Itis probable that he would havo been even severer in hisstrictures on there co‘. lectors of anccdotes, if he could have forc. seen what would bo made of soms of the incidents cof hkis own life. Without these anscdotes, howsver, posterity would not have had a complote picture of the man; and, on the whole, even thoss who havs mostrespect for his memory do not regret that they have besn pressrved and handod down to succeasding gensrations. Happily he had great qualities encugh to ronder it unnecessary for his weaknesses and faults to be overlooked and forgotten, A less brilâ€" liant luminary than the sua would be dimâ€" med and disfigured by the spots which he bears ugon the surface ; but his transcendâ€" ent effulgence makes us uscornscicus of their presence. , Anecdotes of Great Mon,. BY THE REV, W. S, BLACKSTOCK, Dr. Samuel Johnson, though a lover of anecdotes, did not set a high value upon many of the tales which are told about great men, He doubted the utility of a stery, the only effect of which is to make the subjact of it appear ridiculous, Evon when these narratives were strictly trus ho could not sse that it was worth while to put them on record. ®"I know not well," said he, in an essay written in defenrce of anecdotes, what advantage postority can receive from the one circuamstance by which Ticknell has disticgaishsd Addison from the rest of mankindâ€"the irregularity cf his pulse ; nor can I think myseif overpaid for the time spent in reading the life of Malherbe by being enabled to rclate, after the learned biographer, that Malherbe had two predominantopinions ; one that the loogeness of & single weman might destroy all her boast of anciont descont ; the other that the French beggars made use very imâ€" proparly and barbarously of the phrase nobE; gentleman, becauso either word in-‘ oluded thse sense of both." % It is said by physicians that the infecâ€" tion can be conveyed by both books and papers, and it is certain that is can be carâ€" ried by clothing. Eight ezs, of sulphate of zinc, one oz, 6 carbolic acid, and three gals. of water. Lot them soak at least one hour, and then put them in boiling water for washirg. Feathor beds, pillows, matiresses, flannois, and the carpet must be fumigated thoroughly. Itis well to have the side walls and ceilings cleaned and whitewashked, and the wooGâ€" work and floors thoroughly scerubbed with soap and water. If the walis are papsred, it should be taken off, and the room reâ€" papered. It would be better to take up the carpet and carry away all useloss things f}'szn the sick room at the very first, if posâ€" \ sible. Syman P m Commuitacerian d Aulriic= 6. uatiemi it enliiesantrâ€"eamies Wc hakd *‘ various experiments demonstrate that the action of light is of benefitin many condiâ€" tions, arsmia, chlorosis and phthisis boing among the number." Itis probable that one of the chief benefits derived by invalids from a winter‘s sojourn at Alpine or tropiâ€" cal resorts is due to the larger amount of sunlight enjoyed. After a room has been cccupled by a scarlet fever patient, all the articles, clothâ€" ing, beddirg, eto., that have been used about the patient, that can be washed, must be int into a tub with a disinfecting fiaid. The following is good : mples ies "pein: e eentat in wl t en teieree rtelintisl= ds ids ~2 * Uihidcata Magazino forcibly states the connection beâ€" Eween sunlight and health, and quotes from Dr. Bell‘s late work on climatclogy the folâ€" lowing weighty sentence : ® Free access of light favors nutrition and regularity of deâ€" velopment, and contributes to beautify the countenance ; while deficiency of light is usually characterized by ugliness, rickets and deformity, and is a fruitful source of scrofula and consumption in any climate," This statement, we may add, is corroboratâ€" ed by'a fact noticed by D: Hammond, that 61 sratt muain" mer on n en e o Eie h nin aniiae As the sun now resumes someth ing of his fervor and brilliance over eur hemisphere, health seekers should make it a point to get & dallg sun bath, We all understand the bad effecs of the withdrawal of light from plants in winter, Bat it is too easily forâ€" sotten that through the short and dark ays of winter the human body suffers in the same way as vegetaglon, and hence needs the therapeutic agency of sunshine at this season to repair its wasted forces, A writer it‘x the last number of the Metsorological Invalids, as a rule, have a great deal of leisure on their handsâ€"more of is than they likeâ€"and to fill this time pleasantly is a question involving a good deal more than mere amusement. The importance of menâ€" tal distraction to invalide is a fact too uniâ€" versally recognized to call for comment here, my object in this paper being merely to sugâ€" gest a mode of distraction that, in my own experience, has not only been attended with the happiest results pbysically, but has proved a source of intense and neverâ€"falling pleasure. I allude to the atudy of botanyâ€" not the tireseme, profistless study of textâ€" books, but of the woods, and fiolds, and mesadows,. : The beauty of this pursuit is that it takes the student outâ€"ofâ€"doors, and throat and lung troubles, as has been truly said, are houseâ€"diseases. Iam speaking, of course, to these who have begun to fight tho enemy before he has captured the innoer defenses, and who are supposed to be strong cnough } to do a reassonable amount of walking, and some solid thinking, For botany, though the simplest of the sciences, can not be masâ€" tered without some