Grimsby Independent, 18 Apr 1895, p. 4

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6 t + â€" Form: 3, Class 2%>Carrie@4&amiss, Lena Davis, Myrtle Tuflord, Mabel avud Williams, Flossie w.oson equal, Mary King, Pearl Hunter, Kdith Robâ€" son, Fiora Jardine, Annie Ransburry, Annie Sinclair, Mina Fairbrother, Geo, Rogers, Fred Vosbhurg, Flossic Beatty, Jennuic Gibsor, Agziie Astle, Everard Tweedle, Eila Beatty, Gertie Brine, Ethe} Lewis, Harry Prudtromumwe, John Miller, Jobn King. Class 3â€"Bert Woon, Hattie Reid, Lovie Kerr,â€" Oscar ~Hixon, Willie W hite, Lillie Tufford, ~Josie Kelter, A)lpheus O‘Neill, Minme McCaskill and John McePherson equal, Charlie High, Myrtie Greves, Willie Hunt, Bcrofula in the Neckâ€"Bunches Al Cone Now. Hood‘s Cured After ‘ Others Failed ** C, 1. Hi0od & CO., LOwell, Liass.: "Gentlemen:â€"I feel that I cannot say enot in favor of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. â€" For five ye I have been troubled with scrofula in my n and throat. Several kinds of medicines wh [ tried did not do me any good, and when I c menced to take Hood‘s Sarsaparilla there w large bunches on my neck so sore that I co not bear the slightest touch. When I had takea one bottle of this medicine, the soreness had gone, and before I had finished the second the bunches had entively disappeared." BLaxnCcus ATwoob, Sangerville, Maine. ho N. B. If you decideto take Hood‘s rilla do not be induced to buy any other. MHood‘s Pills cure constipation by restorâ€" ing the peristaitic action of the alimentary canai Jacol M artin, McCaskill. Hood‘s#=> Cures 4;:3} P NYNMNO_ Z2 tA . aV ARE\ y\ perupnyg. // JÂ¥ > maits . C tocy| / 0; l \\5 AAVB Y Covee 7 a A\\SAIY e d 3 u// k ( N afee 19 ‘;,'(E»:;-,\ / TNEA e~ AV/ { § Class 3â€"Garnet CGibson, W. Wilds and Aijgus McCaskell equal, Olive Hoshal and Charlie Kelly equal, M Garbutt, Johnnie Sinclair, J. Groves, Myrtls® Dodsworth, Charlie Brine, Leva Martin. Class 4â€"Beatrice Henry, Gordon Wonn, Edith Williams, Clarence Walâ€" ters, Lena Garbutt,; Erland Barr and Persia Gee equal, Charlie Tufford and Eddie Allan equal,; Thos. Wood, R. Keltes, Mabel Astle, Ossic Amigss,\ C Karr and Georgie Hunter equal, B. Miller, Robbie Miller, Earl T weedle, Magoie Albright, Johnnie Welsh, J. Forresier, Olive Zimmerman, J. Cart. Miss L. McCann, teacher, Class 2â€"Elmer Eckhardt, Johnnie Corneline and . Minnic Wales equal, Montie Henry, Gertie Barr, Johnnie House, Eddie Osborne, May Eddy, Clara Blondin, Dora Campbell, Willie Cart.. Form 1, Class 1â€"Lottie Wales, M. Karr, Harry Dodswortb, Chas. Alâ€" bright, Stanley Chambers, A. House, Gertie Tallman, Ina Hixon, E. Culp. THE INDEPENDENT @RIMsBY BEAMESV‘LLE 4A N D j $MITHVILLE . (MEe ELA ds it Beamsville Public School Â¥ aA8S. A. LIVING&TON, Miss J Usspar, AprrIL 18, 1895 @DITOFRANL ?ROPRIETOF Mabel Ayc MARCH REPORT. Olin endershot, Frank Astle, ames Paton, Ethel Liee, Geo. House, Kenneth SS s 1â€"Walter Scott, Victor® Kew, Jessie i1 Paton, Robt. King, Harry Couse, Harry ggins, Jennie izzle Walters, ilker, GHladys , James Culp. rs, Isa Kew, Hixon, Fred \ it esponie:h i" Frederick the Great, of Prussia, formed a regimeut of the tallest men he could procure, and insisted on their marrying the tallest woman they could find, with a view to producing a giant race of guards, but in this he was un:â€" successful. Voltaire says that these men were his greatest delight. Those who stood in the front rauk were uone of them loss than seven feet: high ; and he raus«eked Kurope and Asia to add so their oumber,. â€" There is a somewhat