‘Thursday, Sept. 22nd, 1949. 1 orders ind "Spring wihvorlee of Frail ‘Trees and Ornamentais tor C. W. Prughomme and Jone. K. 6. Passer Will train steady, accurate apâ€" NURSERY STOCK Grapes Wanted Grape Growers ! VE â€" S$EIBEL 1000 â€" SUCHILLER We are in the market for the above types of Grapes. Ya .s..d:r.mn.r{. m;‘.‘@fl.ï¬' W.hlV.lMal.mOfMuhwl Grimsby Beach, No. 8 Highway, homa; 8 Main 8t. Eâ€" TE PARKDALE WINES LTD. CATAWBA â€" Apply in own handwritâ€" PHONE 236 WENTWORTH FRUIT & SUPPLY CO. LTD. MEN ONLY GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT P. V. SMITH, Realtor ALLIED FRUIT FARMS LTD., GRIMSBY BLUE GRAPES AT $70 PER TON NET C‘Unhl'l:ï¬ltl:l::- s, Beamsville, clay loam, grapes, pears, cherries, some open land. Large stone building suitable WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR See us for your needs in Real Estate _/R o s ass ) wtud e M 9/ HOP O good lake front lots for cottages or Geo. Marfei CONTINUATIONS rietress. She also said that the wwhllaluth his hand but did not know what was in the book or whether it could have been the highways reâ€" muuwuu no time did she see Miss Dixon M-’“m'l’.m told the court he had been hailed ..g.wnt.“l“‘-- ‘ Thousands of farmers watched while agriculture 9"‘"!.!!!'3.!!.&‘.’.'.â€". wummflfl.mfl a complete fiveâ€"year faceâ€"lifting in 24 bours. â€" â€" DELAWARE From Page One Grimaby, Phone 49 November 27, by a man who idenâ€" tifled himself as W. E. Wrightman and produced his card. ‘The conâ€" ‘mmmwuw him about the trouble at El Rancho [ 11 d 0 20 0 ts codiadetatenitinn Caszablanca, and stated that Miss Dixon had threatened to use _A shotgun if he returned. Mr. WM&.MM pumm.urm-u- .mn--m.mmr son said. He said that Mr. Wrightâ€" man did not accompany him but ‘Mumwmm him to the restaurant. They inter» viewed Miss Dixon and Miss Stonéâ€" hill and at the request of the proâ€" prictress, Constable Thompson said )..ohuflhp-.b&.m hvh-u-u-hlhahl- ing when he entered. The constable said he found no shotgun on the premises. W. O. Ullman told the court that a man, whom he later identified -mc-.b&hun muwmm-ntu-k permission to take a picture of the Casablanca sign from his property. He testified that the man told him he liked the sign and wanted a pic. ture of it. Mr. Uliman said he gave lm for the picture to be taken, but did not see the picture heine taken. Later that morni the witness testified, the man reâ€" turned and said he was W. E. Wrightman, an inspector for the Department® of Highways, and used profanity in referring to Miss Dixon‘s threat to use a shotgun if About three weeks later, Mr. Ulâ€" man said he observed three men, $4.00 tor dead or disabled horses and cows, according to size and condition. @mail animals reâ€" moved free. Highest prices paid for old horees. & Phone 28r21, Winona, Collect. 81 Murray 8t. N. PHONE 183 GRIMSBY air ise box=â€"75 !b. capaCity. Kitchen table, two chairs. Glass top coffee table. Cream ename! bench, wall mirror. Table lamp. 1937 Chevrolet Coupe. 1946 STUDEBAKER 14, TON STAKE TRUCK Mileage 15,000. Engine and body Aâ€"1 condition Powell & Company FOR SALE King and Main Streets das, Ont. _ Phone 18 or 600 FOR SALE S. B. Bonkam PHONE 487, OR APPLY APT. B, MANSION HOUSE THE GRIMSBY INDEPENDENT w-u.