effort. You sre met right at the threshold by thas fearful, teochâ€" nical vecabulary which muss be conquered before advancing a single stepâ€"a labor so formidable and repellent, when undertaken according to the old szchoolâ€"bock methcd, l that I do not wonder so many have skhrunk away from it in dirgust or in despair, | bed, and those with weak chests will do well to wear the lungâ€"protector at night, as well as by day, as the portion of the frams most frequently unprotected is that between the shoulder blades. i * ieiGerebnnet Tereiniied .dcick. ce cirdints uP ubstt coaitces l })ear, three or four drops of camph:r on a ump of sugar, or in water, will often proâ€" duce a reaction, and frequently ward off the threatened attack. Healthfal slesp is Naâ€" ture‘s great restorer, and this should alâ€" ways be procured, but by rational means alone ; narcotics, except in extreme CASES, ara always to be avoided. A biscuit, a bow! of oat meal porridge, or glass of warm milk, taken en retiring, will aid in drawing the blosd from the brain, and producs sweet, . healthy dxéwainesx. Bedrooms should be wellâ€"vertilited and comfortable, and the bedâ€"clothes warm, but not heavy. {t is said that colds aro often contracted in Epring Winds and Coldsâ€" Our early spring weather is pocullarly trying to delicate persons, and no one who has any affection of the chest, or brenchial tubes, should expose himself to high winds, especially those that blow from north of east, As a rule, still, cold weather will never hurt any one, if properly c‘lothed, but i# â€"modéerate weathor i: accompanied by cold winds, then beware. Nervous people will usually find a headacke, and gencral depresâ€" sion of the whole system, to be the result of awalk ona cold, Gdamp, windy day, Bat there are many whose business calls them out in all weathers, and to theso we would say, take the greatest pains to tone the system so as to rasiss cold, and protect the body against sudden changes, Chestâ€"proâ€" tectors of rilk, chamois skin, or even lay ers of newspapers, should ke worn both back and front, for the lungs lie nearer the shoulâ€" ders thanâ€"the;.chest. It is the food which is d‘gested that supports life. Itis a good plan, too, to dash the neck, chest, and arms, every morning:â€"with cold water, rubbing them vigorqusly.‘afterward, with a rough towel dipped in alcohol. Hot baths should only bs taken at night, and cold ones in the morning. â€" When acreepy, chilly sensation is felt, :snd the first symptoms of a cold apâ€" m in te en o fls c 1c 200. 5o e e CE TE w L C Health and Sunlight Ecience for the Sick. Scarlet Fever. HEALTE. Proprietorâ€"Shoe string, sir? (To walâ€" ter)â€"Here, you, get this gentleman another plate of soup and tell the cook to strain it. (To custcmer, apologetically)â€"The> cook has strict orders to Strain the sovp, sir, beâ€" fore serving, but sometimes sho forgats, and there is always dissitisfsction. Oa the whole, the probability seems to be that unless Mr, Astor should take him in hand, even the alchemy of mcdern criticism will never be able to make a fine gentleman of Johnson, Bat after what has been done for Luoretia Borgia there is khope that even his ferocity of manner, and his soiled linen, which gave so much offence to her sons of fastidious taste, may after all bo resolved into myths, There is in the moantime encugh in the greatness of the soul that was in him, the kindness of his heart, and the substap. tial service which he has rendered to the literature of his countryâ€"the noblost in the worldâ€"to securse for him the respsct of those who think more of the substance than of the meore acidents of human charsactor. gIF. Customer <(to restaurant proprietor)â€"I find this piece of shoo string in my soup, There is just one scene in the liio of Johnâ€" son, which, as it appears to mo, might better have beon forgotten, His nufortunate ronâ€" countre with Adam Smith, the acoount of which has been prescrved by Sir Walter Soott, was scarcely creditable to cithor ore or the other of these worthies,. Johnson called Smith a liar, and Smith responded by oallâ€" ing Johnson & son of aâ€"well not of a respactâ€" able woman,. _ Oa such terms," says Sir Walter, " did thesoe two great moralists mest and part ; and such was tho clasatcal dialogue between these two great teachors of morality." This is very sad indeed, and I for one could have wished that when Soott‘s account of it was wrister, that like Sterne‘s recording angs!, he had droppad a tear upon it and blotted it out forever, Highly reprehensible as the conduct of thbo tkhese groat men unquestionably was on that occarion, it is not conceivable that it fermed an essgential part of the charactor of either one or the other of them, or that it was in any senso necessary in order to cemplete the picture of cither of them. \ And yes it is a remarkable fact, that ought to be mentioned to the credis of the grace and good senso of the Scotch, that among no other nationality bhas he more arâ€" dent admirors than among those peoâ€" pls whom he would have us believs are brought up en horsefeed. To say rothing of Macaulsy sand Main, both of whom are Scotohmsn, Thomas Cariyle is porhaps the only man in the last generation that has fully understood J ohnson, or who has been capable of duly estimating his character and worth,. Tho rugged eloments of essontial manhood, the great heart, the groat understanding, the fron will, and the fierce and terrible earnestness and indepsndâ€" ’ence which he feund in this strarge and wonderfal man, made the