment, altays right. McLAREN & CO. 19 & 21 St. Paul Street, ST.CATHARIN ES STAPLES. ISAAC HAUN BEAMSVILLE Grain may be bad from A. Burland, Grimsby ; P. Tallman,. Beamsville ; Titterington, St. Catharines. Goods sold at these prices for cash only at time of sale. 1â€"5 off all CURTAINS and HOUSEHOLD LINENS. "‘-._,,///'()OL 90c. and $1 Carpets@ at 75¢. per yard. stock of. 40, 41, 42, 43 St. Paul street, ST. CATHARINES per yard. C â€"BRIUCSELS Carpets at $1.10 65 King St. east Pure manilla rope 9¢ lb. _ Axle grease be lb. Castor oil 8c lb. Lawn Mowersâ€"A few on hand we will sell at less than cost to clear them off before new stock arâ€" rives. Do you want the best mixed paints and in the finest shades ? We have it. Do you want the cheapest mixed paints or the best white lead and oil? Come to us.: â€" Stoves and tinware, no catch prices, but everything at lowest prices. 51 and 53 King W., Hamilton. Bertram & Moore, agents Never before in the history of Hamilton was there so much monâ€" ey 1aken in by a hardware store in one day as we took in last Satâ€" urday. _ We wou.d tell you how much but do not wish to make other stores feel bad. The price we sell at gets the trade. | HIGHâ€"WATER MARK. i § | & C C 3 (°] H & :}: " ":?;& l Peter Bertram SLVET Carpets at $1.15 LCE M G are offering our entire I RY Carpets at This grain will produce flour equal to wheat. New bags furnished at regular prices to parties at outside points. Mone must accompany orders. $2 per bushel up to 4 bus. Larger quantities at lower rates. Straw is STIFFE, a.n_(i_st_:ands up well. Heavy yield warâ€" ranted in good land To farmers. The great wonder of the 19th century. Hulless, Beardless JAPANESE t Briog GOOD NEWS CA SE EARLEY. NEATLY DONE ) |2> 0 ) M Treble has all the latest style of Amerâ€"â€" iean and English hats, print shirts and4 nobby ties, Cor. King and James Ste.,, Hamilton. W.F Herman, T.F. Newman Via C. & B. Line.. Commencing with epening of navigation,, about April Ist, the magnificent siaeâ€" wheek steaglersâ€"State of Ohio and State of News Yor Sundey included. L‘ve Buffailo 7 80 p m. Ar.Cleveland $ 30 ara L‘ve Cleveland T p.m. _ Ar. Buffalo 8.80 s.m®» Eastern Biandard Time. Take the C. & B, line steamers and enjoy: a refreshing nifm's rest when en route toâ€" Cleveiand, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toleds,, Indlanaï¬olll, Chicago, Detroit, Markinas* Isiand, Northern Lake Tourist fieloltl,._ @rT any Ohio, Indiana or southâ€"western poins. send 4c postage for tourist pamphlet. $2.50 New ties and . scarfs, gloves, bracesy. handkerchiefs, underweaa, hats and cBp#â€" cheap ai Treble‘s, Cor. King and James» 81., Ham{!lton. Daily Time ‘A1able e tim e OP EV ERY DESCRIPTION:! Indepent Cleveland O. AT THE ~f2, BUFFALO CLEVELAND.. Mâ€"G B Y Gen. #an. TO»