P femenieg... s1 0 ol m n Ei0 oi V oi ue R 9i. ’q 4 x‘,‘ Seminal weakness, lssn ied errors of youth, lost 4:\ P> h%}},} P M manhood, nightly ï¬ï¬*{- :g?/j““n czmslsmns, }c:':‘t;c The only faEPII?I‘:Oï¬S FEwctsa > | iving a direot current o ctric § j%z\j-‘.‘#‘?â€?â€; -{tgg thg parts, . Can be worn ni§1t or da%v & without inconvenionce. Hundr?lds gf Tosâ€" 3 from thoso cured of female diseases, pains in back and hips, head and | ty, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica s, spinal disease, torpid liver, gout, lenucorrhcea, catarrh of the bladder ‘minal emissions, asthmaheart discase, dyspepsia, constipation erysipâ€" Piotency,, piles, epilepsy, dumb agus and &Giabetes. Bend stamp for d boo}:I and health journal. Corrsspondence strictl-%conï¬dential. Conâ€" al treatment free. Agents wanted everywhore. Pat. Fob. 26th, 1887 â€" ""l}, y Zp Curoes Quarantead otrio Boit Co.. 155 Quosen St. West, Toronto, Canada. ake his own local an afford it â€"a: good perialso and every an agricultural i Ooffer the whole Vork DS, LARS, )ODGERS EADS, tECEIPTS NDODENT ng not to be undersold, we will sell you Goods cheaper iouse in the country. : ~special hers we ners we can give Weekly Mail ‘to Farm and Fireâ€" 89, ~the Indepenâ€" l1 for two dollars. <AL â€" DODH irze quantity of LA MPS and GLASSwW ARKE. lendid success this season with our NERY DEPARTMENT NOW Ive just received several lots of very fine N EBP SE CTCS first place, both for quality and cheapness. first class article cive us a call. in & Sinclair, shape, then nd: in a .very left fingers of ill. turn you "a Hat that‘ll rever) but for le season, .. ts, «Soft â€"hats, Yush, Fancy, i and lots of ease mamma‘s e‘s fancies, CATARRH KMPOSSIBLE UJ Theo only catarrh remedy ever offerc a written Euara.ntee given with:oa~n 155 Queon Street West, Toronto, Qni ind A meriein ats,;â€" Boutrrors Trimmings. ; and bonnets id, or you can Are the admiration of everyone. In Acting is noiz ting Vapor, e Actina No Lung dise c Actna d ulated 1 TRB ATE] TRIAL. journal ; nemencuye % tw orrecomep Creng exon “;"S'Pr meave ~ae * a Ts 4 o o c C e 8 ts > E/X r,'f" ,,.i&. _ ’:"f 2 5 ts 22 tss $CPs & EAA s <& ht A mA n B L 4 irs, and we e you to take ur establishâ€" c"are °n ~St IES <full of new 9t A visit bak LHG de «hi 1 e iatei ty eeoeaty Ac O [.» arrancgeâ€" r{met1 Th $Bta > all in- amsvyille. of McLAREN & Medicated for aut atseases of the blood and nerâ€" vous system. Ladies‘ Belt $2 for female comâ€" laints it has noequal. Mens‘ Belt$3,combined gelt and Suspensory $5. l has arrived. Gents come in and examine stock of factory and handmade | morals. Remember the place, Chas, Jefferies, KING STREET, BEAMSV ILLE. Parties having ginseng root for sale or who gather it will find a ready sale for same at W. W. Greenwood‘s, city drug store, St. Catharines, Ont., whoere the highest price will be paid. My . SPRING STOCK of Ladies, Gents, Misses and : Children‘s Shoes BOOTS â€" ~â€"SHOES *"Weeouldstill =th« paper with store news to:day uind willnsk your particular attention to a few departments, viz , Dress Goods,. Underclothing, House Furnishings, Ordered‘ Clothing Men‘s Furnishings, Boy‘s Ready made. Clothing, _ Samâ€" plesgentâ€"bymail or application mivt louitrsee tlhe stocK .101 Closks, tNewmarkets, Ragians Dolmans, Ulsters and. short Jackets in our cloak depart« ment. Otur Mr. McLaren spent a great deal of time and thouht while in the foreign markets durinz the suminer. in buying this class of goods. We chopeâ€"yea cwill favorc us with a visit and we â€"promise to slhoxw. you _b fur the. largest stouck we ever dad in this deâ€" pirtmen:t. . _ ‘BDring the HNitle onss with_ you, we have childâ€" rew s garinentsin every size, a good Fahge d pPatteriis. MeDpoicaTtEebp ELECTRIC _ zsB EL T mss Chas. Jefferies, T CATHARIN ES 10 & 21 ° St. Paul Street, GINSENG ROOT. Seminal weakness, , errors of youth, lost d A% manhood, nightly Dealer in and Manufacturer of Y GO0ODS â€"Every variety of RITTEN GUARAKTRE oN 15 DAYS: ly illustrated bocok «n hoalth: u Street West. Toronto. Oat to t} iatru L 1@X 6 tÂ¥L Wi“ Fay and we <pron i# u.n plhe. *T slictth 4 !t+adl 11y 910, MHOUILGLSAW, BUAC VLC Ob BP catarrh of the bladdery ia, constipation erysipâ€" & etes. Send stamp for & rictl-%conï¬dentia.l. Conâ€"B