Grimsby Independent, 21 Jun 1888, p. 1

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ting to you thei, F); 7 ho 1897, have s o Creaso A‘.‘\"\a n highy satisfacto _ pieasure in k issued, the amount 0P ky 11 in excess of any previok. 2206 & ; holders are proportionately °> * statement shows that the steac2 o year since its organization is stil the Auditors® statement the Executive Co i1 the several securities specified in the ge 1st December last and found the same cort a somewhat in excess of the unusually low tation, and our ratio of expense to incor Tb C §A UPIRDPT ETWEA T Cl t a tad manx nIp E t ta,négng of its neighbors. . He had much pleasure in moving the.. ports. $ o P . o oat on in * ol , C Ses « in‘gsipport of the motion, ,(’gng‘raatulating the Directors, Officers ed prosperity, the high fingneial m:@ndjng, and growing pog'tlf ich they agreed in believing, was destined to be, at no v@ry is« . Assurance Company of Canadaâ€"a& position, 1t was Jn'_e-eminefifif_;‘ to its carefal and energetic management; its principles jof rau!‘ * ayment. ok death Losses immediately on the completion of the . : abatement or discount,â€"a practiée which THEH QNTAM; he first to introduce in Canads, bitt the credi¢for which sorae"of r to rob it, This Comg)any has no interedts 0 sérvo abatt from . o get their assurance at nof cost. "It was "#idintained" that tod‘. i favor of the liberal and equitable cash surrender and paid up . n figures under the Company‘s seak on each ptlicy,. thus enabling _ ertainty the value of their policies should unfortunate circum>, r, necessitate their relingquishment." Its policies, old and news ons in regard to travél, residence and occupation,: and a%r the" utable on any grounds whatever, $ i. se were the «Rev. Messrs: Morrow and Carson, and Mesars.?%flmfi&' 7B Hushes, Geo.. Lang, Charles Packert, S. Bursows, ,,,ffhg W (a c e s 1n‘s n on o on is popular and prosperous Company was held at its Head dnesday, May 30th, 1888. The attendance was large and imber of prominent tusiness and professional men from & a of the Company‘s General Agents, and leading business man, Esq., M. P., having taken the chair, the Becretary, notice calling the meeting. _ The Minutes cofGbamnariens ; J, D. Hughes, 120. BME CAE OSA "Eo00r _ ol icme., Dh the Compmuy‘s, Manager, and others. , The rétiring. Di the Auditors reâ€"appointek by yote of:the meetings and th this mosty. ‘successful‘ and influential mseeting was bSQ@] P ithaiit lÂ¥ "Q\‘ o. e tpinee . Aip e +9 200@ e* +s F twb ‘.,i-‘ # mt the Directors met and reâ€"elected L. E. Bowman, Bsq., ylor, Hsq., Viceâ€"president, for the ensuing year. Aqnerely to AL hem re h RK. ting to you thei. ny remedy to > others have :exvin%a. cure; ‘rEE BOTTLE Give Ex})ress othing fOr @ Iress Toronto, Ont port the death of one of our Directors, 1. B. McQueston, Lsq., ose place has been filled by the appointment of Francis C. Messts. John A. Bruce & Co., of the same place. prepared and duly certified to by your Auditors, is hereâ€" fnination. You will be called on to elect four Directors in‘ robt. Baird, Jas. Hope and C. M. Taylor, whose term of office gible forâ€"re election. / _ (thew; * s s‘ .. _9 4.4 E. JS BQ.