oods at about hailf price. T dvantages, ardy Canaâ€" ive a numâ€" ich are, of be secured ist of New pear, Saunâ€" y, â€" Moore‘s t eurrants, 5c. ittention to ities, suitaâ€" Canada. GToN. TOo, oONT. IAN. f . Beamsâ€" Touse conâ€" mors,) dinâ€" ms, back under the ill be sold fing arrivals this week :â€"Beautiful French cashâ€" »d shirts and drawers, a case of blankets. Swigs carfs, boys‘ collars, ribbed woolen shirts, cashmere Is, ping, linen, cotton and silk spools, Mohair and iressgoods are having an immenge sale, thet| are Apply to change, Hamilton. long new styles. _ Pilesâ€" of mantle cloths, an im ring and table covers, ladies cashmere, Astracha&an ildrens‘ misses‘ and ladies cashmere hose, grey z, bed and horse blankets, cighteen cases ~of lite cottons, tickings, cottonades, Canadian tweeds, is 40x138 feet, and is filled with almost every arâ€" bths are new and cheap. â€"‘The linoleums, floor oil ityles. â€" Mind and enter the stores east of ths carâ€" mse.. Corner of King and Hughson streets. TR , t < is o ipg FARMERS 6 it @ 4& e "a e Ba mew "ys fnym Hfrhg es TY > Ns m â€" sÂ¥ â€" . <[+) mpy Cl Tpg â€"Ser e Plfe Tt . Ee racuee essm s io: Ceaemryr hok t es 3 .;;;ï¬ ty eive 4. fikkute.) tatle us bEe w V marvaye>. e ns mCs in is is ) e o 5 E.tc e 5 3: 3 x & (§! all Kinds Stock and large, at acre. Vilâ€" ces a Spe:â€" Tole} CHEAP i property ada.; msby GRIMSBY t MEN OF ALL AGESE t 3 it ho o s e es : d o e, . es Â¥I&.ALTE REVE W ER, RAGHFES «LND Lt MLkad and Kohinoor of Medicines, * bilo comsoeqnencos of Indiscretion Exposure and Overwork, ot SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The magnificent steamship " ciTY oF NEW YORK," 10,500 Tons, INMAN LINE, (the largest palace steamer afloat), will leave New York on her first return voyage on 18th of August. SincLle TickEts From $60 to $600 P.5, Passengers transferred to Steamer free of charge. Tourists‘ Ticket® via New York or Que: bee to any part of Europe. All Correspondence will receive prompt Attention. Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers payable atall the principal Cities of Europe, in the Currency of the country where presented. c _ _ _ Mass 3 Collection of Drafts, Claims, and Legacies in any part of Europe and America. J NY . G@rote‘s CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE, RETURN TicKkETs FRoM $108 ts $1080 Secure your tickets in time at above o 17 Queen St., St,, Catharines. D Round Tripâ€"~to Hurope $35 . â€".. â€"Only $35 $65 Round Trip $65 $28 Intermediate $28 teeragI% at Greatly.Reduced Rates. Choice .. of Railway to New Yorkâ€"‘"Now York ELE V B by SAM‘L To save .their Machimery Should use only the wellâ€"known OF MAN. Theseâ€" Oils have received WAT NS MACEHINE OIL. Ne ti [3 & A tb fal 41 0 64 m s bu DJ Py 5A 6 .8 @d l 0o #a o o o o 0o o o &5 5s B * 1 © 9 2 E) T ; e o tA > % 4 o 5 $s m es q : s t3 hS 4 5 © a C hE % THRESH ERS Central," "West shore," "Erie," â€"Genuiue sold byâ€" EXCURSIONS. A Painless Gu: inv5 years.~ Madoeron}y TO BE HAD ONLY AT Yo. 8a radical cure for neryv vital losses, etc. orgy, vertigo, want of purp 6, avoidance of conversat ention on a particular subj ty excitability of temper, 6: N ROGERS & LCO TORONTO. â€"â€"ANLI}â€"â€" T . Cï¬ JOLD MED Gc+riimsby . { § In opposition to the doctrine laid down by Vattel and Napoleon, it may be urged that the very possibility of dishonorable death, and the knowledge that a spy‘s serrice may be regarded as " beneath a man of honor, " may render the voluntary porformance of this duty more an act of bravery than the most daring service on the battlefield. When he had ssen and taken note of everyâ€" thing, hedisappeared, and returned to Napolâ€" eon‘s headquarters, Hisinformation proved of great service to his country, and it was proposed to the Emperor to decorate the man with the cross of the Legion of Honor. The soldier has the rush and excitement of battle to spur him on to brave deedg; the spy has before him the possibility of airi ignominious death. He must n_lee,t per alone, and in cold blood. ‘The scldier‘s brave service may be the result of a sort of physiâ€" cal courage, while that of the spy must be the result of moral courage. o s © «* mo, indeed, " said Napoleon. ""I did not establish the Legion of Honor to reward services of that kind." He carried out his plan so skillfully