-uu"-"u--'; both beautyâ€"lovers and conservation experts, Here a euter the Dixon property WHOTF cne of the men cut down the sign ar«| left it in the feld. of highways for Ontario, stand. He told the court that he and his staff prepared the regul« ations which govern the setting up of signs along the highways of the mwOâ€M“M†asked counsel for the plaintiff. *Thevy were passed by orderâ€"inâ€" council," repiied Mr. Miller, after |; which counsel for the plaintiff reâ€" ferred to the rules as "your regulâ€" ations." Most of the witnesses called by | MMMMhm the "chain of command" ar which Mr. Parkinson, K.C., was trying to establish. ‘This would | show that the orders for the reâ€" | moval of the sign came from the minister of highways, Mr. Doucett, even though he had no direct conâ€" tact with the affair. Under one section of the regulâ€" ations dealing with the matter the minister may have a sign removed if it offends against the rules, and J(&émnf“bmn hinself. | Both the minister of highways, |Mon. George Doucett, and his deâ€" ;fly.lt.umn.wum ’mmmm-“-- 'mdm highway signs regulations. Cecil Fairs, supervisor ‘|of the thiscellaneous . permits branch of the department of highâ€" ;-m.umuhumu 'wwunwtumm .m.orbn-cnn.‘urul- ,mmnm 1 L Mr. Wrightman testified lht‘ â€"| Miss Dixon "was . rather upset" km.whflbml& ;\ Ing to take her sign down. He told .mmflh&.od‘.""â€ll. out and touch that sign, T‘ll fill you . |fall of lead", and then added "If asked counsel TOF EM PMMATUO® 2 ‘ mm*nmm.m.mm.nwnw which counsel for the plaintiff reâ€" -lo.hu‘&!:mflï¬dt ferred to the rules as "your regulâ€"| trees. Phone Orm )lu:dlhm'ulhllyw FOURâ€"BURNER table top gas the defense were used to from &O"Mdmâ€"-fln“'um %‘"fl“md. Which Mr. Parkinson, K.C, _ was| _ Grimaby. 12â€"1¢ trying to establish. This would | mmmmmmmmmmmamneremmnenee®ttanenet 2. BB oi dicintres P en dn beadt© a treeâ€"stump before levelling @ c Ine mign wes taken down withâ€" mmmm nm......u-«nu \mnm.hwq-' it erected again." ________ _ ____ later, Miss Dixon denied that she had threatened to shoot Wrightâ€" men. , testified that on ugvmhflwfl* mits ofice in ‘Toronto, she told the girls there that "anyone coming on my premises at night would get "Any flashy sign may tend to be a menace to traffic safety," the minister added. The sign that has been reâ€"erected at El Rancho Casaâ€" | blanca is a much different form of imtprorw by | the highways department. The minâ€" ister could not decide whether the Casablanca sign should be termed "ornamental" or "ornate." Several witnesses testified that no written notice from the minister of highways had been given to Miss Dixon requiring her to remove her offending sign. Neither had any mention been made to her of the possibility of making application for an approved business identifiâ€" eation sign, No decision on the case is exâ€" their fanny Alled with rock sait." Hon. George Doucett, Minister of Highways, called to the WIZNG "" tectify, stated that he had en« trusted Cecll Miller, the deputy minister with the enforcement of the reguiations. "The object of the regulations," he aaid, "is to promote the beauty and scenery of the highways of the province, and to encourage tourâ€" ists." Many American tourists had amâ€"aur-muu absence of garish signs cluttering up the