Grimsby Independent, 7 Mar 1895, p. 5

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e would but we amence all) the | prices ly, and | stock, quote & cts. > ©5 cts ts. per tes 15c and. cts. shovels knives, tly reâ€" itreet, IES t$1.10 at T5c¢, ind $1 [S and [S. these ly at entire NC TIQH LE ()N public take $1.15 ./ iA m O3 22 Genta‘ fine laundsied shigts L0 and 4 En each; Oxford, Cémbrio & n d . Flarznel shirts ; Gent#ts‘ shirts made to order t Treble‘s shirt house, Cor. King and Jamnee St., Commencing with cpening of navigattop. about April 1st, the magnificent sm&wheaii %ea;nersâ€"State of Ohio and State of Mew: ork. Sundasy included. L‘ve Buffaelo 7 830 p m. Ar. Cleveland $ 8# am L‘ve Cleveland T p.m. _ Ar. Buffalo 8.350 a. mm Eastern Standard Time. Take the C. & B, line steamoers and enipy & refreshing night‘srest when en rowle $ Cleveiand, Columbus, Cincinnath Tote 4n Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit iaol'mao‘ Isiand, Northern Lake Tourlst fielorts, «e any Ohio, Indiana or southâ€"western poink. send 4c postage for tourist pamphlet. {â€"â€"H Gente‘ lined kid gloves, silk and caskâ€" mere muflless, wool and caghmer:e sock®, ai Troble‘s, Co#.: King and Jsames Sz Hamiltorn. W.F Herman, TF. Newvnaa Prfimntime NEATLY â€" DONE THECOOKSBEST FRIEND 2 5( POWDER Via C. & B. Line. Daily Time ‘#Wable LARGEST SALE IN CANADaA Cleveland O. OFP EVERY DESCRIPTION ilton Independent AT THE CGTâ€"EIMSB G ;;;â€"a- cunpouot 05 \aome % IN BUFFAL& CLEVELARES. Gen. K am. 14. See bills for list of goods, thingi will he_sold without q Terms, 7 months on good notes member the place, 14 mile of the village of Grimsby. S one o‘clock. Jas. A.: Livir Auctioneer. Auction gold his ! possession ( off his stoc] hold furni Is not buying the cheapest goods, but the best for the money. 6 _ _We have them right here and were never able to give such values before. _ The cash or produce does it. TT rue _ At the Stockâ€"taking seaeâ€" son there are some bargains in remnants. In fact all lines are reduced in price. We have a well assorted lot of kid gloves, all the newest shades,. They are first class goods. Also a fine line of neckwear. _ All these goods are new and have not been shown until this week. Jas. Allan & Co. Porfumesâ€"A fine new stock, sold by the ounce. 30c¢. and 50c. per ouneé Bring your bottle to Morrow‘s. The many friends of W. B. Ritten house will hear with surprise and sorâ€" row of the death of Mrs. Rittenhouse last Sunday evening. â€" Deceased was away from home and was taken ill at her old home near Campden, where she died, surrounded by the family, including Miss Nellie, who was hastiâ€" ly sammoned from Pbiladelphia. Mrs Rittenhouse was ill but a few days away TOr i they are in order t erty left I elad to he Some good colors left in those complete dress patâ€" terns at §1 a dress. No such value elsewhere. Funeral announcement in anothe column. We have put the knife in grey flannels and prices range from 10¢ up. These goods must be cleared out before Spring goods arrive. Hen:t died las hc _ The best pair of: towels ever shown for 25¢ pair. _ }To appreciate these things and many more you must }fiee them, and its no trouble for us to show goods. The best barrel salt $1 Bring on your produce. health in t friends, an nicht and James UG his brothet InevIvai the Metho Cegaretts, Sweet Cap, Athlete, Derâ€" by, about 10,000. Cegars, 20 brands. Pipes in endless variety and price, at Morrow‘s. BARRY & CO, _ BEAMSVILLE } n e Methodist c Where is the n‘t they come Ives. Get sor ~come here an