that no one suspected that he was not a genaine English officer ; and as the English were in alliance with the Germans, he was taken throughall the fortifications, and given every item of information that he wanted. $ But he gave the spy five thousand dollars in money. .:§$% 5. â€"} 0K P12 When he arrived at that city, he found the German garrison expecting the arrival of an English general. The spy was able to speak the English language perfectly well, and it occurred to him that it would be an excellent plan for him to impersonate this English general. t Vattel, the author of the "Law of Nations," says that " a man of honor, who would not expose himself to dis by the hand of the common executioner, ever declines serving as a spy ; he considers it beneath him, as it seldom can be done witnout some kind of treachery, A sovereign, therefore, cannot lawfully require such a service of sukjects, except, perhaps, in some singular case, and that of the last importance." , . Following this idea, the French have always had a cortain repugnance to spies, even their owr. â€"The story is told that, at the time of Napoleon I., a French spy was charged with making a plan of the fortificaâ€" sions of Mayence. _ i .M °> : blubrigbsipatbenry aae 1t Oe . 3 1y in the perâ€" |tain kind of slavery, ica has honored a spy in hm a of Nathan Hale, 16 is distinguished as 4A ire for Drg son of Na > full trial by | The optum habit, depsoman the first nation to institute a fu nervous prostration caused b cozrt-martial of the spies of an enemy. PI:& wa.ketulngsa, mental degressi' ious to this, ib had been customary to send |p __;_° etc., premature ol ago Dlos t3 allows, as Nathsn Hale was sentby overâ€"exertion of the brain spies to the ga ~’der of a commanderâ€"inâ€" strength, from any cause w merely upon the or old )# middleâ€"agedâ€"who are t chief Lof the shaus maemiane ue on cupen But there is no doubt that the duty of a spy is commonly regarded as in some sense dishonorable, even %y those who take adâ€" vantage of it.> F 9 4e ) Hale crossed to the mainland in safety, obtained full knowledge of the situation, and set out to return to Washington‘s camp. He was discovered by the enemy, and hanged in New York by the order cf Sir William Howe without trial. His last words were, *T only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." io lt iigl. The virtues and bravery of. Hale alone would have invested the service of the spy with a considerable degree of honor, even if there had not been many other spies whose work had been almost, if not quite as brave. A generous supply of good pure water if an absolute necessity in profitable dairying, Bstter to bave surplus of hay than re enough. You cannot foretell how szsever the winter may be. When the horse shies at some object, stumbles, do not whip him. Help him stand, and show him the folly of his fear. Spies. Is the service of a spy in war honourable? It certainly cannot be set down as always dishonourable, since some men who have performed it have bsen revarded as in the highest degree worthy of honor. Nathan Hale, of Connecticut, an American patriot of the highest character, volunteered, after Washington‘s defeat on Long Island, to go to the mainland and seek information of the strength, plans and situation of. the enemy. Hale was a brave young officer, and had disâ€" tinguished himself by dashing and brilliant service. Probably he had no liking for the work of a spy ; but it was enough for him that his commander desired a brave and prudent man for the service. He volunteered, and was accepted. . Burnt corn is a most excellent thing feed to poultry, and is far superior to w charcoal, which, however, has wonderf effect in promoting the health of the fowls, «* Drainagoe," says & communication in t] American Cuiltivator, "* marks the lines I tween swamp and grain field, between sw and grassy meadows, between mosq plantationsand pleasant orchards and gro between unprofitable and profitable agric The duck should have a dry floor in ) ter. Some persons are under the supp tion that water is just what the duoi guires, and that dampness ia‘ no injury, the tact is when it is compelled to 1 durix:ï¬ the night on damp ground, it beco: chilled and gets out of condition. More diseases among fowls than many || agine are directly due to the mfireoaenoe $ lice, which, by sapping the vi 3 of fowl, and by cansing irritation an uz‘fl e tR k es 2oo uy e LC Lt PA U 1 80 thi ouhadiind" Bitytctcenmin â€" WPomfotakiints neas: render the system easily susouptibli the germs of disease. Good health is best preventive of disease, and g?