modern Diogenes forget his faults and foibles. â€" Ho does not hesitate, therefore, to give him a pormanent place among the heroes whom he reccomâ€" ll:ll:xads to the worshipping attention of manâ€" 1 I do not know how the Scotch people like the ill natured sayings of Johnson respectâ€" ing themselves and their country which have been preserved. ~He appears to have, for some occult reazon that, so far as I am aware, has never bsen explained, forms* an inveterate prejudice against Scotiand a: d the Scotch. Hs could, apparontly, see nothing either in " the land of mountain and of flood," or in the people who livs in it at all worthy of his admiration, The counâ€" try itself he pronounced " detestable," and the only ground upon which he fourd himsslf able to justify the ways of Providence in producing such & country was that "it was made for Scotchmn." Sidney @mith confessed that ho would like to roast a& Quakerâ€"metaphorically I supâ€" pose, of courseâ€"and evidently it would havs been jest as agrecable a pastime to Johnson to reast & Scotchman in the same sense. Even in his dictionary he finds cccasion to void his bile upon the No:th Britor. His definition of oafs is well known : * A grain commonly fed to horses in England, but used as food for men in Scotland," Ho ad. mitted to & Scotch gentleman that God made his country, but he took cara to modâ€" ify the admission by reminding him that the same groat Being had made hell. VÂ¥ n ar en DP L ilouse O xi C2, clotee " 1 h NAV . PRARPLA LA events of his life, one would think to suc ceed in this sort of work would re quire the very higheast qualities of authorshi(p ; and Wle e ole dnc 4e o i & 22 1 or and more vigorous understanding he would not have done as good work, Indesd he ssems to have coms to the conclusion that in order to be a firss rate biegrapher a man must be a balfâ€"fool. But if the aim of the blographer shcu‘ld be to produce a true picture of the subject which he undertakes to deliniate, as well as of tha principal events Of hifl llfe. ona wanld thinl 4a awa Macagulay praisos Boswell‘s biography 07 Johason, but he does it at the expsnse of the jadgment cof its author Hs appears to have been of the cpinion that with & soundâ€" "‘Al BELIEVE IN THE HORSEâ€" SHOE THEORY," sAYS Bocas, " EvEryrHING sEEMS To co BETTER ; BUSINESS SEE4CS BRIGHTER, YOU‘RE MUCH HAPPIER," A Careless Cook ~<f> $ ~â€"~G 4P Geâ€"â€"o 1 Is long distanced by a 10 cont bottlo of Polâ€" sorn‘s NERVILINE, the newest and best pain remedy. It cures colds, cramps, colic, pain in the head, sciatica, pain in the chest ; in fact it is equally ‘efficacious as an external or internal remedy. Try a 10 cent sample bottls of the great pain remedy, Nerviline. Sold by druggists, Large bottles only 25 cents. Try a sample bottle of Nerviline, only 10 cents. Take no substitute. 01 motion of Waydown Babse, the Presiâ€" dent was suthorized to offer a reward ef $25 for the dead body of any of the three. %, wHY NOT, Judge Chewso arose to ask for Infornaâ€" tion. Ho had heard dozsns of people irqui:e sas, _ Ho is bow legged, blind of one eye and talks through his nose, and has been selling memberships in the club for $1. MORER 1MPCSTORS, The Secretary announced that three different impostors were traveling through the country at the present time personating members of the Limeâ€"Kiln C:ub and duping many innocent people. ‘The worst of the a chap who claims to be the Rov. Poenâ€" stock, who is operating in Missouri and Kanâ€" The Saoretary was instructed the effect that the sult would b to the bitter end. MORE 1MPO&TORS. 2 O q9 0 OyA Ne o Nee Ae n ravite aniiniap n e on S# .. 20 e CLEME _ CHLL * W calkerlated to give de publico satisfacksun as de knowledge dat de hangman knows his bizaess an‘ has a noose waitin‘." _TO THE BITTER END, A postal card from a lawyer at Montgomâ€" ery, Ala., gave notice that he had been reâ€" tained by the Hon,. Free Soil Chivington to begin a auit against the Limeâ€"Kiln Club, layâ€" ing his damagss at $50,000. Mr Chivington apslled for membership a few weeks ago, and was rejooted on the ground that he atill carried a lot of birdâ€"shot fired into him five years ago by the owner of a watermelon patch near Opelika _ The plaintiff declares the statement to befalse, and will sue for the amount named. er, an‘ also be madso to pull hemp, De man who commits crime wid his eyes wide epen merits de full punishment of law, an‘ it am no mo dan ajust law which demands an eyo fur an eye an‘ a tooth fur & tooth. When it comes to gittin rid of redâ€"handed murderâ€" ere an‘ murderous burglars, nuffin‘ am so calkerlated to give de public satisfacks+un 2 id‘ nedt: â€" Lc t s We Litt P uient ts 3 i "Gvinicdas h d ‘‘Dat an‘ de Baptiss religion am two of de things I believe in wid alil my heart. I go furder, I balieve dat ebery convicted burgâ€" lar should be traated as a convicted murderâ€" once belonged to ar Egyptian King. From Memphisâ€" A butcherâ€"knife with the nams of "Plato" engraved on the handle, HK DokS, The Seorstary announced a communication from Chicago asking if the President of the Limgâ€"Kiln Ciub believed in hanging for murder, u}d Brother Gardner raplied : The Keepor of the Sacrod Rslics repr ted the recelpt of the following valusble addiâ€" tions to t,l)m reuseum ; From Bostonâ€"A kemsene can darried by one of the American army as Washington crossed the Delaware, Also, a tableâ€"leg supâ€" posed to be 3,000 ysars old, and to have once belonged to ar Ezyptian King. become diviced on the question :; _""Jg a paper collar goed