Agrimersore s ceieniteminamsmnens o on se in anicere mm necnem n on becungrenserst \ O L 08 ill)d “P})!'ecx Bellc Tc Monday June 25th 1888 will long be remembered by the relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ferryberry. ior. who metat the residence of their soi, Mt. Robt: Terryberry to offer good wishes and congratalations to the aged pair, who this year actain thoir ciglty: nineth year and celebrate the sixtyâ€"ixth anniversary of their marriage. â€" 80 éomâ€" mon anvevent in a world where so many find life bricf and passing like a dreaim, was well worthy the festival that honorâ€" ed it, and which took place, as was moet on the spot where the bridegroom brought his bride: sixtyâ€"six years before. It needed no cffort of imagination to tancy what a handsome and stalwart pair took up togcther dife‘s joysâ€" and â€" gricts, on sdune 25th 1822.) (Nature /coald proâ€" vide few lovelier sites for a home than this on the mountain top, the hill slopâ€" iug to the blue waters of Ontario, coverâ€" eo with grand and beautiful forest trees. Only one person who wituessed the marâ€" ‘riage was present on this happy anniverâ€" sary, a brother of Mrs., Terryberry, Mr. Stuart McUCurdy, of Norwics. then buat a boy of 10 years.. (Beven ol the cight living children of Mr.. and Mrs, Tâ€"rryâ€" berry. were present with _ those of â€"tâ€"adr familiocs wow in Ontario. Mrs. Adam Beamer, of Louth, the eldest daughter, bringing two great grand children, two great grand nceiees also were present, Miss Maud Hare, Grimsby‘s charming sonestress, who by her music and singâ€" ing added much to the enjoyment of the guests and Mr. Isaac Durham‘s little grand daughter. â€" The house was prettiâ€" ly decorated for the occasion, wreaths of evergreen crossing the diningâ€"room ceilâ€" ing and meeting in the centre were fasâ€" tened by a horseshoe. The table beâ€" neath was in the form of a horseâ€"shoe. The lucky spell above and below kept the tables trom groaning beneath the load of dainty good . things which covered them, and before which thirtyâ€"five guests were seated at once. Flowers were in profusion, a " three story" wedâ€" ding cake trimmed with a wreath of roses near the ancient bride, roses pluckâ€" ed from roots planted almost as long ago as the marriage celebrated, each year giving rich blossoms, soon to fade but ~eturning again covering the apparent aath from winter‘s cold, like fresh joys M\ hopes of life after sorrow and gloom. \urine the partakine of the bountiful F4 i Aovgeliec 10 c 02 2e 22 is when first my praise you And I love you Just the same As the dzl'y I took your name. Yes, our locks may lose their gold _ And our faces too grow old, But our hearts will be the same, Naught can dim love‘s holy flame. ‘We have journed long in life, Side by side in storm and strife, Still together, hand in hand Seek we now another land. Let us down life‘s sunny slope Wander with the blissful hope, That when shadows round us creep And we lay us down to sleep. Sleep to know no pain or care M hopes of life after sorrow and gloom. rel‘)?ring the partaking of the bountiful -?HLN?(-, ‘t.hc car was regaled by orchestra 7 C""rom Mr. Wim. Grobb‘s band and tC is Cxe Miss May Walker, a grand ;:1 ]1(1((:‘(1; ,Of- [Mrs. Terryberry gave with L SPWIb a most excellent rendition of fl“fi‘"eruby played ‘ which was enjoyed We shall meet just over there, By the shining gates of gold Where our faces ne‘er grow old. Miss B. Terryberry, Miss Tallman, the Misses Randall and Mr. J. E. Morâ€" rew gave much pleasure by their singâ€" ing. â€" Expression of gratification and enâ€" joyment of the festival could be heard on all sides, and congratulation to the host and hostess on the success of the entertainment from their eighty guests. It may be interesting to note the longevity of the families of Mr. and Mrs. Terryberry, Sr., her mother Mrs. McCurdy living to the age of ninetyâ€"six, Mr. Terryberry‘s parents attained the ages of ninetyâ€"two and eightyâ€"cight reâ€" spectively living together sixtyâ€"six years. A sister of this Mrs. Terryberry marâ€" ried Mr. John Beamer Sr., and lived to the age of ninetyâ€"six and had she lived four months longer their married life would have lasted seventy years. We must conclude the air upon the mountain brow is most salubrious and conducive to health and long life, as so many of the pioneers on the farms there were nearly centenarians, spite of hard toil for daily bread, and fights with many a foe. 16 ‘Ppreciated by her audience.