Pat. Feb. 26th, 1887 * ‘oronto, Canada. ppopuotararney S ©Efpe 11 itA e 81. aesa .: $ M C TX .. & XF Lib # 6 t hal Fe, CnAachet Er°RANn toedasis Eux â€"HyE If vyou want a my Balâ€" n great wheat producing countries of the world, which have moved rapidly. westâ€" ward, while it is not even to Illinois that men now look for the wheat supply of the future. _ It is very doubtfal if it will pay at ordinary market prices, sauy $1 per bushel, although it is somewhat higher now. _ To.grow 20 bushels of wheat at a $15 to $16 or 75 to 80c per bush., does not pay, but no one will question the wisdom of the farmer who by expending $20 can raise 30 to 40 bushels on the same land, :and it is just in the additional outlay of the four or five dollars supply the things wanted to assure success that the differâ€" â€"ence consists. So to farmers I would say : In future do your work well, and in due season, and don‘t be afraid of 2 little neâ€" â€"cessary expense, as it will benefit you in the end. S C5. Men‘s first classâ€"H. Lee, Ed. Corâ€" man, Jessie Jonathan, Albert Burkâ€" holder. Walter Game, brakesman, of Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway, Mich., has returned home after spending a month with his grandfather, Wm. Murphy, and other relatives. Men‘s jointer class (second)â€"Archie T‘weedle, Jas. Hildreth. Joseph Penâ€" fold, Joseph Porter. The Salfleet Plowing Match came off on Tuesday, on the farm of Jonah Marâ€" shall, and was largely attended. 25 teams being engaged plowing. The style of work was very fine and shows a steady progress in the art of plowing. Prizes were awarded as follows :â€" Men‘s second classâ€"Geo. W Nicholls, Wesley Cable, John Cranston, Wm.Hilâ€" dreth. Men‘s jointer class <(first)â€"S. Hilâ€" dreth, John Hildreth, Charles Ogg. K%ily . T s oAAOELDILOILL @SCOU L4 . E Men‘s Sulkyâ€"Andrew Pearson, (silâ€" ver cup,) J. French, J. Marshall, Russ Son. Boy‘s sulkyâ€"Edward Marshall, aged Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Esson, of Port Sydney, Muskoka, were home on a visit to Wm. Murphy of South Grimsby. Boys‘ Jointerâ€"Henry Christie aged 12, Wm. Marshall aged 17. Saltfleet Plowing Match old Tok 107 Lo demned . ce L ds d B s ow e s on ut little attention to butter making. The farimer, I think, will do well to turn his attention to the raising of courser graing. such as peas, corn and_ other grain, and to the keeping of hogs and fatténiung them for market. â€" Sheep farming is also a very profitable industry, and also cattle that are fattened for early market, but as reâ€" gards the growing of spring grain, fall plowing is essential to good crops. Ontaâ€" rio, however, will never beâ€" ane of the lars an ucre on ns staple crojp. . nor is wheatâ€"yrowing. a necessity in these days. It is agreeable to yrow one‘s own wheat or bread, stuffs, it is cenvenient too to have a crop tihat can be marketed at any moment for cash ut the werld‘s murket rates. _ These and other reasons will alâ€" ways induce farmers to grow a certain amount of wheat, just as they may plant apple trees or grape vines, or keep one or two choice dairy cows even if they. pay ut little attention to butter making. The farimer, I think, will do well to turn his atiention to the raising of coaurser grains. such as peas, corn and other crain,. ind nsl tb io # m c n m on onb s o 110 Canadian salt has been discredited, alâ€" though of unchallenged purity by want of ~drying, so is the fail wheat crop irequentâ€" \l_V lost or injurml because some one thing needful is neglected. In ene case there i8 too sparing use of manures, i. snother under draining is omitted, ans in another where every thing else is attendisi to, the crop perishes for lack of sheiter. _ ‘FToo ~often im this way, after much expendiâ€" ture of labor and capitai is the }iomely: adage of neglect in maiters pertaining to: .agriculture the man wholeaves one essenâ€" tial to the production of x zeod crop wanting where every one is vital is as wise as he who to protect himselt from â€"robbers goes to bed with every means of access barred and bolted except his iront docer. ‘The vyvigorous noursi:ment and .good cultivation which leaves the plant a prey to enemies it might otherwise_ desâ€" ‘pise; the soil unrelieved of superflous