me.. Come c Beamsyville, Feb. 28 TH S Mou on March 10. â€" 1 _ stock, implements an furniture on Thursday See bills for list of good: Economy C W cemmmenmes crer outont mevraeecratt reaiaccranainr or Karr is lying very ill at his P T ervIic nc ) V re hurch here , W HOUSE rire being held m L H amilton, visiting . Laidman has must give up rrove . _ Sale at Livingston, will yreserve nouse March ,vet SC LC up In Numerous cases of bad calds here. The ordinary sneeze and cold, the famous la gripps, and the carnival cold, the last of which has several vicâ€" timsâ€"who in some strange manner caught cold at the rink when they sat there only two hours, that‘s all. Monday morning the bus, while rushing to the G. T. R. station with four viectims, took a tumble to itself, rolled over, and those who were strangers before found each other out â€"yes, out in the cold. Our crockery department is filled with ehina cups and saucers, colored baskets, vases, rose bowls, fancy mugs, plate and milk sets. We have an elegant line of brass foot lamps, with porcelain shades, for $1.25. Glassware at prices unheard of. _ Sugar shell and butter knife sets at 50c. Brownie sets for children 25e.â€" Carafes, decorated and plain, 30c, each, Call and see our china deâ€" partment. Jas. Allan & Co. Fancy glassware, fancy goods, toys, etc., in endless variety at Morrow‘s. Next Monday evening, in the town ball, the Misses Webling, of London, England, will give one of their delightâ€" ful entertainments under the auspices of the I. 0. 0. F. The press speak in the very highest terms of these young ladies. The Hamilton Times says, "There are not perhaps in the Doâ€" minion of Canada toâ€"day three more talented entertainers than Rosalind, Peggy and Lucy Webling." Don‘t miss this treat â€" Popular prices. Rev, Dr. Macintyre gave a most eloquent discourse last Sunday mornâ€" ing, which was listened to with wrapt attention by the large congregation. A communication regarding the Mock parliament has been helo over until next week, â€"[ Ed. _ stock them A DARK DEED: | THAT BLACK CAT. Of course you know that she |..Gaf._quud»ran away from he, _ Some one could keep her better So she broke the matrimonial fetter SHILOH‘S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in gwreat demand. Pocket aize contains twenty five, oply 286. Children iove it.. Seld by M. Fitch, Grimsby. There was now no one to boss, To get her back, his only thought, And by every means he sought His all in all to regain Naught in his breast but pain. A cat black as night, Must shut it up out of sight, Starve the brute till life had fled, And when the feline was dead, dead The bad spirit in herâ€" would at once leave she . And her would at once return That they would lovingly agree And be happy as happy can be. Advice from a friend as wise as he Was that he might again get she, Mysteriously he informed that He should capture a black cat. The prophetâ€"â€"he lied, And the lonely man sighed Relief in Sim Hours,â€"Dstressitg kid« ney and bladder disesses relieved in six bours by the "New Grseat BHouth Ameriâ€" can Kiduey Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physiâ€" cians on account of its exceeding promptâ€" nesse in relieving pain in the bisddes, kidnesjs, back and every part of the urim@ary pessages in male or female. It relfeves retention of water and pain in peasing it almost immediately. If you want quaick relief and cure this is your remedg. Sold by all drupgisis. So he mourned her loss, Alone on his bed he would toss, To bhim the world‘s wealth was but dross. f We will send The Independent from now to Dec. 31, 1895, to new subscribâ€" ers for 500. Every subscriber will get a@a ticket for the gold distribution free,. Send in your money at once. ‘The disâ€" tribution will take place at midâ€"summer and the following prizes in gold will be given : Ist, $5; Ind, $#3 ; 3rd, $2 4th.