highways here, he aaid. . pected until the middle of October, Written arguments by both lawâ€"» yere will be filed with Judge Darby and five days each will be allowed to write a refutation. "I suppose you are in no hurry for a decision," said the judge. Many persons believe there is dark lightning, having seen black as well as white, flashes in night photographs of electrical storms. These black streaks result from the Clayden effect, which is the reverdal of a photographic image of excesdingly short exposure by the action of a subsequent iNumiâ€" vs, called to the stand to ! Classified Advertisements CUmenLica SuUTRIIIESE L077 20 L2A Anlanhame m Minismum 40 cents. Names, addresses and telephone mumbecs do not count. Where advertisements come in over the telephone or are otherwise charged we will only bill once. C xo es e pitie s se mnirad h e riin nc h eme mrorng h.ï¬-uâ€"u'-hm * *low, bailoon tires, $35.00. Phone ‘,'&"m good condition. $225. or best offer. Cook stove, used Short time. Phone 176â€"Jâ€"2, Grimsâ€" JACKET heater, «amapasens e lCCC C Calls6 Aawai HONEY, mild buckwheat fiavourâ€" # EC Cns eoummeieeed Een llls © asertang 1942 DODGE Club coupe, original owner getting new car, must sell. PPmmERE CCE O OOG EIGWHTâ€"PIECE quarter, cut oak dining suite, combination bookâ€" _T il_ Alct awanalient VHOm 2200000 im 130â€"Râ€"23, Beamsvilie. 10 ACRES and two storey stone tion. sanpseeoo@CC CCC ame eabi _ RADIO CLEARANCE SALE â€" ‘Table model combination, regular $99.95, now $85.00. Television set, uudumw.n&lfl-- to clear $249.95. ACâ€" E‘- w &..mu.-uu-“ ,» l @5. All above radios are 1949 models and can be had on easy ed. bring your own containers. 11 Kidd :m.' ,,____._._....I""; A gold nugget found weighed 157 pounds. and is in bcsumess _ P pomas" m"m.uo.mm. PESF TCOR OO e lctacudita Real Estate Broker, two carpets, odd chairs, ERO CRCPATU CCCA eiladl .ls w Kodak camera 120, Fire Phone 212â€"J. awarded the LNBEIA! LMMCD D symbol of the best allâ€"round pa oc e o mhioties Clark eup, C. 544. 12â€"1¢ t ho M ..l c;." _'Irw,l"l!l" and more than 1000 is the Doâ€" minion, it was announced at the rul eonvention of the Canadian eckly Newspapers‘ association at i..._.‘:"""".‘.‘ magice Aditer if Esnn ho ud paper ou a seorre of l: Nearest was the Herald of Eimâ€" Man, The Peel Gazetie was awa the M. A. James Memorial award for the best front page in M- # The Midiand Free Press Nerald was awarded the David Williams eup for the best editorial page and the Newmarket Era and Express was awarded second prize in this and Sports. Phone 8.C. 544. 1 div Classified advertising rates are Three cents a E WREL L Actamhkama mt BEST WEEKLY . 12â€"1p 11â€"3p hargeqn as Ho SE 90 | M ""ueg mfl*u‘ww :.r..'&f:'mm 12â€"1p 12â€"1e 12â€"1¢ 12â€"1p THREEâ€"PIECE hh.-.- sulte. _ walnut finish. Phone k: 300 CORDS of wood. $ TIRES and tubes, 18 inch x 525, m& "’?‘: SELFâ€"CONTAINED _ apartment, TRANSPORTATION daily, arrive MORSES for fox farm. $20.00 each, regardieas of aize or condition. Phone __ 164â€"Râ€"31, Smithville. Lorne Nelson. Tâ€"1p § UPRIGHT ANTED immediately by young or apartment in Grimsâ€" by or vicinity. ‘Write Box 921, MOUSE or apartment in or near Â¥" Gouet, Ridge Road, Grimaby. 174â€"Râ€"5. HOUSEKEEPER for 2 aduita, good home. Phone 186 evenings. 