moisture, so intimately sssociated. with rot* the unprotected fieldâ€"â€"n _ which the .north wind swoops down with fury, drivâ€" ing the covering of snow s« wauy first and withering up vegetution ailterwards, are each and every an open door at which disaster may enter, no maiter how all may otherwise seem to be guarded. The answer will, however, perchance be that many have not capital for such improveâ€" ments. â€" No doubt that this is true in a great number of cases. _ ‘The great differâ€" ence in the means und advantages of wheat growers, as well as the very differâ€" «ent natural conditions of widely separated tracts of country, over which the wheat area of Ontario extends, are some of the causes that make all averages or atâ€" tempts at striking an uaverage so uncer tain and unsatisfactory, but i! a man has not capital enough to embark in one line of business he may be wise in turning to another, and one of the tinest features of agriculture is its diversity. If wheatâ€" growing does not pay it is better to give up growing wheat. ~N» farmer should be consented to muke only four or five dolâ€" lars an acre on his staple crop. _ nor is Dear Sir, if you will give. m« a short space in the columns of your valâ€" uable paper I would like to say a tew words with regard to farming and ullâ€" ing the soil. _ Does farming pay ? This iquestion las often been asked by tillers of the soil. ~I think it does, providing it is properly attended to, but there is someâ€" thing wanting even anong the most inâ€". telligentâ€"â€"it is a want of finish. Just as Canadian butter is made disadvantageous by good and bad being packed in one tub, just as Canadian apples are being f‘heup‘qned by careless packing, just as To tHu® Epitorâ€" Grassey‘s Corners. Commurications. milnUFres, li. : amitted, ansi hn : lse is attenidei lack <of sheiier afterâ€" anmnuci oo upitab ds the d Our agents have many advantages, syvch as selling homeâ€"grown, hardy Canaâ€" dian stock. This season we have a numâ€" ber of choice specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us, such as a complete list of New Russian appies, the Ritson pear, Saunâ€" der‘s plum, Hilborn raspberry, Moore‘s Ruby and Black Champion currants, Moore‘s Diamond grape, etc., etc. We have given particular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties, suitaâ€" ble to the northern sections of Canada. For terms apply to Have firstâ€"class facilities for placing fruft of all kinds. Consignments solicited. Referâ€" ence, Postmaster, Montreal. Mark«:t reports furnished daily,. Returns, made promptly. Shipping tags can be had at the Independent, Grimsby ; W, K. secord‘s Winona, or upon application to the office. Montreal. Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" ship heretofore subsisting between the undersigned Philip Corman and William Richardson as millers was this day disâ€" olved by mutual consent so far as regards the said William Richardson. All debts due to the said partnership are to be paid and those due from the same disâ€" charged at Abingdon where the business will be continued by the said Philip Corâ€" man.. Dated at Abingdon this 25th day of October 1888. Signed Pririr CormMax Wrmurant RirorarRpsOoX. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our nursery stock ; previous expeâ€" rience not necessary, any man with tact and energy can succeed. At the above match, the following prizes were won by persons using the plows manufactured by the Grimsby Agricultural Works, John H. Grout & Co. _ Inâ€"men‘s sulky plow class the 1 st, 2nd and 3rd prizes; in boys‘ sulky plow class the 1st and 2nd; in jointer first elass the Istand 2nd ; in jointer kegcond class the Ist, 2nd and 3rd ; in boys joinâ€" ter class the 1st and 20. =« Nurserics.:= Largest in Canada. Best finish, boys‘ jointerâ€"H. Christie, There were two Indians plowed, Jesâ€" sie Jonathan, 3rd in long plows, and Jos. Porter, 4th in second jointer. CcOMMISTION MERCTHANTS shall HAR!I & TUCXWELL DISSOLUTION OF PARTâ€" NERSHIP. 