«$1. To search out impurities and drive them from tho system is the work of Burdock Blood Bitters ; thus B. B. B. cures dyspepsia constipation, bad blood, biliousness and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood.; â€" § Jas. Allan & ie experiment he tried, je catâ€"â€"~â€"â€"it ‘died. ie prophetâ€"â€"he lied, T Wonderful Offer to he, The oldest generai store in Cenada. JAMES ALLAN & CO‘Y During Xmas week, having opened all our goods we will show entirely"hew lines of dress goods. _ Besides ;*‘e,very make of blacks that for quality are unâ€" surpsssed, we will show xk ) o 20 ends of 40â€"inch tweed dress goods, 5 yds will make a dress. _ They (are only 256 a yard and at this price are che«sp as print. us GREAT CHRISTMAS SALE. Special attention has been given to our tweeds and suitings. â€" Overgoats and ordered suits are our specialty, Rlankets, cottons, flannelettes, hose, shirts and drawers and ladies‘ underâ€" wesr at 10 per cenot. on manufacturers‘ prices. . oop e _â€"â€"Come early in the day and ayofd the rush. Our millinery department has been well stocked up and contains some fine goods. _ Miss Stricke rwill give you a bargein in anything w heve. _ _ JAS. ALLANX & CO. Mr. G._F sentative of B., in speal "It is the t Frefur it : to riends of n would be di any other." TEertErâ€"In North Grimsby on Thursday, Feb. 28, 1895, Honry Tectâ€" er at the age of 72 years. Catarth Relieved in i0 to 60 Minutes. â€"One shott puff of the bresth through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr Agnew‘s Caterrhal Powder, giffuses this powder over the surface of the nasul pesssges. â€" Painless and delightful to use, it rselieves iustantly and permaâ€" nenutly cures catgrrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throut, tonslilitis and deafness, 60 cents. At ull druggists. [ H Certain in its effects and nev i Read proofs below : <KENDALL‘S SPAVI t _ Box52, Carman, Henderson Co * { Dr. B. J. Kexnpaut Co. t _ Dear Sirsâ€"Please send me one { Books and oblige. I have used a gr Kendall‘s Spavin Cure with-*i(a)od 1 wonderful medicine. I once had i { an Occult Spavin and five bottle The following ‘are uames of pupils who attended school the full bumber of days during January und Fetruary of 1895 :. Hervey Culp, Eidith Culp, Noah Cualp, M yrtle Fretz, Aivia Culp, Samud Culp, Arthur Rittenhouse, Abram Culp, Alberta Culp and Curtis Culp. R. F. Martin, Teacher. I suffered everything but death from Iudiâ€" gestion during four years and tried all sorts of medicine to no effeâ€"t, at last I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and before finâ€" ishing the second bottle I was as well asâ€"I could be and have had good health ever since. H i 3 { Dr. B. J. KespaLL Co. f es Dear Sirsâ€"I have used several batties 0 * Kendall‘s Spavin Cure" with much suce * think it the best Liniment I evgr used, H moved one Curb, one Blood Rpavin @is two Bone Rpavins. Have recommendc several of my friends who are much pleas KENDALL‘S SPAI and keep it. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. For Sale by all Druggifts, oz se un k '.is‘_:fl'v" I);swa’Gg\, ENOSBVURGH FAILS, VT. k Tiaings From Zionville Established., 181% A Popular Traveller BEAMCVILLE. BENJ. STEWART, Postmaster Read proofs bel Honor Tioll Respectfully,. 