cnough for & . colored man ?" and at the last mseting thirteen psoâ€" ple were crippled for life, Under these ciroumstances he believed it his duty to surzender the charter. (/ «* Do Sackretary will write him fo mail us de charter at ones,‘"‘ observed the President, ‘‘an notis will be sent out dat de Lonisville branch am no mo‘. Ineber ‘spected much from dat branch. Fac‘s am, de cull‘d popuâ€" lashun of dat city am a curas lot an‘ not to be depended on, â€" Dey nebber did stan‘ up agin advarsity worfa cent, an‘ ifdar am any meetin‘ on hand everybody wants to be bos!." ‘ Ds supjick am ene which vwill keep, an‘ any of you who am deéply interested kin bring is up at de next meetin‘," Tae Saciotary of "The High Old Boys" branch club, at Louisvilie, reported that his organization wes in a bad way.. The Presiâ€" dent had skipzed the city, the janitor was iu jail for fa‘sa pretersas, and the Tressurer bad starked for New Orleans, takirg the club monsy with him.. The m:mbers Fad become diviced on the question : _""Is a paper"coller goed cnough for & . colored ‘Plokles Smith : ‘Laziness am de doah to de State P.izen â€" ‘Irustee Pallback: ‘Ds man who libs ?fl' his naykurs shouldn‘t growl cker de are.‘ ©Ratunda Jackson : ‘De man who has too much gab am wauss off than & dumb man.‘ ©It ain‘t in de motto s> much as in de man. You kin shout: ‘Upward an‘ Onâ€" ward _ an‘still go down hill allde time,. Whiis I bas no intenshun of bein‘ perscnal I would suggest de follerin‘ personal watchâ€" words : "Samuel Shin : ‘Lot Policy Alone.‘ ‘Whalebone Howker : Sell Off Some o‘ Yer Dogs.‘ "I knowed anoder msn who ‘dopted de watchword cf : ‘Neber Despair.‘ It <hit him exactly, â€" When his wifo was barfut, his chill‘en hungry an‘ his rent two months behird ho pus on a smilin‘ face an‘ thought of his watchword. ‘He sat on de fercs in de summer, an‘ sot by de saloon stove in de winter, an‘ de las‘ I heard of him ho was in jail fur six months fur pickin‘ up property belorgin‘ to anoder man "I once knowed a man who took de watchâ€" word of ‘Dar Am Room at de Top.‘ He kepkit in his pocket all day and put it under his pillar at night,. In two y‘ars he was in de poo‘ house, Ha found rcom on de toap floo‘. f ‘Liberty or Death‘ am a good watchword, if picked at the right season of de year, but it won‘t prevent butes from wearir g out nor chilirin’ frolm crgin‘ fur brea1. 66 io uooA eA eR on in s & 5 sous PIT When the mesting kad been op:ned in due form Brother Cardner said : "It has bin suggested by sebaral mambsra dat dis club orter hevy a watchword. We started ont wid one, bus it some how got lost n de bushes an‘ nodody eber went back to look fur it, While I has no portickâ€" lezs objsckshun to a watchword, my experiâ€" ence wid ‘em has taught ms dat dey has got to be put up in a good deal of tugar to be of sny ‘count. The Mighty Dollar THE LIMEKILN OLUB FOR TBE MUSEUM. / o 1 //,’4 a ; / .’{ â€â€˜-}2}\\ l U. C ‘4 mm&%_ Y f auas.. BUT A sSUDDEN LURCK OF THE STF MODIFIED HIS VIEWS ON TBE SUBJECT, L NY || M A/f i aysl // /70 ;W{H /\fl“ M â€"G@HEAFVE SA Y 7 U 6i l ;gi;“ npo" M 7 { y/ 33 CY ;‘jï¬y y it i /o 2 % ‘(’V L M SAT / "a U / x ~<// :?"%’f $$5%~ _ 3 § ~~/ / ï¬i‘?i L es A / i y 7 W ce M seâ€"=â€"~â€"_ B i l’ LEA 4 x ’)‘E er ~@ / M Tal® «1155( //,"13/ QV £/ JS3 um % d to reply to ba contested BAND BAW MACHINEJIâ€"ALL SIZEYâ€"LATE3T improvements; bracket band saws for attach. ing to posts; neat, cheasp and durable ; sead for cir(txulars. JOHN GILLIES & CO., Ca:leton Place, Ont. Why isa lawyer swindling & baby heir like a person taking in a broath of pure atâ€" mosphere ? Bscause he is " taking in" a little frosh hrir. 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALGEâ€"CHEAPâ€" Only $100 required down ; balance at 6 per cent. â€" Addrers, M;}. KENT. London, Ont. Hidden Nawme and New YVerse Cards, 30 10c ; Sample Book, 5+. Gold Rings, Albums, etc., for clubs. BTAR COARD CO., Knowltcn, P.Q. Teronte, Imperial Coug:l Drops will give Positive and Instant Relief to those suffering from Colds, Hoarsenoss, Soro Throat, ote., and aro invaluable to orators and vecalists. Fer sale by druggists and confeotioners. punnues the _ biocd, improves tha circulativn, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and speedâ€" ily cures Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsie, Indigestion. Saarch the Drug Stores from ons end of Canada to the other, anrd you cannot flad a remedy equal toit. Try it and use it in gour families. Bold everywhsre in large ottles at 50 conts. You may break, you may shatter that $18,000 vas¢\# you will, but the scents of the dollar wili hang round is still. What is the difference. batwseen a farmer and a burglar? One tilis the land and the other " lands‘" the till. Do not taky Pills or Powders containing Calomel, for. &t this time of the year, the reâ€" suls may be sgrious. If you require a dors of physic take Dr. Carson‘s Stomach and Conâ€" stipation Bittiers ; it ac‘s gently on ths Bowels, purifies the Blocd, improves tha c:rculatiun. Use the sux?it remedy for catarrhâ€"Dr Sacge‘s. says many a aufferer. "I have the ¢ blues‘ frightfully ; I am troubled with headache and dizziness ; I have lost my appetite ; there is a bad t:ste in my mouth constantâ€" ly. . Whatis.the matter with me?" Wo will tell you ; you are " bilious " Clot a bottle of Dr. $Pierce‘s "" Golden Medical Discovery," usélit faithfally, and . gou will soon be a new (man again, All ruggists have it. ; > £ A witty fellaw who was called on to drag off a large dead horse said it was & coldâ€"hos: sal affair to mavre. A surse cure for cold in the head is to stop up the noss with beeswax and starve the cold out. A Aaron must shave been a stfferer from catarrh, The derpsration which catarrh produces is offen sufficient to make pseople say and do masy rash things and many corâ€" tinue suffaring jWU5$ as if no such cuteâ€" asg Dr, Sage‘a Oaterth Romedy existed. It cures every case from the simplest to the most complicated, and all the consequences of catarrh, A parzon once cured by Dr. Sago‘s Catarch Remedy wili not be apt to take cold sgain, as it leaves the mu cous membranes healthy and strong. . By druggists. %, «* I Don‘t Know What Ails Me," Visitor "(in Penitentiary ) : "® What brought you to this place, my friend ?