\VMAN; President. .. ">* rs‘ report, the chairman ‘Teferred to the thorough checking been made by the Executive Conimittes of the‘ Board: of ‘all ginpany and the verification‘ of. tht cash on hand and in th$ ancial yeat; and he was pleased ‘to be in a ‘position to state. vested in policy loans, in debentures aind first mortgages were ctly set forth in the Co#ipany‘s published*statements. * > He : staff was perhaps never in g more efiici¢ht stite thamw at :fife by the fact that the issug of new polities during the first five â€" rably in excess of the same ‘period of last yeare: He showed.« issyed.@ larger number_of policies for 1887 than any Company"© ‘he expenses in proportion to hew business wérejess than.thoss" mpanies, and while he gave the figures Mor the. immformyution of 4 which were faken frone efficial reports, ho depsecated the practs ith many Companies, »of mgking unfair, anjast and invidious : italions and pitblishing the,same through the press inptheir . ht eagh, Company should stand. on, its own merits3 .veithout an , ta,néiséng of its neighbors. . He had much pleasure in moving the..: Or 68. # Fl. s . _A AkA ( on w t â€" T % *A Nes %‘ in‘gipport of the motion, ,g:mg}'aatulating the Directors, Officers ed prosperity, the high fingneial standing, and growing poX’uf ich they agreed in believing, was destined to be, at no v@ry ‘i'%‘l" chabhey e85°C0 25 0200 Canadaâ€"a posibion, it was preâ€"eminent | ith many «Companies, «of mgking untalir, 4 italions and pitblishing the,same through ht eagh, Company, should stand, on, its own candino ‘6f it‘s neighbors. . He bad much ple TARIO MUTUAL LFE. NESS, 61 STONE lal, and over ; has pmved he best; 6 Circular. inufacturer, a st. ontreal, P.Q PARTS Of D A. 24 Manitoba i iinmmediate 'HASON' Mo: Information assisted in irrent rates Patents TORâ€" 2 fasur ANADIANBUSINESS UNiVERSITY Public Library Building, Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois,. and quite a number of other States avd Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, â€"«CHAS. H. BROOKS, Prosident. Sec‘y & Manager. 93 ADELAIDE E. TORONTL. SAULTER BROS TIHE ALBANY STEFAM TRAP COS. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Offices Have ali the latest improvements and aro u: for durability, style and convenience. Th Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR TI CONBOY‘s CARRIAGE TOPS® BUY NO OTHER 100 Colborne Street 4 John Street North $1,867,950.00 6,381 $3,259,3061.71 273,446 85 753,661.87 695 601.36 76,836.00 1,000.00 memegnrnutn us 9rum® Estimates given . PARKER & CO. 1885 Felt and Gravel Works and Mead Offices : NB@AFy" }| «4 The Celebrated Hanâ€" â€" n | cock Inspirator. m o satr| 47 Gresham‘s Automabic i t o is i® Reâ€"starting Injector. i| o 59 L Morrison‘s Automatio (llug . Sight Feed Lubricator, ‘:i';;yi $3 > &# Engineers‘ & Plumbâ€" ! o E) erg‘ Supplies of every P description. Snd for Â¥, zs circwlars. t s 7 ns JSAMES MORRISON, ME 5&7 Adelaide St.W., m 4 / TORONTO. yO V UR rrow and Carson, and, Mossrs, Frank , Charles Packert, 9. Bursows, E/ M and others., The rétiring Directo y yote of:the meetingg and the us afliential mseting was brought. J8 year, andshe asseus AC1G AL stexcased. i is still Rrogress made by "______ ghaintained : 188(â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"=z ues c3 19 209 Yonge Street, 393 Quean St. Wost, 225 Queen St. East. Executive Committee carefully fied in the general statement of the same correct, and also veriâ€" £.917 $2,555,750.00 7,498 §$9.774,543 38 {11'\3.1 ,"ePOrt. P S Roolers. $09,489.83 802,167.24 54,250.00 3 000.00 819,273.98 WSPEG!AL BUCKET | RETYRN TRAZL, grkted' illy low mortality of 1886, to incoms has