apoouryphal story that Frederick was once reviewing his regiment of giants in the presence of the French, Spanish and British ambassadors, and that he asked each of these in turn whether an vqual number of their countrymen would care to engage with sach soldiers. The French and$sSpanish ambassadors politeâ€" 1y replied in the negative; but the British Swmbassador replicd that, while he coula not venture to assert that an equal number of bis country could beat the giants, he was perfectly sure that half the number would try. Rheomatism Cured in a UDay.â€"Sounth A meiftcan lIRaueamatie Cugs, for rhetiungae tism and nâ€"uraly in, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action npon the system i8 remaxarkable anrdo" mss# Wns 1+ is The bus leaves Grimsby every day for Beamsvilie and intermediate points at 8.30 a. m. and 4.15 p. m., returning leaves Beamsville at 9.15 a.m. and 5.00 Grimsby to Beamsville Parcels and freight oarried at low rates from 10c. up.~ Four return tickâ€" ets to Beamsville for $1.. Four returus to the Park for 50c. ‘ irudhomme, . Ethel. Simpson, Loyal Davis, Horace Bolton, L. VOSburgh. R. J. Brown, principal. ~â€"We wi‘l send The Independent from now to Dec 31, 1895, to new subscribâ€" ers for 5Uc. Every subscriber will get a ticket for the gold distribution free. Send in your money at once. The disâ€" tribution will take place at midâ€"summer and the followiog prizes in gold will be viven:~lst, $5; 2nd, $3 ;. 3:0d, §$2 Horm 4,, Class 1â€"â€"Clarence Macin ’tyre, Lottie Walker, Annie Gibson, Albert White, Cecil Russ, L. Henderâ€" ‘shot, Charlie Astle, George Zimmer wan, Herbiec Simpsm’.,)Nettie Riggins, Willie Kew, D. Robson, Emily Garâ€" butt and Lioyd Ritchie equal, Lizzis Thompson, Christina Monce, Frank Williams, Willie Sinclair, T, Groves, Willie Jardine, Norman McCaskell, AMy Williams, Wallace Talilman, W. Beatty, Lillie Martin. Class 2â€"Flora Wilioughby, Lena Bennett, Geo. Hixon, GClara Tallman, Willie Robson and Robt. McPherson equal, Jas. O‘Neill, Fred Walker, Dot Couse, Beulah White, Hattie Kerr, Lila Gibsoa, Harry McCombs, Chas. Prudhomme. Hthel: <imnsan ""Tâ€"Auwal 4th, $1. y 19 * w KPF, (Auni¢c Kelter; â€"Fred VanHorn, Maleolm McCaskill, Katie Vosburg, Albert Allen, Curtis House, Maud James, Willie Burtch. Wl“le Wa‘km A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath Electric Raillway Bus Line. Murray & _ Lanman‘s Ripans Tabules are always ready. Ask your Druggist for 66 66 A Regiment wwawiants. FLORIDA WATER PASSENGER TARIFFE. Wonderful Offer. The Park The Thirry Jas. A. LivInaston, Manager Miss M. Davig. Single, Return 200 30c 10c 15c 1200 NWV N It. re« ciasnse by all 1 $2; 1 fi 250 4e Bee: K. D..C. Syrup of Figs Celery Liver Pills Ayetr‘s Pills Beecham‘s Pills Siegel‘s Pills Nestle‘s Food 37 Lig® ’ Quinine wine «» 75 , 4 2 C Hoyt‘s Cologne 15 RIPAm > Teaberry s 1s gilBe! Asyrup Case‘s Sarsaparilla 60 Pigk Disco Maltine Cod Liver Oil' . Miller‘s Emulsion, large 42 â€" L % small @5 . : T9 en o o ns a n Men‘s Sacque Suits in Scotch and Canadian T‘weed. by offering $10 and $12 suits for 5 95. This price is ahea best in Canadsa for the money. 1 . Our next bargain is a $9 suit for 4 95 ing fast. We sell cheap and rell a heap. 1 Pertect Tormio <t.