‘ Convict: ®* Sneezing." _ Visitor : ‘"Sneezâ€" ing." ~Convict: * Yis sorr. It woke the gintleman up, and he nabbed me," and tne warm air was conducive to sleep. The drummer yielded to the drowsy god, and, after nodding a little, sank into a proâ€" found slumber, and slept through the minisâ€" ter‘s rather long and dry disccurse. The audience sang a hymn, and the drammer slept on. _ Then the evangelist began his adâ€" Cress, and wound up his fervid appeal with this request: "Will all who want to go to Heaven ple rise?" ~Every one in the church excepi@ihe sleepy drummer arose. When the evingelist asked them to be seated one of the brothers in the sams pew as tha sleepingâ€"dArummer accidentally brushâ€" od againat him as he sat down. The drumâ€" mer rubbsd his eyez, and, partially awaks, heard the last portion of the evangeolist‘s reâ€" quest, which was: "Now I want all of you whe want to go to Hell to stand up." The drammer struggled & little, leaned torward unstoadily, and rose from his seat in a dazed sort of way. â€" A sort of suppressed laugh he hoard from some of the younger psople, and. an expression of horror he roticed on the faces of some of the older ones,. Steadying himself against the rail he looksd at the evangolist an instant, and then said : "Woll, Parson, I don‘t know just exactly what we‘re voting on, but you and I seem to be in a hopeless minority," A Hopeless Mincrity. 7 A story is told of a Toronto drummer who was detaincd ata small town in Wostern Canada a while ago,‘ whaere a rovival mecting was in progres. Ho had met a party of convivial friends during his stay thers, and had what is popularly known as ‘‘a load on." Nevertheless, he driféel into tho revival mesting and took a seat well up in front. It was rather closs in the church, and the warm air was conducive to sleep. The drummer yielded to the drowsy god, and, after nodding & little. sanlk Inta" a nra. "Not as a 4. If anybody wants to drink lemonadÂ¥#rat cokernuts an‘ follor a brass band arcua‘ town dar am no objack shuns, but sich of us as prefer to sot down under de plum tree in de back yard an‘ feel sorry kin not bo deprived of ds privilega by any ackshun of de club. We will now ercape homewards." BIG OFFER.â€"To introduce them, we will GLVE AwaAyY 1,000 Selfâ€"operating Washing Maâ€" chin If you want one send us your nams, P. O. anil express office at once. THE NATIONAL CO..~23 Dey Si, N.Y. ""Doan‘ we the Jadge. son,. "Mo‘ dan twoy‘ ars ago, sah,"â€" replicd the President with considerable austority, "dis club rosolved to calebrats bus once a y‘ar, an‘ it was furder decided to combins Thanks. givin‘, Chris mas an‘ Naw Y‘ar‘s foto ons gineral holiday an‘ call it Thankschrisyear‘s, If members would post up on purcsegin‘s it might savs ‘em mo‘or las ; emb srrassman®. * why the club didaot celsbrate Washington‘s birthday, and he would now:ask the reaâ€" STEPâ€"LADDER SOMEWHAT WATSON, Manufacturer:, *"* Said Aaron to Mcsas Let‘s cut off our noses." womyes post up on purceegin‘s it em mo‘ or las; emb irrasiman . " 6 celebrate Fo‘th of July ?" asked m on mrttlâ€"aÂ¥h 0t agzsâ€"â€" U A.P.275 s 8> AlAan" Wc ar ul‘ 2/ ue ~ q EOV L WAAAE : 3 Love & Alden,. New Yoik; H. Bowlier, Toronto ; Allans, Rac & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookis Philsdelâ€" phia; H. A. Ailen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. _ For frtight, passage, cr octher information spply to A. Schumasacher & Co., Bsltimo e; S. Cunard & Co, Halifex ; mhea & Co., St. Johr‘s, N.F ; Wm Thompâ€" son & Co., St. John, N B, ; Allen & Co , Chicago ; T hen : t RLARE N UAE C y o q uh 10 se ae . Z 418!MAX And S% John‘s, N.F., to Liverpocifortnightly Cui«ding summer monthg. The stesmers of the Glas gow lines sail Curing winter to and from Halifsx, Portiand, Boston and Philadelphia ; acd durizg eumâ€" mer between Glasgcw and Montreal weekly ; Clag. gow and Poston weekly, ard Glasgow and Phil:del phisa forinightly. Sailing durliog winter from Po:rtland every Thursâ€" day and Halifax cvery Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebcc every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lordonderry to land mails and passengors fo: Scotland ans Jrelard; alzo from Baliimore, via Halifax and St John‘s, N.F., to Livernoci fortnichtlg Allan Ling Royal Mail Steamships. Our "Jump Sest" Body on EolipseGear mests with & toady sale, ard makes a ‘ighs, hardsome, durable amd useful conveyarcs. Rides easy with one or f3ur passongers, and charged from a single buggy to a double carriage quickly ard converiently, aAask your carriage maker for particulars. Oatalogue mailed on application to J. B. ARMSTRONG M{fz. Co. (Ld)., GUELPH, CANADA ARMSTRONG‘S Bugey & Carriage Gears. Bpecial inducements are cffered. All communica tions confidential. E, M. Chadwick, Esq., The lowest current :ate of inserest is charged, and repayment privileges granted in such terms that the borrower is placad in an extremely favoâ€"able position to pay his indebtedness as he finds himsslf able, without sustaiaing loss of interect. THE subscriber has a large amount ¢f m:rey to lend for clients on security of morigages on productive farm and town property. _ 63 T Has no supsrior! 