again been atins 5 HaAt t} work a specialty gt thes"" "~" the ifcoms~ / assets held i U’ bei C 2+ “:Dg‘M Brantford, Ont Hamilton, On§ $11,081,05. ** _‘ 356,104% «o unequatied The lea ding & THEM an TORONTO 1,089 448.27 1,004,205.64 60,155.00 3,150.00 1d in Te 49 Perhaps at this particular season of the year the peace of man‘s mind is disâ€" tured by no greater (shall I call it ovil) no . for it is often producive of good when dealt with by honest men, but the dishonest ones are a plague, namely, agents but I shall not venture to o6isâ€" cribe the whole class of agents, but the one which effects us as a farming comâ€" munity more particularly namely the the tree pedlar. Of all the plagues with which Canaâ€" cian farmers, and fruit growers are aflicted, cither beasts, birds or incects there is none so annoying at least to their peace of mind so distructive and so hard to estimate as dishonest tree pedlars. They swarm around like caterâ€" pillars, their persistant boreing is worse The Independent will be furnished to «ubâ€" scribers on the following reasonable term#s:â€" AND ADVERTISER, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEV@TED TO THE FARAMER, FRUITâ€"GROWER AND Business Man YOL cnhecks and nteresting Items from all Parts of the Niagara Peninsula, iway th uenc Payable invariably in advanee. sSINGLE COPIES THREE CENT® thcm a rOoW LC + C a# c Tigy *# e waos & ; é 3 $s 3 ae Ts is3 Ni x 3 sw t _,; & ‘ O3 ‘,- es e a. .E f * s \B e s 300 yes m A y * & hss i s â€" ; g.\: 4 d \r};: ye Js x s ES3 . . ise Fe 99 s Pla f +# 35 2 e 3 E3 _ ic 4 yeet m LD U varieties the cheaper they get them .no matter what kinds." T have héardâ€"of them even gesting wild grape vines.and bushes from the road side and label them whatever their orders call for and Published Every Thursday. THE INDEPENDENT Their opperations are woell known and ‘ed hardly to berdescribed especially: to ie older ones here as no, doubt you ive nearly all met them in your life, ev sreanlike "ourvother â€"enemics they uL N m ti mCD 11 1J 11 JAS. A. LIVIMGSTON, GRIMSBY, ONT our t (One yeAr.. Six Months l Jordaun. Essay on Treo Agents. uccess they des » neovle had ®« N i11, NO. M 11 Intdc Ul LQu that homes ble nurso 4 U had ant {OURNTY NREWS. 1 1C n T n n Published by autiful fruits ana uowers anc of " the profits Sof fruit ‘ettl commiend thigand thatevari extol the nurseries, they pre id L W d U 15 1 CH Il no ion ruined in off, wort Pippin but outr ly dileh from u: CUroffords and 11 10 1 1C friendship. . The atrmm Af in : 6. ~"‘Thevy eXhibit {1 Uuecccive red more or 1C: 2 Many hay tined ~ byâ€"the: worthless trees s and represent ome particular vmen nevyeD saw 0t meet wWith r «would â€"haxve 11 $1.00 TrOM nmC D P CACLQ BC ute puck s ~for ow s instcad ‘ ind care| 1 our weet U 106 ’ yersure n éfi?fimr after the +!U4r mâ€" ns to bi;:‘%h _V‘:i‘_'heitj wietin®®e!t two yC hi We o5 ie Smss orpmniets o t prentem Cfs ol tnecirace i im nd hifid they are beautifully swindled. iyâ€"| â€" There is still another class of thes nd | enemies perhaps not so distinctive to the nd \fruit crops but who fileh by their mis ian | statements, misrepresentations and peti3 ike | lies many a hard earned dollar from ow old l farmers and fruit growers. § sur ) T refer to the authorized agents fo Astralk ‘ lema nf #:i.0 . .{crican ]illl'S(})‘iCS-\""}‘le cavd 1Cil Devoted to the Interests of the Farmer, PFr bO ItD | LC Y.