12â€"1¢ YOUNG MAN to help in store. $55.00 EXPERIENCED cookâ€"genâ€" tnned t t an mome l m Grimaby. 12â€"1e Young couple, son 2%, years. Call HAMILTON 2â€"1201, collect, MAN capable of 9:30 to 4:30. in Hamilton 7 a.m. Phone 453â€"M, Grimasby. 12â€"1p MAN WANTED, prefer râ€" roorye xt Write Box 816, The Independent, stating price and make. . 12â€"1p ¢/o Independent, Grimaby. 12â€"1p hereby prociaim that: |__ _ _ _ __ _ oi o hh ie liae t "hall M&'&":mafl Apply Mrs. N. Bastin, 101â€"Râ€"3, 3 &....‘ mtcs S 1odX. untit Parther . Hopt. 20th, 1948 CLARENCE W. LEWI8, ment if necessary. A No. 920, Independent, Dairy, Grimaby. BY At nÂ¥ AUTnOoRITY of the Muntcipal HELP WANTED Town of Grimsby HELP WANTED Gop SAVE THE KING . M. BONHAM JOB OF SUBSTANTIAL DURATION. FOR LARGE PEACH CROP, ETC. PICKERS 113p 12â€"1e START NOW. 12â€"le â€"le HOUSE for winter Klectric Stove, Electric Washer, Electric Vacuum Cleaner, Chesterâ€" 1% Briggs & Stratton En ‘Table Saw, Saw and Mandrel, Power Saw, Tools, Paint in 1 Just a few articles listed. WM. TUFFORD, AUCTION SALE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN OF THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND IN THE TOWNâ€" SHIP OF NORTH GRIMSBY TAKE NOTICE that the Corporâ€" ation of the County of Lincoin has ex= =: r-.;‘..-‘d whton inst. ‘7-'0.'. and altering Mighway No. 4â€"E of the m‘d .Iu: of the County of ship of n?:n'n'f‘o'm'fl" the Cgunty Te ie entanty o on it e t o U bnistont oo we Bd Aovmanle t ty Tam "Tal. be more rflm' escribed as folâ€" Northerty boundars of the Thige Road dl-url':‘tnl- westerly 504.6 feet from the road allownnce between Lots 10 := g:-'mmws ha'd ï¬"!-: & Sotht in The Westoris boundary ‘of the t travelled road which said point of beginning of herein desâ€" erl property : fl"m(‘! North | 23 degrees and 40 minutes w.a‘:‘c u-u--:l-nnmwm + ary of t present travelled read. ï¬m South 44 ‘ï¬.‘ and _ 44 minutes Rast in the said last menâ€" toned . 331.0 feet to an angle Immm Houth 34 degree® and 44 minutes Ih-‘ continuing in the said boundary, 179.4 feet to an angle therein: THW Bouth 11 degrees and 23 minutes West contJnuing in the wabd 1100 feet to an angle aou-mcllnmlomu‘ minutes East continuing in the said humltoh-noul*mn-h- TH South 13 ‘ auml 40 minutes East continu H the said h-‘:?ri 38.6¢ feot ln-n-r- :3- ‘ml._t.a_m more or leas: which said lands Hertha Pickett. _AND wmn __AND _ PORTHER TAKE NxoTick that a plan and description of the said Uftice Tor ins Rewistry | Division af the Office for the ry Division of the ce gaog.tt im o hated Pian No. 0s o \, Ayp, Poxtner, TAkE Noriek in Compmentalion mubt Mo the fame in to tion must file the same in g.mmm‘-r'ï¬-u the County of at the Court u.-umc:yuunnw Montha .n.."-:_.....m.-'-'.-:-" ration of the and . description aforemaid. AND RURTHER TAKE NOTICER lhllthubhflv:W with the provision® lon 33 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.&0. 1987, er 14. and Rections 23 and 21 of The Public Works Act. R&QO. nm.mu.u-u-cnt nnd-nnuhng‘:nlnnhn at the Office of the Clerk and Treasâ€" * viiodis 42 ahorendt winin tk -Il“.n. no _‘&'â€" of 11 &3 = e i cOe l'zlr orke A.'l‘l‘m, this 19th day of September, 'Il.l-lA‘ W MILLWARD, C & Treasurer, HY: Herman M WM. LEGGETTE, PHONE 596 County Solicitor.