11, Joshua Smith, aged 17. Best groomed teamâ€"Andy Pearson. Best finish, long plowâ€"H. Lee. _Best finish, boys‘ sulkyâ€"Ed. Marâ€" AGENTS WANTEDâ€"Biq Comumss1io® As to our own paper, it is unnecessary to explain to you that it is the local paper of the district. _ Bright, well writâ€" ten, full of important local news interesting to every one of you. See then what a great bargain we offer. Three papers for the price of two, Send in your orders now and get the benefit of the balance of the year on the farmer‘s interests. Its price is $1 a year. FARM AND FIRESIDE is the only Agricultural Weekly in Canada; and has reached a circulation of 40.000 in its first year of existence. Besides being the best Agriculâ€" tural paper in Canada,it contains a couple of continued stories every week, and one complete story. â€" Its price is 75¢. a year. THE WEEKLY MAIL is the best general Newsâ€" paper in Camaeds, wad Ims now a cireulation of nearly 90.000. It is Independent in politics, and the great advocate of the farmer‘ s interests._ Tt« orice is §1 x# vear And tha Toronto XCEEEKLY MA IL Farm and Fires‘de The Best Offer. Yet sTONE & WELLINGTON, TORONTO, onNnT. McGILL ST., MONTREAL FONTHILL Addre 4 I e _T TXE CO#%LY WE All for $2.00. ‘S"JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, SEE WHAT YOU â€"GET FORâ€" NDHEPENDENT to the end of 1889. 2DIEHLIGS IGSND OQOF 1880 K1 LN D OBFH‘ 1889.â€" ACRICULTURAL PAPER iN C&NADs. Pj TN DEP Bates‘ Block, Grimsby. Who has for sale Grain, Stock and Fruit Landsâ€"small and large, at prices from $25 to $500 per acre, Vilâ€" lage lots and private Residences a Speâ€" cialty, W W. Kidd, ELEVEN GOLD MEDâ€" ALS in 5 years. Made only by SAM‘L ROGEERS 4 CO Parties wishing to purchase property in this locality should call on Real Estate Agent, REAL â€" ESTATE. To save their Machinery Should use only the wellâ€"known «~EASY TO USE. into the throat and excessive oxpactoration caused by Caâ€" tarrh. Sold by Druggists, or sent preâ€"paid on receipt of prics, 50c. and $1. Address FUVLFORD & 00., Brocokvillle, Ont. PA R x A# M HRiFHRS |! These Oils have received MACHINE OIL. THRESH ERS â€"Genuine sold byâ€" W. W. KIDD, C+ER,ITLMSBY ETE RSFT)E GEeIMSELE3 Y EN DEN T Grimsby. C vani SA e P TORONTO. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Et Cures BTOPS Droppings from Nasal passages CGATARRH, Gold in Head, HAY FEVER. GrimusBy esc on commvnnenme messercecns mc mmmerumrmcaame se Being the choice of Canadian and American makes, Our stock is now complete except in a few of the cheaper lines, and until these arrive we are offering some of the better goods at a slight reduction. We are the only retail dealers in the city who buy our goods at the same prices as wholeâ€" sale men, which enables us to give better value than any retail house in the city. Please bear in mind that we have changed the color of the front of our store from red to oak grain and brown stone, so that we will be different from imiâ€" tators, â€" You will see the name Climie on the windows. Loosley & Loosley Best Qualities and Latest Styles FPALL TRADH, 38 Bas~ A rare chance to buy lumber from §3 up.â€" Bill stuff ecut to orderâ€" I have purchased from Mr. Robert Thompson his entize stock of sawn lumber now piled at Jordan, and will sell the common and culls very cheap. _ Also a fine lot of dressing aud clean, from one to threeinches thick. Also here at my planuing mill you can get Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings Flaoring, Siding, Wainscoting, Scroll Sawing and Turmed Work in great variety. See my wood Eavetroughing at 3 ct=. per foot,. â€" Before placing your order elseâ€" where give me a chance. €4. _ W.. BOWSLAUCGEI, CAMP GROUND PLANING MILL Lumber | Lumber| Lumber SUCCESSORS TO ESTATEH CARLISLE AND HU. CARLISLE & Co., of the day CARLISTL Meltons, Beaves, Cheviotsg, Naps, Fancy Naps and Worsted Overcoatings AND A FINE RANGE OF SUITINGS CARPET AND CURTIN WEREKOUSE t : 42 Ontario 8+ Dry Goods, Millnery, Mantles AND "READY POR BUSINEGS LXDTFT O UE «â€"â€"New Premises LOOSLEY & LOOSLEY beg leave to iiform their Grimsby patrons thst they are now prepared to show a splendid stock in t Mammicert Assortmen] 4l and 438 St. Paul Stee â€"O P‘ GO©QO D â€" J. D. CLIMIBH, 40 JAMES ST. NORTH 30 and 32 King Street West, Hamiltom See our rapid Cash Carrier â€"OBR‘ _A l â€"CHEAP LUMBER AT JORDAN CATEI A EEZINESS. T. CATHARIN ES, With a Grand Stock of AREHE OPEN GRIMSBY PARKk L :43 1CCO DT * Y"" ; RK_TN TDGâ€" the greatest novelty the old stand