| { deliver them to their customers and get their pay. â€" Sometimes they repeat their ’oppemtious the second time in the same calitv.cwhen,.they, do thig.the first time 1 @®as to bear ~ Theit® victin®zelt two in th in ADCIF OWn poOoCKCUV 110 L LLEILL LiL | dulyâ€" VÂ¥ co s means whether foul or fair. To this, however, there are honorable exceptions but comparatively few. They, in order to affect sales in our neighborhood withâ€" in the sight of our own. nurseries make statements they know to be utterly false and that repeatedly. They will show you the plates of some new fraits and represent that they cannot be got in any nursery in Canada and sell the trees at extravacant prices when they have been informed â€" that .Canadian: nurserymen have them in â€"quantity. â€" L have heard of them selliug grape vines to men by such representations f0r.§2,00 a picce, while Canadiannurserymen were selling them right around you for 50c. and less, 1CUGE LUL LIUND DL LL AZLT L4 \but this does not of the agents.~I \ American nursery class far: from it 220, ebelge 1Pres8s (GO0U8.. Fic.‘ Nun‘sVeiling...... .. ... 8Se. Towels . ns si‘r‘e sauree 12¢¢ Shirting, wide...... .. $1,25 Silk Paragol.......... ... $p.25 Lace Parasol............ 90¢. Hat Shapes.......... ; 06¢, Bonnet Shapes...... . £3.50 Trimmed (Millinery .. Toc. Spray of Flowers ...... 60¢ Tipsar...t.ris.s..;s... . And 999 other chances we haven‘t room to mention. sitey natt Decn bO CCLDWill IIMMELCCL J O« CUACM that â€"they kad mo trees to soll over a corâ€" fam«age :and, size.and: thag they.did not have this and that variety when they had never set foot on the ground and if théyshad theyknew perfeotly well to the contrary and wefe telling you a Kareâ€" facedie. We f&rmers, of courserare to blamg* perhaps for not informing. ourâ€" Sclyes, and perbaps esorve to beâ€"swindâ€" Ted for not patronizing a home institution, N 40( }€ BARG.AIN S W t thy Loug _ O ‘Canadian nurserymen @s a class are nmot slow in procuring new fruits when they know them to be really valuable alâ€" though they may be behind their neighâ€" 0 N O. i representations for,§2,00 a: pic le Canadiannurserymen were sell n right around you for 50c. and 1 ayve.known them, to represent t 1 uc in the aiml WwE SE CE dRIMSBY, BEAMSVILLE, AND SMITHVILLE, THU m( o trees to scll over‘a cerâ€" c.and: that they.did not hat variety when they ot on the ground and if new perfectly well to the efe tellinc you 4A Barceâ€" y.â€" They will show ome new fruits and cannot be got in any and sell the trees at when they have been s ‘eservesto Derswingâ€" ng a home institution, essen the culpability would â€"not depreciate andnursery mei &s a wa are"indebte® to ta ANDADVER ss. than wresting llar to be placed matter by what s’“,“‘%fl% s zie _, s naly . S -.-._." d hm mugns :\ & «â€"â€" ; ’: 2 E’ A Q-E: 1' Si’ xÂ¥ e es & ’ ' t i a B > 11 coul ou [t abl maiming on shall alway which we c alliance wi i nere is no a0U imne man that we f dollars. vet we °en doublc Ameri orac No p To $15 savedfFull Hancss only $5 I«ng Catalog worth ‘E’ztwr‘re-e 7$. Book pages h millionicts worth $40 sent with every order foHatness, or by mail 40 cts. Cankn Harr® CO., 176King Stre®t, Toronto, 10l‘. M‘P; n N Wl cv1lon 18. 