> Miss §3 erryberryya grand daughter sang foHowmg apflropriatc and touching £] GB8th Anniversary. 12 "sf (ta 9{,\\6 i‘ ¢~r tints the gold, «we grow old,/ _ r ncear h8 A%, J$ and cheer. L888 will long be tives and friends FA 1 £ s Perryberry. sr. sunge Miss Smith of St. Cath=:rines, spent Sunday here. Mrs. Joseph Muir has been vyery low through the past week. f Miss Chamberlain of Ottawa, made x flying visity here. : Mr. Joseph Moffatt is recovering slowly from a sevore iliness. Mrs P. Cline and daughter, are visiting at Watson Muir‘s. Alexander Millmine has been sucâ€" cessful in getting water. Birti. Murr.â€"â€"At this pluce, on July 1st 1888, the wife of Thomas Muir of a dauchter. § St. Anns. } â€".OQuravillage was completely deserted, the very nfHme‘of "Sir John geems to draw. â€" The torries go to hongdr their chief and the grits go to honor the torâ€" ries, such is life. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stratten of Straffordville, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Plenty of rain now for a number of weeks. . urassy‘s GOruo«s. i A number of people went to Grimsâ€" by Park on Monday last. Uncle Joe did not go to the Cmamp Ground too old to be caught by chaft. Why don‘t our good government give postmasters and mail carriers atleast one holiday in the year, they are comâ€" pelled to toil from January till Decemâ€" ber, no rest. _ Where are the‘laboring man‘s friends! Fair play under a tory rule. s Mrx. EdrroR, Drar Sir,â€"We have been told, and understand it to be true, that there are parties, who,acting as agents around Grimsby and in our section, for Ameriâ€" can and also for Canadian nurseries, that in order to gain orders for themâ€" selves from our customers, are led to tell most wonderful stories about their new fruits, and also deliberate falsechoods about us ; thinking thereby to decieve the people and gain their own points. One little thing they are telling is : that we have no Russian Apricots trees to sell, while they are trying to swindle the public by offering Russian Apricot trees at $9.00 per dozen. We would simply say for the good of our customers and the people generally, do not bo deceived by those scoundrels, as we will sell firstâ€" class Russian Apricot trees at $4.50 per doz. only one half of their price, and we also have a good list of general nursery stock to offer for next fall and spring delivery at similar prices. We are bound to sell below any of these agents and guarantee everything true to name and satisfaction generally. We trust that a word to the wise will be sufficient. Mrx. Eptrorâ€"DrEaxr Sirâ€"â€"Will you kindly give place in your valuable paper to the ‘following. Mud Creek so long known in this neighborhood by that name is to be known hereafter as "Spring Creek" and {ud Creek Road, as "Clinton Street", ta meeting held in the stone school If you will kindly give this a place in the next issue of your valuable paper you will greatly oblige. Yours truly, SmItH & V anDuz®ErR. To GrmmisBy INDpEPENDENT, Tree Agents. Clinton Street, Clinton Township, July 2nd 1888. The St..Catharines Business College will hold a summer session at Grimsby Park, thus bringing one of the finest schools in the provinte to our very doors. Young men and young women of this community wanting .. shorthand course, or bookkeeping, should not miss this chanee, as they canhaye the full advanâ€" tages of the school and get board at home. _ The ratesare also low. _ Full information will b@given by addressing the business colle® at St. Catharines this week. R. J. Willson, Galt, »pert Sunday with his parents. John Drysdale of New Orleans La. arrived Monday night and is visiting at his brotherâ€"inâ€"law‘s, T. H. P. Carâ€" penter. E. Pettit and family, Dr. McCurdy of Norwich, and F. W, Henry of Harâ€" fey, have been spending a few days with I. B. Henry and other relatives in this neichborhood. \â€"â€"_Winona is going to enjoy good health: now. â€" Dr. G. W .: Biggar, late of Hamilton, has trken up his resiâ€" dence amongst us and, if we are corâ€" rectly informed, will be prepared to do anything in his line,. house in this neighborhood last Friday »yvening, it was unamiously agreed to make the above changes in the names bf the stream and road. It is hoped that the public will help on this change by ugsing the new numes as »uch as possible and thus oblige the ratepayers and residâ€" ents of this locality. I have just firished building and will have about 10,000 firstâ€"class hard brick, which I will sell at cost. Apply to WANTEDâ€"â€"LOCA;, axp TRAVELâ€" LING SALEMEN, to Sell our Chorce Varieties of Nrsery Stock, either on salary or commissin. Permanent emâ€" ployment to the rightnen. No room for lazy ones. Upright ad honest are the ones we are looking foâ€" Address, with references, AY BROS., Rochester, N. Y. Of 94 King 8. West, Hamâ€" ilton, will be in Grissby every Saturâ€" day afternoon until tetnd of August. mail. We want religble, â€" sell our nursery stock rience not necesary , tact and energycan s Our agents hve m sych as selling hmeâ€"gro dian stock. Thisseaso ber of choice secialti value, and whia can from us, such asa com Russian appies,the Ri der‘s plum, Hilbrm r Ruby and Blak Cha Moore‘s Diamon grape, We have give: particl the propagation f hard] ble to the northin sectic For terms app to About 15 iwes of fruit trees, sitited in of the village «Beam a good barn othe gro apply to Appointments m:y'be made by 1@ urse Largest in E. 0. Burc, St. Anns. sTONE , WEL eA A. hR. KERR is CC) e _ \ibbons ~â€": Ribbons :: Ribbons BICK FOR SALE. RARE CHANCE F. HANSEL, ~DOEENPRCT, FOl SA pPEWT C P FONTA wWINON A . SU L&nd, partly in he corporation ille. . There is ad. For terms EMING, AMSVYILLE on pear, Saunâ€" erry, Moore‘s pion currants, c., etc. r attention to arieties, suitaâ€" of Canada. LE rgetic men to revious expeâ€" y man with eed. y advantages, , hardy Canaâ€" e have a numâ€" INGTON, DNTo, ont which are of aly be secured te list of New LL anada. 26 and 28 ONTARIO STREET, St. Catharines We wish every man, woman and child in the community to share in the Bargains we are offering. Come and see us, we will treat you royally. LVBAIiUNHL is HAPPY. You areâ€"by getting Goods at such prices. We are, because the public have proved their confidence in what we advertise. â€" If Cheap Goods will do it we are bound to have what we wantâ€" Has been eminently satisfactory, and we have no cause to complain of the general result, _ Our Stock in every departâ€" ment will be found to be replete with the newest goods. Value Unquestionable. Where‘s the Harm in comparing prices? â€" We don‘t see any, if at the same time you will look well to Quality, then note what a genuine sale at Cost Price is. C Shoes f {istate of the Late Having purthased 243 firstâ€"c below the manufacturers‘ prices, special reduetion on each Trank o is that we had not a place large + secured the store, 34 Ki.g wosg, we will have to yvacire the premis getting grand V alme dsn Trunks or TN _ SmA RCEH O OP O STU Ew Butter and Eggs taken in Trade Trunks & Satchels, For Your Halls, Parlors, Dining Rooms, Bedâ€" . Rooms, Kitchen, Etce., f If so call and see our Stock of New Papers. We have some designs surprisingly good in cheap papers, Special Attention Paid to Paperâ€"Hanging. EVERYONE IS HAPPY .._H. ALBRIGHT, â€" GRIMSBY Our Stock of Bankrupt Shoes is going off rapidly GREAT 3&ACRIFICH ' 25 N00 Al It ETNE SHORS ) seulimes w £ k ,f’ e o \ is & wellilnesh "ter timk. adr. atook of; AAmericair anda.Canadi h is a wolilâ€"known trct that our stock of Americ surpasses any 0ther houee in the city, both in styi DRY GOODS, "Â¥" * & f o ! |»‘§‘ I8 Tdlk 01 UE UOUN CARLISLES 30 and 32 Kine Street West, Hamilton GPBRS&OOO IN CASET WALL OR CEILING PAPERS 243 firstâ€"class Trunks and Satchels at from 25¢ to $2 rs‘ prices, we will for the next three weeks givea h Trank or Satchel. _ Our reason for making this effer ice large anough "to hold this immense stock, but have i.y west, formerly occupied by Mr. A. R. Kerr. _ As he premises on 48 hours‘ notice customers can rely on $2) [ kx or Matehel« Ex L TS TB Ar Coutre ces The prices sell 9 / | k