20 feet per hour; hand or horse power; combined boring and rock driliing machine ; grand euccess;â€"first prizes and diplomas, Send for catalogue, MONEYeLOAN Our Dtï¬)lex Axles aro all to bo had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. WATEFR T« $20 Pe WELL 1 Amana CUELPH AXLE WOBKS tz T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont. Branch Office, 87 YongeSt., Toronto #iich, Building papers, Carpst 'iia'ï¬e;féï¬â€™lflé'vï¬zrlf Ready Roofing, etc. For l3w prices address I have a positive remedy for the above « thousands of cases of the worst kind an have been cured. Indeed, so strong i eflicacy, that I wi‘l send TWO BOTTLE with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thi sufferer. â€" Give express and P. 0. address Te Soest .~.DR:T. A. SLOCUM, Manufacturer and dealor in Tarrod Pitch, Building papers, Carpst and D H. A w nINGGS S'BN D FOR PRICE LI8ST. Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot 169 Yonse Streat Wawâ€"a.s,. (rSa PEX PS 4*3 calffomes S pmosd f N s B 6 m &1 > § 6 9 mss bap Pa BJ ol e & t\ P 8 (s A E 5 3 3 C C# s 77 y a i C @» BV B 9 8 Of new patterns and designs J.& A, ARMSTRONG & CO., it apc1, _ _ O_ _ 200 1BCG 1% according to directions, it their eyes were curable, as will be seen by the undersigned certificates. If cured ms, 8 years blind, ccculist failed, O. Fortin ;_it bas cured mo, ccculiss would 2cof try ms, Alexander Wand ; 6 years blind, Ohas, Amiott; 4 years, Elle Dulour; 33 years blind :md a?'.v ‘I se‘e, John Lecroix. Ask your druggist for 4 ePAE ie T20 un PWE T ape c sulams Sn 1 cabaie Pm n o ntvd EROES or tas ErBu®, ErBLE LAaxps AN: War in Tus SoUupax." This remarkab‘e is { esh frora the prise with 750 pages of reading ter of thrilling interes} and staitling truths. O pages of beautifcl steel and wood engraving maps. It6 is cold cnly by sub:crifutlon: & repres tive wanted in every district; liboral pay wi given; fall information will be given frse of c by the sole publishers in Oznada. Internstional & Bible Hcuse, 56 and 48 Front St. E , Toronto A ¢% _ Dberlin, Oat.â€"sole manuf«ciurers in Oanada cf automatic engines from 2 to 15 h. p ; automatic enâ€" gines for printing cffices ; high epeed gutomatic enâ€" gines for electric lighting ; automatic engines for chesse, butter, and sausage factories, or any other parpose where & light and cheap power is required. Fgr price list and other particulars address as above. 66 T PBRA ts beireantist RalBo dz hnl. d K0 4 jointer, chesso box, venecer, loathor splitting beokbinders, msulding, tenoning, and other machine kaives of bost quality, manufactured by Prrer Hay, lGalt Machine Knife Works, Galt, Oat. ; sand for price ist. GUELPH CARPET WoORKsS. FOR SALE CHEAP BY PRIVATE TREATY : 16 Headq Thorougkbred Durham Cattle, with firstâ€"class pedigrecs; 6 hoad Thoroughbred Ayratire Oattle, with firstâ€"claga pedigrees; 8 head High Grade Cats‘e; 6) head Thac rcughored Leisestor Sheeï¬. For autlculars address H. GrhnazEBROCK, Simooe, Norfolk 0., Ont. $ 5HORTHAND THOROUGHLY TAUGET BY 9&5 Mail ; or students attendisg our Academy will be thoroughly prepared by highest Masters in Shortâ€" hand, Ty pewriting, Bookkeeping, and Busisness Trainâ€" ing. Advanced students helped to situations. Imâ€" mediately address, The Union Shorthander‘s Comâ€" mercial Academy, Arcade, Toronto. MAN OR A WOMAN WANTED IN EVERY towrship. to sell Dr. Talmage‘s now book, *‘Live Coals " The ksenest and most vigorous specimen cof oratory ever wriften ; nearly 700 pages ; only $2 ; full particulars of this and other new books F2RE. Schuyler Smith & 0o , Publishers, London, Ont ht ue ol rera, Nant L Seod io m ce es WYE P YA kJ body should have, a "Wirt" fountaia pen ; the chsapest and mest durable ever invented ; every pen guaranteed to give tatisfaction ; agents wanted for all parts of Canada ; larga commission and o capital required; serd for dezcriptive circulars and epecial inducements to agents. 0. H. Brooks, Sole Canadian Agent, Toronto. SAL‘I.‘â€"ONE THOUSAND TONS COARSE SALT â€" buik and sacks; also all cther grades ralt ; gueclal t::aigh& rates and lowess prices. Coarresponâ€" anne aalial4~ aoalg.i0m dence solicited. Address, 100 000 5 cent m LAND, Toronto,. $3,500 XPECLAL RK. ACIEXELIET B2 xX2 x ARBRILAGE & WAGON AXLES, Patent Fempered Steel Mention This Paper ELSON 4& CO., MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS WILLTA MS, Manufacturers of ï¬xï¬)elebuted 68 Mary St., Hamilton, Canada. Yonge Street, Toro;lto. A GEAND BOOK. J Farmâ€"100,000 acting plays,15 conts bAmusla; instruments halfâ€"price. â€" BUTI nd TWO BOTTLES FREE, together CARPETsS, H. WILLIAM3, 4 Adslaide Sb. E., Toronfo. ATTENXTION.â€"Scmathing â€" everyâ€" s1 4 WO C Oe e s sc d Pus . 600 Acre Farmâ€"$2,000@138 Acre Bank of Toronto Building, TorONTO WiLLIAM CAMPBELL, Goderich STAR ATGUR Felt & Slate Roofer. ove disease ; by its use l and of long standing mg is my faith in its $20 Per Day. D:cflfhtlon: & represert.