AÂ¥Y | > 4A + Mrs. Charles Pottruff, a resident of Grimsby for the last four yeArs and dmmm Phericg a nogering siiness. * a lingering illness. | mmumflm .,,..nlt.‘lhl...†“uw-fflohnh-d and Catherine Whaley, on Februâ€" fl‘m.‘whw‘lï¬ â€˜Thursday, Feb, 10th, 1948; e mmmmmmmme,,, .. oo eP ~uP mc eeagaeg: > uk. Mh‘om““ .clll--l. ©8. Rayner, I-..c..‘ RCN., of Royal Roads, B.C., paid .mwh&m‘. Mrs. Wim. Steriing‘s mother, Mrs. L L Winterleiter and sister, Mrs. James Brewer of Pittsburgh, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sterâ€" Gï¬mSE;‘â€" Beach gratulations as well as the pennant go to the Yellow Six. Good work, Yellows! 2 t the next meeting. She was & MORDU * _ _ oa‘a United Church, of Trinity Women‘s "rrroaation, and of the Women‘s ing . offIci®Uns» * 2 eets C ce was held . and Mrs. Wm | Ihama SmaAac -.’.-.?.‘,ffi MRS. CHARLES POTTRUFF Mours 9 amâ€" °0 _ Tuesday and PM .:.“1"-" / Come onE: COME ALL! PHONE 656 Permanents for Difficuit Malt m.l‘n“"‘!‘fl' â€" EUCHRE PARTY Mountain St., Beama#!!® Friday, Feb. 11 BEACH cuBs We o 00 oak LEAF LODGE â€" 00 L ns Obituary ‘w .‘M) miss may CRITTENDENn, Resident Statt Correspondent. Telephone Your News items To Her weps " " o2 0 8 M‘ sharp ¢ acdto 10 A“__..!.lw‘ , Fâ€"fees, Vâ€"uniâ€" GRIMSBY . PWnocessiul and informative Mwm mu was at the home of Mrs. H. Rosebruch. m†;'.'.;"'""-'- aten mem two guests munm was in charge and opened the deâ€" votional period with the Circle‘s mottoâ€"verse 17 of Psaim 80, their | Mrs. McGee read an article by peses man hn hk tologhs and New Canadians had much to gain by enjoying together the social and spiritual highlights of comâ€" munity life. * Mrsa. Shaw added a touch of hum. our by reading Nellie McClung‘s "New Year Resolutions"; a story that enabled us to see ourselves when we were not at our best. After a dainty lunch the meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizâ€" ‘This is a community service deâ€" signed to meet an emergency in your home. When no vther help is available, call for a Homemaker, 1novnm.oluntlenl'vml'h:‘ children, cook nourishing meals, keep the house clean and tidy and give simple bedside care. This serâ€" vice is within the means of all and if there is an emergency in your home, call the Supervisor, Mrs. Grossmith, 387â€"J and talk over your problem with her. She will investigate and if it is a Homeâ€" maker case, wlll-nlflhnrnz- mants YOTU are paying for ROOM SUPPLIES from the cupâ€" board if there is sickness in the home. k Ask your doctor to have his bfâ€" ‘nu.nm-cu-uwun- will make the arrangements with you, at his call. Mrs. Norman Cole of, Cole‘s Florists was the guest speaker of afternoon and delighted her audiâ€" -‘.nmth-bvh._-l." r-uwâ€"â€"" "IrI"|: Mroâ€" vm‘d“ Tatton, the ""!'."3_4-..... Al RHone °27 ~" 000 CAï¬ Mpq m,.nouednllu-l-lhfl- â€..Muhuu umwmfl"wwl,' M“Mmm'. be invited. Mrs. Roland Merritt announced & Wearâ€"Ever Brush M U tion to be held at her [ 4 0e tantecty e nOP February 28th. home “_ _ _0 a#illwn nome 98 "**~*~ Aai Mrs. Carmen Millyard Will D# the official representative on me Mospitai Auxiliary Board. As the wmumwpwl' m'mwluhhfl mmhundtdw-“"" on several prospective m in the very near future, T Callk U en Norman w BC C VE C000 The President, Mre. MOLD _ Bowerk, will be the M"‘ on the official Church Board, n.mfuu«.dubm"m Mart at 245 instead â€"of 39M; And the members will be notified by postcard, Mrs. ®rwin _ NMSID uind "Mre. Thomas Voight will rep» m-uwncluboulhl"""c“"" mittee and Mr#. H.W. Powell and # ABS * ) uill be our rep Women‘s Hamilton. Amwd.