4 funded. Adress,. City, N# CC 1 thig nut ind then ana 1118 the moneyIL am alter people may go to thunder. is no doubt in the imind of any n that we have lost thousands s, yet we allow them to work, : to me we _ need a liftle whole: islation on this subject. i byâ€"law (and enforeeit) that no uld be allowed to sell brees withâ€" ‘ense and a certificate of avency °64 11 t friendly ~haveé‘a Ti y Nn SILK RIBONM y he pretaiids to repreâ€" ake the nurserymen: reâ€" e varicty sold and we iess vexation, from these ve all II th fruit crowâ€" ATXT <>1 Tess OI CLoOmnHHIC mor beoneficiat t + 1 Unienwith U. f y: Phicl fay fostere omukngy» tun‘til w urplyg and=By re v thms With her w 1éts, w@would liko 9%3 k?:?w é‘lx t"rp} hi PpEC lef thim â€" r heacly ‘bi~ rClabl jins het TKC or ‘ott fruit & form an In jégmtlon last Lp swindlers gney in this T. am after. 1¢ . S n ) that no | My rees withâ€" | way f agency W al to repreâ€" | P as 1 vmen: roâ€" | ¢ 0 (1 LD pCl 1 Special RTH COMING POR 1@ C VC t DAY, JUNE 21, 1888 ISER. n 46 rower, and Business Man. and excessive expefforation caused, by Caâ€" tarth,. Sold by Druggists, or sent préepaid 6n recejpt of price, 50c. and $1. Adovess, "** FULFORD & CGo., Brockvilie, Ont. their own shouldgy thoe CcotThiies o#f warranty will t] is the machine sold,. U nless ber on the:nrachine is 'ih't;xct, cantyâ€"cannot be givel'x in prC ind will} be asetess." * MyÂ¥H4HA chink ‘ustomear‘s urchaser will ‘at te a EASY TO USE. into the threoat 1€ e number stamped on the plate by e stitchâ€"regulating screw of the ma ine has not been tampered with, as e parties referred to are in the habit defacing these â€" numbers or filine n 1 CHAS._PRPEX Y‘MoONMD.â€"* m off quality Atito Mh s rnamm 0d @ k 0 Mb e a onl c t / (min on % roainteinetneis ( in Arprricete sn in coren ce 1 "fi c CEn :c t egagen id hand with 101 1 D nly recotni tss eA uy in ® f6 ":% trep * t] Wi e given in proper forn / Jid we o9 i y tess. _ Tn"Suclr tass th take theâ€"rislk=of gettin or deféctive maehineg 1l cogmizettâ€" mgent... fo Acobdr #antl W alsmat enuimeness ‘or work CCH not nachine machine thus the . same number .â€"Unless the numâ€" lCinnes ud 0@ 4B emâ€"i. o~,> 6 wil (BARDT nyone 6 4s‘ n tb: ‘all ~ris n ind 10 ei1 res se I1n sold wa such 01 M Ue*nmsanit | Positivs * yiggr"fbfito'l Iopdung, gér®eth: andâ€" Arouses tlio. whole, physical wonergy ol â€"awe huwman tLuums. With Our specific No, .‘fafl;ffrte g«")su obstigiat8 ‘cifeo can be cured in thitree months, aud recent ones in less than thirty days®‘Fach package contains two woeks treatâ€" mezi?.“rI’rice $2. "Cures Guaranteod Our specâ€" . ifig. Oag{i,gml inpsellible {urador U Private “D‘f‘sb‘ sés’n‘é{fifalczé!‘hf nhow long stand=â€" ing, ‘Sdidefinder, our mritten Guarantoo to gfi_eci.} Cura. Price 85. Toronto Medicine ta LreASISSONmiIORLPEY . @4« waiiygrk09 Vill4""~\ . sls ; o cesc« NORTHâ€"GRIMSEBY.. C€o.. Corounto. Ont. Ba%w PC of Méimary, Pimys ‘3155, m leading to«E and No andâ€" ArONHS BARGAINS WITHOUT EQUAL. tho | Maryrl Who. is Voirn® S orviue;~ Dolilitated, Ekalo in2is, F-p“;.‘i_‘_‘”‘“i‘ sagimoramnce bhas Fpe Nedaysy 1 Manndod. poIn‘s niCicdiets,, 4 should dearmm rates Stlfer commmnies. ; Absolutely Pure. se e t p .:’:.‘ i 6 NV AV. in y V V f mA O m Ag Carami cA l A 1t oNXE ROLLAR PER YBAR W )Â¥Ulyin Hqn it t 000 td se t] mpv‘ "Yorthful [ Etryyy y in old and vigarnstes the Brain tus muscular system tlia. whole, physical c, ~With dur specific ciso can be cured in x/ Te 41 P‘H orldâ€"Assets N Srofits "to" nio‘t86 ingttre surin@ > with A marvel of eness. More kinds, and th the multiâ€" lum or phosgâ€" ‘ans â€" Roval L frecots motion 23 & an

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