â€" ct; liboral pay will be 4, E1BLB LAKDS AND THE ." This remarkab‘e book 50 pages of reading matâ€" s discaso to any wood engravings and BORING and Damask CGueiph, Ont n free of charge ternstional Book Felb, Roofing COver 60 |\CHAS. STARK, â€" is comyleata with New and Improved Mc We will mail, Fr®E#8, to a!;{ address, our containing a complete Gescription of every Below we givo an idoa of the prices cf our goods. eat in shootlag, boxing: fencing, etc , send your aid Binglo Muzsle Loading Guns â€" from $2 00 to $12 Double Muzzls Loading Guns â€" from 500 to 20 Dâ€"ub‘e iseech Loading guns â€" from 900 toâ€" 300 Target R‘fls>, 22â€"calibre â€" â€" from 350 to 30 Combind Snot and Rifles, Breech Loadiog + â€" â€" from Breosh Loading Sporting Rifles from BC ET ET CCC Cee L1 98 & & & 13 The recen§ wiso remodelling of the game laws for the Dominion defines the close porlods as follows :â€" (1) â€"Dzer, olk, m9082, reiadcor or caribou, between the fifteenth day of Decamber and the fifteenth day of Ociober. (2) â€"Grouse, phoasant, prairls fow! or partridze, batween the first day of January and the first day of Septembe:. (3) â€"No quail shall be hunted, taken or killed during tha years 1886 and 1887, and no wild turkeya during tha yoars 1596, 1387 aud 1833 and In each case thsreafter not batween the fifteanth day of Dacombher and the fifisenth day of Octobar following. (4) â€"Woodcock, batween the first day of January and the fifteenth day (f August. (5)â€"Snips, rail, and golisen plover of all kinds betwsen the firss day of Jinuary and the first day of September, (6)â€"Swans or geese betwean the firsst day of May and the first Gay of September. (7) â€"Ducks of all kinds, and all other water fowl, batween the first day of January and the first day of September. (8) â€"Hares, between the fi‘tsenth day of March and the first day of September. ies on is in on on rmecnn mm n nompeane We are Canadian Headquarters for the sale of the following wellâ€"known goods : Winchester Repesating Arms Co.â€"Wincheater | J. Steveres «& Co.â€"Gallery and Sporting Riflea and Repeating Rifles ; Wincokester Blogle Shot Rifics; Pistols Hotchkiss Repsating Rillss; Paper an4 Brags Shells, | E. Remipgton «& Sonm‘sâ€"Rifles, Guns and Revol: Wds, Cips3 and Awmunifion of all kinds, vers. Mnr‘lllndFi il-.s i&n;xst L;;:iflâ€"_ Mâ€S“bn I;aggai%ng }}. fles; | M. M. Quackenbushâ€"Air Riflies and appurtenances Ballard sisgle sho o8 ; anda evolvers ; Daly‘s Patest Hand Coffy ) | Tower «& Lyomâ€"Police equipments. Colt‘s PatentFire Arms ManufactarirgCo.â€" | LIzOowski Clay Pigoon Co â€" Canada Target New Lightciag Repsatingz R fles; Single and Double | EAIL to.â€"Merwir, Hualbert & Co,‘s Aukt Action Army, Navy, Police and House Pistols ; | _ matlc Army, Police, and House Pistols, Doubleâ€"barreled Rreechâ€"losding Shotâ€"guns. Emi h and Wesson‘sâ€"Revolvers. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOoLLowina WELLâ€"KNOWN ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS : J. P Clabrough & ,B'.‘?f" * ral Eros, Jamesd& Co. â€" Westley. Richarda & M% e ues ut my s pat t on n a aew 22 82 88 38 56 1 PB PC DDTC PCR MIVWDIW WERWIE RVUs AAB OZRRRIEUUE ¢d for sosrrowa or othay amsjj 11. 32 ""LAU bay No. 9 shot, and more of is. These sizss are especially adapt ¢d for sparrows or other small birds, and e:gechlly for quail, partridges, squirrels, and other mm., From testimonials recsived, we notice that for rats and cats they have been largely used, esp for cats. .A ca§, after rccsivinyg ona dose, (if able to leave the premises) rarely ever returns, but takes ur her agode {:11 sgme place remote from the man who owns a rifle or pistol and keeps a stock gf shot orrtridges about his hr uss. The 3. & W. slzscaâ€"32 and 38â€"are used largely by persons who own a better class of revolvers, such 2s# M (H. «& Co‘s Automatic Revolvers, 8 «& W. Revolvers, and the better grade of Bull Dog Revolvers, such as X L Bull Dog or betbsr class of Am. Buil Doge, or any other good O. F. Pistol. Persons who are not owrers of rifles can taks a f3w hundred of thesa cartridges with them on their summer vacations and have really as much sport with them by using tham in their revolvers, as do those who carry rifles. The 44 Winchester Shot Cartridges (No. 6 and 8 shot) are adapted to the Winchoastar Magazine Rifle and all Frontior Pistols of sams calibrs, an1 ars used for shooting prairie chinkana mm 1y . ." _ "o m Remeo AHL Inodorous Portable Bedroom Commode.â€" Â¥ . A, the Urine Ssparabor; B, Urise Receptacle; 57 Adclaide‘:St. _West, Toronto C, Exorement Pail. E4 TCB T q yuen i Palltit ai" United States Factoryâ€"Muskegon, Mich. English Factoryâ€"Manchester. no %5A, Meation this paper E es asey RNelericrn i2 en Ml L n mc an d 2 POV M7g (HHC The 22 long, 32 long and 38 long Rim Fira Cartr Ballard, Stevens, and other Riflss of those calibr Bhot, whils in 32 and 33 the shot is larger, say No. 9 ¢d for sparrows or other small birds, and especially C ists cf grsin rr seeds of some kind. and inccar #57â€"4 ZVG"C D+% 94 por cent. of the food of the epsr. rows consists cf griin rr seeds of some kind, and insect food only about 6 per cent, and that they consume in Great Britain alone four million bushels of grain annually. ‘The Union Ornothologist recommends as folâ€" lowa :â€"Firs$. *‘ That sheltering or otharwise fostering the sparrow by the public, be discouraged, and that its introduction artificlally into new localities, and its sale for such purposes, be forbidden b{ law." Second, **That all existing laws protecting the sparrow be repealed, and thas bountios ba offarad far lhe Apubrnnitan i Munitions 2 e rnnnd Ey the dissection cf many hundred specimens 16 bas been proved that 94 por ceont. rows consists of griis rr seeds of some kind, and insect food only anam« a bes "c"s SLAUGHTER of the INNOCENTS M SA GROT ze ns en «t t* T IO00 . sÂ¥ «in‘ Â¥ks â€"52 cal, Epencer or Joslyn Rifls, cal., Rim Fire, L ang... SAMUEL SITE GOLD MEIDALS For full information (which will bo gon§ you free oi chargeo) about the free lands and cheap homes, appls to JOHN H. MORLEY, Westarn Canadian Pass, Agent, 0. & N . W. Ry., R. 8. HAIR, 9 York 8¢., Toronto, Ontk General Pass. Agont, Ohicago, Ilis. 6 makkL i4 12e su ce c 205C 50 CC Ee Ns EC ECL rapidly setiled in these wonderl'nl.lï¬ prod regions, and the " firss comers" will have choice " of location. 