‘oé heal 1 h s > a J in n o on on L o ah. is largely dependent upon freedon fr Â¥ermin. Where Polson‘s Nerviline is usd. Co posed of the most powerfal paiosubdui remedies known, Nerviline candt fail give prompt relief in rheumatisnneural cramps, pain in the back and sio and host of painful affecttions, interil or ext nal, arising from inflammatoryaction, 10 cont sample botsle of Nervile will g sufficient proof cf its superioritover ev known remedy. Try Nervic. La bottles 25 cents ; trial bottles ly 10 ce uh No VBC E2M M OO oi ns n lt 070 C003 1 w 7 not an original singer, but bews its nés from the titlark and the nighgale. A laundry in Cambridgep: a suburbt Boston, is the largest in / world, {d proudly claims to keep 59,ludes in cln shirts. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. | e thibhe canalis* Few pe.rs.ong aere aw?l:,L 2. Arbre Pher se 4ss 33 Pain Canunot Stay ab some object, d TUMORS, ULCERS, SCROFULA, G AN erc., cured permanently without #"ythe knife. Apply to DR. W. L. SMITA, 124 Queen St E., Toronto. G. 0. Roz», Chief Engineer. _ A. Frasur, Sec‘yâ€"Treas EAUTIFUL STORY" AND GOLDEN GEMS B of Religious Thouzsht, by J. W. Buel and T. De Witt Talmage, i. D.; beautiful ilustrations, colorâ€" ed and plain ; handsomely bound ; largs quarto book; plcin t: pe and juâ€"t such a book that takes the eye at & glance; terms to agents extra liberal, WinLIax Briges Publisher, Torento. KA desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should vislt us. Scientific and reliable systems taught whereby parfect fitting garâ€" ments are groduced. Cirsular with full informatio : on application S.:CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yongest. Toaonto. MONEY: H. WILLIAMS & 60. &#z. ROOFERS MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Roofing Felt, Slaters‘ Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel. Ofice: 4 Adclaide St. East, Toronto. 99 THE DANDY" PATENT BAGHCLDER, whichâ€"every farmer wants now, costs only 75 ots., and if there is no local agent, may be obtained (free by express or mail), on sending price to C. W. ALLEN & CO., World Building, Toronto. AGE"TS w ANTED | Illustrated particulars â€" &bout the Patent PiNâ€" LBSB CLOTHBS Lin®, free on application,. It is new, successful and châ€"ap, . TarBox BRros., Toronto, Ont. TOBONN) CUTTING SCHOOL . â€"Gentlemen } desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge SAUSCAE : Orders filled for any desi utity. _ (Aioes. ny desired quastitv, V JAMES PARK & son, Mictunten . The greatest evils in life hav§ ha rise from things that were thought little fimportance to be attended to. FARMS PA’I‘ENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and experte Est‘d 1867 Domd €C. Bidout 4& Co-.'l‘oronto. _ Office always brings obligations and a cerâ€" tain kind of slavery, t A Cure for Drunkenzoss, _ _The optum habit, depsomania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of fobac0oo, wakefuiness, mental degression. softening of the brain, etc., premature ol ago, loss of vitality caused by overâ€"exertion of the brain and loss of natural strength, from any cause whatever, Menâ€"ycoung, old )* middleâ€"agedâ€"who are brcken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon‘s Treatise, in book form, of Diseasesof Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M,. V â€"LUBONK 47 Wetunrton strect EKast. Toronto Ont KNITTING CANOES Pcetry has something divine in it and is necessary to the satisfaction of the human mind; 4 r seivig puacg 2 0C * £Mi000¢ Symrromsâ€"Moisture : intense itching and stinging ; most at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer: ate, becoming very sore. Swarn®‘s OmTMENT sto the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and f: many cases removes the tumors. 1t is equall%moa- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. â€" SwayxE‘s OmNTkBx7 can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. A man‘s first care should be to avoid the reproaches of his own heart ; his next, to escape the censures of the world. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy forthe above named disaase. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consump: tion if they will send me their Express and P.. 0. address..= »Resp‘y, T. A. SL£L0CUM, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. Watson‘s cough drops are the b world for the throat and chest, for unequalled. ‘See that the letters R are stamped on each drop. Truth, latent in the mizd, is hidden wisâ€" dom and invisable treasure. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor,â€" s Co) 3 l Dox‘r Dix tux®x Jors of Christmas Eve by bhaving smoky lamp chimneys and poor lightâ€"Use only Carb:n Safety Oil.. For sale by dealers everywhere. She trted to write love poetry to the dea" con, and could frame onlyâ€" «* Affliction sore Long time I bore." Had the lone creature used Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription~ the sure remedy for the weaknesses and peculiar ailments of her sexâ€"she might have secured the deacon‘s favor by the cheerful character of her verses. In a multitude of words there wanteth not‘ sin. Life has been compared to a race ; and illusion improves by observing that the most swift are ever the most apt to stray from the course. A small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought, proclaims that which makes thsusands, perhaps millions, think," wrote Byron. The inspiration of his pen might give the dusky fluid such a far reaching power, and we wish we were possessed of such an inspiration, that we might, through & like medium, bring into such extended notice the matchless virtues of Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Purgative Pellets, those tiny sugarâ€"coated granules which contain, in & concentrated form, the active principles of vegetatls extracts that Dame Nature deâ€" signed especially to promote a healthy action of the liver, stomach and bowels. Establi h Whatever emé)loyment you follow with perseverance and assiduity, will be found fit for you. that you cannot afford to neglect that caâ€" tarrh ?â€" Don‘t you know that it may lead to corsumption, ta ‘nsanity, to death 2 â€"Don‘t you knrow that it can be easily cured ? Don‘t you know that while the thousand and one nostrums you hsve tried have uttorly failed that Dr. Sage‘s Cattarh Remedy is a certain cure? 1+ has stood the test of years, and there are hundreds of thousands of gratefual men and women in all parts of the country who can testify to its efficacy. All drugâ€" gists. YHE BOILER INSPECTION ana nsur: & ance Companx of Canada, Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents, â€"_â€"_TORONT 0. 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Poor Widow Bedott! Send for Ill. Oatalogue . WM. ENGL§SH, Peterbero, Ont. FOR SALE or HRENYT. {ALL SizBSs, Kimps and PricEs. Some special bargains. H. 8. MITCHELL, DrAyro®, OXNT. The Power of Ink. Creclman Bros. €Georgetown,Ont TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates No delay. Correspondence solicited «. W, D. BUTLER, Financial Agt. Don‘t You Know 1TCHINC€ PWP3 UUulI No More. CASINGSâ€"f#s:son 18883 Ne i~poitations f Eng‘ish Sheeps, Finest Amer: 19 Hog Casings. 72 Kingâ€"st. E., Toronto life have had their 2 MACHINES A . P. 430 best in the r the voice Write of too for TORONTO ENGINE WORKS, J. Perking & Co. CREDIT FONCIERZ F RANCOâ€"CGANADIEN. CAPITAL, . _ _â€" ® $5,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, = MONTREAL. OFF*‘CE ONTARIO DIVISION : WELLINGTON STREET Â¥ TORONTO. This Company lends on good fartm property at lowâ€" est currert rate of interest and OM favorable terms. For information apply to ivcal agents, or to Farm Loans Brown Engines IRIN AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. PFor freight, passage, or other information apply A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co. Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John‘s, i.)l‘ ; Wm. Thomp son & Co., St. John, N. B.; All & COo., Chicago; Love & Alden, New York, Hâ€" Bourlier, Toronto; Allans, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Philadelâ€" phisa; H. A. Allen, Portland Bostorn Montreal. Sailing during winter from Port ana every Thurs day and Halifax every Saturdawdmverpool, and is summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and ?assengen for Scotland and Ireland; also xt‘riom Baltimore, vis Halifax and St. John‘s, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly durlnfnsummar months. ‘The :gnmers of the Glasâ€" %owl es sail during winter and from Halifax, ortland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durln.g sum mer between Glasgow and Montuai weekli; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphi+ fortnightly. | t ) ty 7 Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Ellis & Keighley, â€" Toronto. BEST VALUE IN THr pOMINION. _ _ F.E.DIX(]N QAGU » MAKERS,70 KINC ST. E, TORONTO Cure All Diseases 0f the Stomach, Boweis, MBE â€" Blood, Liver, Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS. gp~1,000 Reward paid for a case they will not ~..re. _/ Steamghips, sailing weekly between Montreall and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liversecfv $40, $50, and $60, Returntickets, $80, $90, and $110 according to steamer and accommodation. Inter mediate, $30 ; Round trip tickets, $60, Steerage, $20, Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and to secure births, a;l):{;ly to H. E. MURRAY, General Manager, I Oustom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the different Twons and Cities. LeatherBelting SCOTT S EMULSIO N separate or change, It is wonderfal as a fiesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consumpâ€" tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wastâ€" ing Discases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggists50c. and $1.00. Send for Price Lists and Discounts .oF Qï¬) LIV R, OXIL wz HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as Mlk. ; It is three times 38 efficacious as %la.in God Liver Cl It is far suporior % ‘all othor soâ€" © called Emuisions. | It is a perfect Emtasion, does not Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness, None other are just as good. Beâ€" ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. . To beâ€"sure â€"of success, use only the Di1amonp Dyres for coloring Dresses, Stockâ€" ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. â€"We warrant them to color more goods, packâ€" age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Coat Golored GCarments Renewed } c!g_ A Child can use them! A Dress Dyed f o A Coat Golored Io Garments Renewed CENTS DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING Brilliant! Durable! Economical}\ WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., ponaaidt wordtee ol f es o tss 2cE n C % sls t & oo t Riore ooo en en o in opty y Loh o â€"tiAn ie t o wA o9 o o Ehserm, Eesc on & 1 s ty es k 4â€',,1',†‘r':ï¬?v'-"f*i%',‘“':"fl ind ,†s 4 CX W hy '.‘E"ZT‘L es eï¬ o td onap hn s f t ooo wn ol re All Diseases of th y ar e e Stomach. Bowelis, KKE â€" Blood, Liver, Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousne f ANADA SHEPPING Co.â€"Seaver Line of WHY YOU SHoULD USE At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. ROYAL Dandelion COFFEE, W . E. LONG, Manraiger, Torruto. Manufactured only by e &" W 2t‘ <l snb ";’.Ifixf h xt eP is :“?w sopcs " ’{ -’“_;‘ mt “ > d 4hA EPA hy u. oP P ds t a P P‘ _ § lt .â€â€™Jfllߠp ce C x 1832A 4 / Bt? Montreal, P. Q. PRINCESS AND FRONT STS 0. = â€"â€" Toronto. LADIES, LOOK : ‘BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 8¢ per 07. BVE <P A U sys H â€"CREDIT FONCIER FRANCO â€" CANsDBEEN. â€"CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Hrap OrriC®, MoNXTREAL OrFiCS ONTARIO DivisION, Wellington Ss. Toronto. This Company tis prepâ€" red to make advances n the security of Gcop FARM ProPERTY at Jowest Current rate of interest, and on favorable terms MORTGAGES PURâ€" CHASEIDP. For information apply to the Local Agents of the Company, or to HETLAND AND_ ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, 80 S per oz.: Saxony W.ol, all c lors, 10c per skein; lce Wool, best quality, 108 per ball; Embroidery Silk, every shade, 108 doz skeing ; Arrasene, ail colors, 30c dozen skeins ; Filoselle, best quality, 48e and 850 dozen skeins ; Macrame Cord, 15 colors, 10¢ ba 1; Felt, extra quality, 2 yards wide, $1,00 per yard ; Woolen Java Canvas, all colors, 45c yard,. Always on hand the newest materials for fancy work, at lowest prices. Lsetter orders have promp‘s and careful attention. Goods can be spnt to any part of Canada by post _ Write for price list. A trial solicited, HENRY DAVIS, Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto. Please mention this paper, MONEY TO,LOAN ALMA Seventeen graduates and certificated teachers in the aculty. Nearly 200 students last year. Graduating courses in Literature, Music, Fine Arts, Commercia Science and Elocution. Low rates good board thorough work. . McLaughlan Hall, co«ting $20,000, now opan. klegant Dormitories for 60 more students. Aadress PmNCIPAL AUSTIN B.D. and Tumors CURED ; no knife ; A R book free. DRs. MCMICHAEL, No. 