-uumlhl-f â€mmmmfl wA inade to the retirinf . “" Tm'"mW.A. Crich afternoon were Hostesses for the mE * Steame . DA M yire." Jobn | AKent | diftggam n Mirs 1 ow * gpaers and LA * BEACH cirole LOAN CUPBOARD ETE NCO 0C Voight will be our rep» . at the forthcoming Bromley gave a very s gic :nn__qnxusn‘mnquqn_w oX Emblem of St. Valentine‘s Day Remains the Hart Witkh, sgunge wclits ht uon ARBEBWR EBC WO T C w'mc.mm&l.l Barnard presented the study book with illustrations and a quiz, Mrs. George Furiler. Mrs. Fred Smith ‘“.mo-mw- Westdale United Church. Mre. mwmuou-y.-â€" ,u“.ulml.’ouhnlm committee served tea. The refreshment dommittee of cncmmpecndifiveteregnnt PC on Feb. 14 It was E'i'iz“\i'i-’ifl-ii was celeâ€" brated in this way and the record KHe PerPCmMM SDCcas ..'_A,.gmu“ow served a family supper to the conâ€" gregation in the dining hall of the basement after which the annual hurch meeting took place in the Sunday School rooms with the Rev. G. E. Morrow acting as chairâ€" ..;WM""“"' " °_ T C|O__Claatinng. John Van DURCT E4"°,°"" uyorace aryâ€"treasurer‘s _ report; _ Horace MMMMM ance; Nell MacDougall, OfgAN fund, George Smith, synopsis of the mumflï¬oï¬‚â€˜ï¬ .:mmndm.w n C L "an 1% 4U9°" -'-'l""r a Couples‘ -M~__ David Jacobs was made honbt ary elder and John Payne and Dr -.wd‘mmmyllfl- VanDuszer, John Bridgman And Russell Atkinson were "“â€.l:. n wards for two years yanâ€" D-lrnln-clodd secretary» Mnï¬mm."’ sionary and maintenanet or.ml..ndl.mmfl"' 6 6 4C °* it â€" Aackin H. The Woman‘s Missionary Society 6 398 * ""aine H. Cock# formed including H. w Bridgman, Fred Humphreys, MM Kasiton and Joyce Maycock, Walter "+ 0_ mav â€" Charles JORRBOU _®""" _" _ S on m.UMll"""w‘ by Board of Stewards. Harvey Pat. *hurch at the Saitflect Recreation Caunminaion. 1t was decided to hold m'mu""“" ..duchdl- Easter. was m Mmmm ork tlon of a Young People‘s Group Put \""aflnmmwm' mrs. Purter‘s Joy class will hold a Bup» 7 * 202 an February Mss F5 * finter 16 marriage to Kenneth Winter take5 "*CC""" _ vecinbient of place #008, *"" "". uridal show myhvfl!l“‘““ w. .'w‘.â€'wr.tm Parct and Mary Bmith _ rece!ved fho guests and ssisted at the tea hour, As Miss Secberger hos connected flthmwl., fk. Poyrered her with beautiful gifts ployees held &A wourl C907 7 O Auin » membership of 12. increase in membersMIp 0 "~ Ee OO CC 4 On a net income of $5,300. ; Duser gave the secretâ€" of all the saints‘ days WINONA AFTINGS THE G and good wishes, in the Legion | The Fifty Church choir held a crokinole party, 11 tables in play. is obscure as to how it was transâ€" formed into St. Valentine‘s Day. About the life of St. Valentine hnm.nndn“ubid Â¥Feb. 14, the day of death, has m’uua{dfl.hu.u through usage a day that is honored by lovers. ‘The emblem of