8. R. %CL- 3 oPAt Died. SPAYIN GUP E. P CaXTOX, Mo., Apr. 8 TON, 18 N 8 A special line of Ladies‘ White Cotton Underwear opâ€" ened out a few days ago is a marvel of cheapness. You can not buy the material and make them up for the money we offer them at. As a conseâ€" quence many ladies are takâ€" ing advantage of this opporâ€" tunity and purchasing freely Night gowns 35¢, 50c, 80c¢, and $1. Drawers, 25, 35, 50 750. Chemises, 25, 60c, $1. Corset covers 15, 25, 40,50c¢ Skirts 50c, 80c, $1, 1,.25. Aprons 25c. A few knitted and quilted skirts left, very cheap to clear _â€"_FUR GARMENTS. Astrachan jackets are still on the move; we parted with several on Saturday. â€" March is usually a raw, blustery MCLAREN & CO. bus to C( railway Cars heated by electricity. Fast time on the bus. and 5 p.m. sharp. Cars leaving Hamilton and 3 p. 1a, make direct Beamsvyili«, 8 45 and 430 Tickets will be sold from The Thirty and from the Park the same as at any sta tion. All vickets grod until used,. Freight and p«arcels oarried at very low rater, from 108 up. All parcelis and freight should be left at T. A, Simpâ€" son‘s hotel. Beamsville, Ont. local a ment. The bu= passes the at 9.30 and 5.15, g @nd 4 40. The bus passes Grimsby Park going wert at 9. 40 and 525. going east at Beamsville to Hamilton The Thirty to Hamiltoo G. Park to Hamilton ISAAC HAUN, BEAMSVILLE LECTRICG Bus les ves ) TCCL For sale S$T.CATHARINE®E . n TIm MADAMINE, PASSENGER TTRIFF,. ana msville TIM E E. RIGGINS, Beamsville JAs. A. LrvInaston, sses the Thirty going west 5.15, going east at 8.55 Beamsville at 9 15 a,. m. ulC t by m To farmers. , The great wonder of the 19th century. Heavy yield warâ€" ranted in good land Straw is STIFE, and stands up well. This grain will produce flour equal JAPANESE thence progauce nour to wheat. baos ‘ furnish regular prices to parties at outside points. Mone must accompany orders. $2 per bushel up to 4 bus. _ Larger quantities at lower rates. TABLE LIN E. GO0D NEWS 11 KlB] L © / CoOnne Hamilton ne month‘s treatâ€" ail on receips of AILWAY Single, Return 500 Tbe 4(0 700 3D¢ 60c connec n n applicat Co., Toro: CARLEY. AY Mansger, n y1Â¥ lectric F IY p J a,. m tion £f0 ction dles NC STAPLES. f Prints and Dress Ducks sell ing very fast A line of Fancy Duck Skirtâ€" ing at 30c. Butterick‘s Paper Patterns, the Metropelitan Catalogue of Fashions, and the Delineator, always in stock. month, and one of these will be needed just as much as any month in the year; and even if you don‘t require it so much, in all probatility yon‘ll never get them any cheaper, and they ‘are a staple ‘garâ€" ment, always right. f White Ducks, Blue Ducks, Navy Ducks®, Grey Ducks, at 10, 12} and 15c. McLAREN & CQO. YT W omen‘s sold by others Chas. Jeffries & O DN . Bio Reduction â€"$7 for 5.50, $6 for 5.00, $5 for 4.25, 4.00 for 3.00 Worsted suits 18.00 English, Scoteh and Canadâ€" ian suitings at big reduction«. J.,_ MA BR ®&, MERCHANT TAILOR BEA M 5 V I LL New Prints, Ginghams, _ Crinkles, Dress Goods : Shirtings, Cottons j Cottonades BOUND *T*° SELL Arriving at Hosiery, I or wint 19 & 21 St. Paul Street, ST.CATHARINES U1 W e V ALUE Imported GEOoORGE BEATTY one i bn V Repairing neatly done. can give you BW Electric railways taken in exchange. PRING (1 € Beamsville, Ont. Shoos In u8. 1 GOODS TIn Prpi Lt C TICCS For Cash English panting one n Halj s 4 50. boots th > county $CZ 13y attv‘s. 1"} Try ug, Mippmmmrmzom....._

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