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Just send your name and address, and 10¢. for ]S)osta%g, and_receive by Mail a HANDSOME ILK HANDKERCHEIF,and The Magic Needle! Astonisheseveryone ! Address, Whiton Novelty Co., Toronto, Ount. YOTU may HAVE ONE! W. E. LONG, Manager, Toronto, Ont. YOUNG WOMEN. JSt. Thomas, â€" Ont. W A NT ED. ) MUSIC TBACHER TrR® LEADING CANA! DJAN COLLEGE FOR A Beautiful Christmas Oard Sending a ONE CENT STAMP and naming this paper. Address WHALEY, ROYCE & C8., 283 Yonge St., than any other house in the trade. Manufacturâ€" ers of Band Instruments and Dealers in all kinds of Musical Merchandige. WE SELL CHEAPER in Canada to seni for our SPECIAL â€" CATALOGUES of Sheet Musicand Music Books. T OR O N T O. The Johnston Fluid Beef Co., 27 8t Peter St, Montreal Every Boy and Girl We are children who cheerfully join in the chorus When Breadmaker‘s Yeast is the subject before usâ€" Mamma tried all the rest, j So she knows it‘ s the best, [Zightest, *Cause her bread is the whitest, her buns are the And we eat all the pancakes she dare set before us, BUY THE BREADMAKER‘S YEAST. PRICE 5 CEXTS. Please ship immediately, as I cannot afford to keep buying plates for this iron grinder, and I have a good deal of grinding just now. Replaced three iron grinders last week. â€" We have them for sale cheap. I received your letter saying you weuld accept my order for 20 inch Standard Chopper. SUFFERING from the effects of early evil nabits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mropu®â€"4crzp and Onp Mzx who are broken down from the effects of abuse or overâ€"work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon‘s Treatise on the Discases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address 0 receipt of bwo 3c. stemps. Address W,. E. W. Co., Price $I per bottle, or 6 botéles for $5. Try it. It will make your hair grow thick and strong. For sale by all druggists everywhere, or send direct to the manufacturer enclosing the amount. A. DORENWEND, Paris Hair Works, It is the finest Q in the 4 Are you Bald. Is your Hair Gray The enlar%ed capital and resources of this Comâ€" pany, together wiih the increased facilities it hes recently acquired for supplying land owners witk cheap money, enable the Directors to meet witk promptness and at the lowest current rate of interes } all requirements ‘or loans upon satisfactory‘> estate security. Application may be made to either of the Company‘s local Appraisers or ts H AIRCE*®A°B,MACIC. Subscribed Capital,............... $ 4,509,000 Paid Up Capital,................... _ 2,.500,000 Total Assets,........................ 10,000,000 A life long studÂ¥. I warraAxnt my remedy to Cur®k the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receivin%a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE of mÂ¥INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Exgress and Post Office. _ It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. G. ROOT, M.G., 164 West Adclaide St. * TORroNTo, ont. When I say Cur® I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have‘"them rgâ€" turnagain. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of INCORPORATED 1855. Head Office : Toronts St., Toronto. FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS CANA DA ].PERMAN ENT Loan & 8avings Company MCAUSLAND & SON, Stained â€"Glass 103 and 105 Youge Street, Toronto, Can. J. HERB RIZ MASON Manay‘r Directer oronto. GREAT FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M. V. LUBON Wellin ton St. E. Toronto. $, 4 s Wig n eswA & * B *# ASxe LR\ 2 < " 4 4%-: ', %" \:‘\7 or Falling Out,. Try Dr. Dorenwend‘s 76 Ming St. W.. Torounto. FrrErTroX®N, Ont., Dec. 17th, 1888. Â¥ oung Men Yours truly, Brantford, »I CURE EITS! JOSHUA WHEELER, aeENWmn â€" GERM A N HAPR Hair Tonic world.