~ . Hair V igor, 0J Cherry Pectoral6i Burdock Blood Bitt‘s6 Fellow‘s Syrup 1.1( Scott‘s Emulsion _ 65 66 small 35 Celery Compound 5 Hood‘s Sarsaparilla 6 Ayer‘s *4 6. Hamilton, Mar95- We have prep ce ry mereasod, SpYINE UTAQC.. .. L117 L C1100 . "1.60 LE Sb o C P es 3 4 ooob an0 B ce is s sean e Aban eE tam on n ae s tooal in which to show our goodn ple selling space and a courteous staff of salespeople, combined with our position as direct importers, andi the ready cash to enter C‘" markets, make the RIGHT HOUSE the most desirable place to â€"do your spring shopping. We have a. large range of Spring Sty ij bably the largest in the city) though not by any means everything. There are many lines that we would ! not offer to our customef@ f eing too poor, othersâ€"but it is not necessary to give reasons, sufficient to say that anything desirable i= sure to be found on our -'Z'j;,l,,g,; toâ€"day a large range of Fancy Silks, new patterns. Don‘t you think it would pay you to take: a look through our stocfi@ .. % ; _ } Our cotton godke ng rapidly. New prints, sateens, ginghams, zephyrs, lawn, duck, crinkles, besides extra value in sheet ings, pillow casings, wifind gray cottons, flannelettes, table linens, napkins, tewels, etc. The change of f[season shows the rusty places in the carpet, or the lack of one or more of those small things that go to make up the complete home, ’Hf, prepared with a large importation of new carpets in Wilton, Axminster, Brussels, Tapestry, Wools, ete. Linoleums, floor cilelot ?}, ugs, lace, chenille and turcoman curtains, oak and enamel screens, etc. ' § Haberdashery f,fiv at contains nearly everything one could ask for in Gloves, Laces, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets (including many excellent styles o ”’g} rad from us) Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Coliars, etc. Our Men‘s Fu ‘i" have always been considered a very important department, but it is now better than ever, being fnlly stocksd with the latest % styles in Men‘s Neck Wear. Our own make White Shirts, laundried or unlaundriea. â€" Underwear, Socks, Braces, Umbrel]iete. Try the new way of shopping by mail. _ Samples sent to any address on application. Freight or express prepaid to your )" y station. â€" Satisfaction guaranteed. d i4 h King St. East, %‘ thson St., Hamilton. f s BM R 3 Hamilton, Mar § 895. ‘AH OMAS C. WA l K! NS-« fine fast Bl&cklifl]po;‘ ‘.(‘bbb., hose, 2 gloves, 6 pairs 25¢. Ladies‘ fifish Balbrigâ€" gloves, be gan Hose, 2 pairs fiwo. | Liadies‘ size, spril Black Cashmere Hosqairs for 35¢., ular $1. 2 pairs for 50¢c., 2 pai):_g § â€" . v.__,tucked ni Good goods and lowp leads the way to big business,. this list : Ladies‘ and children‘gn vests, a!! sizes, no sleeves, 3 foe. â€" Ladies‘ cotton vests, long and‘*‘d.,f-fine qualâ€" ily. .3 tor. 25¢. Lagkotton vests, half sleeves, 10¢., anghll wool vests for spring, importec, M Ladies‘ fine fast black imnoarttGon hose, 2 FINC J kx 0E NLLARW DUIL Y CS ‘ E ly Medicine 45 This is the piaw. .. «uy them. 18 ‘ellow Oil 20 A Bargainâ€"The finest Franch perfun (s, imâ€" ian Root Pills 20 ported direct, sells at 35 to 50¢ 7. itment 60 _ Chase‘s Ointment 50 | The following odors : Crab apple bl« Roms, Oil 45 Nasal Balm 40 wood violet, white Ttose, white lila&& lily 75â€" Pond‘s Extract 45 valley, and others. My price onl 15¢ z8 65 Minard‘s Liniment 20 au ounce. f c Pills 15 Castoria 3( | A fine French Cologne only 10¢, usually 25¢. 