3 Along the line of the Chicago and Northwester Railway in Central Dakota ard Northere Nebraska. New sections arse boeing <spened up and rapidly setéled in these wonderml.lï¬ productive r'?gions,’n;nd t}‘m "" first comers" will have * firsi nhnina # af Tanskto. "C M M SAee h. â€"d Specialty. Leading hardy kinds, in large qua on our own grounds, in lat 4235 Halton Nursery, Burlington, â€"* Q New Orleans Road Cart Co‘y, H. H. Hurd & Son, 3 The Billing Out and Packing for Nursery« wob en men and BDealers a ® @SnaeniaIitv. Winters‘ Patent Road Cart, Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &c. CAPITO L)E(S“--"{n' CYLINDER/A\MAcBine JAMES PARK & SON THERE ES E NO BETTER, The Snow Drif} Baking Powdor Co Snow Drift | end for Oatalogus. Are made only at the Pork Packers, Toronto RMAXELE, ORT"E" CONSIST OF A PATENT SHOT CARTRIDGE. _ Bend for gample barrel. J. WINTERS, Manager. s CGalt, Ont. W. W. Grgener. Ab€a NT OUR GUN REPAIRING DEPARTMENXNT * M A N rolied ispics Bacon, 0. O. Becon lamg, Sugar OCured Ham, Dried acon, Emoked Tonguss, Mess Pork |Baking Powder NUFACTUREREâ€" @4S, IN J in 18%, 4§r§fa quantitios, raisoed M, y :. e ont. & .+....par box ROGERS & CO., 80 Front 8. East.'anonto Family or Navy Pork ho Bost Brands of Eng NEW GAME LAWsS d M:chirery forOhoke boring, reâ€"stocking and all kin 8, our new One Hundred and Twenty Page lllustr every kind of FIRE ARMS AND SPORTING GOODS 15 00 to 50 4 00 to 150 FAYORITE Queen City Oil Works, the last three years If it does not prove satisfactory we will pay freight both ways. Brantford, Orng 5: 10:19, | K. Remington «& Son‘sâ€"Rifles, Guns and Revol: vers. 108 ; | H. M. Quackenbushâ€"â€"Air Rifies and appurtenances °3i | Tower «& Lyonâ€"Police equipments. ‘o,â€" | Lizowski Clay Pigoon Co â€" Canada Target uble | Ball to.â€"Merwin, Hulbert & Co,‘s Auk bols ; | _ matlc Army, Police, and House Pistols, Emi h and Wesson‘sâ€"Revolvers. _ WELLâ€"KNOWN ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS : Co. â€" Westley, Richards & Oo. _ â€" C. G. Bonehill, » * Kynock & Co. (Limiged). o rnrnen on nnmemenetoninrm nentee cmmnreaieg ods. If you are in want of ANYTHING, or take any intor. address on a post card for our catalogus. We have $12 ‘ Nee x x noxnorox xxx xt s o ce c uen wour aoee n o ue x xo 20 Our No. UKHB and wra c zo 33 20 g) " "45 2t +oh dihk o * for the Dominion defines the close porlods as follows :â€" on the fiflteenth day of Decamber and the fifteenth day of r partridge, batween the first day of January and the first taken or killed during the years 1886 and 1887, and no and In esch case thareafter not between the fifteanth day wing. (4)â€"Woodcock, batween the first day of January _ and golsen plover of all kinds betwsen the first day of n'z:s _or geese betw'egn the first day of May and the first ET P APerp un exnbininrdii=satinriarinremennntein. t O .# 4 Our No. 150 and No. 1 Douvls Barrel, Breech Lnading Shot G€uns, side snap action and Genuine Twist Barrels, 10 or 12 Gauge, for $13 and $15, are the most remarkable bzu%:ins ever cffsred â€"Iiâ€" lustrated on page 87 of cur ca logus. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmn;x 44 38 82 cal. 8. & W., 0. F.........._.per box of 50, §0 90 * Winchester, 0. F * Evans Rifle * Are the Best and Oheapest in the Market. Order ore from your Barriage Maker. Take no other kind. Send for Catalogueâ€" 407 King 88. W., Toronto. L0 o n C ALAOPRHEOâ€" 407 Ming *&} VAOD purposes, be forbidden by law." Sccond, , and that bounties be offered to:*te destruction." Peerless Oils NEVER FAILS COLD WATEER *Â¥ o M (3tamps taken ) LINTON, L&KE & €0., Galt BRANTFORD I guarantce Plarts to ples order at any post cffice ir Plâ€"nis ty freight or exprege 13 for $1 00 | FREE FLOWERING PLaANTS 6 Branch Office, 37 Youge St., Toronto. ue re B ... Mn CR _ CS h 1J When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLâ€" ING SICKNESS a lifeâ€"long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. . It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. â€" Address DR H A pnam CONBOY‘S CARRIAGE TOPS When L saÂ¥ ones P ak L0 ahoue c NC .. s . 5) The r;’-stctikh})z a.ndlsllll kinds 3! 6epaln. wenty Pa, ustrate a,taloafw ) SPORTING Goonk" (f""* BY MAIL. 100| Aut Fresr QUaLuITy, and with every 50 | Dollar order, an Amaryllis,<a Chrys. 25 | anthemum or Montbly Rose, FREE, Best Strawberry Plants, 25 cts. a Dozen. antee Plants to plesso, and to arrive in good i any post cffice in the Dominion, . Large v freicht ar avanesa 52 Church Street, O kE O N TCToOo. and have received (iuring o e ce e e 08 e 0 o 0 â€" Cockburn. Florist, f 7GRAVBNHURST, COXT List on applica‘tion â€" Td pe ons oi rat a cases. Because others have faile w precelving & cure. Send at on e Bottle of my infallible remedy. )flice. _ It costs you nothing for u. _ Address DR. H. G..ROOT, i iCE _ STARCH 60 Galt’ \ont’ AXLER AKD Maâ€" CHINE Sor®RW WoRrKss Carâ€" rlasre & Wagon 4x‘es. Iron and Steelâ€"Setr& Cap Screws, etc. 60,