11 a.m.â€"Sunday School. Pictures Life of Moses, 11 amâ€"Sight and Insight. §3 a m â€"Holy Commun.â€"on. 110 amâ€"H¢iy Communion uyc-i-mnua..-. 1.0 p m â€"Evensong 130 pamâ€"Sunday School. St. Andrew‘s Church (Diocess of Niagar®) Recter: Rev‘d E. A. Brooks 7;,;â€"0-: '1 ® bers of the Trinity United Church St. John‘s Church Adslaide St., Grimsdy it c arrarnong, mmen.â€""SOUL sUNDAY, OCTOBEN 16 18th Sunday Aft«~ Trinity SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th SUNXDAY, OCT. 16 SPECIAL monâ€"The Rector Caretully and Accurately Dispensed by Graduate LORWS DAY SEVENTYâ€"THERD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES vumWthfl‘uh.ï¬m PRESCRIPTIONS â€" â€" Social Events = Personals â€" Organizations â€" Club Activities MILLYARDS St. Luke‘s Day 10:00 A M.â€"CHURCH S8CHOOL 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.â€"WORSHIP SERVICES REV. HAROLD S. STEWART, D.D. Dean of McMaster Divinity School, Guest Preacher at Tout: Pelowship. 1 PRUG STORE / BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC BY THE CHURCH CHOIRS AND GuEst MUSICIANG. Developing and Printing Rev. Geo. A. McLean, BA., SUWNDAY, OCTOBER 16th the Hamilton, spent the holiday here renewing old friends. futher was one of the picneer misâ€" sionaries to the Indians in Ontario. "dmm-n.uuu.w“ signing there to become professor ¢mmunâ€"v som University, and who, by the way, was succeeded in the St. Catharines pastorate by Rev. Geo. A. McLean, the present minister of the Grimsby Baptist church, and .-w.d-.cu who can should enjoy his ministry ut both services in the Baptist church, Sunday next. The Baptist church met for hmwuw School Hall was erected to meet the demands of the growing school On Sunday next the Baptist Dean Stewart comes of a family at for three generations have nr.-â€"-nh.-u@-g-: On Sunday, October 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher, lï¬msuï¬m-quw&emmi- versary of their wedding. _ _ _ ne amomaine s 3. ard) tah _ _ _ _ Both are well known lifelong residents of Grimsby and portunity to thank many friends bours for they received on this happy occasion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ â€"__*_ The day was brought to a close with a family dinner, at which all their children were present. They have three [mvmtm LOCATED N GRIMSBY will be held next Monday evening. October 17th, at 800 p. m in St John‘s Presbyterian Church. This mfllhhmmdu Wearâ€"Ever Brush demonstration, und every member is urged to atâ€" tend and bring a friend~" Miss Dorotky Nicol in Grimaby to assist Miss Secord in rendering service in the western part of the The Mothers Club will hold their| WOMEN‘® INGIIPUTE M Lme first Full meeting at the home of| glon Hall, Tuesdasy, Oct 18th, $ Mre. Robt. Cosby, 7 Fairview Aveâ€"| pm. Program: MUBICAL EDUCAâ€" -.-vm,oanmm.uwum st 2.30 p. m. All mothers welcome.| ing meeting. mmummmmm-nw mumhflnm...u-ï¬mm dnunlrhlundhhdw velvet bands and buttons, deep V‘d bodice, ba-unr« a fun accessory, a daguerreotype muf? of sealskin, with black sequins. â€"McMullen. CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDMNG _ | PLAID TAFFETA PICTURE DRESS By PRUNELLA WOOD THE GRIMSBY INDEPENDENT m.b,-‘-mlhn. one of their members who is a bride elect of this montk. The dinner table was gay with fGowers and tall tapers in silver Since its Toundation in 1804, the Bible Society has distributed the raised type for the tlind. Over ten million copies are circulated each Scriptures, Nearly 1,000 Colportâ€" eurs in many lands are labouring among the‘r own people, for the spread of the knowledge of Christ through His Book. It suppliec for Besides supplying the Churches Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Elis, Toronto. Harvest Fancy Garden Patch CREAMCORN : . zu-&l Imm is o. 2 m 21kt Walker‘s Chocolate Aâ€"Bâ€"C Fancy PEANUT BUTTER . ........ 39c | _ | PMHK SALMON OCTOBER SPECIALS TOMATO WIICE _ = . 2 «... 19¢ TEA, Orange Pekoe ;. «. 49 , in Fig, Date or Plum | CARNATION MILK 2 .«...««=27¢ | | PWEAPPLE JUICE . ... «. 1% Red and White OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 ... PASTE WAX 1 16. tin DUZ SOAP POWDBR _ .. Tilbestâ€"Refrigerator Jar E. D. Smith‘s BEANUT BUTTER ... .. 3’t| |m ONT. POTATOES White and Mealy THEAL BROS. FRUITS & VECGETABLES OCT. 13th to OCT. RTOES e use _ $1.79 srome hipie prs. £1€ iTE CAVUIFLOWER YORK GREEN BEANS _ ... 31c CRISP CELERY BIRDSEYE KERNEL CoRN *** 25 FRESH LETTUCE YORK STRAWBERRIES _ ... 4% m I%“ c na 4 wHt Wcm-'hï¬-&'fl':.;“-hw Dinmer and for the Gala Year‘s Eve Pall â€" only a limited number will be accepted. + PHONE 32 FOR RESERVATIONS All under the personal supervision of CHICKEN, STEAK AND SEA FOOD DINNERS PHONE 45 2 REG BOXES L ONE 10c BOX FREE The Village Inn 15 24¢ Jn | Cak Room Meinz Frosh STONED DATES EDDY‘S MATCHES ‘Thursday, October 13, 1949. 13 oz. bottle % Ib. tin 27¢ 1 tb. pkg.