St. Valentine‘s Day has reâ€" mained the heart. Hearts, of course, prizes and P."J. Harris and Marâ€" garet Landry consolation prizes. Mrs. Nell MacDougall was convenâ€" er of refreshments assisted by Mrs. Farler, Mrs. J. Easson, Joyce Maycock and Norma Cocks, i The young people of the Church of the Good Shepherd have joined with the A.Y.P.A. of St. John‘s Church and met with them in the “mn.flr-oiflly-nuu of the Woodbine Heights Baptist Mrs. Thos. Briggs was the recipâ€" lent of a Life Membership pin and certificate of the Baptist Women‘s Foreign Mission Board, in honour of her 80th birthday. Mrs. Briggs -unwfdd-tofon-&y. m'm'?“'.;"_'f"!f_ por Fob. 2â€"To Mr. and Mra. Lioyd Mn.lll-':m'."““" # Feb. 3â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stefanik M.l. .-..â€"vlllt.lfl Feb. 4â€"To Mr and Mra. J. «Alles, Grimaby, a son. | P l Moâ€"hï¬.ndlnwmwn Archar, RR. 1, Smithville, a sonâ€" Feb. 5To Mr. and MM. °* Tompkins, Stoney Creek, a 800. ‘ "7_hhf..l*“'“m‘ Haunslow, Beamasvilie, a daURNI®T: Fob. 7â€"To Mr. and Mrs. C. Myâ€" nfl.o"-"','.‘?“." m.s A_Teo Mr. and Mro. Lioyd WEST LINCOLN BIRTHS _ wh# PC" """ ‘who misses There is someone who ye4 sHulZ t Finds .!‘“†hard aince you anUA â€WM to be brave and con» tent. bered c td Chartie. # Feb. 8 To Mr. ““_â€â€œvu_.m loving mem:* ory of & dear husband and faâ€" ther, George Almon n oY who died February 15th, 1047 Tife‘s golden mbments are memorie®. ‘_Wife LilMan and Family "‘ a0DDENâ€"In loving memory 9 ‘our dear brother Alffed Tne away Feb. 4. 1945 fl-j__- un mnlemad Y0° Preseniation you dnlly Mra. Jim Mitâ€" who thinks of St. Andrew‘s Guild will hold a Bridge and Euchre, MOM;ay, Foebâ€" ruary 28th, at 8. p.m. ments. Fifty cents. ‘The regular monthly, meeting of the Mothers® Club will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 16th, at 230 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Ernest Tomison, 40 Robinson St., 8. All St. Andrew‘s Junior Auxiliary are hoiding a St.Valentine Tea and Home Bake Sale in Monday, Febâ€" ruary l4th, at the Parish Hall, from 4 to 5.30 pm. ALL WELâ€" Coming Events WVALENTINBE DANCF> «â€"Central Press Canadian. Dress Optional Attending the dance as guests of Club 18 will be the players and executive of the Peach King Hocke Club and their ladies, Plan on spending a pleasant evening with the g'emlï¬ï¬‚np and Club lg.' of the Women‘s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb. 15, at the home bf Mrs. Lester Larsen, 13 Livingston Ave. The Roll Call COMBIG EVBNTS . | zsn ies n | Convener, Mrs. A. llo:‘w‘l: The MistorISht Réweaton niesting| w mar oor, Snss 8:00 PM. â€" PARISH MAL â€" Phone 727â€"â€" FREE DELIVERY QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY _ JORDAN HARBOUR PARTIES â€" BANQUETS â€" RECEPTIONS GRIMSBY PLAYERS‘ GUILD â€" GENERAL MEETING â€" DANCING AT THE BEACON GROCERY SPECIAL THIS WEEXK ! LIBBY‘S TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP 3 tins 25¢ EVERY SATHRDAY NITE â€" THE STARDUSTERS" & CASTING FOR NEXT PLAY ®© FOOD ! WHITE *.l\illu; A woman can make the fur Ay Lester Larsen, | by mentiqning to her husband that The Roll Call she needs a new fur coat. §2,00 per couple