150 Wright‘s Pills 20| Perfume atomizers filled with fine perfume ills 25 Pierce‘s Pellets 20 only 50¢, usual price $1. ' 3 20 Hood‘s Pills 20 j . Spencer Case, . f d y nssy Ns ds s sd ‘%%;% C Mess wu y 7 £ Ts 4 ~% > %. wr s (Â¥2 > pse HEAP DRUCGGIST. rectip U sagm / [ 65 15 15 25 20 puik Pills,gemnine, 30 ;D«@dg&fKidney Pills30 ~Elcetric Oil 16 Hirst‘s Liniment 15 ICarter‘s Liver Pills 13 astor Oil 10c. perlb. ticura soap o9 Chase‘s Oint Nasal Balm fh°"* 28 Pgnd’s Extract 45 Minard‘s Liniment 20 Castoria _ 3( Wright‘s Pills _ 20 Pierce‘s Pellets 20 Hood‘s Pills 20 9 B T2 TG BROS. ~ 20 20 30 gely increased spring trade. Immense variety of new styles are being opened out daily. Perfect ligh# e selling space and a courteous staff of salespeople, combined with our position as direct importers, andi tkets, make the RIGHT HOUSE the most desirable place to do your spring shopping. We have a ly the largest in the city) though not by any means everything{. There are many lines that we would ead in Low Prices m GTCDL Buy of the makers. $3 two piece, Ages 4 to 10, | W arranted all wool avmmnoemnincemeemnnen annmmmunmeneuenemnonmmresmmcemme SPRING DRESS GOODS. Ages 4 to 10 Warranted all wool BV 3 50 twoâ€"piece suit price, 40c. Ladies‘ pure Silk . Gloves, all colors and black, 25c., regular 40c. Ladies‘ fine black cashmere gloves 10c, regular 20c; extra quality 15¢, regular 25c. Lacies‘ fine embroideried tan kid gloves, 6 to 64. 50c. Fine Pauline kid gloves, best makes, guasanteed, every size, spring shades and black, 75¢, regâ€" ular $1. â€" Ladies‘ embroidered and tucked nightgowsn, 500, regular 75c. Bargains in Children‘s Hosiery, best goods. Men‘s Natural and Black Cashâ€" mere half Hose, all sizes, 2_597, r‘(},gular Claildremn Now $1.95 Now $1.95 brown South § Dr, Agnew‘s Heart Cure t€ Catarrh Cure eiap iematis i i‘ KING OF CLOTHIERS, «iA id James St. HAMILTON s Troches 20 American Nervine TB § Kidney Cure 75 6€ Rheumatic Cure 65 and Canadian Tweed. We will open the spring trade 5. This price is ahead of all all competitors, and the 1]18$.2 0 IlIting W CT IMPOR T ‘bestâ€" 15 10 10 g@ap . . 10 ~, 20¢, 25¢ upwards We cannot hold these goods, they are mov h See those _\g’zbby Blouse i $ Hhey are st\li ! If you apprec Bargains fhain <ig paeah #5~ paak en e cedcadins Come in and we offer. Of Gigantic Bargains for April 10 Ladies‘ White Lawn Hemstitehed Handkerchiefs,; 2 for 5¢, regular &e, each. Ladies‘ and Children‘s Cojoredi Border Handkerchiefs 2 for 50., worth be. each. Men‘s Cambrics Handkerâ€" chiefs. colored border. 2 for 150., regnâ€" lar‘12%0. Ladies‘: and Misses Spring Jackets at 50, 750. and $1 each.. Don‘s miss seeing these bargains. Pure Linâ€" en Huck Towels, fringed ends, 17x35 inches., 3 for 25¢. Fine Linee Huaock Towels, fringed and red ends, 18x3G inches, 3 for 35c. 50 KING ST, WEST. HAMILTON®NE Patent NMIledicines Tooth powders 5¢ o0z &1 "*_ extra fine 100 oz Shaving brushes 5, 10, 15, 20, 25¢. Any patent medicine you require, away down. Every patent medicine ed genuine and all wrappers in per dition. My stock of drugs, toilet articles, perfomâ€" ery, dye stuffs, paints, oils, artists‘ materials, etc., is the best assorted stock in the city, and at prices to suit the times. Also the best stock of trusses, shoulder braces, crutches, supporters, etc., is without a rival. Guaranâ€" teed to fit any rupture Or money refun'dod, and at prices reasonable. Family recipes, condition powder, recipes and prescriptions prepared carefully, and only the purest ang freshest material used. 24 Give me a call, you will be faldly anc hnlue.fl* difi‘.t with.. Anything not satisâ€" ue ~ill be refunded or goods exâ€" * Mail and Express orders receive prompt attention. Your patroncige: solicited. Eâ€"74{+CO U S F}% est. HAMILLTON C Cbemist and Druggist e what ammanmmerramnomunremermzmercecmenne examsmsmnstPaly U Away d edicine warrant in perfect con o )Wn In pri ul ?g& whit

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